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MotherLode Gardens 2015


Active member
Your plants are looking good but what is your criteria for plants needing water? For me outdoor plants that are dry a few inches that are established still could use some water to optimally grow if it's warm .Fabric pots need even more, especially to keep micro life evenly moist.

I've been doing some organic mixes and have been having a few challenges keeping it evenly moist, affecting micro life thus affecting nutrient availability. Not saying it will happen but even moisture is key. I just use my finger to judge dryness in media but fabric pots make that ineffective because it's drying from the sides.
The size of those containers is why you can go five days between waterings so far.

I realize you don't want to overwater, it's a balancing act with watering. Thought I'd add my limited experience in organic soil.


good morning. it is a very interesting day.. Big wildfire nearby, woke up to the smell of smoke. Some ashes on the plants. The garden is starting to flower. And there is a blue moon tonight!



Active member
I'm getting sick and tired of dry ass cali and all these god damn wildfires. 2 in our area yesterday, one pushing a few hundred acres that i can see from my porch.

no water, dry as fuck ready to burn at any minute, and counties getting super aggressive against MMJ gardens. high rates of power, high rates of taxes, why the fuck do we all decide to grow and live here again? lol…

washington, oregon are both rec legal, both have power rates under 10 cents a kWh, both are lush green and zero threats of wildfire. fully auto GH with dehueys, supp lights, floor heating can be set up anywhere CA only has a monopoly on 10 lb plants but screw growing 1 big plant when you grow 4 younger healthier ones that will yield the same.

end rant..


Active member
good morning. it is a very interesting day.. Big wildfire nearby, woke up to the smell of smoke. Some ashes on the plants. The garden is starting to flower. And there is a blue moon tonight!

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Full moon is tomorrow. Tonight it is 99% illuminated...full enough.

It has been an interesting week of energy and flow.

My daughter is part werewolf, hahaha, she doesn't sleep much during the full moon & skips her nap. Has done it since she was a baby. ;)




I'm getting sick and tired of dry ass cali and all these god damn wildfires. 2 in our area yesterday, one pushing a few hundred acres that i can see from my porch.

no water, dry as fuck ready to burn at any minute, and counties getting super aggressive against MMJ gardens. high rates of power, high rates of taxes, why the fuck do we all decide to grow and live here again? lol…

washington, oregon are both rec legal, both have power rates under 10 cents a kWh, both are lush green and zero threats of wildfire. fully auto GH with dehueys, supp lights, floor heating can be set up anywhere CA only has a monopoly on 10 lb plants but screw growing 1 big plant when you grow 4 younger healthier ones that will yield the same.

end rant..

Power is cheap here thanks to the Columbia River dams. Most of Oregon is under drought conditions but nowhere near as bad as Cal. Wildfires in both Eastern Oregon and Washington are a regular part of summer.
All you property pics are soo sick. Need to make a whole album of sunsets.The wild fires are huge right now. Major evacuations. My lady showed me a pic from a national news that showed the fire starting to fully engulf someones at least 80 plants in huge raised beds. Ill see if I can find it
Yo Shcrews! Fellow grower in the mother lode here! Stopping by to admire your pics and give you props on your one man operation. You really have a knack for capturing the rise and set of the sun in your garden. It gives everything an orange firey glow that dramatizes that unveiling of night intoday and vice versa. It's a beautiful thing.

Your girls are looking might vibrant too. Whatever you're doing, keepdoing it cause they're obviously diggin it. In regards to watering, I find that to be an evolving system in the garden. The watering needs are almost constantly changing due to outside conditions and stages of growth. I like to think that I'm an extension of theplants and their root and soil systems, and I try to feel with them.. I do use a soil moisture probe to give me a little insight into what's going on down there and to find if I'm leaving any dry pockets. And I remind myself that we're way better off underwatering than overwatering.

And dude I hope you can get that drip system tied in already. I can relate to the realities of a one man show and the importance of prioritizing, but man having your irrigation set is damn liberating. It frees you from theball and chain of the hoes (haha see what I did there) It also really helps to fully saturate the soil. But I guess 2 hours a week isn't really much of a chore.

Anyways, thanks for sharing your journey with us bro! It's a real treat to see some beautifully lush ladies Peace!.


Well-known member
I'm getting sick and tired of dry ass cali and all these god damn wildfires. 2 in our area yesterday, one pushing a few hundred acres that i can see from my porch.

no water, dry as fuck ready to burn at any minute, and counties getting super aggressive against MMJ gardens. high rates of power, high rates of taxes, why the fuck do we all decide to grow and live here again? lol…

washington, oregon are both rec legal, both have power rates under 10 cents a kWh, both are lush green and zero threats of wildfire. fully auto GH with dehueys, supp lights, floor heating can be set up anywhere CA only has a monopoly on 10 lb plants but screw growing 1 big plant when you grow 4 younger healthier ones that will yield the same.

end rant..

Fires happen in oregon also and the price per unit reflects the cost of living/production. I've seen quality indoor cheaper than outdoor in your area. the prices have gone up,recently and I think its due to some of you bros from the south moving up north. Indoor was 16 17 not too long ago.

Noonin NorCal

Active member
23 for homeys is what ive been seeing lately for top shelf
that makes sense. All my Dream Beavers have that bushy structure, none over 6ft yet.

25 for the dicks at the club? It is bomb bomb, i heard there isn't much floating around lots of people don't know how to control there temps in there rooms in the middle of summer...


Well-known member
The biggest problem with wildfires is the government fighting them and preventing them. Fires naturally happen and run their course. Not letting them run their course leads to a buildup of underbrush which ends up just WAITING for a blaze to catch it. With the buildup in underbrush from controlling fires, you now have a much bigger area primed to ignite. When it does catch, holy shit does it burn.

Environmental anthropology for the win.

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
So you are saying it is better to let wildfires burn rather than fight them?

Ok now I've heard it all, pass whatever you are puffing on my way..

Damn Schrews that is a little close for comfort then eh? Hope you are out of its path. Only fire you need are those killer sunrises and sunsets and your end product!

Be safe bro, best

Noonin NorCal

Active member
Unless you have a prior strong relationship with a club, clubs are more likely to try and lowball you than black market buyers IME.

Yeah, sold them elbows and 1000's of clones back in the day before shit starting getting out of control. Last fall they actually bargained which is a first and we knocked 100$ off a pound for them. Pretty lame though it takes a couple weeks to get cashed out they use to just buy the shit on the spot but now everyone and there mom is growing and they see product all day everyday...


Yo Shcrews! Fellow grower in the mother lode here! Stopping by to admire your pics and give you props on your one man operation.
thanks. yah its a bitch gettin everything done myself but i have a feeeling it will all be worth it. cheers!
25 for the dicks at the club? It is bomb bomb, i heard there isn't much floating around lots of people don't know how to control there temps in there rooms in the middle of summer...
i'm not good at getting the most $$ for my product. i just try to grow as much as i can and sell it as quick as i can. I usually get decent tickets though because of the strains and quality i produce, and 23 is definitely the going rate for homeys these days in my area
Full moon is tomorrow. Tonight it is 99% illuminated...full enough.
the moon is full at 3:43 am tomorrow morning, which counts as tonight.

shits about to get wild up here

Noonin NorCal

Active member
The garden is looking great Shcrews, all of our seed plants are flowering as well, its kinda weird our clones aren't i figured they would be the first to flip over. Saw on the news last night a fire in Lower Lake someone's garden was about to go right up in flames the helicopter recording it was right over there shit and got in on t.v.


Saw on the news last night a fire in Lower Lake someone's garden was about to go right up in flames the helicopter recording it was right over there shit and got in on t.v.
My lady showed me a pic from a national news that showed the fire starting to fully engulf someones at least 80 plants in huge raised beds. Ill see if I can find it
sounds like both you guys were watching the same thing. sucks for whoever's garden that was

good thing i got that firehose. plus there's like 4 or 5 fire stations near my house. they dont fuck around here

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