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Memory Loss


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
thx BD hope your back up grown soon

hey scrappy glad ya like my 1st bonsai i'm glad i took the time to read and do to learn how to bonsai.

well today i took 2 cuts each from 3 of the 5 rooted clones and 9 from the bonsai mum for 15 total. if i'm allowed to stay where i'm at this is how i'll run from now on 2 flower ereas running like i mentioned allready, if i end up having to move in sept. then this will be a 1 time run of 29 plants on flip flop lighting 1 400w then the other lol.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
thx NT glad to have ya back around buddy srry about your recent loss of cut's hopefully you'll be abel to get more from the nice clone gods :)

2 quick pics heres the 15 shack cuts taken eailier today

they look nice and happy there 54 w in fluros approx 14-15 inch above them the mum trimmed back very little.

heres 1 of the 5 shack cuts i performed FIM on easy peasy simple dimple man lmao. all i do is grab the very top tip growth and gather between thumb and forefinger. then place sissors under finger drag up gently some then snip, leaving 10-15% of the growth shoot intact. now i'll just sit back and enjoy the fruits of this labor of love :yummy:

ive done single FIM and multi FIM and love the results every time each way, now by multi FIM i mean i'll either FIM all growth shoots on the plant, or i'll 2-3 time's FIM the main top this is these plants 1st FIM they may just need 2-3 more before i have room in the cab. usally when i FIM the plants the main growth shoot slows way way down in growing 2-3 days allow's lowers to catch up helps for nice even canopy. but after 2-3 days the FIM branchs or main top grows as per what normal is, when FIM is done 1-3 sets of leaves will grow out funky looking because they where cut. afterwards the leaves grow prim and proper :) :joint: puff puff passn to all my internet friends


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
:chin: how dose blueberrry kush sound lol scored 4 nice cuts tonight thx bro :yummy: removed 4 shack cuts from the bubbler and placed the 4 blueberrry kush cuts in place the 4 shacks are in a bowl for now. guess tommarow i'll carefully remove the cuts from the bubbler and add 10 more holes for a small 25 site bubbler :woohoo: blueberrry kush,blueberrry kush gonna grow some blueberrry kush lmao. guess that'll run 70-75 days eh 4 dank ass strains going JA i sure pray things on the home front go back to the original plans pls this little girl my sons wife sure mucked up things for me. but i still must plan in case i must move in sept


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
F that bitch MAJ! glad you like the cuts............. the widow is in our future.............eeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!
J/K i know you always wanted it and i got word so ill authenticate and we'll duplicate and it'll reciprocrate and you can get baked. wow that line had me feeling like johnny cockran......if the glove dont fit, you must aquit! haha
SIR :joint:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Congrats on the new cuts there Maj. :yes: Sounds delicious :yummy: I'd be excited too if I were you!

Great flouro setup you got goin on now...The fun of the grow never ends.

Keep on keepin on buddy :lurk:

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya Major :wave:
Man - you work fast dude! Props on your bonsai technique - you've got it down bro - gorgeous work. You sure scored some primo genetics - and look at all those shack-a-delic cuts :yes: The future is looking mighty green and dank for you my friend!


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
lol herd that nephew again thx hey before buying them WW cuts show these ppl our grows here @ icmag and what we have to trade. honestly the WW i smoked that 1 time was along par with the shack and ML's we have growing now :) worth a try

thx TML yes stoked is an understatement lol i just hope the stretch wont be bad would love to see stretch like from what i'm allready grown. then they'll fit nicely into my little OP lol

and my good friend MGJ hey buddy :wave: lol yes i must work fast you wouldnt believe what it takes to move locally where i live. so yes hopefully my future will be mighty green

heres 2 pics of the new additions to the garden 3 cuts across the front row and 1 2nd row center are the blueberry kush cuts much lighter green. unsure if that from grown up outside or genitics i'll find out. unsure the total story behind these but something like duder was gifted the cuts he grew them out 1 hermied. now i believe he grew the hermi seed out this spring in back yd these are unsexed as of now but nodes where alternating wish i could have seen the donor plants lol. so fingers crossed and prayn to JA for all girls and no heshe's lmao

ahhhhhhhhh time to burn a bowl


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
little quicky few pics everything's doing nice the Memory Loss is really starting to pack on the weight.whole cab shot

left side is the straw d pheno ML the ML's are at 30 days of 12/12 in the left rear is a urkel pheno ML center is the grape krush main top bent over frickn huge but no real tric production compared to the shack rear right oreven the ML's. guess the GK pheno i kept dosent produce the trics alot unsure, maybe the trics will explode during the last 2wks :chin:

another shot of the GK's main but front is a shack at 13 days 12/12 look at the nice top forming allready

an above shot of the whole cab

a closeup of the GK's main :yoinks: should weight around 10-12 grams dry last 1 i had like this was 10 g dry

and thats only 37 days 12/12 i can make her produce decent weight in a 1 gal bag but the trics arghhhhhh. i have 3 more cuts rooted in soil i'll run them out faze her out, Jaws if ya still want that let me know and when i flower the last 3 i'll take cuts for ya. 1 thing i can say is during veg ya know she's from the blue family ehr leaves have a blue hint in them different then the shacks color and ML's

the mum and cuts in the bubbler lost the 4 shack i removed for the BBKush cuts, them 4 BBKush cuts are lighter green then my other's but still alive lol

my 5 shacks waiting on the sidelines for room

the next full cab run 11 ML's 3 GK's

the cuts currently in the bubbler will be the run for the 2nd 400w hps, brb have to water the cabs plants then i'll make the rounds on my friends threads
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Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya Major :wave:
You sure are doing it right by the ML - those ladies are looking saweet! And no sheyut, that Gk is a big girl :yoinks: she might surprise you later - I've had girls really turn on crystal production the last couple weeks, betcha your GK is similar. Nice shacks too! Love the whole cab shot - field of dreams, field of love! :canabis:
Hey Maj major props to the big N for cumin up on those BBKush huh!! I guess dudes old lady plucked them all out after he got the cuts lol Anyways your cab as always is looking great!! Thats awesome you got a new strain to add !!! All the luck my friend!


Looks great major! GK looks like a yielded :D got to admit that if its anything like the name it sounds great. The next round sounds great too!




hello Maj :joint:
damn bro you truely do like those ML's huhh :woohoo: very cool indeed..

ummm well shit if the GK does not put out that much resin :chin: maybe not then, ahhh hows the BBkush do in the resin content??...

i guess you never did get the others you were waiting for huhh, some you win some ya dont :chin: ....

i got kush out my ass right now with another type round in the works for the next run, need something with the sfv kick but with the abusive yield :chin:


this is going to be some kick ass smoke for sure...

looking forward to YOU running the next round of my work, they should be some wickness in them somewhere!!!!!
peace brother :joint: :joint:

sfv x white mustang!!



End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
thx MGJ glad ya think them ML's are doing nice for 30 days i'm very pleased after all they are in 2 liter soda bottels. that GK yes she has a very very nice yield potentional huge thick buds 4sure. tonight i inspected it with 10x jewelers eye trics are there but not like the shack or ML thats for sure, but when she {gk} is squeezed the sweet smell of like grape candy. you would really need to smell it to fully understand, i'll try n let her run untill the last plant in cab. so if i pull her 5th of next month she'll be 68 days the shacks i pull in mid 50's thats a very nice high med - strong type sit to long you'll veg lmao.

hey INB hope ya get around this mess n/p yes the BBKush sounds nice i'll see thats for sure.

hey Niel thx for popn in yes the GK taste just like grape candy when dried and cured properly, i can squeeze a nug gently and smell grap candy.

hey Jaws honestly yes these ML's are very nice indeed taste and high, the 1's i picked early last round no1 outside of Sir lol would have knowen they where picked way early. high was much better then reg and taste for 35-36 days on the 1st plant was amazing. i'll for sure tryn bonsai the B plant straw d pheno and C plant urkel pheno i'll just take cuts before flowern as to keep that taste around for hopefully long long time. as for the BBKush they are still cuts awaitn roots in the bubbler the pic above the 1st front row of 3 and 2nd row middle 2nd are the 4 BBK's rest in the bubbler are shacks for sure dif in color. as for the GK's trics i seen some under my 10x loop but still small compared to the shacks and ML's. yea as for the other cuts from my other friend not yet he has been busy he's the 1 im borrowing the 400w from again. his company put dam GPS chit on his work van so now he cant do a job in 5 min's then come over get high and hang out for few hrs :yoinks:. so next weekend hopefully i'll do the 1.5 hr drive to his house and get the light the cuts are here in town.

2 macro's shacks 38 days 12/12

1 ML straw d pheno 31 days 12/12

i couldnt zoom in on the GK or i would have, Sir tells me the cut i have been running has less leaf to flower ratio then the cuts i gave him hum :chin: crazy.

it would be great to have chance to grow something else ya crossed the ML's have been pure pleasure

them bubbas look real nice and sfv x white mustang better tie yourself into the saddle eh lol :yummy:.
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End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
was gonna trim and whack my mum today bout

boy oh boy oh boy oh boy what a fn morning lmao

got a very interesting phone call this morning was from a man from where my new daughter in law is from :chin: very very interesting indeed. seems this little girl has kept in contact with her ex from where she's from she came her preggo. :yoinks: :yoinks: :yoinks: yepper thats right folks didnt stutter lmao preggo had an abortain 1 wk after she married my son. that explains why she's bleed for approx 7wks and refuses to go get looked at. this person says soon as she has green card in hand she's leavn my boy , lmao she sure is but no the way she thinks lmao. what a frickn bomb to be dropped eh ive talked to my brother and told him we need to get together and talk tonight WoW this chit happens to be just what i've figured the whole fricken time. the nerve of her :chin: :chin: bye bye byatch :moon: :wave: :dueling: mess with the best pile up like the rest


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
ohw man so your son married her and did't know she woz pregnant?
awefull story imo...and just 2 take advantage for staying in US...:nono:

verry low...


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
herd that core herd that lol hopefully my son dosent have the blinders on but me thinks he dose. all i know is a total stranger called me this morning from approx 8 thousand miles away and told me everything i've been thinking and sayn since she got off the plane. coninsodence i think not the man upstairs works in mysterious ways :woohoo: .

well all i shave and haircut my bonsai today last time she was done was
outta pot 1st bottom cut

then i flip to rightside up and make the rest of the cuts

repotted happy as can be nooooooo stress

after her haircut just little off the top here and there lol

well another trim job on the mum she looks soo good healthy and harty :woohoo:
thankyou JA for you have truely blessed my grow


:yummy: Nice cab full of ML's Major!!!!! :woohoo: You got some skills!!!!

F that biatch!!!! Kick her ass to the curb where she belongs!!!!!



End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
thx bro i'm just tryn to follow the fine example that all the older member's here have set so many fine fine growers here you being 1 of them. yes ifn i could she would be back on the next plane back home not the curb here. thats too good for her, she needs the humility of her failures here in america that will come from her own ppl he he. but for now my son is fricken blinded he dosent wanna believe any of it. so i wash my hands of it and shall be here when he crashes to earth i love my son as if he where my own flesh and blood i'm his step dad. but he considers me his dad and i him my son, all i know is duder who called me thx now i know im not trippn lol, and know i still can read ppl like a book lmao. i have another son my biological son and love him equally and can even say i love my younger sons girlfriend like a daughter, been raising her for last 3 almost 4 yrs lol. her parents are gangbangers dad locked up for meth chit so here she stays quite happy and safe. her family men have ingelwood tattooed on the stomach im not affialated with any gangs but do have few biker friends 1 who is a hells angel but dosent do meetings anymore lol. duder is 44 my age and wants his life back lol and they've given it back to him n/p alive and well lol.

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