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Memory Loss

Nice bonzai you got there Maj!~ Im in the middle of renters hell but in like 2 weeks it will all be ok and I can get me a mommy going! Did you make that one you got out of a clone, or from bean?


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
InNvBoarder said:
Nice bonzai you got there Maj!~ Im in the middle of renters hell but in like 2 weeks it will all be ok and I can get me a mommy going! Did you make that one you got out of a clone, or from bean?

thx bro i'll be going through a refiance inspection lol not gettn in my room they can have the messurements but thats it. rest of the house and property will be tip top shape.

ahhh she was taken as a cut 6-6-06- lol 3wks into flower took 6 wks to revert and root fully this is her 3rd shave and cut lol. the pics show how ive done her everytime and she just loves it lol i have a perspective memory loss bonsai mum straw d pheno. i'm gonna start her training real soon this cut is very strong so it will become my new bonsai mum of another strain memory loss. i'll keep the better urkel pheno by taken cuts before every round of flowering.

i have some roots allready in the bubbler yeaa cut put in 4-29 the BBKush was few days after, 1 bbk and 5 shacks have roots startn yesssssss :yummy:


Hiya Maj how ya doin friend :wave:
Thats neat how ya cut the roots back on the bonsi mom, very cool.
Hope everything works out with your sons wife and she bails back to where she came from, dont know how young yur kid is but most all of us wore blinders when we were young, hell I knew more than my dad didnt you :pointlaug
good luck man,

70s :joint:


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
hey 70's how ya doing buddy i'm doing fine now lol i was like soooo scared to cut them roots like that the very 1st time. he he now it's like second nature
thx to G for saving the bonsai mum thread and posting here and now tis a sticky for indoor grows

http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=31919 very very good reading for any1 who hasnt yet, course i've altered the tutorial for my needs but i still follow the basic guideline's of the tutorial.

lol on my son he's 27 and must learn this lesson his way, like i said allready we me and mom and family shall be here when he falls. she has convinced him this caller has been tryn to ruin her life here so she gets sent back because she left this person back home. my wife traced his IP holy crack monkey batman this caller is another countrys millatry police lmao she admitted to dating a cop back home chit chit. told my wife wish i could have recorded the call because this person told me almost word for word, what ive been sayn and believing since she got off the dang plane . talk about coinsodence hummmmmmm i dont think so espcially when i found out she has been bleeding for 5 wks 2 wks ago nowshe has stopped and told my boy it was culture shock and nerves. i say BS i am the wolf in sheeps clothing and i see right through that story. she bleed that long 1 of 2 reasons miscarriage/DNC or abortion that take 6-8 wks to healdam now im stonedbaling lol

hey guys shack turning purple in 82 degree temps lol

:yummy: :yummy: :yummy: hey Jaws ya wanted purple with a kick when ya soe the shack seed you'll have it bro whoot :yummy: :joint:

well time to roll and burn 1 with my toy french poodle she a little pothead liek to breath in my exhales


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
damn maj. we knew she couldn't be trusted. but he will have to find out the hard way unfortunately. it just sucks that the people who care the most about him see it and he continues to deny. i wish him the best and you too. just get out of that situation and it wont be a problem. do what ya gotta do man. and F HER lil ass.

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya Major :wave:
Man, you've been a busy dude - between the family adventures and your excellent grow - all I can say is - ya got a lotta juice dude! :friends:

You got a purple at 80+Degrees! :yoinks: Yowza!

Hope your son wakes up soon - but no worries about you my friend - you have plenty of medicine for attitude adjustments in your upcoming harvest! :woohoo:


Grower of fine herbs...
Fuk that broad, send her ass a packin maj. Your son will learn in time, its sad that somthings just have to be learned the hard way. shitty that it fucks up your life though. Good luck major.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
Sir yea nephew i knew that about her felt it before she left her country, yepper i am a Maj.PotHead but i know a thing or 2 about a thing or 2 still lol. as for her being a problem i pretty much ignore her i'll say hi and not much more lol.

:wave: hey MGJ i cant :wallbash: about her so i'll stay busy bee at my beloved hobby i decided she can kiss my :moon: lol i wont allow her to effect me anymore. my son had his talk with her she confessed so he has decided to say what happened happened all is forgiven BUT f with me again lie cheat and BYE BYE. anyhoo hey nephew dont say nothing about this or son wont tell mom anything else lol

yea bro purple at 82 degrees pic shows the color kinda blurred but tis there and it's onl y 40 days 12/12 in the pic she'll turn more for me. i like my shack 55 days 12/12 for me and alot of ppl i smoke it with it has 1 of 2 different highs lol. yes thats right 1/2

when 1st high do get up become active and it can be a great creative high but sit to long and ya just may say whoops 2 hrs just went by lmao.

hey NK if it was up to me buddy she would have been gone after 1st wk but tis not upto me, my son is a 27 yr old man only he can and should make any decission. gotta let him find/figure out for himself but still be in the shadows myself observing. i have my life and my grow she'll never see that and it's what nephew 20 - 25 ft from where she sleeps haaaaa ha ha ha ha :woohoo:

another BBKush has has few small roots 2 have rooted lol like shacks are rooting left and right also :woohoo:


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
dont you worry maj you secret is safe with me always....... yeah she sleeps like 2 walls away from a beautiful secret garden. some day i will have a huge pad and ill build you a room there to use. there you can water on the F'n table if you want. and smoke all the weed you want inside in AC watching tv like the old school days. until i get married of course. j/k had to say it hahaha........ yeah that is a good theory live and let live in that situation. i just can not believe his fuckin decisions to keep her around. how does he not know he is being played. he needs to grow balls IMO. that is part of being a man IMO. without her he loses nothing and with her gains much future agony.clear cut decision if you ask me. like i said in the first place if it were me it would have been ruined at the first deception.things get worse with time and no trust from the start, that is what it takes for a relationship to survive. i pray for him to change face on life. best of luck. you know you are in my prayers.
SIR :joint:


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
hey Sir right on i figured just didnt want ya to slip in front of ya know who lol then ya know who's wife would prolly have real real bad problems. i'm not supposed to know bout what small paid for to have to to her, trust me son's at the Dr for his cancer check up and he's going over everything thats happened to him so far.

yepper all my oldest is a cancer surviver <-- spell lol all i prayed for was for him to get a good woman 1 to treat him right honest some1 who would do things together like he would like. didnt never want this to happen, woulda shoulda coulda but i didnt hope i can make this mistake upto him even though it was his decision in the end yes or no he choose yes.

but hey hey hey more roots in the bubbler tray lol had to say that he he hopefully all 15 root 3 of the BBKush have


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
had nephew's digi cam tonight so here's some candy

1st up the very top of the main on the straw d pheno plant B ML
37 days 12/12

my nephew says this is how he hopes heaven smells like when he arrives lol
here's the top of the main on the urkel pheno plant C ML

now this 1 is just fruity fruit fruit lol

here's some size definition for the main cola on the Grape Krush it's 2 - 1/2 fingers wide thick and solid will cover the whole bottom of a baggie
42 days 12/12

now here's a stumper for me shack 42 days 12/12

eyes dont decieve lol seed i found 1 like peel shape of a nana that wasnt open attached to a calyx with 2 hairs the above pic is from the shack in the right rear corner. this cut isnt from my current mum it's from my 2nd binsai shack mum i made she was gonna be my 3rd attempt. now before i hear the whole cab is pollinated nope i checked then my nephew spent some time lookn harder then i did. nothing else has these seed shapes, i have 2 shack's directly underneath this plant 2.5 wks into flower buds stackn white hairs everywhere. so now i must wonder

A. did this plant herm on me if so tis 1st this has happened in the yr ive growen it.

B. are these just ovuals waitn to be pollinated if so there's alot of them on the upper parts of this plant.

C. is this the start of S1 seed ??? let them fully mature and find out what the kakapo is going on with this plant lol. like i said all the rest of the plants in the cab are clean the straw d pheno ML had permiture orange hairs last run also started around 30 days
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End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
hey all here's 3 pics of my sugar shack cuts off my 1st bonsai mum she has allways given me perfect cuts these have been FIM'd 2 times in the last 2 wks. they should produce real nice when transplanted upto 1 gal grow bag for flower

nice and tight internode spacing on my cfl's and they way i use them :joint:


Those look really good major! The ml and gk look great i can almost smell those over here.


Pass That S**t!

DAAAMMN!!! :jawdrop: I'm totally speechless! :yes:


hello Maj :joint: :joint:
hey buddy very nice my friend, i'll be getting around to dropping a few SS myself here.....

umm do you sugest topping and/or lst these SS or can they been grown straight up??....

the last couple grows have been topped kinda wanting to get back to a main cola grow, but if they do better topped then it will be a topped grow once again....

i think the chems need top as well, not sure about this chemdawg x sour diesel :yoinks: will see i guess.......
peace bro :joint:


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
hey Don yea herd that CFL's really geta bad rap until ppl use them and find out WoW lol

hey neil thx for the props

hey Pontaic thx yes the straw d pheno of the ML is really amazing about same stature of the shack :) by the time that plant is ready for harvest them hairs will be a sweet cinamon color abd double the trics :). lol i'm with my nephew except if heaven could smell like my cab dose right now he he.

hey Jaws thank you my friend i kinda messed up well didnt want to mix nutes in front of my sons wife and check PH :( but they are still doing very nice and packn on the weight. but this next run i'll have 12 ML's in a run and i'll run them perfect this run everything have some burnt spotted leaves from PH being off. havent used the meter in 1.5 months got calibrated the other day. and from now on i'll mix nutes in the bedroom and adjust in bathroom lol she wont even know and if notices wont know for what.

now bro on the subject of the sugar shack in soil i think i've done everything from FIM, mutli FIM, LST, LSTand FIM combined supercropbend whip lol but never just topped alone. here's a few pic's from the few runs last yr

heres the cab just after 10 plants in 2 gal bags where scrogged 20 days in flower
heres the end of that run 300 grams crispy dry
heres what bad fftb done but there a stander and LST'r side by side in 6 gal containers
the stander before chop
the LST'd before chop
the main stem of LST'r
both plants combined produced 133 grams dry and that was with sick plants from bad ferts

last sept i placed few cuts outside in ground

i had 3 cuts in the ground and the plant that sexed 1st when seed planted outback and pulled 5 oz dry :). also the plants in ground where multi fim'd most of the tops on most branchs where done was experimenting lol.
honestly i think FIM and maybe pinch the main stem during early flower and again mid way through to just produce nicely. them babies up above in the pic group of 5 where double FIM'd just stout and bushy they go into 1 gal bags tonight or tomarrow. i feed them same things and way i feed all the plants in the cab :)


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
right on unc. that pic we snapped of the ML is pretty damn nice. i said that they smell absolutely divine. they smell like cured strawberry coughwith a hint of a tropical twist. i cant wait for mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SIR :joint:


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
oh and jaws, so far i love the results if you fim & lst, then about day 25 or so begin supercropping everything.... this plant responds rediculously well to SC. SC them and let them knot up and do it again if you want. this
to this

they are still getting fatter everyday and the SC definately made a differance i think twenty or twentyfive days passed between these pics
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