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MotherLode Gardens 2015

Let's try to keep it cool and constructive in here fellas..

Shcrews, it does sound like what epic is describing is different than what we've b been seeing and hearing about. The bit that I found started at the top of the branch and worked it's way down. No tacoing. And as a matter of fact, the worst branch that I found was on a Jack skellington seedling that I had missed (the only strain other than the BDs that I saw it on) I snipped off about 2 feet of one of the main branches, treated it like I've treated everything else (zero pesticides) and it hasn't resurfaced... The plants a beast. I'd remove everything you find with any weird shit going on. I believe that once the terminal nodes are compromised, there's no saving that node and it's only gonna spread..

I think one of the biggest mistakes people are making is actually leaving the infected branches in their gardens. And then throwing a bunch of reactive treatments at them, and forgetting to build up the health of the plants, which is exacerbating the issues.. Keep em healthy. I love kelp and yucca. I've used a brix builder. Fed them aspirin. Dumped compost tea on the leaves. Released predators. Daily inspections. Etc..

Those heavy treatments take a toll on them. I'd probably do as much beneficial treatments as I can to them before applying avid or anything, and then give them some stress relievers/immune boosters again as soon afterwards as you can.

I think I was spared a bit more than other gardens have been hit, so I don't wanna say I got it figured out by any means, and I remain on high alert and sending out all the gratitude I have to the powers at play for my apparent fortune, but I just wanna share what I've experienced and acted on to add to the wealth of info out there.

Btw, I've definitely been bumping up their waterings too. It's difficult to know when they want it cause they almost never droop, but I check the soil and try to keep it from drying out.

Sending positive vibes man. You got this.
I also wanna mention...

It seems the most common denominator has been the blue dream. That hasss tomean something, and I think we should try to figure that out..


Schrew, pics? i know your busy, but the commuinity would appreciate it...

would be great if we could see some of the damage for a reference point for our own outdoor plots
yah sorry I have been very busy , will take some pictures today.
im in the bay area, high wind grass valley area, has anything been reported this far south yet? i did have a single branch get a bit of a twist with no yellowing, spraying with spinosad and neem every 3 days fixed the problem, was about a month ago, pretty sure it was leafminer damage though so unrelated..
I'm farther south than you i think.
scary stuff, but maybe this will bump up the price of finished product this year, which isnt a bad thing imo :)
If i lose enough of my harvest to this shit then i will definitely need to sell at a higher price than i originally intended. I dont think that's good though. maybe if your plants are healthy you are stoked but if you raise your prices just because other people aren't harvesting as much then you kind of look like a profiteering glutton


I think one of the biggest mistakes people are making is actually leaving the infected branches in their gardens. And then throwing a bunch of reactive treatments at them, and forgetting to build up the health of the plants, which is exacerbating the issues..
i havent removed any branches. some of the plants recovered and some didn't. one in particular appears to have made a full recovery, while others are definitely stunted. I haven't sprayed or treated with anything yet except neem oil once.

was supposed to send in some branches for analysis but didn't because i slept in, then had to pay rent which took forever cuz they closed the main road. I will do it tomorrow
It seems the most common denominator has been the blue dream. That hasss tomean something, and I think we should try to figure that out..
not in my garden, i'm not growing any blue dream. However i did first notice the problem on a Blueberry Hashplant (blue dream x G13 Hashplant), but only one out of 5. My Dream Beavers got it the worst.


Senior Member
Give me good light dep finished in 12 hr sun anyday over indo. Why is that even a question...I mean peovided well grown


so here's some pictures of the weird condition that seems to be affecting some of the plants.

These two images show stunted plants next to healthy plants in the same pot.




Holy shit, that's pronounced. You said it was happening on single-potted containers too, right?

This is a Dream Beaver that is covered with mutated growth, including the main top. As you can see in the last picture, the plant appears to be vertically stunted.







I'd make a healthy wager that's russets, I've been scoping them in gardens all year.
i havent seen a single mite on the stems or leafs. its definitely possible though. i have bad luck so it makes sense that i would miss something like that even with a 100x scope


Active member
Man. Can you say it's not genetics? I have
Mutants at seed and at a few months old.
Like 1 in a 100 will show this or what not


Senior Member
And if it is russet mites...sap suckers. I would think foliar becomes even more important. You gotta get those minerals back into the sap to mitigate damage

Plus...if you do scope them and absolutely know...nuke the fuckers. Kontos, pylon, avid,forbid.

I just wish people would make sure...do multiple testing...before pulling that trigger. We all ultimately suffer anytime anyone does not kill every single one. They evolve way quicker than us
If i lose enough of my harvest to this shit then i will definitely need to sell at a higher price than i originally intended. I dont think that's good though. maybe if your plants are healthy you are stoked but if you raise your prices just because other people aren't harvesting as much then you kind of look like a profiteering glutton.

Supply and demand is at the root of free market economics. Even more so maybe in black market economics. Nothing wrong with getting your prices right. After all,isn't that why tickets drop during the flood? And buyers are always shopping around trying to get the best bang for their buck. Why is it wrong to flip it on them?


Senior Member
On the picture without the flash the newest growth appears darker than the rest of the plant. I'd still guess nutrient hotspots in the soil but wouldn't rule out other causes. No firsthand experience with russets so far.

I would have thought that to. Uneven water from a firehose. But if epic has it to...with drip...maybe not.