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MotherLode Gardens 2015


looks awesome as always bud, i got an off the wall question about what people are getting for indoor per unit. I mean super dank shtuff??? Even at a homie discount? 25 to steep?
23 for homeys is what ive been seeing lately for top shelf
Dream Beaver looking really similar to green crack structure wise.
that makes sense. All my Dream Beavers have that bushy structure, none over 6ft yet.


s it possible to tell me what you do or use ,,Or have herd of others useing ?? thanx in advance !!! Ps my SSDD are crazy big !!!snow wookie lookin great -nice strong stems ,
Snow Wookie is a strain that i really wish i could have gotten for this season. Last year i grew the Wookie and it was the most terped out plant in the garden. Like getting smacked in the face with a lavender bush. I still have some from 2014 and it is still some LOUD. When people smell the jar it's cool to see their expresssion change. I imagine the Snow Wookie probably has similar terps but with sweet creamy undertones.

re: mites, i have not had any yet. But i hear that people are spraying with neem oil mixed with Dr. Bronners peppermint soap and it works pretty well







Senior Member
I don't mean to be a dick here but please be careful not to let that soil dry to the point biology shuts down. That would be a mess.

Do you know anyone with a soil ec (or some call it ergs) meter? You do not want it falling below 0.3 right now and 0.6 would be better

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
I think Schrews should be telling the meter and everyone else what's up. His plants have a profound growth rate. I do not see others having plants like Screws'. Mad props bro, each day they look more robust and healthy!!

Also your some of your pics kinda look like a painting, pretty cool.

Have a good day netting in the heat!

Drip tubing looks good. May have been labor intensive to set up but looks like you'll have great coverage. And with that many drippers if one or two get clogged probably wont matter too much. Looking good. Any standouts in this year's bodhi selections? Got a homie I urged to go grab afew packs even though it was a month after everything else was planted (from seed) and he says they are all already bigger than anything else that had been planted.


Not apples to apples. Keep in mind many are triple planted.
yah its almost like cheating :biggrin:

Drip tubing looks good. May have been labor intensive to set up but looks like you'll have great coverage. And with that many drippers if one or two get clogged probably wont matter too much. Looking good. Any standouts in this year's bodhi selections? Got a homie I urged to go grab afew packs even though it was a month after everything else was planted (from seed) and he says they are all already bigger than anything else that had been planted.
yah the drip looks great, still havent tried it out yet though haha. hope it works as advertised.

Standouts so far this year are the Ancient OG (again) and Blueberry Hashplant. Glad the bodhi seeds are working out for everybody, seems like he has gained a lot of popularity since last year
yah its almost like cheating :biggrin:

yah the drip looks great, still havent tried it out yet though haha. hope it works as advertised.

Standouts so far this year are the Ancient OG (again) and Blueberry Hashplant. Glad the bodhi seeds are working out for everybody, seems like he has gained a lot of popularity since last year
Haha. Yeah I'll have spent a G on my indoor drip setup, have it all in place just waiting for a couple more parts. I cant stop thinking how when I finally turn it on I'll have leaks everywhere lol. First time plumbing. Yeah the Ancient kills it. Any dif phenos of that this yr?


i like math.

so far my biggest single plant was 12lbs.. I think with triple planting and proper support it might be possible to achieve 16-18 lbs or even more from a single container with multi-planting 3 or 4 plants.

but if those same 3 or 4 plants were put in smaller individual pots they might yield double that. something like:

single plant in 800gallon: 12lbs
three plants in 800gallon: 16lbs
three plants in 3x 300's: 24lbs

Will you multi-plant again next season? Why or why not?
probably. The triple-planted 800's filled out really quick. The only rough part is pruning.


Active member
im also heavily questioning the yield in doubles/triples vs single plantings. good things about doubles = more pheno hunting for seeds which is important to me, instead of testing 25 phenos in 25 pots i can test 50-75 at once, let them get tall and they will fill out like crazy, il try and post some of my double planted seeds they look to have more sq ft of canopy than singles. allows a delayed planting, and better garuntee of yield vs single planted dying to fusarium, etc. you can train them into the outer nets to have a similar canopy as a single.

bad things, more pruning and training required to clean out inner canopy, can get a little crowded in the pot and requires more waterings and saturations. i dont have a clue how those plants are going 4-5 days without water even in 800s in this heat mine need water ever 24 hours on the dot or the top soil goes too dry.

also takes more labor, more cages and more trellis to train, having to cut double the cages was kind of annoying. applying dripline to double/triples can be a pain in the ass too.



i havent watered since sunday, . maybe i'll hit them tomorrow morning.

multi-planting seeds is like seeing multiple women, its nice but its a lot of work and there can be problems if they run into each other :)

with all these different plants it will be a pain to keep everything separate at harvest. i might just mix together all the different phenos together of each strain. probably will get lowballed anyway so why not haha

1/2" drip tube? looks bigger than that even. And what a beautiful morning it is indeed!
yah the drip tubing is 1/2" emitter tubing from dripworks


Senior Member
Let me ask one more way...last yr you avg 8 per...that is pretty fuckin good. How often/much did you water?

I ain't saying you are wrong about over watering...I am simply saying don't over react the other way.

For sure your grow, your deciscion. I will shut the fuck up


I think at this time last year we were watering about the same as now. Except the 400's needed more often. I will give them a little water tomorrow morning Cuz you got me tripping MJ.