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Memory Loss



Hey major apologies for not checking in enough in this thread hope you sort the living situation out. Strawberry D shake looks and sounds incredible as do the plants!
Have a Great 4.20!!!


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
heres a peice of writing i find interesting and useful in life, this is supposed to be from a pg out of a book found in old saint pauls church boltimore dated 1692


go placidly amid the noise and hasel, remember what peace there maybe in silience. as far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others. even the dull and ignorant; they too have thier story. avoid loud and agressive persons. they are vexations to the spirit. if you compare yourself with others. you may become vain and bitter; for allways there will be greater and lessor persons then yourself. enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. keep interested in your own carrer, however humbel; it is a real possion in the changing fortunes of time. exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. but let this not blind you to what vitrue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism. be yourself. especially, do not feign affection. neither be synical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is perennial as the grass. take kindly the councel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. nurture strength in spirit to shield you in sudden misfourtune. but do not distress yourself with imaginings. many fears are born of fatigue and lonliness. beyound a wholesome disipline, be gentle with yourself. you are a child of the universe, no less then the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. and weather or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. therefore be at peace with god, whatever you conceive him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul !!with all it's sham, drudgry and broken dreams, it is still a beuitiful world. be careful strive to be happy !!!

just a little more of how i try to live and be :joint:


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
thx my friend whom turned 72 last wk gave it to me awhile back to remind me when in doubt read this to help stay my course and keep being the person i am :)


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
happy 4:20 every1 today 4:20 @4:20pm i'll be smoking a hash covered bowl of my Mmeory Loss ummmmmm umm. hope every1 has a smoken wonderful safe day yepper


hello friends :joint:
well brother Maj i'm thinking about taking an ML at 52 days which is tonight oddly enough :confused: hahahah.......

i have two nice ones and i think i will take the smaller of the two, this cross gets really FN frosty for sure....
humm :joint:

P.S happy 4:20 every one!!


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
hey all remember my 1st sugar shack bonsai i started last yr cut 6-6-06 well here she is today. she started off as a cutting taken 3wks into flower with few pistols, she took 6 wks to root and start growing proper. i altered the instructions for the tutorial i used here to suite my needs, feed her once a wk plain water every other wk would be light seaweed extract feedn. i would trim her roots and whack her way back every 3-4 months her overall health has been excellent this whole time. she gets flowered soon notice the bark growing on the lower parts of the plant :yoinks: her upper stems are plum purple in color.

after my move i'll bonsai another and more lmao she has been the source of most of my shack cuts to date and all that ive given away.

hey MGJ my good friend your garden's rockn bro

hey Jaws you should be very pleased on the ML's taste and high yes the trics are just thumbs up bro i truely made some excellent shaken pressed keif hash thats for sure. puff puff passn to all my friends :joint: i'll get back to ya on that PM bro
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End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
hey all hows every1 doing good i hope i'm just truckn along doing my thing heres some pics for this wk.

heres a few whole cab shots from right to left in cab is a ML straw d b pheno just outa sight and next to it is a shack both placed in cab 4-21, left of them 2 are 2 more shack placed in cab on 4-11 left of them are 2 ML's 1 straw d b pheno 1 urkel d pheno right behind on left is another urkel ML c pheno all 3 placed in cab on 4-3, right of pheno C is a grape krush right of it is a shack was gonna be a 3rd bonsai where placed in cab on 3-29. the 6 plants up front and 1 in rear are in 2 liter soda bottels the gk is in 1 gal bag the rear shack is in 8x8x8 inch container.

top view

oops the next run in my small rubbermaid DYI bubbler holds 15 cuts nicely lost 2 waitn for the other 2 GK to root better then all into soil !!.

heres 5 shack from a 2nd run in my 1st coffe can bubbler

205 w in mixed color cfl's above
look at this nasty fat ass main GK cola that started flowering 3-29 just frickn crazy man crazy. but like my nephew says she dosent like to pack on trics like the rest of the garden but none the less when rubbed smells like grape candy

heres some mumble jumble of few tops on the rear shack i had to crush and bend lol now these have trics like snow covered mtns.

heres the ML's mostly main tops up front is the straw d B pheno pheno C and B where in taste strictly outta this world fruity. these 3 ML's where placed in 4-3 to flower and the main top on B is :woohoo: :woohoo: crazy big

2 random of the rear shack in the 8x8x8 inch container trics a crazy

thats about it in the garden this wk :lurk: :lurk:
so go ahead and sit back enjoy the music and take few bong hits :joint:
Hey Maj plants looking great I love those roots on those clones. Do you use a heating pad under it and just a tupperware with a bubbler??


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
InNvBoarder said:
Hey Maj plants looking great I love those roots on those clones. Do you use a heating pad under it and just a tupperware with a bubbler??
hey buddy how ya doing thx i havent used the heat pad under the bubbler yet weather down here is tad warmer, if my temps where under 60 yes i would use the heat pad. i took 12 ML cuts 4-7 and 3 grape krush 2-3 days later, ive lost 1 D urkel pheno wilted up and will possibly loose a C urkel pheno also wilted messedup leaves but root growth. the 3 cuts across front label side are GK's the rest are the ML's left to right B,C,D phenos. this DYI bubbler is just a smaller rubbermaid container holds approx 1 gal water i drilled 15 - 1/2 inch holes in lid then inserted stryofoam into holes to hold cuts, seems to work nicely. i punched a hole into top for a T fitting my current air difusers need replacing thier kinda cloged but work ok for now. my solution is a dash of liquide karma 1tsp, diamond necture 1/2tsp, PBP grow 1/2tsp, calmag + 1tsp per gal water then PH'd @ 6.5. i honestly just added water today since i placed these current cuts in :) i've done nothing else but every other day check them and stir the nute solution up some. that nute solution seems to like to settle to bottom hum, this little DYI bubbler give me 98-100% sucess rate for clones rooting. i could honestly plant all but 2 of the GK's right now and have 100% sucess rate there. but i'll wait for them 2 GK's roots to fill in better then plant all in soil same day, lol ive been thinking maybe run thses 14 in the cab take another 15 cuts from the bonsai shack and root them for a run under the old 400w hps thats coming back unsure how i'll do this. if im unable to run both 400's in the cab i'll run 1 in cab 1 in the veg side of closet and flip flop the lighting cycle. cab would run from 6pm-6am closet would run 6:05am - 5:55pm give the circut breaker a 5min cool down lmao. a run like this would allow for more plants and for me to keep my bonsai she's my 1st and i cant just grow her out, if i can keep her going forever i will


Grower of fine herbs...
Hey Maj,

thats a nice little bubbler that you got there, 15 sites was the exact size that i was planning on making. What size is your rubbermaid that they are in? I plan on taking 10+ cuts from my burmese delight in the next 3-4 days, im excited to give cloning my first try. That idea of running two lights on alternating cycles sounds cool, i was thinking of doing somthing like that with a light rail that runs through both side by side grow areas with 1 400. but thats only an idea. But i mean if you got 24 hours in a day why not use em all right?? well hope your doing well, best of luck.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
hey maj.
the cab looks great today... so do those cuts!! wow the DIY bubbler workin wonders for you im glad. i regret spending 100 plus dollars on my DIY aero that i still am not using. ill try it soon but that bubbler you got rocks man! yeah the GK lacks trics, but mine is developing them now, so i expect yours to as well in the next week. my gk trics are reminding me of the shack at day 10-15. way behind. it has got to be a lengthy strain to flower out right. well NEways maj everything is great on your end. see you today! peace
Grow safe
ps. heres my gk colas.. i think yours is taller!!



End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
right on hey core how ya doing buddy :joint: puff puff passn :wave:

well today i placed the cuts from the bubbler into soil of 15 cuts 14 made it and rooted 99% sucess rate :joint: like that next is to take 15 cuts from the bonsai shack tomarrow and place in the bubbler. if i do it correct and right size i should be abel to stick 15 1 gal bags under each 400w hps. with the shack and grape krush i can pull 1 oz each 1 gal bag, i'm sure i can with the Memory loss also. the ML straw d pheno nugs for 23 days 12/12 are frickn huge between the shack and GK's main in size B is a definite keeper for weight and taste cant forget that lol. the tric production is right along the line as the shacks hella trics GJ bro :woohoo:

LOL ohhh yea i added DYI Co2 what i done was take 2 - 2 liter soda bottles mtn dew because of the green color, added 1/2 bottle of warm water 1 cup of plain sugar 1 pack of bread yeast. i allready had 1/2 inch holes in the lids so i took some clear hose approx 1ft placed a straw inside, and whalla. i remove the hose setup place thumb over hole and shake the bottle release the busrt then replace hose and set on cabs floor. the total height placed the Co2 at mid plant it drifts down then is drawn by 3 inch fans on cabs floor and blowen across the plants upward across the doors. hopefully this will give me 7-10 days of shake for Co2 lol then replace the solution :yummy:


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
n/p Q funny ya asked i just took few pics and the Co2 is there

hey all :wave: here's a few quick pics the 14 cuts just placed in soil

theres 3 grape krush 4 ML straw d B pheno's 4 urkel C phenos 3 urkel D phenos just before thier 1st watering :yoinks:
next up my little 15 site rubbermaid bubbler and the shack bonsai mum that will donate 15 cuts shortly lol.

few quick peeks inside the cab 7 2 liter soda bottles 1 - 1 gal bag 1 8x8x8 inch square pot. across front right to left 4 shack's 1 ML straw d pheno left to right back 2 ML urkel phenos c/d 1 grape krush had to crush inner main stem and bend over last night to close to lightdidnt want to raise it lol.

the GK's main upper lays towards the left rear from center approx 10 inch long that will fatten up like mad dogs now :woohoo:
last but not least my DYI 2 liter soda bottle Co2 containers after just shaken up, notice the blk and red small fans in front the bottels go directly behind the fans the straws point towards the side walls kinda. this should work nicely in this cab every 7-10 days just change out the solution with fresh brew.

yes theres alot of wasted space because of the different stages of flowering and containers my plants are in but rest assured i could fit 20 1 gal bags n/p and have 1 Co2 bottel in each corner had 10 2 gal bags 1st run in the cab with space around each bag. 14 1 gal bags will be the next full run with a Co2 bottel in each corner for that, then the 15 shack cuts in the closet the cab is in running day times. gonna get real fun in the next 1-1.5 months ohh yeaa :yummy:
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My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
Hey maj. i wanted to show youand QWERTY what my DIY co2 bottle looks like
i use a 2liter bottle fill with 2 cups sugar and 1 tbs active baking yeast and add 3/4 full warm but not to warm water and shake vigorously until disolved. i then add the water bottle to act as an overflow when i shake charge it( cap waterbottle,shake and uncap) and it also lets me know when co2 production stops. mine lasts 5 days at levels i want and a few more days at less desirable levels. hope this helps !! oh and i run four bottles in a 6x5 room.
and everything still looks great over your way MAJ.

buzzed day

hello maj. everything looks real good as always!!!! hope life is good.just posted some in 400 watt club of last grow before i shut down awhile ago.man i miss it peace

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