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Michael Phelps Caught Smoking Bong


Just Call me Urkle!!
meth eh? I'm an older alcoholic (don't drink now) so I consider it a beast myself. But why do you find meth so destructive.......what it does to the body?

EVERYTHING ABOUT IT!!! I hate Meth, the thing's it makes people do, the way it makes them look, the horrible ways they make the crap... Plus it's EVERYWHERE!! At least in Nor Cal and Hawaii and just ruining people's lives! :fsu: making dope outta Wasp Spray WTF!!!!!


Good for you for quitting alcohol. My youngest son is 9 years sober and now a Trauma ICU R.N. and I thought I would lose that kid once. He and all his friends are AA.

But Meth is "highly addictive"....Causes "The mother of all dopamine releases" which cause the increased pleasure and euphoria...but over time destroys dopamine receptors and make it almost impossible to feel pleasure...robs user of physical health and cognitive abilities....libido...goodlooks...rots your teeth...etc

Damages cognitive abilities permanantly and can cause death...

pleasure can come back over time though....It is made with toxic compounds and gases.

But I was a nurse in our local county jail 96-2000 and I would see the recidivistic "guest" coming and going those 4 years and the physical and mental destruction was profoud to thier body and soulj as well as mind...I had to leave it was sooo depressing. I don't think too highly of crack either....but just my humble opinion anyway...

In the 90's i used to think a little meth here and there was harmless on weekends because most of my friends at the time were doing it; but I was so anti-drug that I wouldn't touch the shit. Now all it takes is to see a meth make over poster and I realize its not ay all the 'harmless' stimulant everyone was trying to get me to believe.

one of the worst things about it and maybe its molecular cousins - MDA & MDMA is that it permanently fucks up your natural ability to feel happiness and the joy to life. Talk about a curse. Everything is just grey after a long meth addiction, talk about a lobotomy. i dunno maybe these people can find some sort of antidepressant or something so they can feel again or maybe the damage is structural.

Hard drugs are bad, but prohibition doesnt seem to be working so I have no clue what the answer is. what kept me away from all that shit (except for alcohol & pot) was education. I thank my mother, a nurse at the time, for educating me with books etc on the lasting effects of hard drugs. Unfortunately, I was given the impression drinking was ok, its not. In excess, its just as bad.


Domesticator of Cannabis
<MARQUEE bgcolor="#33FF33" loop="3" scrollamount="6" width="100%">That's no glitch under the posting rules there's no editing</MARQUEE>

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ICMag Donor
Just curiious as to why that would be true in one forum only? Everything else here lets you edit. Sometimes this place confusese the crap out of me........but that could just be me I guess.


Alcohol is a Very Dangerous Drug.

Alcohol is a Very Dangerous Drug.

If feel phelps has shown the world that Marihoochie is NOT.


I thought everyone would like this.. From joe rogan's blog

An open letter to Kellog's re: Michael Phelps

Dear, Kellogg’s.
I’m writing this letter to express my disappointment in your company in firing Michael Phelps as a spokesperson for your products because he was photographed while enjoying some marijuana.
I respectfully would like to communicate my opinion on this matter because I think it’s of great public interest.
First of all, although it is true that Mr. Phelps broke the law, I think any reasonably intelligent person would admit that it’s one of the most fucked up and corrupt laws that we have today in this country. Marijuana is relatively harmless and certainly far less dangerous than a host of other things that are not only legal but also readily available, like alcohol and prescription drugs. The only reason it remains illegal to this day is because it’s a plant and you can’t patent it and control it’s sale, and because if it were legal it would greatly affect the demand for a host of prescription drugs that rake in billions of dollars each year for pharmaceutical companies.
That’s it.
Marijuana has never killed anyone EVER in over 10,000 years of use. We’re not protecting people from themselves, we’re not saving the children - it’s just a horribly illogical law that is in place because of corruption and propaganda.
The fact that it’s against the law is just a disgusting reminder of how retarded our system is, not a reasonable reaction to a proven threat to society.

I have to say, this whole thing saddens me, because I personally would like to think that as Americans we’re better than this. These television news anchors will shake their heads at the thoughtless mistake Mr. Phelps had made by “smoking dope,” and then without even the tiniest sense of irony they will cut to a beer commercial.
This is supposed to be the land of the free and the home of the brave, right? We’re not supposed to be a nation of little bitches giving in to the whims of corrupt politicians and the pharmaceutical companies who’s interests they’re representing.
It’s 2009, and in this day and age with the incredible access to information that we have available there’s no fucking way that we should be allowing human beings to tell other human beings that they can’t do something that they enjoy that hurts no one including themselves.
THAT is madness. THAT is ignorant, and THAT is completely fucking un-American.
I don’t want to hear any of that, “he’s setting a bad example with the children” nonsense either, because we all know if he had a gin and tonic in his hand instead of a bong this would never have been an issue, even though every single study ever done has shown that marijuana is FAR less dangerous than alcohol.
Marijuana laws are a horrible waste of resources and law enforcement, and especially in this day and age with our economy in such horrible shape I believe the last thing we need to be doing is wasting tax payers’ money on any of this victimless bullshit.

I find your reactions to Mr. Phelps situation both ignorant and short sighted.
I think what would have been a far better response from Kellogg’s would be to support Mr. Phelps, and perhaps point out that maybe we as a society should take a closer look at the evidence and possibly reconsider our position on this misunderstood plant that so many of our productive citizens find useful.
Now, I’m sure if you really were running Kellogg’s and you were still reading my bullshit all the way down to this, you must be thinking, “Why the hell would we stick our necks out like that for pot smokers?”

And of course the answer to that question would be, because we buy your shit, motherfucker.
Do you guys even know your consumer statistics? Well, let me fill you in on some of my own personal scientific research on the subject, because I have been closely studying my own purchases for over 20 years, and I can tell you that I’ve been high 100% of the time I’ve bought your shit.
I mean, do you guys ever think about what you sell?
Pop tarts? Are you kidding me? I would be willing to bet that 50% of the people buying pop tarts are stoned out of their fucking minds.
Just to be perfectly clear on my position, I would like you to know that I enjoy your products. I think many of them are quite tasty, but lets be honest; you guys sell sugar-drenched shit that’s horrible for your body - in fact, it’s actually way worse for your body than pot - and you market this shit specifically to children.
You assholes go as far as putting lovable cartoon characters on the boxes just so that kids will beg their parents for it.

Now, I don’t want you to misunderstand my point, because I in no way want anything bad to happen to your company. Like I said, I genuinely enjoy your products.
There’s nothing quite like being stoned out of your mind at 2am watching a Chuck Norris movie and eating a bowl of fruit loops. Your company and its products have been a part of some very pleasurable moments in guilty eating, and I’m glad you’re around.
All I’m saying is that it’s high time (no pun intended) that you motherfuckers respect the stoner dollar. There’s WAY more of us than you might think, and we tend to get upset about dumb shit like this. There are millions of us, and if we decide that we don’t like a company, they’re going to feel it.
I think if you looked into it carefully, you would be surprised at how many undercover potheads there are out there. Pot smokers don’t all fit into the obvious, negative stereotypes; we come in all shapes and forms - including by the way, the form of the greatest fucking swimmer who ever lived, EVER.
Think about THAT shit for a second..
So in closing, I would like to ask you nice folks to please smarten the fuck up.
I would request that you check the calendar and note that it’s 2000 and fucking 9, and next time you think about getting all uppity about pot you might want to do a quick google search on the facts.

It’s 4:40am here in LA, and I’m going to wrap up this blog and to celebrate its completion I’m going to enjoy one of my personal favorite Kellogg products: Eggo waffles.
I’m gonna pop 4 of them bitches into the toaster, and then I’m gonna stuff the bong with some fine, American grown “Train Wreck” and sacrifice the sacred plant to the fire gods in tribute to the unjustly persecuted 8 time Olympian hero. Then I’m gonna get some butter, and I’m gonna smear it on those Eggos, I’m gonna cover them with maple syrup, and I’m going to eat the ever loving fuck out of them.
Good day, sirs.

Yours truly,

Joe Rogan.


I thought everyone would like this.. From joe rogan's blog

An open letter to Kellog's re: Michael Phelps

Dear, Kellogg’s.
I’m writing this letter to express my disappointment in your company in firing Michael Phelps as a spokesperson for your products because he was photographed while enjoying some marijuana.
I respectfully would like to communicate my opinion on this matter because I think it’s of great public interest.
First of all, although it is true that Mr. Phelps broke the law, I think any reasonably intelligent person would admit that it’s one of the most fucked up and corrupt laws that we have today in this country. Marijuana is relatively harmless and certainly far less dangerous than a host of other things that are not only legal but also readily available, like alcohol and prescription drugs. The only reason it remains illegal to this day is because it’s a plant and you can’t patent it and control it’s sale, and because if it were legal it would greatly affect the demand for a host of prescription drugs that rake in billions of dollars each year for pharmaceutical companies.
That’s it.
Marijuana has never killed anyone EVER in over 10,000 years of use. We’re not protecting people from themselves, we’re not saving the children - it’s just a horribly illogical law that is in place because of corruption and propaganda.
The fact that it’s against the law is just a disgusting reminder of how retarded our system is, not a reasonable reaction to a proven threat to society.

I have to say, this whole thing saddens me, because I personally would like to think that as Americans we’re better than this. These television news anchors will shake their heads at the thoughtless mistake Mr. Phelps had made by “smoking dope,” and then without even the tiniest sense of irony they will cut to a beer commercial.
This is supposed to be the land of the free and the home of the brave, right? We’re not supposed to be a nation of little bitches giving in to the whims of corrupt politicians and the pharmaceutical companies who’s interests they’re representing.
It’s 2009, and in this day and age with the incredible access to information that we have available there’s no fucking way that we should be allowing human beings to tell other human beings that they can’t do something that they enjoy that hurts no one including themselves.
THAT is madness. THAT is ignorant, and THAT is completely fucking un-American.
I don’t want to hear any of that, “he’s setting a bad example with the children” nonsense either, because we all know if he had a gin and tonic in his hand instead of a bong this would never have been an issue, even though every single study ever done has shown that marijuana is FAR less dangerous than alcohol.
Marijuana laws are a horrible waste of resources and law enforcement, and especially in this day and age with our economy in such horrible shape I believe the last thing we need to be doing is wasting tax payers’ money on any of this victimless bullshit.

I find your reactions to Mr. Phelps situation both ignorant and short sighted.
I think what would have been a far better response from Kellogg’s would be to support Mr. Phelps, and perhaps point out that maybe we as a society should take a closer look at the evidence and possibly reconsider our position on this misunderstood plant that so many of our productive citizens find useful.
Now, I’m sure if you really were running Kellogg’s and you were still reading my bullshit all the way down to this, you must be thinking, “Why the hell would we stick our necks out like that for pot smokers?”

And of course the answer to that question would be, because we buy your shit, motherfucker.
Do you guys even know your consumer statistics? Well, let me fill you in on some of my own personal scientific research on the subject, because I have been closely studying my own purchases for over 20 years, and I can tell you that I’ve been high 100% of the time I’ve bought your shit.
I mean, do you guys ever think about what you sell?
Pop tarts? Are you kidding me? I would be willing to bet that 50% of the people buying pop tarts are stoned out of their fucking minds.
Just to be perfectly clear on my position, I would like you to know that I enjoy your products. I think many of them are quite tasty, but lets be honest; you guys sell sugar-drenched shit that’s horrible for your body - in fact, it’s actually way worse for your body than pot - and you market this shit specifically to children.
You assholes go as far as putting lovable cartoon characters on the boxes just so that kids will beg their parents for it.

Now, I don’t want you to misunderstand my point, because I in no way want anything bad to happen to your company. Like I said, I genuinely enjoy your products.
There’s nothing quite like being stoned out of your mind at 2am watching a Chuck Norris movie and eating a bowl of fruit loops. Your company and its products have been a part of some very pleasurable moments in guilty eating, and I’m glad you’re around.
All I’m saying is that it’s high time (no pun intended) that you motherfuckers respect the stoner dollar. There’s WAY more of us than you might think, and we tend to get upset about dumb shit like this. There are millions of us, and if we decide that we don’t like a company, they’re going to feel it.
I think if you looked into it carefully, you would be surprised at how many undercover potheads there are out there. Pot smokers don’t all fit into the obvious, negative stereotypes; we come in all shapes and forms - including by the way, the form of the greatest fucking swimmer who ever lived, EVER.
Think about THAT shit for a second..
So in closing, I would like to ask you nice folks to please smarten the fuck up.
I would request that you check the calendar and note that it’s 2000 and fucking 9, and next time you think about getting all uppity about pot you might want to do a quick google search on the facts.

It’s 4:40am here in LA, and I’m going to wrap up this blog and to celebrate its completion I’m going to enjoy one of my personal favorite Kellogg products: Eggo waffles.
I’m gonna pop 4 of them bitches into the toaster, and then I’m gonna stuff the bong with some fine, American grown “Train Wreck” and sacrifice the sacred plant to the fire gods in tribute to the unjustly persecuted 8 time Olympian hero. Then I’m gonna get some butter, and I’m gonna smear it on those Eggos, I’m gonna cover them with maple syrup, and I’m going to eat the ever loving fuck out of them.
Good day, sirs.

Yours truly,

Joe Rogan.

:fsu: All I can think about is waffles!


Active member
In the 90's i used to think a little meth here and there was harmless on weekends because most of my friends at the time were doing it; but I was so anti-drug that I wouldn't touch the shit. Now all it takes is to see a meth make over poster and I realize its not ay all the 'harmless' stimulant everyone was trying to get me to believe.

one of the worst things about it and maybe its molecular cousins - MDA & MDMA is that it permanently fucks up your natural ability to feel happiness and the joy to life. Talk about a curse. Everything is just grey after a long meth addiction, talk about a lobotomy. i dunno maybe these people can find some sort of antidepressant or something so they can feel again or maybe the damage is structural.

Hard drugs are bad, but prohibition doesnt seem to be working so I have no clue what the answer is. what kept me away from all that shit (except for alcohol & pot) was education. I thank my mother, a nurse at the time, for educating me with books etc on the lasting effects of hard drugs. Unfortunately, I was given the impression drinking was ok, its not. In excess, its just as bad.

Yes weed and caffiene are my only "drugs" these days.....both are reported to prevent Alzhiemers disease and Lord knows I need all the help I can get in that area ....LOL...getting CRS [can't remember shit] LOL

Aging is a biotch so you young enjoy your youth.
I lost one son to HARD DRUGS......my other 4 kids are super successful.....

I guess 4 outta 5 ain't too bad......but I still grieve my first born....

Ya never get over losing a child....but I talk straight to the young....BUT don't lie or BS them....

So stick to weed and help us legalize/decriminalize...

Those that can that is...

Granny Sara has tried MOST...but not ALL drugs in my early years....the 60's were great and we were rebelling against the ESTABLISHMENT....but I lived through it....but sadly Janis did not....but her Kharma was great!

Weed is a good natural herbal medication and miraculous med for GAD!
Which most people have in these rough times in America...

Obama save us!


Active member
:fsu: All I can think about is waffles!

Waffles are GOOD! Publix has Kellogs cereal ...buy one and get one free...LOL...
Cheerios is what I bought....Money talks America...doncha know?

Those NEW HUGER Rice Crispies sucked anyhoo Kellogs....Bad idea!


"Madam, Miss Otis regrets, she's unable to lunch t
ICMag Donor
I,d say....Give Phelps another medal....!!

For showing ppl that its normal to smoke Weed and still achieve great goals ..

i feel the same way. This just goes to show that pot smokers dont just lay around on the couch eating fritos. MP is a perfect example proving that its just not that bad.

Light up and win some metals folks


Green Ambassador
What Michael Phelps should have said:

Dear America,

I take it back. I don’t apologize.

Because you know what? It’s none of your goddamned business. I work my ass off 10 months a year. It’s that hard work that gave you all those gooey feelings of patriotism last summer. If during my brief window of down time I want to relax, enjoy myself, and partake of a substance that’s a hell of a lot less bad for me than alcohol, tobacco, or, frankly, most of the prescription drugs most of you are taking, well, you can spare me the lecture.

I put myself through hell. I make my body do things nature never really intended us to endure. All world-class athletes do. We do it because you love to watch us push ourselves as far as we can possibly go. Some of us get hurt. Sometimes permanently. You’re watching the Super Bowl tonight. You’re watching 300 pound men smash each while running at full speed, in full pads. You know what the average life expectancy of an NFL player is? Fifty-five. That’s about 20 years shorter than your average non-NFL player. Yet you watch. And cheer. And you jump up spill your beer when a linebacker lays out a wide receiver on a crossing route across the middle. The harder he gets hit, the louder and more enthusiastically you scream.

Yet you all get bent out of shape when Ricky Williams, or I, or Josh Howard smoke a little dope to relax. Why? Because the idiots you’ve elected to make your laws have, without a shred of evidence, beat it into your head that smoking marijuana is something akin to drinking antifreeze, and done only by dirty hippies and sex offenders.

You’ll have to pardon my cynicism. But I call bullshit. You don’t give a damn about my health. You just get a voyeuristic thrill from watching an elite athlete fall from grace–all the better if you get to exercise a little moral righteousness in the process. And it’s hypocritical righteousness at that, given that 40 percent of you have tried pot at least once in your lives.

Here’s a crazy thought: If I can smoke a little dope and go on to win 14 Olympic gold medals, maybe pot smokers aren’t doomed to lives of couch surfing and video games, as our moronic government would have us believe. In fact, the list of successful pot smokers includes not just world class athletes like me, Howard, Williams, and others, it includes Nobel Prize winners, Pulitzer Prize winners, the last three U.S. presidents, several Supreme Court justices, and luminaries and success stories from all sectors of business and the arts, sciences, and humanities.

So go ahead. Ban me from the next Olympics. Yank my endorsement deals. Stick your collective noses in the air and get all indignant on me. While you’re at it, keep arresting cancer and AIDS patients who dare to smoke the stuff because it deadens their pain, or enables them to eat. Keep sending in goon squads to kick down doors and shoot little old ladies, maim innocent toddlers, handcuff elderly post-polio patients to their beds at gunpoint, and slaughter the family pet.

Tell you what. I’ll make you a deal. I’ll apologize for smoking pot when every politician who ever did drugs and then voted to uphold or strengthen the drug laws marches his ass off to the nearest federal prison to serve out the sentence he wants to impose on everyone else for committing the same crimes he committed. I’ll apologize when the sons, daughters, and nephews of powerful politicians who get caught possessing or dealing drugs in the frat house or prep school get the same treatment as the no-name, probably black kid caught on the corner or the front stoop doing the same thing.

Until then, I for one will have none of it. I smoked pot. I liked it. I’ll probably do it again. I refuse to apologize for it, because by apologizing I help perpetuate this stupid lie, this idea that what someone puts into his own body on his own time is any of the government’s damned business. Or any of yours. I’m not going to bend over and allow myself to be propaganda for this wasteful, ridiculous, immoral war.

Go ahead and tear me down if you like. But let’s see you rationalize in your next lame ONDCP commercial how the greatest motherfucking swimmer the world has ever seen...is also a proud pot smoker.


Michael Phelps


Poor Phelps man. Hopefully Obama will decriminlize this shit soon. Then it will just be a case of doing it responsibly.


Domesticator of Cannabis
You must of missed the breaking news a couple days ago.

Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps spoke out in his first interview since a British tabloid published a photo of him smoking marijuana out of a bong, telling the Baltimore Sun on Wednesday that he's embarrassed and "clearly made a mistake."

The 23-year-old gold medalist, a native of the Baltimore area, spoke with a reporter from The Sun for almost 10 minutes after practice without media handlers, the newspaper reported.

"It's obviously bad judgment and it's something I'm not proud of at all," Phelps told The Sun. "I will say that with the mistakes that I've made in my life, I've learned from them. ... That's what I plan to do from here. It's definitely not what I wanted, and it's clearly not what my mom wanted."

Phelps told the Sun he was not a regular marijuana smoker, and that it "definitely wasn't easy" to tell his mother – a middle school principal – about the incident.

Phelps was arrested for driving under the influence and got 18 months probation in 2004, when he was 19, and he said the latest controversy reminded him of his mother's disapproval after the drunken driving arrest.

"This is just a stupid thing of mine that I did, and I have to live with it," he told the Sun.

A rich bitch.

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