Homosexuality used to be a crime.
But FINALLY, those people started ADMITTING they were gay and worked hard to change the rules. They won! And now, there is no shame in being gay and it has become an accepted lifestyle for that group of people.
Kelloggs = death by sugar anyway
With their claims of loading carbs & sugar into your diet they are as quaky today as their original founder was.
John Harvey Kellogg
He was a surgeon & ran an insane asylum.
Kellogg claimed that 90% of all illnesses originated in the stomach and bowels. Yogurt, both ingested and given as a daily enema, was a central part of his Battle Creek wellness program.
He also took a strong stand against masturbation. One of his most controversial practices was the application of carbolic acid to the clitoris in order to prevent female masturbation. He also advocated celibacy, claiming that intercourse was a chief cause of disease. In fact, Kellogg and his wife slept in separate bedrooms and remained celibate throughout all the years of their marriage. They eventually legally adopted 14 children.
Other “treatments” at the Battle Creek Sanitarium included sessions in a vibrating chair, electric stimulation of various body parts, and immersion in freezing water laced with radium.
By the 1920s, hundreds of wealthy clients from all over the country were waiting to “take the cure.”
Additional controversy
From 1914 to 1916, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg sponsored “Race Betterment Conferences” that supported eugenics and race segregation for “the preservation of the human race.”
When are they ever going to WAKE UP and realize that cannabis is a useful substance that can and has been used for centuries recreationally, medicinally and liberally for all sorts of things........and by making a big deal out of Michael Phelps toking on it.......all they are really doing is making themselves look more foolish than they do already.....
The latest I just heard was that the sheriff going after those 8 people is his attempt to get Phelps hoping he'll get them to deal.