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MotherLode Gardens 2015

GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror
only bad thing shrews does is question his own knowledge and skill level. your always putting yourself down when it comes to building shit rigging something together. from my view your kicking ass.


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Don't be too hard on yourself Schrews brother, it's good to be self-critical of one's actions but not to the point of not getting the problem sorted :tiphat:
Chin Up Brother :good:


I take a bad branch, especially one thats flowering and twisting, and examine some of the distorted leaves on the neweast growth. Look at the tops of the leaves not the underside. Usually I find eggs on the under side and adults on top. If n I can't find them, I work down the same branch until I see them. My celeston ran about $180 from norcal hydrogardens in redding. Really hard to spot if your a costumed to search I ng for regular old spotted mites.

Joe's Garage

New member
Looking into the pfr 97 as well, seems the major drawback is the need for high humidity for hours after spraying... kinda tough in nor cal in the summer. Wondering if epic or anyone using it can confirm this? Mycotrol and grandevo also seem to be worthwhile options for use during flower.

Has anyone that has experienced broad mites outdoors have any insight on what the final outcome is on an infected plant? I know it isn't good but complete trash or partially salvageable? Thanks and good luck everybody dealing with this plauge


Active member
I will also be spraying with pfr-97 and releasing predatory mites.

As far as the humidity for a few hours can't you just spray it at night?

I am going to follow with a compost tea. Would it be cool to do the next night or does pfr-97 need to remain on for a few days to be effective?


Senior Member
Has anyone checked out Sultan miticide. Supposedly just approved for ornamental use in cali. Brand new mode of action so no resistance yet. Does not harm beneficials.

I didn't check particulars cause I am lucky. But my greenhouse grower email mentions it this morning.

Maybe worth a look for you guys dealing with them


Arbico Organics ships predatory mites one day a week. I had Broad mites last year from Harborside Clones and these stopped them. Depending on your climate, one of these two preaditory mites should help.

The best thing to do is call Arbico and they will put you on the phone with their mite expert who will give you good advice on what to do, be it sprays, predatory mites, etc.


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The garden is looking thick and lush shcrews, but those infected ones are not to be taken lightly. You're right in trying to diagnose the problem before implementing a treatment program and not letting fear dictate what you do. I highly respect that bc I know there's a tendency to let fear get the best of ppl and make them act irrationally and sometimes make mistakes. But don't brush it off either. You have enough on the line to justify some expenses. Someone as cool as you should have some friends you can call on for financial help, or you can negotiate with some buyers maybe on discounted future prices.. just some ideas. There's some good advice in here. Pfr looks promising. Call the manufacturer or an extension office or some kind of professional before it even comes in so you don't have any doubt in your application method. I don't know about the swirskis specifically, but I know there's a few predatory mites you can release. Biodiversity is key to maintaining balance. Also, Google "biology of the broadmite prarie view a&m" and "floribytes year v issue 3"
I'm not sure what this means.. Does it mean you found my post funny?

I think the original poster who mentioned it affecting price meant more about the growers who dodged this issue selling for higher than normal because there's less good shit going around due to many people having fucked trich-less crops. Not the other way around where the guys with fucked crops charge more for their fucked crops than usual, because no buyer's gonna play that game.
I don't know how you interpreted what I said like that. I never mentioned anything about selling shitty weed. I actually meant quite the contrary
. If you pull off a crop this season and there's less of it around elsewhere, the law of supply and demand should reflect a rise in price. Its very basic economics.
I second this. In fact, I bet you will lose most of your crop if you don't get on the PFR-97 and release swarskis. Russets can be very hard to find, I use a celeston 200x scope. YOU HAVE MITES!!!!!!!!! It's an epidemic, they are all over the west coast.

Hey epic, you ever try met 52 and guard for russets? not sure if you been to the redwood nursery in grants pass, but thats what ed is telling everyone to use. im skeptical but ive been doing it. do you think pfr-97 would be a better bet? Ive heard pfr-97 works on broads but not russets. then again I keep hearing mixed reviews on just about every product on the market. I just dont wanna waste crucial time spraying the wrong thing.
And if there's that much less of supply, theoretically even the price of the B and C grade weed should go up.. Obviously quality should reflect ultimate price as well, but all prices should shift up nonetheless.


I've been using PFR 97 to kill russets for about two weeks. I've since confirmed dead russets that look deformed so I believe the PFR is working and I have no longer seen any living russets or BM. I am releasing swirskiis today, two bags per plant.


I've been using PFR 97 to kill russets for about two weeks. I've since confirmed dead russets that look deformed so I believe the PFR is working and I have no longer seen any living russets or BM. I am releasing swirskiis today, two bags per plant.
thanks a lot for sharing

how often did you spray them?

what do you use to spray? what time of day?

and any other tips for using the PFR 97


fuck i just woke up. i need to stop staying up late, its fuckin up my workflow. no more coffee for a while maybe. also been stressed about these sick plants so that doesnt help

i ordered the PFR 97 but it doesn't get here for a couple days so i will spray them today with neem and pyrethrum. Also i want to send in a couple branches to lab. FedEx is pretty far away so that will take a while.

i still need to finish the drip system and nets, but i guess for now the plants health is top priority

Hey byf...if it is really you...fungal right? What fungus?
bet its grow nerd. he was on a good one last night


Active member
i ordered the PFR 97 but it doesn't get here for a couple days so i will spray them today with neem and pyrethrum.

What kind of Neem are you using? Just burnt mine last week with the Bonide @ 1/2 the dosage. Need to get the real stuff, 100% pure neem.