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do you reply to PMs?

EDIT: and another thing...

Maybe im just a younger generation, but yes there are more seasons but all in all only so many seasons one can partake in...

While i see it as wise to see not to lose everything over 1 season because there will be more

i believe everything should be done in ones possible power without provoking danger to save the season>> I agree that Hovak should get more info before writing it off....

I remmeber you saying something that you had a spade in your back pocket julian... how small of a spade do you have that it can fit? do you just have big pockets? hahahaha
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
BreederBrad2 said:
Man that is a great movie, really fun to watch as harvest approaches! :rasta:
I really liked it first time I saw it (and I like everyone in it....)....and then I lent it out to every guy I had afterwards..passed it around, but, I also watched it again yesterday, etc, and, actually feeds in to the above, which I forgot...(season, next season, etc).....I probably forgot because I didn't like that part/aspect :biglaugh:....

Is it 100% real, etc, etc....well, when you start to analyze it, you lose the enjoyment.....it's just a movie :smoke:..(I personally though thought pretty damn real :smoke:.,...from where I sit :smoke:)

You know...how many movies are there about growing to begin with, right? :smoke:, so....I liked it, and, think a lot of people would like it also :smoke:


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
oohcow said:
do you reply to PMs?
Uh oh.....I assume that is a hint I missed one? :biglaugh: I'm sorry (if the case)....You know.....limited time, so...sometimes stop in to post....sometimes stop in to read......PM's build up....I try to get to what I can and do what I can, but, limited time, you know?...Sometimes start to get to PM and then end up reading or posting something, etc......Just do what I can with the time I have, ya know?.....
EDIT: and another thing...
Maybe im just a younger generation, but yes there are more seasons but all in all only so many seasons one can partake in...
Not necessarily......if you take to it...enjoy it, are good at it, some end up doing runs of varying sizes for many years....many years...I have for almost 25...will probably for another 25....that's a lot of seasons :smoke:..Some larger, some smaller, some time off, maybe some just for ps.....

"Younger generation" sometimes fails to see "the big picture"......tomorrow :smoke: (I was the same...so...no offense intended....most likely we all were.......older you get, the further you are able to see it seems :smoke:..more patience....etc....
While i see it as wise to see not to lose everything over 1 season because there will be more

i believe everything should be done in ones possible power without provoking danger to save the season>> I agree that Hovah should get more info before writing it off....

I remmeber you saying something that you had a spade in your back pocket julian... how small of a spade do you have that it can fit? do you just have big pockets? hahahaha
All above...hand spade, stainless one piece.......(I have 3....different blades (or whatever they're called).....different width's...length's.......2 of the 3 can fit in pocket of sweats....(with handle sticking out of course....)

Everyones comfort level is different across the board....from what they want to run to where they want to run it to what they can stand as far as maintenance and visits all the way through what circumstances determine if they call it quit and pull the plug...don't go back, etc.....(I had that city mini spot grabbed last year...I went back quick maybe 3 months later:smoke:.....Was grabbed about Aug 1 more or less and went back end of October for the most part for a quick run through.......maybe some strays with stock......maybe some missed.....For that time and place, etc...I felt comfortable doing that....(well, kinda comfortable :biglaugh:)

Across the board all have a different tolerance level for any and every aspect....


Hey julian, something happened to me today that validates what you mentioned a couple weeks back.....about not using fem seed to create mothers. Anyhow, i got 5 clones from a dispensary couple months ago and 3 of em so far are definite mails....not the end of the world but they represent alot of waisted effort on plants that should otherwise be blooming with fem buds. Can you imagine the devestation this could cause further down the line. Like if someone bought large amounts and gave some away to someone doin mothers who gave some away to someone else and so on so on. Could spread like a virus and even pickup steam as it does it. Scary thought eh?


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
marto said:
Hey julian, something happened to me today that validates what you mentioned a couple weeks back.....about not using fem seed to create mothers. Anyhow, i got 5 clones from a dispensary couple months ago and 3 of em so far are definite mails....not the end of the world but they represent alot of wasted effort on plants that should otherwise be blooming with fem buds.

Can you imagine the devastation this could cause further down the line. Like if someone bought large amounts and gave some away to someone doin mothers who gave some away to someone else and so on so on. Could spread like a virus and even pickup steam as it does it. Scary thought eh?
See?...now, I'm the first to declare my very intense and ongoing love affair with fem seeds...but...."perfect"....nothing is...(Fuck....want to try and make about 1MM of em,(and use every one :smoke:) so, that speaks for itself....) but, as above...

Now......imagine if you would have grown them out and shaved 200 from each (600 holes, supplies, prep, risk, attention, expense, etc)......600 out of 1000 right down the tubes......

Guess that could fall under the above :smoke: (next season.....) :smoke:.....I love them, will use them, but, prefer seed for that reason.....(plus, I like from seed anyway....lead time, etc, everything above....)

Couple bad here and there out of larger number?.......of course, always...but, limits risk and exposure to worse problems, so......"stable"?...I don't know...I think 1-2, couple out of every 100 bad is quite "stable"....quite...(and, flip side...I've had times where maybe couple out of every 1,000 bad.....so....)

Sorry to hear, but, glad problems are limited..(which if that is half, it isn't so limited, but, you know what I mean :smoke:....)


New member
Julian said:
Frankly, I would question the "experience" of anyone who hasn't had a problem :smoke: right? :biglaugh:

OK- this is my pick for " most important nugget of truth" in this entire monster thread.

Applies to every single situation in life- You don't know who you are until you've been tested.

If things have never gone wrong- you've never done much of anything, my friend.

I've learned a lot more from my scars than from my trophies.


pakalolo420 said:

LOL... I was pissed off when they changed the currency over to the new styles... made all my old stashes a little conspicuous when spent so I had to go on a shopping spree :D

Are you worried about the mint changing the design? The old bills are pulled out of circulation pretty quick it seems like so the old ones stand out.

Thats alot of cash. Damn

Lex Dysic



Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
rhizome said:
OK- this is my pick for " most important nugget of truth" in this entire monster thread.

Applies to every single situation in life- You don't know who you are until you've been tested.
Well....because isn't it the problems and varying situations which create that "experience"? :smoke:

Rarely does life present us.........ever.......in any area (personal, business, etc) a foolproof and seamless and 100% trouble free existence :smoke:

I'm big on that in real life.....with everyone....(problems, how they handle problems, how they solve problems, and how they approach it to begin with....)
If things have never gone wrong- you've never done much of anything, my friend.

I've learned a lot more from my scars than from my trophies.
Spoken like someone whose a "Hard Way Institute" graduate... :biglaugh::smoke: (They held me back several grades.... over and over...took me like 10 years to complete their 4 yr program :biglaugh:)

Problems.....troubles....trials and tribulations.......all create character and essential components in ones development......

Throw on how you handle, approach them, etc....Lot said on subject...(Martin Luther King?-"true measure of a man what he does in times of adversity as opposed to times of abundance" or something to that effect.........)

Of course , some might say "Well, I learn everything, I prepare, I read, and read again, and go over my plan and approach, and, know it backwards and forwards.......I do everything possible to reduce potential problems....."

Great.......very impressive.....but somewhere in there overlooked that no matter how much planning and prep and knowledge is accumulating.....well.....things still can happen at any time :smoke:

Such is life....

Edit: Does help if one can identify possible issues that may arise from any and every area, and possible solutions......etc.....but, again, the nuances of such problems....things affecting the implementation of the solutions at any given time...combined with ones situation at that specific time...well :smoke:....Almost an impossibility to anticipate any and every exact problem which may arise :smoke:.....
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New member
Julian said:
Edit: Does help if one can identify possible issues that may arise from any and every area, and possible solutions......etc.....but, again, the nuances of such problems....things affecting the implementation of the solutions at any given time...combined with ones situation at that specific time...well :smoke:....Almost an impossibility to anticipate any and every exact problem which may arise :smoke:.....

Yep- the first thing you learn is that shit does in fact go wrong, which teaches you to look for shit that is more likely to go wrong, and manage it as such. You know, making sure that the vehicle you're moving 20 lbs in has a working gas guage! ( Seriously, I get a call- " Can you bring some gas?" No way, my friend- I don't even wanna know what else is wrong with that situation. I did send someone else, who could afford to be anywhere near that vehicle when the boys came nosing. Cops never showed, but...Why would you ever use that vehicle? And if you have to, why the hell didn't you fill the damn tank and carry a jerry can?)

And certainly you can't anticipate every exact problem that'll arise- but you can budget for problems, which includes time spent figuring out which way you're going to roll if something blows up.

But when something really out of thin air goes wrong- do you manage it, or do you just go tharn and stare at it?
And when it's done, do you figure out how you missed it? 'Cuz radio-tracked turtles aside, there isn't that much random factor out there..

Worth a lot more than an MBA, imho.


Active member
rhizome said:
Seriously, I get a call- " Can you bring some gas?"
Yeah not a good situation for either of you - wouldn't wanna use the phone in any way but I can see his problem, sitting in his car out there in the middle of nowhere:)


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
rhizome said:
Yep- the first thing you learn is that shit does in fact go wrong, which teaches you to look for shit that is more likely to go wrong, and manage it as such. You know, making sure that the vehicle you're moving 20 lbs in has a working gas guage! ( Seriously, I get a call- " Can you bring some gas?" No way, my friend- I don't even wanna know what else is wrong with that situation. I did send someone else, who could afford to be anywhere near that vehicle when the boys came nosing. Cops never showed, but...Why would you ever use that vehicle? And if you have to, why the hell didn't you fill the damn tank and carry a jerry can?)
You know him too? :biglaugh: (j/k.....but, I do in fact know someone who has that problem...newer truck, but, of course, he basically tops it off daily to avoid such until it gets into the shop to be fixed......ie: I wonder how many people have had such problems for like, 5 years and never fixed :biglaugh:)

Not exactly what I was referring to since that is a more obvious, but, the above was more that one can fully understand each and every phase, but, say, get hit by a late season heavy storm, or anything similar..(I have several spots I finally got into recently that had a lot of large trees knocked down in recent weeks...(lost some plants....what can ya do....they were doing very well also....solid 9 footers, etc....)

I know, I understand, I did the job well......what can you do.....such is life....(note, what surprised me is plants were fine.....none blown over, which I expected walking into the spots seeing the threes...anticipated a day of bracing things (not good this early in)...all rock solid......(note: had a similar storm in spots maybe a month ago, and, several blown a little, but, gently straightened them out and looks like it did well....but, should also be noted that spot.......they're in, and not going anywhere......saw a missed male the other day, no chance in hell of a large adult male pulling it out....had to chop them at base....

Losses.......disappointment?...as above.....was talking to someone recently....this year?...I say it's my worst year in life?.....Well, let's put a price tag on it to illustrate what I mean......Let's call it about 1MM. How's that for a loss and disappointment...

I kinda needed it....you know...:smoke: :biglaugh:.....
And certainly you can't anticipate every exact problem that'll arise- but you can budget for problems, which includes time spent figuring out which way you're going to roll if something blows up.
Well, as above.......you learn, you plan, you plan again, you change plans, and you address, and, as above.....serious storm can blow in....etc, anything can happen.....things which don't reflect on ones ability, planning, etc....

Outdoors?...problems inevitable..case closed.....nothing you can do.....(the above, storms, and, for a lot of people floods.....even those one can somewhat plan around (not planting low spots, etc....) Know someone who I recently found out he got wiped out...All lower spots........river spots for watering and such...and, even that....I didn't want to make it worse but I was kinda wondering WTF he was thinking putting them down there and so many when those spots have had issues in the past (ie: In such spots, you always go with the flood lines........slightly higher up,.......never the lowest spots....or you can call it a 50/50 that will be the year you lose........if previous flood problems (every 5-10 years...well.......every 4-9....your expecting such :smoke:....)
But when something really out of thin air goes wrong- do you manage it, or do you just go tharn and stare at it?
And when it's done, do you figure out how you missed it? 'Cuz radio-tracked turtles aside, there isn't that much random factor out there..
I highlighted the above for a specific reason:
If one is doing protected wetlands and nature preserves and such, you damn well better do everything possible to know what they are doing there and when......

Fuckin google it...chances are, it's all there...

Get their newsletters, read the paper, etc...

It's all there...

You don't walk into such an area without knowing any and everything you can.....(Good example is tracks as earlier in thread........they're coming down on trespassing, it's a bigger issue...accidents, sabotage, etc, etc.......different places are implementing different things and policies and there is a set of issues that accompany that.....)

Lot of those cases lately in news.....ie: Conservation areas, wetland areas, nature preserves, and, somehow, they are under the impression that means no one ever sets foot on them? Please......:biglaugh:....

I have a pack of flying grow monkeys for sale for 9 monthly payments of 19.95...sign here :biglaugh:
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Further note on the above......

This is, after all, about serious commercial growing....

That being said, as earlier........a little "ferocity" and appropriate approach wouldn't be out of the question....:smoke:

Knowing ones area, researching, etc.....

I know very few who pull down 200k....500k....700k....1MM+ at a time without such....(and if they do...they're on "borrowed" time....so, doesn't matter........eventually they are going to lose everything anyway.)

Conservation area?......Call them and ask (say your doing a write up for school, etc)..

Serious efforts call for a serious mindset...

Throw on cracked and sentencing......need I say more?...

In a lot of cases, your life depends on your approach, mindset, and actions...

Your life...

How many people, and how would their approaches and actions differ if they behaved as such...

Yet many seem to approach it as though the consequences and outcome are simply missing an appointment...............

What would anyone do for...let's say 1MM....tomorrow.:smoke:.......


Easy to say........even sounds convincing (their responses)....but then when it comes time they fail to go to the lengths in a competent way that they previously thought or said......

(Crunch time.....I get a little more firm and hardcore for the final push :biglaugh:....:smoke:)

Serious fuckin game.......serious money........serious consequences.....

Interesting how so many don't approach it as such but still want top reap all those benefits...

Would one want to walk onto a battlefield without an adjustment in attitude and training?

Would one want to walk into a casino and throw down their entire life without understanding how to play the game?...

No difference.

To anyone with the set up and maintenance funds?.....(20-60k....)

500k-1MM-2MM plus just waiting for you next year......

Just waiting for you to claim it.....

Comes with a price though :smoke:
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
An even additional note on those lines...

Someone who has pulled something down.....someone with skills.......someone with a little money.......

No shame in waiting....planning...preparing...waiting......

I've had numerous ops that went beyond 1-2 years planning....(in line with the above)....

As you get more under your belt...those times may become somewhat shorter, but site selection, procuring locations etc may prolong it......as of course a delicate matter......everything can be in line, everything can be ready, skills and trusted crew can be ready.....

Site determines outcome......

Lot of people can talk about such things, even "plan" such things, yet fail to follow through in the end for any one of 100 reasons......(or more....)

We talked about whole season, late season, AF's......many approaches to choose from to make up the volume and reduce your risk...

(Another alternative is as I do and have done......splitting things into multiple locations (not spots at same locations.....several locations in completely different areas....ie: 5 locations, go a little smaller and pocket 200k-750k per location.....)

Endless options to go large and still come through (another option could be several rounds at several locations of AF's...etc.......)

AF's a good example of the above..(backburner, planning.....)...ie: I've been doing the mini's for many years, and, had my eye on AF's waiting for quality to improve, better things to come around (which I knew was inevitable.....a certainty...)

Many different ways, many different approaches.........they're all out there.......which, as earlier and quite a bit...even if you come through , then what? (money management, assets, investing, etc....)

My mindset becomes obvious at times...I know :biglaugh:........ie: 4 total large sites now for next season, (3 newer ones this year tested, and, old site back under discussion)...large AF op....extremely large (truly worthy of the phrase "massive") southern op......I obviously start having to go to the Tuesday,Thursday, and Saturday meetings, because obviously one fuckin disturbed and obsessed individual...but, I let it work for me...and it suits me well :biglaugh: (As one can see......very easy to hit a large number of projects.......not to mention multiple city, my suburban joint stuff, etc.....which I never count because minimal........)

Which, for "average" person....another good example of multiples......ie: Do "consulting" on 10 small ops.......pull 5p's each...your looking at 150k more or less...and never even hit the big ones yet.....so.....

Endless ways to come in heavy when all is said and done....

Funny note on the above..(to me..) I had totally forgotten about city spots this season....one partner reminded me this week :biglaugh: (of course, I would have remembered before cutting time...but, other things on my mind lately...(as above..obviously..).....had totally forgotten at the time he asked me.......last thing on my mind.. :biglaugh:...I was like...."What?.......OhhhhhhHHHhhh, yeahhhhhhhhh" :biglaugh:

(Which all feeds into earlier....one of the roles I do well and enjoy is being "the factory"....I know this about myself...I understand it, and, try to work that specific aspect as much as possible to my advantage.........(and, of course, something I could never trust to anyone as so important, and serious scheduling issues also when breaking into numbers and a lot of different things....this done certain date, that one needs to be planted, then that one, then this many there, then they need those, then he needs this, then planting there, etc.......so, all works out well :smoke:...)

Know what your strong points (and everyone else's also) are and design the project(s) around that...

(But then again I am very specific about planting....how and when, so, on a lot of stuff, I end up being directly involved, (drilling something little explanation is needed :biglaugh: although I tend to want them done in specific spots, etc :smoke:) and, I get pretty specific about prep, so, sometimes prefer to oversee that also, so......so much for delegation and preferred tasks and that working out :biglaugh:)
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Hi, hope you don't mind if i step in,

I read the entire thread from page 1 (actually like a month ago but I've been following along) and I'd first of all like to thank you for sharing all of this information which I feel is of great importance and I for one and glad I've spent the time reading this thread.

I guess now seeing as season is closing in (and I'm sad to say I've got nothing to show for it) I might as well spend some time rereading this thread and maybe copy pasting a few things I feel that I really should remember and have in mind for next season.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Very kind of you to say......and quite humbled at taking the time to read through.....and even more so that of interest and use....

Just trying to do my part and offer what I am able to.......

Next/new season but mere months away....(If starting early, mothers, etc, as little as about 5 months.....)....Not a long time.......at all...

A blink of an eye per se :smoke:


East Coast Grower
Yo Julian, I've been reading this thread on and off for a few weeks now (almost to page 70 now), gave you some rep but never actually wrote anything here. I've always grown indoors (3-4 grows) until I ran into some time issues, decided not to flower, and ended up with my first outdoor grow. Since then I've been trying to read as much as possible about outdoors and I cannot tell you how much information/inspiration/contemplations...life lessons? advice? etc this thread has provided, absolutely incredible. Besides the fact that you seem to be a VERY busy man, but still find the time to reply to pretty much EVERY single post in this thread, blows my mind, and I and I'm sure all your other fans are extremely grateful for your time and conversation.

I do have one question for you (at the moment) ;) I know you obviously deal with clones as far as starting a crop but what are your thoughts on starting from seed? Not that it matters too much, but we're talking maybe 20..30 plants? The reason I ask is as far as next season, I have nowhere to start seeds/clones at all, lease runs out in Feb.. obviously far from prime situations, but shit happens...What do you think?

thanks again for everything, hope all is and continues to be well (and safe) for you. :joint:
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Have you been reading the thread? In the beginning, and repeatedly throughout the thread, Julian is pretty clear that he's a big fan of feminized seeds. In fact, just a few posts above this he says:
I'm the first to declare my very intense and ongoing love affair with fem seeds
I don't think he's a big fan of starting seeds outside, though -- I think he puts them out at a small size shortly after starting them inside. As always, though, 'do what works for you'.

...don't mean to jump in where I'm not invited, especially into my favorite thread on the entire Internet, but I couldn't help it here...


East Coast Grower
My question had absolutely nothing to do with kind of seeds.....And yes I know what HE does, and anyone else that has the opportunity, Im just asking his thoughts/advice
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