after listenin to Mysta i've been using dist. water now and it's rockin'. mine comes in at 7.1-7.2 ph and i reduce it to 6.6 then water. choppin down a delicious sourbubble bx3 shortly.
i use some inexpensive phdown from the hydro store, (i've sinned, it's probably not 100% organic) and i use "magical" a calmag immitation every other watering at 1tsp pergallon, again due to mysta's guidance and advice, since the M man stepped in i've had superb results. Im really just repeating what i was told since it's sage words!
Well ive been using distilled from the get go. Ive added some ph down to 6.2...6.3...6.5.. and Ive messed with cal-mag. But to be honest I dont add anything just dist h2o and I dont have a prob. . Ive tweaked this mix A LOT and none to pan out better that the first. I think the calmag will work but the bottle is way off by what it calls for. OOOhhhhh yea OVERWATER will cause you a lot of diff problems that you dont know what the FCK happened.......But thats me and my gardens and its not the same as yours!
hey thanks everyone for the help,i think i am going to take mysta's advice and just use some plain old distilled water on the next run and see how that works...
I have several different strains at 28 days into flower using the original MM with the POM starter. I am testing each strain with and without added dolomite lime at 1TBSP/gal soil. So far I have noticed that the SSH and the Omega Diesel do better without the dolomite lime. The other plants (SSSDH, SAGE, NYCD, Kill Bill, Apollo Mist, and Love Potion#1) don't seem to mind either way. I am using nothing but plain tap water Ph'd to 6.5 and letting the plants go dry, but not to the point of wilt, between waterings. This is roughly every 7-11 days depending on pot size and strain. I have to say I love this mix!! The plants look excellent and are thriving with a minimal amount of maintenance. I have several varieties other than the ones listed above in bonsai mom form using this mix (minus the dolomite lime) and they all love it. I'll post up to let you guys know how the rest of my MM flower run turns out. This stuff is so easy a caveman can do it!!!
Peace, Mr.M
Most places in Cali you're probably better off to omit the dolomite lime and use tap water. Here's a sample of tissue & water analysis from the central valley. It's fairly typical for Cali.
You can get a free water analysis from your local water company if you're not on a well. If you're on a well you'll have to pay for it.
I'd like to point out that just recently I started some seedlings in 5 inch square pots of the mix (basic mix 3 bag + perlite no pom) with NO dolomite lime. I measured the ph of the runoff of this mix and it was over 8! The water going in was ph 7.0.
Perhaps this is why some people are finding the dolomite lime to not work and also why the water needs to be ph'd to the 6.5 range. Since the mix itself may have a high ph to begin with, amending it with dolomite lime may make it more difficult to get the ph down into an acceptable range, thereby causing some lockout.
Anyone else try testing the ph of the run off with this mix?
i am not sure how you guys are testing that distilled water.because i have tested a couple different brands including the walmart kind and they come in around a ph of 5.4-5.6.i used my ph pen plus i did the regular liquid drop test and they both read the same.but i don't know if the soils ph is above 7 and you add water that has a ph of around 5.5 will it all balance out?
what about just using regular bottled spring water instead of distilled.when i checked the ph of that the ph was right around 7...that has to be better than tap water right????
In the past I have run into trouble using RO, bottled spring water and distilled. This is my first MM run so maybe spring, distilled or RO would be fine for this particular situation. So far my best results have come from straight tap Ph'd to 6.5 using Ph down. I have checked the water analysis in my area and it seems I do better with the tap given the amount of cal/mag already in the water. I figure why buy or process stripped down water then pay to replace the Cal/Mg with Calmag plus. I usually let the water sit a few days to lower the chlorine content, but sometimes I use it straight from the tap with no ill effects. We will see how this works out long term regarding salt build up and soil acidification with the moms I keep in the MM.
zOr- I usually check my outs(runoff) if I see a problem. Since I have seen no major problems thus far with the MM I have not checked my outs. I will take a check of my outs on the next watering and let you guys know how the dolomite lime mix compares to the non-dolomite lime mix. Good info to add to my notes.
I watered a couple of 5gal SAGE plants, one with dolomite lime, the other without.
Start water = Tap water @ 7.1 pH 248 ppm. Added Ph down to adjust to 6.5 pH.
SAGE with no dolomite lime runoff = 6.5 pH 1440 ppm
SAGE with dolomite lime runoff = 6.7 pH 1170 ppm
This was a measurement of the immediate runoff. I have not done a soil pH test using a soil sample and distilled water.
Peace, Mr.M
I don't know if this has been answered in this thread, but I was wondering about transplant schedules with this mix. Or more to the point, what increments do people use for transplant.
Is the standard practice going from the seedling medium to 1 gallon, to 3 gallon, then to 5 gallon to finish? Or is it more seedling to 3 to 5?
And is there anyone using this mix that transplant the established seedling straight to the 5gallon pots?
And I was wondering about the water. I use distilled because of the garbage in my tap water. With this mix is it still advisable to add cal/mag to the water?
I'm seriously thinking about using this mix for my next grow, but I want to hammer out some details before I start. I've got time as my 1st grow has only been 12/12 for a little over a week now.
bong_chat - from seed: 16 oz. cup to 1 gallon and finishing in 3 gallon. For water, I fill 1 gallon containers and leave them open for 2 or 3 days, evaporating any chlorine before watering/feeding my plants.
Bongchat- Moonshine Man talks about his transplant schedule and pot sizes somewhere in the first part of this thread. You should also do a search on BOG and check out his transplanting method. Crazy Composer has also posted some info on how he transplants. I'm sure you will find many different methods used by different people, although they are not necessarily using MM. I would not go from seedling to 5gal pot straight away. It will take forever to root the pot and there will be a large amount of soil wasted in the center of the root ball. The current run I'm doing in MM started from clone in Rapid Rooters planted in 16oz. Then 1gal. Then I moved some of them to 2.5 gal and some to 3.5gal where they are staying through flower. I also have another group that received an additional transplant up to 5gal. Hope this helps.
Peace, Mr.M
Edit: The reason for different pot sizes is to compare yields of the same clone when finished in different sized pots to find the best soil to yield ratio for that given clone.
Wow theres some good info on here now days....sweet. Im learning also so keep er going Mr.M.
KK......Nice to see you. That info you provided helped me out brotha...thanx. Im sorry I dont remember what your mix consisted of...I know it wasnt to far off from the MSMix. I know youve been guruing it up for years so your knowledge is our power...
Here is the cab full at day 1 of flower. The mix is the basic MSMix 17 days of veg. When I got these clones.....lets just say they were not healthy....what-so-ever. Since I out them in the mix BAM filled right up. My boy that I got a couple of them from....was shocked as hell when he seen the doors open. Im going to feed a couple ladys prob with a light top dress of POM. Im also going to adjust the PH in the ladys that dont get feed so well see how this run goes! If you have ay suggestions please feel free to ramble!
From this...............
To this in 17 days.........BlackBerryBubba,OGOG,SSSDH&BannanaOG
Those sure perked up. Nice work there mysta. :wink:
The mix I use is:
1 bag Happy Frog
1 bag Ocean Forest
1 bag Light Warrior
2 cubic feet B & C Perlite
1/2 cubic foot castings
I use tap water and don't feed anything ( a little hygrozyme ) during veg.
KK, thanks for letting us know your soil mix. Your little clone looks nice and healthy, what flavor's that?
I'm pretty much running your recipe KK. Except, I had a spur of the moment decision at the hydro store a few weeks ago and I'm substituting Black Gold for the LW. I'll come back with my results on that one when it's all done.
I'm unable to get Light warrior atm.. so I was wondering what would be a good substitue?