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Memory Loss


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
the gdp ladies look awesome. the biggest one was topped and cloning it now and the others are smaller but catching up. the topped one is branching pretty nicely. they are all in flower now. look really healthy and all that hoop la. maj has his shit down as long as he aint gotta move round in middle of a flower session(haha) he has dropped the light recently so the girl get a fair chance at catching that light. could still lower a little but will be fine as they grow to it some. maj im gonna need to get my bubblercloners runnin again so i have rooted clones when i move. i think ill cut back ntirely the SS mom and all tops of ml mom, but ill worrry bout that when i come by next. i need to build a tubbler to veg them in net pots after the cloner i can use my rezs since i need to purchase larger ones to accomidate my larger dwc build. 3 buckts is now 12 buckets. i have a propump@500gph. you think thatll work you guys. i need to see whats up. well back to building my cab i go. peace fellas and maj thanks again for taking such great care of my mothers for me.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
hey INB them GDP's are fine 1 female was toped and cloned other 2 arent sexn yet, thier in flower now.

hey BD thx buddy

hey VT welcome to the show

n/p Sir

well heres a few pics the decaps are startn to pack on the weight everything was mostly placed in 9-14 the lavender 1wk before

look directly in closet

3 decaps next to wall

2 whirlybirds and a lavender

blueberry kush main tops @ 104 days 12/12

back wall lavender ML strawd pheno lavender and assorted ML strawd's and shacks



End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
hey hazy really couldnt tell ya its my 19yr olds AX but know he has a jackson professional and bc rich platinum :)


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
heres a few bonsai mum in training

1 each sugar shack in bottle for Sir
1 each memoryloss strawd pheno in bottle for me
1 each lavender in 3x3x3 container for me
1 each memoryloss strawd pheno in 3x3x3 for Sir

heres a lavender main top 30days into flower

a strawd pheno ML 2wks in flower

a decapation main top 2wks in flower

wish i would have cloned the decaps lol oh well live n learn, the clones of the whirlybird i took 5 of 6 rooted and where planted in 12 days :headbange.

my males i'm ashamed to say i killed the decap i removed all his balls unsure if that pollen will be any good. the whirlybird male is doing so so thing is i figured just window light would be fine ohhhh nooooooo. the decap pretty much consumed itself the wb started but i think he was saved arghhhhhhh. guess not time for males yet :spank:
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Grower of fine herbs...
Hey there Maj..

Everything looks kick ass around here as usual:headbang: that BBK is one crazy bitch, 104 days flower... is there an end in sight???? I hope shes worth the wait. Your straw D ML pheno sure packs on the buds fast, Im sure excited to see what the decaps and whirly birds have in store for you. Keep up the great work like i know you will. Peace my :friends:

-N.Kron :rasta:
I can hardly wait to see your operation Maj. What a great set up you have. I love the TLC you put into your ladies and guys, now! lol Good luck bro cant wait to get down there! See ya soon hopefully


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
hey all thx :)

INB unsure how much longer i'll be at this local, things just arent working out very good like it's all been in vain. so if i move i'll just grow for me my fault no1 elses thats for sure


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
hope all is well at you're house Maj...:smile: and nice score on the materials....good work Sir ...
Nway this don't seem 2 stop ariound here...and i'm liking it..had 2 track back a bit ...but i see its all cool inhere ...
ohw and Maj you gonne move house again?

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Maj.PotHead said:
...unsure how much longer i'll be at this local, things just arent working out very good like it's all been in vain...

Man, I'm so sorry to hear that! You just moved :frown:... Like always I love what you're doin with your plants, and I'll keep my fingers crossed that the home situation sorts itself out quickly. Be safe be happy my friend...:friends:


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
thx every1 lately i've been doing things for all the wrong reasons i guess before i bumped up my grown there was a mission. mission was to save a house which i no longer live in hell couldnt afford 2700 month anyways. anyhow before i bumped up i consulted asked for help assumed i had it, was even brough another 400w for the purpose. :( oh well live and learn back to work for this lazy a$$ hippy havent worked since 01. things allways seemed to come together when needed before i just bit off more then i can handel esp when i cant really unload what i've done. again i have 66 plants 31 in veg 3 mums 32 in flower trust me in soil thats like a full time job itself. so time to go back to work and drop back down to whatever my 400w hps can handel, maybe i'll replace the 400 with a 600w hps. then i'll be back on my original plan grow for me maybe get lucky and breed a little maybe even after 5-10 yrs have my own strain i've crossed and stabilized. afterall thats why i started to grow to stop buyn it then maybe 1 day form a coop amoungest the older safer growers where i live. after all i'm no kid 44 be 45 in jan only arrest was for traffic warrents i turned myself in on ,outside of when i was 19 and got a DUI. so most of my adult life i've been clean my last ticket was in 1997 trust me i've lived very dangours in my town. i'll be around here for as long as this place allows me lol but i'm just dropn back to my original plan small for me and breed.

theres no hard angery feelings just depressed i allowed my family of 5 along with 5 pets to get between a rock and hard spot. twice in 4 months thats not good or like me i've allways been abel to take care of what needs to be thats 1 reason why ive been married 20yrs.
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Hey Major...I just went through the moving to save my ass deal too, lol! $2700/mo is CRAZY man! Sounds like one of the adjustable rate mortgages that are screwing everyone and their brother. I almost jumped on a mortgage about 1yr. ago and I'm SO glad I didn't because I'd be hurting bad now.

Oh well....so, we're a lot alike. I started growing to stop buying also. Although I use cannabis for religious purposes, I don't see it as a party favor, so it means even more to me not to have to buy it on the black market. On the large family...I've got 5 kids and Theo.....(the old lady, lol) to take care of and medical conditions have me sitting on my ass at 31 yrs old. I'd give anything to get back to work again. I can make all the bills in a week instead of theo struggling all month long to make them.

As long as there is still good cannabis and good spirits though mate, all is well! :wave:


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
hey S2D yea that payment is crazy thats another story lol not my house my eldest's son's he was screwed no lubercation not even a kiss. but again if he would have listened to his ole man he wouldnt have been surprised what he gets for trustn his ex box/supposedly friend. told him dont sign the 50 grand worth of insurance checks over its the last you'll ever see the money. sure enough my kid was put into a 286k home with 10k down far as i know rest was a ARM. 50 grand not 10 was to be put down on the home his exboss/friend burned him badlylast yr house payment was 2300 this yr house payment 2700 next april 3000 yr afterwards 3300 then he could refi rotflol.now because monkeybor his exboss payed the bills he/we where unaware last wk i drove along side him and 1 of his 80k mercedes he was lucky my 60 yr old bro inlaw was with me but i did warn him. 1 day i'll be alone !!!, see i figure my brake will fail when im behind him i have a 1964 ford F100 4x4 my front bumper would run over his trunk and take out his rear window lmao oops brakes failed ocifer :headbange. he is also a wise guy wanna be except 1 thing he is jewish and they dont become made men!! they get used like dogs untill thier use is over lmao !!

hey GS hope ya like these new pics :wave:

heres my 3 GPD bagseed girls was gifted 4 seed all sprouted 1 didnt go past the sprout stage really was just hangn in there. felt sorry for it and layed it to rest lol. GPD in 1 gal bag has been toped other 2 in soda bottles havent.

heres the whirlybird [cherry ak fm x strawd m] 1 is more sative at almost 5ft off the ground i took 3 clones from each WB i'll keep 1 of the shorter phenos and Sir gets the other 5.

heres the decapation [bubba kush fm x white mustang m] white mustang i believe is [ west coast chemdog fm x bx2 or 3 m]

top view

decaps top

the above plants where transplanted into the 1 gal bags on 8-30
heres the memory loss strawberry desiel pheno the taller plants where TP'd on 8-30 the shorter on 9-12

all plants where placed into flower 9-14 theres 5 sugar shack in 1 gal grow bags not pictured and some in 2 liter soda bottles. the tensy weeny itsy bitsy in front was a just established ML strawd pheno clone put into a small bonsai tree container and flowered just for fun. i'll roll a dutch tulip with her :headbange my lavender are doing very nice also. if this run keeps going as is i should get very close to 2 lbs oh yea checked the BBK's trics mostly clear lmao shes only 109 days 12/12 now


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
Ding Ding School is in session this is a shout out for all newbs

every1 who has been following my grows since i've been here knows i mark all my plants. i mark the name date it was cut or planted cross off old date put new date when transplanted. this is so i dont mix any of the 7-8 strains i have growing, also lets me closely watch the progress of my plants between transplants also lets me know most important the name of strain and when i started flowering. well shortly after my move in july Sirsmokealot had a falling out with his grow partner so over comes 7 unmarked plants and alot of his equipment which is n/p i am his uncle. ok i questioned why they wernt marked esp the clones of strains i gave him guess he didnt feel the need to mark them. man wish you would have guess what :bashhead: :bashhead: if you even had memoryloss strawd pheno ya gave it away when ya traded the plant and clones for that quarter pound. i have a closet full of sugar shack thank god and JA i was smart enough to take cuts from the last strawd ML's i had flowering. and thank god and JA sister Teresa had enough foresight to gift me strawd pheno ML pollen i got so fn lucky when i dusted the pollen on the plant i did. i have 5 strawd pheno ML's in 1 gal bags and 2 in 2 liter soda bottles so let this serve as a lesson not for me i know better but for the newbs who dont mark your plants and date them. keeps the land of confussion out of your garden. during certin stages of veg the sugar shack and strawd pheno ML is very very very hard to tell apart only in flowering can they bee seen the differances that is.

so heres the strawberry desiel pheno MemoryLoss i have in flower at 3 wks flowering since 9-14

again thanakyou so very very much Teresa ya saved my but on this strain, i'm confident i'll wind up with some killa strawd phenos from the pollen ya gifted me :headbange you rock girl :rasta:


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
i only traded 30-40cuts remember(and only got 2zips). there is a ml strraw d mom there for sure i did not have to mark it .it was the only non shack i had(besides ron). it is obviosly a ml not to mention before i trans up to the bigger grow bag it was marked:). so i know for sure. i have pics of it when it was little still . still same plant you got. dont know how you aare confused. i know it is ML for sure.
i will show you when i come by


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me

the ml mom you have. this is her when young. unmistakeable and i kept it til now and you got it right now. maybe you should sniff again haha. i know for sure what i gave you and what you have of mine. trust me


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
no confussion bro havent flowered anything from that plant yet untill now, when ya brought them over i said kool. remember i took 10 cuts from it and 5 from your shack mum. you'll see and smell, me and the kids smelled the leaves to be 100% sure only strawberry smelln 1's i have are in the above pic cuts i took from them 3 large plants i finished here. remember you wound up with the finished bud :) i kept the half 2 liter bottle plant you got the larger :). them plants i took the cuts from are now in the above pic. anyways this is just a warning for all newbs who wish to run more then 1 strain not directed in anyway. lol thought i was gonna wind up with 3/4-1 lb of strawd pheno ML nope most of the crop is sugar shack thats not a bad thing seeing i like the shack. the cuts in the above pic where taken just before we took cuts from the urkel pheno plant C i had a few lowers grow back out so i said ok clone your a$$ lol.


Active member
i dig, major. i was planting a rooted clone and saw it wasn't marked. :bashhead:
i'll flower it out, but it's out of the running for a mom, 'cause i don't know what it is.
saw another unmarked cut in the bubbler tonight. :bashhead:
i usually mark - strain, plant date, sometimes flower time and or appx harvest date...
and clones i always, well almost always, write down cut date and strain.
helps keep the confusion down.