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Memory Loss


buzzed day

man maj.once again your grow is excalent!!!!! i just cut up some haze and the buds were so sticky it just wanted to stay together. peace and have a buzzed day!


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here's 3 pics of the memory loss urkel pheno C i cut @ 45 days 12/12 i got 20 grams dry from the 2 liter bottle on a fast dry. it isnt harsh dosent really have a water taste just a smooth smooth candy taste to me and others who smoke it. in the pic is whats left of the 20 grams theres still 15 grams left :yummy: it truely is a nice plant the underside of some leaves turned a purple color @ 82-83 deg temps

:yummy: :yummy: :yummy: good for the head lol

lol thx buzz ya musta been writing when i was lol
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hello Maj :joint:
ahh looking awesome dude you did and are doing an outstanding job with that strain, i hope you enjoy the next batch as much...

remember that WHIRLY BIRD also has the straw D in its make up :yoinks:, if you choose to run the WB then theres a very good chance you can score yet another straw D pheno :chin: ......
enjoy brother :joint:

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat

Congratulations Major - OMG thats a tasty looking frosty bud!

Your garden is in overgrow mode for sure - looks huge on this end :wink: - have to say your skillz are evident in each shot.

And jaws - major props to you man, creating and spreading goodness - your sexy girlie offspring are SI swimsuit edition worthy!:yes:


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
Jaws my internet brother of another mother :) duder your 1 of the coolest people in the world bro mucho respect and thankyou. thankyou for allowing me to grow your fine crosses this memory loss is worth a stabilizing process because it's just bombdigity smoke. i truely believe you achieved your goal which was a faster veg for the urkel and still retain the urkel quality in the high. the straw d was for sure a excellent choice for the cross and the new crosses on the way im sure will prove no less in quality {taste}, looks and high good good meds

MGJ my good friend i'm just trying to follow the fine example of the worlds best growers gathered here @ icmag yourself Jaws and many many others here set the standerds high :) mucho respect to you also bro :)

well heres the Grape Krush @55 days 12/12 she gets the chop she's in a 1gal grow bag soil and feed is same for everything :)
whole plant

main top

above view

heres the Straw D pheno plant B Memory Loss shes in 2 liter soda bottle not a bad haul for 49 days 12/12 quite respectable
whole plant

main top few low uppers

above view

:yummy: :yummy: :yummy: good for my head and pains :)
reason i pulled these 2 now is instead of 11 plants theres only 9 now to share approx 50w per sqft so the others will be allowed to bulk up just tad more now.

again thankyou Gypsy for such a fine place to hang around and the staff for allowing icmag to run smoothly :joint:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
omfg good pull from that 2 Liter bottle...:yoinks:....gotta learn some more stuff it seems.....i'm pulling a little more then a zip from 2 gallons with most strains untill now....i do gonne make some changes in overpotting so plants can veg more in the same container i hope i can eliminate this problem a little....Nway i got some ML's going at this moment hope i can master'm like you did :yes:


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thx Core yes i love them 2 liter soda bottles speaking of which here is the straw d pheno Memory Loss hung last night cut and in paper bag today i should see 20-21 grams dry

now the thrilla the Grape Krush cut and hung for last night now in 2 paper bags lol real real nice haul from the 1 gal bag

oh no is it is it the allusive endangered UniBud :yoinks:

only bare spot is seen in the pic otherwise it solid all the way and the length of the paper bag he he :woohoo: :woohoo: now thats a nice prize. thankyou Mrs.UniBud and thankyou Ja for you have truely blessed my garden :joint:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
Looks like some1 went shopping...

Looks like some1 went shopping...

yea that shure does look good...looks like you have a nice color on those buds 2...another lovely addition :yummy:
and again mighty good pull maj.:yes:


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brother Jaws thankyou very much bro the new additions to mine and Sir's gardens in the near future

Super Stoked heck yea

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya Major :wave:
I do ok in 3-5 gal containers - but if I could get the bud per container volume ratios you get with your 2 liter grows I'd only need to harvest twice a year!:respect: Grand haul my friend - and your new plants from the Wonderful Wizard called Jaws sound tayayaystee!


Beautiful horn on that unicorn!


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
thx MGJ lol you pull mighty fine harvest's bro i'm just tryn to keep up with ya is all, the grape krush just choped was flowered in 1 gal grow bag. that main top is tall as the 1 gal bag it grew in lol this plant just never ceases to amaze me. as for the new beans he he they get started end of next month all at once gonna find the good mum's. Sir is shuttn down for few wks so when he's ready i'll have him fully stocked and ready to rock n roll. super stoked killer genitics ohhhh yeaaaaaaa :woohoo: i feel like a little boy let loose in the candy shop


far to kind!!

far to kind!!

hello friends...
just doing my part best i can, i thought thats what i was supose to be doing after being gifted and given so much by my friends...

Maj, my gosh dude your making the ML look awesome dude really making me want to run her again....i got decent buds from my grow but nothing like what your showing, i guess useing 26w persquare foot is not getting the job done over here.....

i will be upping that this next grow up to 100wpsqf and i got two of your SS up and going, soooo lets see what they got when there hit with 100w and some GH 3part ferts...
peace brother..

P.S. Mr. GreenJeans any time my brother!!..



End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
thx for the compliment bro but making the ML look awesome isnt very hard it's an awesome strain, the 2 phenos i kept are just excellent. seed plant B straw d pheno for everything a indica canibis plant should be, root structure is just fast growing and massive. looks wow early flower hairs are so white they seem to glow almost late in flower they turn a pink hue, smell oh bro can we say strawberries dang. stature short will stay same size as my sugar shack but has a tighter branch structure. the shack and GK will reach out then up the straw d pheno ML stays almost against itself very nice shape. they high dang very very nice!!! , the plant C urkel pheno it grows 3-4 inch taller the B smell's like to me like rolling around in a sweetart bin lol. looks very nice structure fast growth in veg urkel your goal was hit there, good strong large root structure. taste like candy and the high was the strongest of all 4 original plants i sprouted the trichrome production is evedent from early in flower 2.5-3wks like my sugar shack. bro now that you've poped a few shack beans hopefully Ja will bless ya with girls and you'll experince the bag of sugar dumped effect the trics have on it :) the ML next to the shack well they just compliment each other lol.

i'm really lookn foreward to running the next batch of seed im prayn for a male Whirly Bird i can just imagine the trics on this strain. wow ya only have 26w sqft and get done everything you do dang your the man bro. i only have like 50-55w sqft myself in the cab i think my DYI Co2 soda bottle's helped on the yield for me some. when i convert the whole closet i'll have 2ft wide x 9ft long 2 400w hps maybe a 150 in between the 400's. the cab will come into the room and become veg/mum erea also if more then 2 runs in the closet like this i'll convert over to bio buckets. again thx bro for allowing me as 1 of the ppl :) mucho respect bro


All looks great as always Maj :yummy: so whats the make up of this White Mustang

70s :joint:
Looking great Maj as always!!! Congrats on the fat Kush score!!! Huge props to Jaws, your the man for hooken those guys up!!!!! All the best to both of you. Grow safe!


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BennyBlanco said:
Nice job major pot head

white mustang = chemdawg bx4
I think
correctooomungo buddy :) from the search i done and what JDOG6000 says :)

thx 70's your another fine grower here yourself i'm just tryn to keep up with ya'll lol

thx BB

hey INB thx buddy yes real nice score on the kush's they should run very nice alongside the Blueberry Kush cuts i have in soil now. i'll have 4 different Kush crosses to run that run should be a wild 1 and prolly 70-80 day flowering.
:woohoo: Stoked Super Stoked

cant forget the cherry ak47 x straw d thats gonna be sweet i'm sure and the strain i hope to be blessed with just 1 male. then maybe i could dust a grape krush cut for little help in the tric dept and no other reason the GK is really a great plant. just i like to toss my manicure trim over the screen and get that kief hash
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End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
yes CF thats what it is :) Jaws must like the added support for the seedlings 1st stretch. he probably dosent have the seedlings under optimal lighting and expects a slight stretch so added support would be a good call. the straw prolly insures the main stem stays soft so when he dose transplant he can deep transplant and roots will grow eaiser from the part of stem burried now. least thats who i concive the pic :)


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
Score !!! yes thats right ohhhh yeaaa
on the right we have 3 OG Kush cuts 1 is top of the plant
center is top from the straw d ML bonsai mum in training
and on the left we have 2 cuts of Lavender :woohoo: :woohoo: i did say this was gonna get interesting that makes 4 Kush crosses and 1 full Kush
