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MotherLode Gardens 2015





What's up with the irregular plant spacing?
2 years ago that garden was 40 200's, then last year it was 15 400's and 10 800's, and this year its just 15 800's. so lots of changes have been made and i chose the spots which got the best sun. It's hard to work with that hillside, its mostly rocks. So the spacing doesn't look perfect but it works great
Whoa those things are launching! Oh and if you are struggling with the fittings on your big poly a heat gun helps if you have one. Heat the ends and then it's basic and then thy kind of form better to them as they cool again.


I got everything pruned and the drip tubing laid out, just havent hooked up the 1.5" mainline yet. My rez is a 2500gal tank

have to put up trellis before the plants get any bigger. After that i can finish the drip system. Not in a rush cuz i only water every 4-5 days now

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
Damn grow nerd that sounds so good! I have a smoker and use apple wood and others, a little erb would add to the already awesome smell of the smoke. Sounds tasty!

Hey Schrews are your plants starting to set bud yet?


Well-known member
Do you just drape the net over the plants quick and easy, or is there more to it?

And since the funky problem went away, I assume you're experiencing benefits from not watering as much?
120 drippers per pot? Seems excessive even for an 800

My friend uses one microsprinkler per 200 and can adjust the spray coverage to wherever you want it. Each one covers 9ft. Could easily go with 2or 3 per pot and be golden. Garden looks great again this year!!


Do you just drape the net over the plants quick and easy, or is there more to it?
i'm putting 4 T-posts around each pot to make a frame for the trellis netting.
And since the funky problem went away, I assume you're experiencing benefits from not watering as much?
yah i think the 800's dont need much water for the first couple months. my area is hot and dry so i didnt' think overwatering would be a problem but everything looks better now since i cut watering frequency in half

120 drippers per pot? Seems excessive even for an 800
did you see Epicorchard's pots? i think he has even more dripline than me.


finally getting the trellis netting up. it's green so kind of hard to see in this picture
Ancient OG:


Active member
those are blowin up! green trellis netting thats cool, what did that run ya?

damn only every 4 days for water? thats pretty interesting, I've had to up it to daily recently because they ladies are just sucking through water in this heat.

still havent hooked up my drip line either lol! such a bonehead thing to keep putting off, but this season I just stopped caring. only takes me and a helper 2 hours a day. i swear i will finally get around to finishing the damn drip line…i also got all my pots coiled but still havent hooked up the mainlines. and in this heat wave i doubt I'm gonna try.


those are blowin up! green trellis netting thats cool, what did that run ya?
3000ft roll was $400 i think
damn only every 4 days for water? thats pretty interesting, I've had to up it to daily recently because they ladies are just sucking through water in this heat.
yah the 800's dont need water that often yet. i was hitting them every 2-3 days and i think it was too much. been letting them dry out more and they seem to like it. they just went 7 days between waterings.
still havent hooked up my drip line either lol! such a bonehead thing to keep putting off, but this season I just stopped caring. only takes me and a helper 2 hours a day.
thats ok but try 2 hours a week that's what im spending now watering. but yah the drip will be nice. once the garden starts flowering i dont want to spray them with a firehose
i swear i will finally get around to finishing the damn drip line…i also got all my pots coiled but still havent hooked up the mainlines. and in this heat wave i doubt I'm gonna try.
I want tohook up the mainline but really need to do the trellis first, it's already overdue. been out there all day solo in the 100 degree heat pounding t-posts and tying nets. it will be so nice when everything is set up and all i have to do is pick off caterpillars and watch the buds grow

still got a couple hours before the sun goes down, get er dun!

Noonin NorCal

Active member
looks awesome as always bud, i got an off the wall question about what people are getting for indoor per unit. I mean super dank shtuff??? Even at a homie discount? 25 to steep?


Hey Shcrews : looking good up there (north) !!! I am a outdoors grower down in so cal , Mine get pretty big ,but not quite as big as yours ,9-10 after being topped several times, pulling like 2-up to 4 ea! Iv been running Wifi & WM , but trying bodhi SSDD ,snow wookie,synergy, pink lotus, & some of my own crosses , CSI's burkle,& cornbread bubba, ; Wonder if you mind me asking few questions from time to time ? The next pressing one would be do you ever get mites or aphids, & if so what you use for preventive, Iv used the neem oil , garlic barrier,, seems to kill them if im aggressive enough ! but kind of hard on plants ,i only spray leafs , but possible slight overspray might get on flowers ,, Is it possible to tell me what you do or use ,,Or have herd of others useing ?? thanx in advance !!! Ps my SSDD are crazy big !!!snow wookie lookin great -nice strong stems ,

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