Go to Maine. Csedge, PTB,Reddy1, PK, TMB[/B]... and I have it covered. Thanks.
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How long have y been out there? I seen pictures of the ruins of Detroit, thats a small area though, there's plenty of room to roam in the central USA... Thanks for giving your perspective, moved from Cali or something?
What's the overall price difference, cost of living, SoCal/NorCal vs Michigan...
How about social/culturally... Are peeps nicer in MI? Girls fatter? Who gives a shit, long as u got 'net access and a 'puter or iphone... and cable tv of course!
my second winter at the tip 'o the pinky...i moved from washington state about 7 years ago for a job. found a home and a wife and never looked back. michigan is very affordable, almost a quarter the price of seattle's, bay area, southern california. that's if you're in a metro area like me. i think the culture's more interesting out here. but that's me and stuff i like. peeps are certainly nicer here and especially to people from out of state. there's assholes everywhere though. yes the girls are fatter but i like them that way, they just fuck better with that extra weight. nothing keeps you warm like a chubby chick. MI is not for everybody though, i think it took me a few years to adjust and get settled in.
Go to Maine. Csedge, PTB, Whodair... and I have it covered. Thanks.
Go to Maine. Csedge, PTB, Whodair... and I have it covered. Thanks.
Oh man, and I was planning to make the move.....
Right Blaze, Bobble forgot all about ole PK to!....We always have room for Blazeoneup man....
You can still walk in off the street and dispense meds to dispensaries in Michigan? Wow. I assumed it was like Colorado by now.
I'm sure that'll change in the coming months.
Oh man, and I was planning to make the move.....