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moonshine mix


Active member
I store mine in a rubber maid. dont really know good or bad. Seems to work for me. Lets jusy say they are more yellow than normal. Ive seen this happen before with them. Man I take my watering to the last day if you know what I mean. Ill get some pics when I get a chance


Chat Mod
i have just begun a run using the moonshine mix, i also added a little rare earth to the mix. i cant wait to see the results.

peace -fb


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Hey guys.

I am living in Oz and have no access to foxfarms...

I want to try and build my own version using what i have here. I know there was a thread about this subject (no foxfarms) and lots of input by theFlintstoners but i cant find it!?

Could some one direct me to the appropriate thread?




Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
jiggywhompus said:
Hey mysta or anyone else who can help me with this mix. I am just about to start flowering a full run of moonshine mix and besides a little tip burn here and there they have liked the mix and are a very deep strong shade of green. However, the past week some weird things have begun to happen, mostly isolated to the 1 strain(mothership). It looks overwater to me but I am not sure. Some sour diesels are showing it to. There seems to be slight droopiness followed with purple petioles and eventually slight fading color resembling some magnesium,calcium problems.

This first picture is one that is growing great but what is up with this leaf.

This second picture is what quite a few motherships are doing.
Looks like overwatering to me. Let the mix dry out completely before watering again. I actually wait until mine droop before I water.
Have any of you fellow MSM users had any problems like the leaves in the photos below? I let the plants totally dry out before watering. The plants are about three weeks from clone, MSM mix plus POM F&F. It's only affecting maybe 2 plants out of 12. I'm thinking it looks like a cal deficiency but I could be way off on that diagnosis.

Other than than that, the rest of the plants are super happy. Just thought I'd ask your guys opinion on what you think it might be and any advice on how to fix it or maybe curb it's spread.



It could be a maganese def. My last grow (well my first grow too) this happened to my plants. All the new growth was perfectly fine but the bottom fans all had those yellow rusty spots. I hit the plants with the EJ microblast and all the new growth was happy, but the leaves never "fixed themselves".
Yeah Jigg- you'd think I'd take the extra two minutes to read and get caught up in the thread before I post with a question. Your pics are just a couple posts before mine and I blew right past them. My bad.

Looks like we have the same thing for sure and yes, my plants are quite green also. I'll take your advice with the teas and give a little update in a bit.


Active member
Hey everyone. I came in a couple months ago and said I was starting my first grow ever in the msm mix. Well here I am at 47 days from sprout. I have 3 mandala strains going under 1200 watts. Also, to add a little useful information on here when I transplanted from 16oz cups to 1 gallon bags the plants were still very small and I didn't add any dry ferts for fear of burning them. Well, I did a test transplant at that time with 2 of them in the full mix (for me thats the 3 bags, 4 gallons perlite and 1 cup FF Fruit and Flower) and those 2 plants grew much stockier and had much larger leaves than the rest, so from now on they'll all get the full mix as as they have their first 2 sets of true leaves.

I have 1 question as well. I did a transplant from 1 gallon to 3 gallon bags about 5 days ago (I know now I should have done this sooner--see my thread for why). I want to flip them this weekend. Do you think I should do an additional transplant to the 5 gallon bags or just leave em in the 3 gallons since they just got transplanted. I know the point of this is not to add nutes and keeping it simple as well as the fantastic flavor the mix provides but I also want you to know I'm not against adding some organic ferts if need be because I kept them in these bags and the nutes didn't last 'till the end. So with that in mind, what do you think I should do? The max flower time of my 3 strains is 65 days.

Here are the pics. Sorry for the yellow of the HID!

Have a great day everyone!
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I just noticed that my unused MSM mix in has a bit of mold growing on the surface. After mixing up the 3 bag+ recipe, I put what I wasn't using in an empty clean rubbermaid and put the lid on thinking it would just compost for a bit until my next pot up. Should I not have put the lid on? I scooped up and tossed the white fuzzy growth along with about an inch off the top of the soil.

I'm sure the moisture came from the FF Ocean Forest, that chit is way wet when you open the bag. What do you think, like a brick of moldy cheese, is the remainder of the mix behind the mold still good?
Thanks for the input guys, I only mixed it up last week but won't hesitate to toss it if the consensus is that it's spoiled. Actually, it weighs a bit much for me to toss, drag or push would be more likely.

Anybody else put a lid on your mix and have it fuzz up on ya?


hmmm. thats one of the worries i had with storing this mix. Good think i put it back in the bags! I'll let you know if anything (besides mj) starts growing in my mix!
Reef- when you say you put it back in the bags, do you mean you divided up your excess mix between the three bags. That's a good idea actually, I think the FF bags have breathing holes already and are a little easier to move around than a 40 gallon bin half full of soil.

I'm tempted to try Jiggys tea suggestion, just a little cautious of adding any liquid to that bin at the moment. I think the mold spores are omnipresent, we only notice them when the conditions are right, and those Brute trash cans with the flat lid seal pretty well, hence the breather holes in the soil bags.


bobs your uncle said:
Reef- when you say you put it back in the bags, do you mean you divided up your excess mix between the three bags. That's a good idea actually, I think the FF bags have breathing holes already and are a little easier to move around than a 40 gallon bin half full of soil.

exactly what i did. I had to use one extra garbage bag though. I might go poke some holes in it now...