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MotherLode Gardens 2015


full moon sunrise:


Senior Member
I guess it's a case by case basis, but I personally scoped both russets and broadmites. After a barrage of treatments, continued sprays of PFR-97, and a relea senor predators, my plants have started to explode again.

Absolutely they exist. But you found them so you know what to do. If you know how to look and they ain't there...move on


Senior Member
Schrews...you got advise from bty...one of the absolute best growers out there. You kept ignoring his advise. After a while people give up.

Post a pic of the problem and let us try to help.


Schrews...you got advise from bty...one of the absolute best growers out there. You kept ignoring his advise. After a while people give up.
Im not sure what advices you think i keep ignoring, could you please share? I hate when people are vague , or when then stick around to say i told you so.

So I didnt have a greenhouse this spring, and i got a lot of shit for that, but it seems you think i missed some other crucial things and idk what. Feel free to be specific. Otherwise theres no point

Also re: byf, his grower skills are good but not everyone has that much cash to throw at a project. Anyway i wasnt born into the norcal grow culture , had to claw my way to where i am
At. so its funny to me
When people who had a much easier route talk about their skills


Active member
Hey milky hold out your hand with our fingers stretched out like giving a high five. Now imagine your fingers curling back and caving in and around your arm and this is what the end stage of the gnarled branch look like. It is happening across the spectrum from seeds to clones, in the ground or in posts nothing seems to matter Except blue dream seems ultrasensitive. I only had 2 blue dream Crosses and one of them is what caught it in my garden. Hearing similar stuff from other farmers...I just don't see how it could be watering unless that led to a soil pathogen but that doesn't seem to be the case.

one farmer sent the gnarled branch tip off to be lab tested. No mites were found and still looking for a virus. Almost no one with these symptoms has seen any actual mites. I put my gnarled branch under the scope microbe man sells for compost teas and saw no mites.

I can also confirm that most of the plants having the strange growth were blue dream. I will stop up next week to get a tissue sample to send in.


Active member
2nd infected plant found, a headband in center of garden.

Cut off the top which looked the worst, like an asshole b4 I took a picture. I sent an email to the UC Davis Ag lab. I have a sellers permit so maybe they will test mine.


Noonin NorCal

Active member
Mount, thats exactly what i had on just a single branch. I did notice where it was swirling like that part of the leaf was partially chewed off... It did snap out of it since i saw it probly a month ago its been sprayed with Azamax and BT. I hope you guys get it figured out
Shitty luck schrews. One thing ive learned over the years is karma is a mofo. And a string of bad luck can turn into a string of good luck easily. So just chill and take it as it comes ive always pulled my way through one way or another and have had many ups and downs in all aspects so just keep doing what u do and hope for the best.
Hey milky hold out your hand with our fingers stretched out like giving a high five. Now imagine your fingers curling back and caving in and around your arm and this is what the end stage of the gnarled branch look like. It is happening across the spectrum from seeds to clones, in the ground or in posts nothing seems to matter Except blue dream seems ultrasensitive. I only had 2 blue dream Crosses and one of them is what caught it in my garden. Hearing similar stuff from other farmers...I just don't see how it could be watering unless that led to a soil pathogen but that doesn't seem to be the case.

one farmer sent the gnarled branch tip off to be lab tested. No mites were found and still looking for a virus. Almost no one with these symptoms has seen any actual mites. I put my gnarled branch under the scope microbe man sells for compost teas and saw no mites.
Weird I've only found one very small section doing it and it's on one blue dream X g13/hp. Scoped it thouroghly with a 100x and it's clean. Started last week when it was 106 deg and is already looking better. I think it's a heat thing. I had a tangie do it in late June and it grew out of it.


Senior Member
What does a tissue teat cost? 100...if it saves you an ounce is it worth it?

You have to find the root cause of a problem. Guessing can go either way. What did that weekend at the beach cost...and I ain't talking about what did underwatwring cost...what did the weekend cost


What does a tissue teat cost? 100...if it saves you an ounce is it worth it?

You have to find the root cause of a problem. Guessing can go either way. What did that weekend at the beach cost...and I ain't talking about what did underwatwring cost...what did the weekend cost

Yah tissue test is worth it but when i started on that mission i hadliterally no money. I could have borrowed some but like i said i thought the plants were gettin better.

went to santa cruz to renew rental car and sell indoor weed that i harvested. Slept at a chicks house. Only expenses were burritos and fruit bowls. Dont assume thiNgs


You're doing alright shcrews... People should be a bit more constructive with their criticisms, ESPECIALLY concerning someones private life, since they're ENTIRELY IGNORANT of what some people are up against. You can come across as supremely disrespectful (even when you don't intend to) when you're ignorant of individual circumstances.

Shcrews is trying guys- he implements a lot of the suggestions given. So his op is a little loud, and I also question having random people over, among other things, but it's his garden, not yours. Not all of us have trustworthy or wise people to force us to learn certain lessons, and some have to learn the hard way, on our own, because of this. Who hasnt been stabbed in the back by a woman or best friend? Who hasnt thought they were the exception to the rule? I know you guys just want whats best for dude, but if someone doesnt wanna take your advice, making fun of em isnt gonna help your case.

Thanks milky for just being here, one of the wisest people in this thread. All I can really do is send good vibes shcrews. Good luck.


You're doing alright shcrews... People should be a bit more constructive with their criticisms, ESPECIALLY concerning someones private life, since they're ENTIRELY IGNORANT of what some people are up against. You can come across as supremely disrespectful (even when you don't intend to) when you're ignorant of individual circumstances.

Shcrews is trying guys- he implements a lot of the suggestions given. So his op is a little loud, and I also question having random people over, among other things, but it's his garden, not yours. Not all of us have trustworthy or wise people to force us to learn certain lessons, and some have to learn the hard way, on our own, because of this. Who hasnt been stabbed in the back by a woman or best friend? Who hasnt thought they were the exception to the rule? I know you guys just want whats best for dude, but if someone doesnt wanna take your advice, making fun of em isnt gonna help your case.

Thanks milky for just being here, one of the wisest people in this thread. All I can really do is send good vibes shcrews. Good luck.

thanks for the support , its tough when people say "oh why didn't you do this or that", cuz every moment of the day i am trying my best to improve my shit, and its easy to say I told you so. But nobody knows everything .

idk why you think i have hella random people over though. I dont. Anyway Its funny that people think that i will get tricked by some chick from halfway across the state who is friends with a jack crew or something? whatever. I'm worried about cops and locals, lets be honest


This is the best Mary-Wanna thread on the planet. I have been reading it since February and have learned so much.

Thank you Shcrews.

This thread does not travel a straight line and is entertaining as hell. Every hiccup along the way has been solved or resolved and this one will be too.

Our minds will figure out
what one mind can not.
And that friends
is the beauty of ICMAG.


Nice plants shcrews. LETS AT LEAST TRY TO STAY ON TOPIC HERE... Unless you're like a closet hater and want the thread closed- in that case- hemp, goats, kardashians and whatever else goes hoes.


Schrew, pics? i know your busy, but the commuinity would appreciate it, sometimes you gotta treat this game like its still illegal, "if nobody knows then nobody knows..." (ie. nothing to steal, or rob if they dont know it exists, takes a bit to get your ego in check though, and you seem like a guy who likes his ego lol...)

would be great if we could see some of the damage for a reference point for our own outdoor plots

im in the bay area, high wind grass valley area, has anything been reported this far south yet? i did have a single branch get a bit of a twist with no yellowing, spraying with spinosad and neem every 3 days fixed the problem, was about a month ago, pretty sure it was leafminer damage though so unrelated..

scary stuff, but maybe this will bump up the price of finished product this year, which isnt a bad thing imo :)

Grow nerd, imo you post too much and are very annoying, my $.02.... chill bro, go get laid or something (no hookers, make it a challenge) or something.... give this thread a rest for a bit maybe? no one wants him here if he's only posting stupid non-grow related non sense...... maybe start posting more grow related pics and such, your albulm looks GREAT and you can tell your a real grower, that i think is undisputed
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