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MotherLode Gardens 2015

Once you get your drip line dialed your life will be a lot easier and you will have time for other things. Think I'm running about twice as many full seasons and a dep and wouldn't be able to keep up if I had to sit on a hose all day. Now I just fire my pump on and my whole garden is watered in like 45 min. You liking that Honda pump?
I was just asking about teas because it will really open up everything in your soil and might help balance out any weirdness that may or may not have caused your curling. You can get a micronized tea mix and brew all you would need in a 55 gal drum
Garden is looking great tho!


I spent half the day pruning and got the rest of the pots done and ready to finish laying dripline. Its a good thing too because the plants need another layer of trellis, and i can't put that up until i get the dripline down. I'm a few days behind for sure, but nothing too drastic.

almost everything is blowing up like crazy, so i'm pretty happy. but there are a couple plants that are lagging and having different issues i.e: leaf twisting, yellowing, stunted growth, droopy leaves. i might send in a tissue sample tomorrow if i have time, really want to get this drip system finished though.

You definitely got your plate full! You can do it man! The busier you are, the luckier you get!

You liking that Honda pump
yah it's pretty fuckin sweet. plenty of power, no problems yet. Can't wait to hook it up to the drip system when its finished







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I cant believe that you use used soil without any improving or re-mixing!?


Senior Member
I cant believe that you use used soil without any improving or re-mixing!?

On the other hand I would bet you this...90% of all soil problems are caused by too much of something v too little.

Get a soil test and find out. But blindly dumping shit on cause bubba said so makes tou a dumb fuck imo. You are better off to leave it and work on microbes than to put moreon


I usually just mix some nutrients into the medium what I use like compost, etc but many grower use fresh soil year to year when grow in pots.


blindly dumping shit on cause bubba said so makes tou a dumb fuck imo
I know so many growers who do that here in cali.

My friends have been having some issues with their plants, so without getting a microscope or any tissue or soil analysis they went out and bought Avid and Forbid and sprayed their whole garden. I guess it still looks like shit cuz now they are asking me for advice, and all i could say is get your shit tested son!

These guys are growing plants in 300gal smarties with nothing but pro-mix, and feeding them botanicare nutes with every watering. I tried to tell them about organic soil but they just want to dump nutes and pesticides on their plants so whatever, fuckem.

Commercial-grower mentality is so lame, these guys think they are cool cuz they grow big weight and move big packs, but they don't know shit about gardening and dont want to learn. They have big budgets and produce hundreds or thousands of pounds of mid-grade chemmy outdoor and their egos grow better than their plants

Worst part is that garbage sells for the same prices as my clean organic stuff, mostly because they ship it out of state. These are the guys who will get fuckin buried when legalization comes.


I also use organic soil mix but I like to use chem ferts... could you tell me what is your soil mix exactly?


I also use organic soil mix but I like to use chem ferts... could you tell me what is your soil mix exactly?

chem ferts will kill your organic microlife

i'm using a version of Coot's Mix, with Oly Mountain Fish Compost for the humus source, and lava pumice for aeration. plus crab meal, gypsum, oyster flour, rock dust, neem meal, alfalfa meal, and some malibu compost

I forget all the exact amendments but it's somewhere in this thread, i think i posted the mix a couple times.

Last year's soil was the same mix, but with chicken compost instead of fish compost. that's the stuff i am re-using this year which didn't need amending.


I thought you just pulled out the plants and took in some new plants and ready. so you re-mixed the same soil and added some fresh compost, now its clear. ty


than you just took the fresh compost to the top of the soil? or you just used the fish compost for the new pots....


than you just took the fresh compost to the top of the soil? or you just used the fish compost for the new pots....

yah the fish compost was the humus source for my new soil this year.

i didnt do anything to my 800's with the coot's mix from last year. literally just ripped out the old rootball and put in a new plant. no topdress or compost or anything. so simple.

I got new soil this year and added 10 new pots, but the old pots stayed the same


Funny that you popped in like yours out of everybody else from that booth was fine but all of ours weren't fine and we knew it but you chose to ignore or? grower error was a term that one of the old dudes used to try and cover the duds if you want to call it that fine but you had it right in your first post it was a dud sorry about the loss but it's not like you weren't aware. Like I said old news you live and learn. Grower error still cracks me up because gg4 is seriously one of the easiest strains to grow its one of he reason everybody can take such awesome pics of her.
yes, easier to grow than a skunk1 and grows much faster.


Shcrews, some salt ferts seem ok in moderation. I used to be freaked out to use any thinking I'd severely damage microbes, but I use small amounts of calcium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, and n-phuric acid and have plants with sap pH of 6.5 and 18-20 brix this year. The initial nitrate in the soil was between 20-50 ppm after chicken shit and bone meal applications. I think 50-100 ppm is all thats really needed for big plants. I'm still messing around trying to to supply all the n they need with microbes but its hard to do without at least some manure or ground seed or animal products.

It is frustrating to see people treating outdoor soil like a hydro grow though.