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Memory Loss


Well, i decided to start the last 4 ml beans i have and i ended up with one female 12/12 from seed. I had a gorgeous plant show male and i wish i got some nut from him but have no space for it. I have some pics of the first grow of her somewhere but never got dried shots...this one smells like the gypsy gum i had before..very fruity mango-ish type smell...it seems the less mainstream breeders put out excellent unique crosses...



End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
thx BD

hey Rev welcome to the fun glad ya got some of the memoryloss, also sounds like the pheno you have is like my urkel pheno plant C. bet she'll purple up nice for ya later in flower from about 45-50 days onward. of my 5 seed 4 sprouted all female 2 urkel pheno's with plant C being the faster vegger plant D was slow to flower but cought up in the end. plants A/B where strawberry desiel phenos with plant B the stronger smelling and in taste. during my move in july i had lost all my fresh cuts from plant c/b my nephew had a plant C cut i gave him so after it was in flower i took some cuts. now most of then cuts have reverted to veg now took 9wks lmao so that pheno wasnt lost for me. plant B almost was the strawberry desiel pheno i took some cuts from the last 3 i had in flower after i moved. or it would be lost although them plant B cut are in flower, i was gifted some memory loss strawberry desiel male pollen which i dusted 1 of my 7 strawd phenos left. i should have viable seed and should hopefully get another PLant B like i lost :(. i was also gifted some memory loss F2's so i could be blessed there also he he

hey scrappy just tryn to keep up ya know with every1's wonderful gardens here i do believe after the 1st of the yr i'll start
Bogs Rainbow
Post Master
along with
Bite Me
Mississippi Mud

and of course if my seed turn out few of them and the memory Loss F2's, next yr will mainly be seed runs i'll be searching for them killer tastes and high's. of course sugar shack will be the staple and lavender and decapation and whirly bird and whatever else will have a few in bottles lol. i'm gonna need a new carbon scrubber the 1 i got last october i think has about had it lmao is only a little 2ft long 4inch dia inside but every now and again i catch a smell of dank either just outside or in my garage. i've got some stinky stinky stuff growing so 1 yr is good enough for the size filter and how many plants it's covered the smell for he he.


Active member
well, maj. you sure got a nice closet full. my wife says mine stinks, but i love it.
SS looks awesome. so do the rest.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
hello Hazy welcome to the fun yes the Sugar Shack is some powerful smoke 4sure and dosent yield bad either :rasta:

heres a few pics this would be night 37 since 12/12
Sugar Shack solid dense nug's

some Decapation Kush Balls lol golf ball sized now and rock hard all 3 plants main tops are 5-6 inch long and prolly 3 inch across :headbange . these girls are stayn nice and dark green so far
all 3 in front

close up of plant largest main top on left

plants main top on right

kinda below view of all 3

these Decapation's are like frost monster's :muahaha:

heres a few of the only straw d pheno memory loss cuts i took from the last 3 i flowered when i 1st moved i had a total of 8 cuts i took it seems. thier all in recycled soil was transplanted from soda bottles then flowered so they stayed like 18 inch tall currently. now thats perfect sized i have 5 in 1 gal grow bags 2 in soda bottles and 1 in mini bonsai tree container.
5 plants across bottom next to glass strawberry desiel pheno memory loss

close up of main on 1

and the cut i took after rooted placed into mini bonsai tree container LST'd allowed to establish 4 days then fliped 12/12, she sits directly under the mogul and back of bulb elevated. :headbange

i'm gonna roll 1 fat A$$ dutch tulip with this baby she's in approx 1 cup of soil :muahaha:the 2 in soda bottles are doing nice 1 was pollenated at 2 wks into flower well 12 days. i'm going to try and reveg 1 of the strawd phenos so i dont loose this excat pheno, if every1 could smell her yall would know why lmao. you would swear your smelling fresh strawberrys smoken her is strawberrys from 1st hit to last and it kinda lingers on the pallet. UMMMM UMMM

everything started off being feed indoneasion guano from 1st sign of flowers on untill i ran out lol after this run i wont run out again. every time i fert them they get
10ml liquide karma
20-25ml diamond necture
15ml sweet
15ml liquide budswell
i cut the calmag out for now because some of the plants are in recycled soil. the soil was amended with blood/bone meal and dolimite lime. few of the plants in bottles mainly showed calmag OD but they've recovered lol.

the WhirlyBird's are doing fine 1 shows more sativa in bud structure but will fill in nicely im sure its approx 5 ft tall. she also seemed to be a N hog during the stretch, another run of maybe 3/4 - full strength veg ferts for 2 wks into stretch will prevent the larger fans falln off. the more indica pheno has very nice tight bud devolopment, i'm sure another run and my theory would be proved right. also would flip the sativa pheno sooner to keep her height in check more lol.there's 3 cuts from each pheno rooted in soil i'll keep 1 of each pheno and the rest are Sir's :headbange. when a branch is rubbed theres a smell of cherry no doubt on both

my 2 lavender are just great thier 52-53 days 12/12 1 smells like fruity pebbles to me other just like heaven lol no pix of them they dont move from closet. and them i do have a few clones rooted and in soil, :headbange :headbange :friends: hope every1 has enjoyed the few pix
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buzzed day

hello maj. everything looks graet.i'm sorry but i thought you didn't use any chemicals after you mixed the soil, just water? just wondering. peace


Grower of fine herbs...
Fvck Yea Maj, damn your closet sure is bumping...

My sugar shack goes into flower as of 9 p.m. tonight, and as much as i want a lady, a boy would be a god send for all of you guys out west.. Soo in preparation for its first day of flower i will throw up some :bow: to jah for a boy to pop up... Well you keep rockin buddy, both the decaps and whirlys sound really good. I cant wait to see that sugar shack flowering though.. Peace buddy,



End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
hey BD yes i use liquide ferts the only synthitic fert i use is sweet everything else is organic and calmag+ its organic based with trace minerals

fox farm ocean forrest soil 100% organic
liquide karma 100% organic
diamond necture 100% organic
growmore seaweed extract 100% organic
pureblend pro grow 100% organic
liquide budswell 100% organic
sweet synthitic carbo boost
calmag+ organic based now with trace minerals
indoneasion guano dry form 100% organic


hey NK g/l on the flowering but i would'nt expect a male so far every seed planted and sprouted has been female every seed whoot i would say safe to say Sirsmokesalot got a batch of fem seed in dec 05. they came from the only seeded 1/2 pound all yr he went through alot of them that yr only 1 sak had seed but i'll pray for that male though g/l buddy


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
hey INB here's a few pix of my better Grandaddy Purple plant 3 are in flower but this1 showed sex before 12/12 was transplanted into 1 gal bag and toped n flowered. other 2 are in soda bottles and lookn fair lol they didnt branch she went into flower 9-24

she dose look nice and nothing blocks the bud sites she responded nice to being topped
Hey Maj!! Yeah the GDP's topp really well check out this (lady) just showed sex today. Shes going into flower Nov 1

so far both of the ones I topped responded great And they wreak!!!!


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
right on bro ujust be carefull i toped mine around 12 inch tall and now she's approx 3-4ft the 1st pic shows where i toped and how much she stretched and shes been in a sweet spot of lighting since 12/12 began.

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya Major :wave:

Dayum man! You are havin fun for sure! Hmmm - I'd like to slip that in a nice cheeze roll :biglaugh: - quite a dish of delish :yummy: You def have these girls' act down :yes: I love Budswell too - great stuff :canabis:

Great watchin ya do yer thang...


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
this thread should be called...Majors many flavours thread :biglaugh:
Nhow...did't kno you where using all organics for feedings...but it sounds expensive all those diffrent bottles....i'm actually more of a 1 bottle nute guy....lol...
Nway always a treat comming here ..:yummy:


Grower of fine herbs...
Hey there Maj,

I was wondering if i could get some information on how the SS likes to be fed in flower and how much will she stretch. I think i got her on handle right now but i just want to know what i should be looking out for with her. Thanks a lot buddy. Peace


buzzed day

sorry about that got threads mixed up,it's blaze who does just water peace


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
herd that INB lol mine at least 2.5 times its size my other 2 in bottles are suffering from calmag od lol they didnt branch none, they'll grow a single cola.

hey MGJ :wave: yes i think i'm begining to have these different strains down running mulitpul strains with different requirements is a challange. strawberrys n cheese he he i prefer dry budswell but Sirs liquide is ehre so usen that. i do miss the indoneasion guano slam lol because i started this run early with it. i ran out i started the indoneasion guano from 1st sign of little buds approx 2wks in that stuff i really like but a 1 kilo bag isnt enough for all these plants in flower lol.

hey core thought about a thread name change but sister Teresa beat me too it lol, 08 will be different name for sure. as for the ferts all but bontanicare's sweet and calmag+ is organic the ferts them selves in 1 quart bottles run 20$ average 60$ a gallon. i'm gonna have to buy a gal of sweet, liquide karma and diamond necture. i use the most outta them.

hey NK the sugar shack like her feeding's this run all the plants have been getting 3/4 to full dose of everything during flower. i start off half strength PBP grow and seaweed extract, diamond necture and sweet then bump upto full strength during veg i start off full strength liquide karma

this run i started flower off
15ml liquide karma
20ml diamond necture
15-20 ml sweet
15ml liquide budswell
started them on 1 tsp per gal soil ontop indoneasion guano then gently watered into soil every fert feeding. normally i would slam them every watering after 30days flower with the indoneasion guano but i ran out. i'll continue the gunao even after flush has started i stop guano last 2-3 waterings. i strongly believe the indoneasion guano helps to bring the taste out and heavier yield as a result. i've stoped the calmag+ this run because some plants are in recycled soil with dolimite lime in it. the calmag+ started to od them some lol

hey BD n/p


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
hey every1 well the lavender has been in the back ground of this run but the 2 i had flowering get the chop tonight @58days flower. took 2 lowers the other day and the taste is spot on to what is was 2 yrs ago fruity/fluro {flower} and the high is great also in line with the sugar shack. i do have a few clones of this and it will be around my garden for some time 4sure

sweet looking plant its close to itself stature is what i like in my garden seems very high cylx to leaf ratio. buds seem quite dense and my whole house smells from just 2 plants lol. everything else is doing just peachy creamy yepper


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
looks awesome maj. sorry i havent been by but i have been so f'n busy gettin shit taken care of and when i get free time i spend it with the lady. got a place and packed tonight. move my things in tomorrow. i am stoked as hell man. i will be by soon though if not tomorrow the mon but most likely tomorrow. i need to get started with my moms asap. i lost a week not coming by and taking them there but i am more comfortable with the commute moving 2 moms rather than 2 moms and all the cuts i can tkae


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
hey Sir :wave: right on glad you found a place i've been having major ISP problems this last week. lol i have like 70+ plants :muahaha: some are yours like the memory loss plant C some whirlybird cuts your 2 shack mums 1 bonsai shack i've been trianing for ya. been awhile cya hopefully tonight :headbange maybe some of the lavender will be ready for smoken :rasta:

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