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Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
I had some awesome ppk grows under my previous account. I always did them with 50/50 coco/clay pebbles with great success. when I build the next one I think I'll take the plunge into turface. I just need to get some things cleared from my already over filled plate to get to it.

Id stick with coir n pebbles, or some variation of. I think d9 is working with tupur , which is around 30% air porosity. Turface sucks to screen n is heavy as hell. I know av8, stopped screening I believe n cuts his turface with perlite. I use coir n perlite. But I also use pebbles/rocks. Basically anything to cut the coir volume by 30 to 50%, so it can be watered more often.

Straght turface with large plants doesn't do a great job of wicking in case of pump failure. A coir mix is safer imo.


Active member
thanks for the heads up MM, I have also used coir cut with perlite about the same rate also with great results. I kind of wanted to stick with co c o in the past because I was very familiar with the medium, had great results with it and always have a stock pile of bricks. I built my first ppk just before delta stopped using drilled out tire valves. I remember rebuilding that one with the bigger electric through fittings and bigger hose connecting the buckets, then his design changed again and again and I realised I'd never have the most up to date ppk. when I first started lurking the original ppk thread, I was like "what the fuck!?"...it seemed so complicated and I was really just oogling the big plants. however, one day the concept just clicked and it totally made sense. there are a bunch of different incarnations and components you can use, but they all work the same and the system is pure genius. delta9 is a stand up guy for sharing his work with the community.


hows the youngsters looking mate , hope all are healthy ....... and doing there thing for you .


part of the ppk system is kind of sub irrigation, I haven't grown with sub irrigation alone as the ppk also included a recirculating drip irrigation. the redundancy is one of many genius components of the system. if one part fails, there is another thing keeping the plant alive. it took a couple years of popping in and out of the ppk threads before it made sense, but it was almost like an epiphany once it clicked. if you haven't yet, check out any ppk thread by delta9sx. his grows are amazing and the threads a wealth of knowledge.

I could never make sense of those ppk threads until now. Wow!!! I need to setup a ppk....lol. That is Badass how it sips and top feeds with an external res on a float valve. Its so efficient and mostly automated. Got to love how well they yield too!


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gavita room @week3. I've been hand watering here daily to ensure a happy harvest. I never could dial the irrigation I set up, so I just said fuck it, and tore it out. I've not yet had a good grow with the gavitas, not because of the lights, but bc of a pump failure and inability to get the irrigation to water everything constantly. I hope I get to see these lights destroy gpw like they do for everyone else. these are all csi Humboldt crosses along with a few 2.0's.


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these are already in the csi thread, but I'm loving the way the csi crosses are turning out in the gavita room.

purple snow bubba day 40


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bubbas girl day 40

all the csi plants have really nice terps, but this bubbas girl pheno has some amazing smells. smells like cookies dipped in gas then sprayed by a skunk. she's at least a 10 weeker and the buds are small, but rock hard and plentiful helping the yield. staking is not an option on this branchy bitch...she stretches 2-3x's her size at flip and her branches are long, lanky and numerous. the bag appeal is on point and very similar to cookies.


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Ive been trying to justify spending $256 on a pack of mendobreath beans for almost a year and just about when I succumbed to my seed buying urge, a clone landed on my doorstep.:thank you:


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she's in isolation atm, the tops are probably just haggard looking from being I a box for days then next to a very cold basement window for a few days after that...however, my pest paranoia is screaming broad mites. I've never had them, but I think I remember one of the signs is tops that look similar to what's going up top of her. pretty sure heat treating plants @120°F kills em dead, so I think I might hit em with some heat a couple times to be sure before I bring them one of the basements...

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
I'm liking that Bubbas girl. What's her lineage?
I miss my bubba cut. I've got her crossed to a cocoa kush male that I'm going to pop here soon.

Grab a good scope that does 100x. Check the tops n bottoms of the effected leaves. Check the veins n petiole area too. You have too much good stuff going on to risk having those little bastards.

Heats supposed to do the trick. I got my room up to 127f, and spider mites survived. I was trying to treat a 10'×10' room though. A smaller controlled heating would probably work though. There's the predator mites too. Swirski I think is one of them. And if ur going to go the chemical route, make sure it's for this class of mites. Hopefully with a good scoping u will confirm it's just travel stress n no pest. Be diligent and make sure though.


Active member
it's bubba x cookies, by csi Humboldt.
I am probably being paranoid about the leaves on the MB...it had a few days of darkness and may just be stressed...I'm going to be sure though. I don't think the guy I got her from has issues, but I will use cation and be certain.


Active member
gavita room is chugging right along. the carbon filter is working overtime and and the floppies are propped...another week or so and I'll start flushing the nine weekers. I believe we are at day 44 in this pic.

the bubbas girl in the middle of the room is probably close to 5' wide and nearly as tall.