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Memory Loss


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
say Maj. what do you tend To pull average frow a 1 gallon bag?

i realy dont need to say that the garden looks well cared for ....but i'll do it nway...love the SS's buddy...
Hey Maj those are some great looking colas!!!!!!!!!!!! I gotta get down there pretty soon to check out Sirs grow and I will bring a fat SS nug for us to roll into a fatty, hell ill bring alot of nice nugs lol we will get faded!


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
hello Mosh thx and welcome to the fun the GK seed came from sirsmokealot my nephew i think he obtained 7 beans from 7 bags 1 each bag lol. he germed 3 all cracked and tarpits grew, then 1 day i get a call oops unc they look kinda shriveled i said rehydrate them so he did got towel wet. they survived and he brought me 3 GK seed with tarpits sprouted i planted them 3 sprouted 1 died stem rot from the start other 2 made it both girls !!. this plant is a continuation of taking clones right at flowering

:wave: yes Sir them ML's are very nice i like touchn a leaf then smelling strawberrys lol

hey Core well with the sugar shack i average a oz n/p dry afterall it is only gal of soil. as for the cab this run well i did neglect the PH for month n half guess i had the right angels when i took pic's lol some leaf have the tell tale brown dryn spots on them :(. :whip: i was bad but meter calibrated again and i mix ferts then check PH on the jugs in the bathroom now, if my son's wife see's she wont have a clue what i'm doing or even why :)

:wave: hey Stan glad to have ya aboard yepper love them bottels and thx for the props

hey INB for sure come on down we'll smoke smoke and then smoke some more lol

well some very nice progress on the 11 ML and 4 blueberry kush cuts

by mid to end of next wk these should also be in soil kinda stoked i'll have 13 in the cab and these 15 in the closet. both in flower hopefully 2 wks apart from start of flowering them 5 shacks in the bottels are now in flower placed in last night.

now on the subject of that plant way above pic with red circeled erea, last night found 2 more odd herm flowers i removed it from the cab for better inspection. lol shoulda seen it nephew everything just went fall this way and that way i cut i cant risk contamination. that i wouldnt be lookn forward to have to clean up after lol. not to mention maybe ruining my whole run sooooo off with her heads lol.this allowed me to place the 5 shacks in the 2 liter bottels in cab also. now ive drawn the conclusion it herm'd because of improper PH in the water all the rest of the shack cuts i have are from my 1st bonsai Mum. like said before she thrown me perfect cuts allways has and i'm sure she will continue.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
thought i would add some Maze i'm grown in the back yard lol the person whom gifted me some seed was originally gifted them by some zunni indains friends from 5 corners erea of new mexico. gonna have me some red n blue corn this fall my friend told me it's supposed to be a sweet maze kinda like sweet yellow corn :chin:. right on thx i said to my friend he he

pic from sittn ohhhh 35-40 ft away in the back yd

zoomed in some

ok i got up have some sprouts just popn also

:lurk: :lurk:

buzzed day

hey maj. all looks well! just remember the jugs are for emergency,to flush the jhon.in case of water cut off.hope that made sence lol

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya Major :wave:
Man - your green thumb must be in fine shape - it's been working overtime! Absolutely mouth watering buds my friend! What's the verdict on your shack nananana? Is it just a bump or is it a spoiler? :chin:


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
:wave: thx BD

:wave: :joint: hey MGJ thx for the kind words overtime is about to start i should have 29 cuts in soil by friday last 2 in bubbler have roots now. i've choosen a canidate for another bonsai mum of the ML it's a very nice vigorus growing cut of the straw d pheno plant B. today it gets it's 1st topn and the rest of the cuts from that last bubbler run go into soda bottels. i have 30 1 gal grow bags so thats what the next few runs will be from and 2 400w hps lights. the nanna well i choped her the other night um friday because i found what looked to be 2 others nothing opened yet so i decided to take it @45 days. now i've done some thinking and i'm sure this problem arrised because i was playn Duh DUH Duh and not usen the PH meter because it needed calibrated. well thats fixed and i shouldnt have this problem again i'll inspect the nugs later for seed but what ive smoked hasnt had 1. i do know that improper PH in the soil from the water will lead to some hard stress on the plant.

i didnt want my sons wife to see me mixn my water before but now lmao she dosent exist, if she payn to much attention to what i'm doing. i'll just look her way with the ole evil eye she'll walk away lol my others son's girlfriend's brother stayed here 3wks. lmao smoken the bud growen in the cab he didnt notice anything and i mixed all in front of him. he still dosent know i was growen it lmao. time to go transplant some clones :woohoo:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
:yoinks: 1 oz 1 gallon....shit dude sorry for the french :biglaugh:...i need 2 revise some things i think...:chin:...I pulled little more then 1 oz Purple bastard.......in a 2 gallon jug :yoinks: :pointlaug :badday:

say...maybe you should teatch the wife how 2 grow roflol....hehehe

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
:yoinks: 29 - yowza. Now tell me the truth - you have one of those surplus government time expansion machines? :biglaugh: Hat's off to ya my friend - with so much going on you have a lot more going on! Lovin your approach to life bro...


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
hey MGJ :wave: here take big hit from this my friend :joint: truth uhhh just 1 busy bee brother :).

ok all heres few pics
get the band warmed up and party rolling he he
quick shot of whole cab

heres the straw d pheno ML tucked in the back lookn nice

nugs on other are the urkel pheno ML :)
heres the 5 shack FIM'd 2 times each these should produce interesting results :chin: they are approx 1 wk 12/12

heres the urkel pheno ML main top @ 43 days 12/12 the straw d is also

heres the grape krush main top its its 50 days 12/12

heres the 13 transplanted yesterday theres 10 ML 3 GK


ok heres the roots on the 11 shack and 4 BBKush

now also in soil


heres the choosen straw d pheno Memory Loss bonsai mum canidate

now the fun begins few friends
good music good eats :lurk: good smoke heck yea puff puff passn :joint:
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:yoinks: Party at majors! :woohoo:
The ML looks amazing, Strawberry goodness sounds just right :) :yummy:
Interested to see how the Shack do they look great so far. Going to have to get the knife out myself.


Tagged! :lurk:

A bit late but im along for the duration none the less..:D:yes:

Keep up the good stuff my brother... :wave:

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
^^^ No Sheyut Garlic ^^^

Holy Cow Major - you have some Major Production goin on! Now you did it - my left leg is sticking straight out ( :pointlaug ).

Looking great bro - this is a grow to watch fer sure!:canabis:


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
sure is neil party party bro he he the memory loss is just fantastic

thx qwerty

hey ben pull up the chair take few hits and relax lol

LoL GCG yes startn to get full

hey MGJ naw just some minor going on lol but for sure this is going to be fun, memory loss, grape krush, sugar shack, blueberry kush. just for starters am lookn forward to what Jaws and farmer john have in store for me, not to mention when my other friend gets around to bringing me some purple haze cuts i'll be rockn and rolling then lol. hopefully i'll keep everything great looking, my 1st thread had 25k+ hits hopefully this 1 will surpass that :)


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
few quick shots of tonight
my next run 10 memory loss 3 grape krush

the 15 after that for the closet 11 sugar shack 4 blueberry kush

my ML straw d pheno next bonsai mum

few peeks in the cab sugar shack across front 10 days 12/12, grape krush right rear sugar shack @ 30 days straw d ML @ 48 days,straw d pheno ML @ 30 days sugar shack @40 days x2

these front 5 shacks are 10 days flower stretch stopped

the grape krush main top @ 54 days 12/12

becoming a cab favorite the straw d pheno ML @48 days 12/12

i truely like the colors almost pink hues in the straw d pheno Memory Loss i kept her root structure is massive grows fast. the urkel pheno C ML i ran next to this was cut few days ago lol she smokes very nice :yummy: . the straw d ML and the sugar shack have structures very simular the shacks open up little more while the straw d ML keeps tighter structure. i'll be abel to run them 2 side by side n/p the urkel pheno ML i'm keepn also grows tad taller but nothing cant be delt with lol she has 1 hell of a taste and high.

on a lighter side i have some interesting strains on the way for myself and sirsmokalot




big time thx brother Jaws :woohoo:

and even lighter side lmao stoned lavender og kush and purple haze cuts should be in my future also

buzz a buzz buzz buzz buzz buzzzzzzzz im just a busy bee :woohoo:
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