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MotherLode Gardens 2015


Those pics do show what could be broad or russet mite damage.

The pale stunted plants make me wonder about the possibility of something fungal going on below the soil line though. There's nothing that says you couldn't have more than one thing going on I suppose.

How are the stalks/crowns looking? Any cracks, discoloration or soft spots?

Still, I would absolutely get some miticide (that PFR-97 looks interesting) sprayed asap. It's not a bad idea to spray as a preventative this time of year anyways IMO.


You need to find out if they use russet/broad mites in your area for invasive species, they were doing this up north in mendo/humbolt these past few years causing most of the problems imo...

they used it for invasive thistle plant, I believe or atleast that's what they say (tinfoil hat on)


I'd hate to see you go belly up this year. I know of people who sold all equipment and the house they owned because of bms..
i'm gonna wait for some kind of confirmation before i assume its mites, cuz so far there is no sign of them. but anyway where do you get those predator mites and how much do you use, and whats the cost.

Does the wind in your area blow mainly one direction?

In relation to the wind direction, where are the plants that are affected?

Is there any pattern you can deduce from this?
the affected plants are scattered around the garden, no discernable pattern
I second this. In fact, I bet you will lose most of your crop if you don't get on the PFR-97 and release swarskis.
where do you buy those things?


Well-known member
The first time I had bms they stayed on one strain in a solo cup for 2 months. Not infecting anything else..it was a strain with blueberry in it.. So maybe there is something in the terp profile that they like. I know bm are prevalent on citrus crops and that is why they we're such an epidemic in so cal eventually being spread all over the us.

All I know is that you won't regret getting swirskis or pfr27. Maybe you would be annoyed with buying a celestron... But Swirskis are PREVENTATIVE for me. And pfr27 is a lot safer than some,of the poisons others might mention. I know you don't want to use poisons when your little dogs is often hanging around the plants.
I wouldn't wait for confirmation dude... I am telling you, you have broad/cyclamen/russet mites. That damage is so characteristic of those mites-- yellowing, stunted growth, leaf margin cupping, twisted and contorted leaves... Neem, Dr Brauner's soap, and pyrethrin are your best bet at controlling that infestation. It's bad. The saliva of those mites contains a toxin-like hormone that weakens and stunts the plant. If you wait, you'll be sad.


I wouldn't wait for confirmation dude... I am telling you, you have broad/cyclamen/russet mites. That damage is so characteristic of those mites-- yellowing, stunted growth, leaf margin cupping, twisted and contorted leaves... Neem, Dr Brauner's soap, and pyrethrin are your best bet at controlling that infestation. It's bad. The saliva of those mites contains a toxin-like hormone that weakens and stunts the plant. If you wait, you'll be sad.

i've been spraying every couple weeks with neem and pyrethrum. I will hit them tomorrow morning.
Several companies online sell them. Believe mine came from a company in Redding. If your infested they will have a hard time catching up tho. Id spray with three-way (essential oil blend) and tetrasan combined, tetrasan is an ovicidal which just kills the eggs. Keep blasting with the firehose while you decide what to do that will help dislodge them. Ive given.myself headaches looking through scopes for soo long only to see, maybe a couple eggs, cant remember seeing live ones even at 100x. Plants still looked fucked tho even when spraying avid/tertasan combo trying to rid moms of the Borg. It still took a switch to forbid/ tertasan before healthy normal growth began again. Wish you luck
Need to spray as many times as you can before your too far into flower , then release some predators when your done spraying then X fingers


Well-known member
Koppert is the company that sells swirskis. They have an insectary (insect breeding compound) in San Fran. I buy them through a place called everwoodfarms.com you may able to buy them somewhere else. I have gotte,,my growstore to order them before. They are alive so you have to be at home when the get delivered and put them,on,your plants immediately..put,them on the interior on different branches so they don't get fried by the Sun and,cooked . I buy 100satches for much smaller plants and put several satchets on each plant... for your infected plants I would put 10-20 satchets on each one and spread the rest amongst the other plants. I would repeat this every week. If you have money get 500satchets

Google pfr27 there's a few different places to buy it..


Well-known member
I second aspirin many people have had good results doing this, and make sure they are uncoated . should be able to get a bottle of 100 for,under $7 which comes out to 70cents a gallon. Or look into watering in,some aloe which also has salicylic acid in it...but I personally don't have experience with watering in aloe.
Russets with eat that neem breakfast. Will do nothing

Lol. The neem or Azamax will not necessarily kill on contact but it will hopefull prevent them from molting and reproducing. It will also slow down their voracious feeding. You can add the predatory mites after you have sprayed religiously every night for 2 weeks straight. It's going to be a bitch but it will work.



in case it's mites, i ordered some pfr 97, should be here wednesday

hope its easy to use. i have one of these for spraying:


Weather, pests, soil, water and markets -these are the worries
Thousands of years of human advancement
The tools have improved but farming is still farming
An ancient and honorable profession
Kinda neat and kinda scary

Maybe the only thing worse than no advice is too much from too many different quarters.

Shcrews is pretty smart...he'll figure it out and maybe save the rest of us some work and worry.

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