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Michigan vs Maine: where'd you rather grow and live?

what about for a black guy ?? maine heavy on the salt, light on the pepper ?? diversity check here...i like a nice blend of people ...

The bigger cities in Michigan are ok, but beware of the smaller cities and towns. They have the redneck, good-ole-boy mentality and are known for profiling. Basically if you don't fit their standards you're under suspicion. Even the dark complected folks I knew in Lansing always talked about getting pulled over and harassed for DWB. Careful... Detroit you're golden though. Up north? Yeah, I wouldn't do it. They still think that a black guy can't be president up here. Goto the local bar or greasy spoon and you'll hear nothing but racist and right wing bullshit.


Active member
i know of three different GROUPS of 5-10 to 20 people that dont do shit but rob people... They find out who grow who deals and watch ya for a week and then kick in your door... if they dont find shit they come back and do it while your home... lansing in not a safe place to live if this is the game you want to get into... The poorer the city the worst the crimes peroid....

id go to maine get a place out in the country or go to michigan country michigan is beautiful and can be cheap... however i dont say its ever safe....
I'm not one for knarcing on people, but in this case, do everyone in the growing community a favor, and drop a dime on these guys if you know who they are.
The next place that gets robbed could be yours.


Overkill is under-rated.
If I recall, you can't grow MMJ in Maine unless you're dying from one of like 5 diseases, it's VERy strict. I dunno about MI, but I hate snow so I wouldn't have either of em on my list. AZ on the other hand, hmmm
If I recall, you can't grow MMJ in Maine unless you're dying from one of like 5 diseases, it's VERy strict. I dunno about MI, but I hate snow so I wouldn't have either of em on my list. AZ on the other hand, hmmm

Intractable pain is on the list. Everyone has intractable pain...

Armen Tamzarian

I guess I am kind of biased seeing as I grew up in the mitt. I love it here in Michigan. I really love Maine to though. It is One of my favorite places to visit for sure, it is epically beautiful there in the fall. I really enjoy Michigan though. I live on the west side of the state right on lake Michigan. It's like anywhere else though, it is what you make it. Although Michigan is americas high five

emerald city

Don't kid yourself with the 99 plant minimum..Anyone caught with a lb of finished product its automatic jail time. I have friends born and raised in Maine and most grow..Peeps are misled by that 99 plant figure.Med patients(I am one) are currently limited to six plants...and 2.5 oz finished product..good luck
Also, I grew up halfway between Bos and NYC. I know the game here.The more weed that makes it here from Cali and Colo..the harder it is to get prices we used to get..believe that..
Pretty fair take on the situation up here...
I will add that typicly, mainers dont get involved in there nieghbors business,A lot of diverse folks grow a few plants for self medication and jonny law aint to bothered by who smokes a joint after work...It is REAL obvious to us natives when folks from away come up here with the sole reason of setting up shop to grow pot,and if we ,the average local citizen,can see what happening dont you think the boys in blue dont see it to...Im always amazed when the news tells of a local marijuana bust,it mostly someone from outa town who gets caught...
AS buddle mentioned peps are mislead when they hear"anything under 99 is cool"...Police will take you down if given the opertunity....Stay smart /stay safe:ying:


shut the fuck up Donny
Buddle said:
Don't kid yourself with the 99 plant minimum..Anyone caught with a lb of finished product its automatic jail time. I have friends born and raised in Maine and most grow..Peeps are misled by that 99 plant figure.Med patients(I am one) are currently limited to six plants...and 2.5 oz finished product..good luck
Also, I grew up halfway between Bos and NYC. I know the game here.The more weed that makes it here from Cali and Colo..the harder it is to get prices we used to get..believe that..

Pretty fair take on the situation up here...
I will add that typicly, mainers dont get involved in there nieghbors business,A lot of diverse folks grow a few plants for self medication and jonny law aint to bothered by who smokes a joint after work...It is REAL obvious to us natives when folks from away come up here with the sole reason of setting up shop to grow pot,and if we ,the average local citizen,can see what happening dont you think the boys in blue dont see it to...Im always amazed when the news tells of a local marijuana bust,it mostly someone from outa town who gets caught...
AS buddle mentioned peps are mislead when they hear"anything under 99 is cool"...Police will take you down if given the opertunity....Stay smart /stay safe:ying:

Man I hate the mis-information on this site. It seems every other post I make is to correct people's "facts".

Neither of you are totally correct. Maine is not one directional, it really depends on the situation. I grew up in the area most of my life.

First, regarding "1 pound = auto jailtime". That is pure bullshit. The first thing people should do is visit the NORML guidelines for the state. Anything under 2.5ounces is a simple ticket. Anything over 2.5ounces and they can presume it is for sale, but thats a hard thing to prove unless you are caught selling it.

Up to 99 plants is a misdemeanor, with a MAXIMUM of 1 year in jail and a $2,000 fine.

You won't be able to grow under the Maine medical law, or use it as a defense. You are growing under the "99 plants is a misdemeanor" reasoning.

While this isn't as good as being in california and growing 99 or less with a bunch of RX's, it IS better then growing hundreds of plants in california under the same assumption (as many people on this forum do, when in reality if they were busted and said 'im a med provider' the cops would laugh in their face and their case would go Federal and they would certainly go to jail).

I personally know of 4 cases of growers in maine who were busted. One was busted with 300+ plants and got probation, the other three had less then 99 and got the same. Now is this always the case? NO way, and I'd never say to assume ur gonna be fine. But to say that if your caught with 1 lb your going to jail automatically is pure bullshit.

Growing pot is going to be a risk regardless of where you grow unless you are growing 6 plants in a med state, so its about reducing that risk as much as possible.

I DO agree with the statement about outsiders. I'd love to move to maine but I would fit in because I grew up in the area. An outsider would certainly be eyeballed and you would need to be very careful.

Overall I still vote for maine.


I like MI but u gotta be smart but if u aren't very smart anyways u won't make it very far. Robbers are big here in my city but if u aren't flaughting everything u have they never know what u have.

emerald city

Man I hate the mis-information on this site. It seems every other post I make is to correct people's "facts".

Neither of you are totally correct. Maine is not one directional, it really depends on the situation. I grew up in the area most of my life.

First, regarding "1 pound = auto jailtime". That is pure bullshit. The first thing people should do is visit the NORML guidelines for the state. Anything under 2.5ounces is a simple ticket. Anything over 2.5ounces and they can presume it is for sale, but thats a hard thing to prove unless you are caught selling it.

Up to 99 plants is a misdemeanor, with a MAXIMUM of 1 year in jail and a $2,000 fine.

You won't be able to grow under the Maine medical law, or use it as a defense. You are growing under the "99 plants is a misdemeanor" reasoning.

While this isn't as good as being in california and growing 99 or less with a bunch of RX's, it IS better then growing hundreds of plants in california under the same assumption (as many people on this forum do, when in reality if they were busted and said 'im a med provider' the cops would laugh in their face and their case would go Federal and they would certainly go to jail).

I personally know of 4 cases of growers in maine who were busted. One was busted with 300+ plants and got probation, the other three had less then 99 and got the same. Now is this always the case? NO way, and I'd never say to assume ur gonna be fine. But to say that if your caught with 1 lb your going to jail automatically is pure bullshit.

Growing pot is going to be a risk regardless of where you grow unless you are growing 6 plants in a med state, so its about reducing that risk as much as possible.

I DO agree with the statement about outsiders. I'd love to move to maine but I would fit in because I grew up in the area. An outsider would certainly be eyeballed and you would need to be very careful.

Overall I still vote for maine.
You lumped me in ,now show me where in spreading half truths or b.s...I live ,breath and make a living off this beautifull Maine land and have a pretty good understanding of how things work up here..I respect your differance of opinion but i dont need to get called out by someone who only want to quote from the normal law page..
Were living it on a daily basis bro.


shut the fuck up Donny
You lumped me in ,now show me where in spreading half truths or b.s...I live ,breath and make a living off this beautifull Maine land and have a pretty good understanding of how things work up here..I respect your differance of opinion but i dont need to get called out by someone who only want to quote from the normal law page..
Were living it on a daily basis bro.

I didn't just quote from the NORML page, I quoted from the law (good place to start since it's what courts use) and from the 4 personal cases that I know about from the state.

I don't care if your 80 years old and have lived in Maine your whole life, the bottom line is that its a gray area regarding what would happen if caught so to say "if you are caught with a pound you go straight to jail" or "if you got 99 plants u go right to jail" is incorrect and mis information.

Wasn't hating on you, just trying to give the guy an accurate depiction of what Maine is like. Before I started growing I talked with countless cops in Maine, both state and local, as my families business involves working with about 80% of the cops in the state. Just sharing my knowledge, relax.


Active member
i look at it as if everything in the end is all equal. they will both have different pros and cons but will equal each other out in the end. i would pick out what pro you like best and go from there

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Well....if you move to Michi, live in the sticks and do your business in the city. Don't live in the cities.


Well-known member
I'm a Mainer and have a friend that is a grower and went to jail for 90 days for one pound of weed . Anything over a ounce and a half is considered trafficking . I also think it depends if you have a good lawyer to defend you . I have heard of people growing large numbers of plants and getting busted and getting off with finds and probation . Lets not get all huffy about mis- information because each situation is different .
... Lets not get all huffy about mis- information because each situation is different .

Quite right BB. Mainer here,born and raised,no intentions of leaving. We've all got something different going on up here,with varying different levels of police concern depending on where you are. Living in the woods up here is quite different than life on the coast.And like some of the others have said,if you plan on going commercial,I hope you already know someone.Otherwise it may take a bit to work into a circle. But please don't let that discourage anyone from moving here,it's an absolutely beautiful state with plenty to do if you're not a couch potato. Just a great place to be.



Well-known member
oh yeah, more coming tomorrow too. just got off the cross country skis. had a blast outside, saw a red rox, birch trees, red dogwoods. got to make the best of living here man. up north party towns in the winter time with a snowmobile is awesome too. had some good fresh lake perch the other day.

i don't mind the shoveling, good exercise. i do it for all my neighbors sidewalks too as a good gesture. keeps them on the best terms.

i love it here. i'm sure i'd love maine too.

How long have y been out there? I seen pictures of the ruins of Detroit, thats a small area though, there's plenty of room to roam in the central USA... Thanks for giving your perspective, moved from Cali or something?

What's the overall price difference, cost of living, SoCal/NorCal vs Michigan...

How about social/culturally... Are peeps nicer in MI? Girls fatter? Who gives a shit, long as u got 'net access and a 'puter or iphone... and cable tv of course!


Well-known member
yea he got robbed and hes a disgrace to the whole movement...

I cant believe hes still around in fact... They are nothing but hood dealers that are paying for a commercial space... There weed is just above mids and they sell for top dollar...

and yes every dealer is strapped with a 45 for the world to see and as they serve people they take phonecalls and do drug deals on there phones in front of customers!!! Nice people should of known they were to big of pussies to use there guns... whats the point of being strapped if your afraid to pull it??/

This is the craziest thing I've read in a while... I guess the barrier to entry for MI MMJ is pretty low. Imagine your pharmacist packing heat like these guys....


Active member
they pack heat here in california to...delivery drivers hiring guns to watch them do their LB deals. local club down my block has security gaurds with nice Sig Blackwater pistols in full view when you walk in....

there is just too many rippers out there....cant make your business seem like an easy target.