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Active member
Julian said:
Looks good, but, I mean, how well is the newspaper going to stand up to heavy watering,excess water, etc....

I've had the peat pots sometimes almost disintegrated after 2-3 weeks, so....I think the newspaper pots wouldn't make it a week with such moisture.....
You've got a point - if you're watering with a hard beam of water you might destroy them, but if you're careful or using a spreader then it shouldn't be a serious issue. They'll hold together just because of the fact that they're packed in closely in the tray, and the softened paper can also be a blessing - it's gonna make it easy for the roots to start growing into the soil.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
southwind said:
Just passing through..on my way to bed..after another round at the Outdoor Test Facility..tired..

Thanks Julian for the words..here and other places..
Thanks man....Looks good...very nice....I've been wanting greenhouses for years, but, makes me too skittish, and I assume will draw attention (but lately thinking about early runs....quick hit and runs...have them complete and closed down quick.....I have a fear (always have) that greenhouses would just attract curiosity......(Couple years ago almost bought a property (large home) with fairly large greenhouse attached.....20'x 40'?....but was worked well into house in a corner not easy to see....
Sometimes I wonder how I get myself involved in TOO much..and find my plate over-loaded..to the point where it does not feel like a china plate at all..but one of those flimsy paper plates that you loaded up at an outdoor BBQ....WHEN YOU ARE WAY TOO HUNGRY.
I see we hang out at the same BBQ's and went to the same art class :biglaugh: ("How to paint yourself into a corner" :biglaugh:)

Great analogy btw......:smoke: I read through that twice and pondered...(and highlighted what stuck me as interesting....:smoke:)

Very interesting.......For me....I know it's the down time.........simply filling all down time......but maybe it's not....maybe it's more than that :smoke:....

blackone said:
You've got a point - if you're watering with a hard beam of water you might destroy them, but if you're careful or using a spreader then it shouldn't be a serious issue. They'll hold together just because of the fact that they're packed in closely in the tray, and the softened paper can also be a blessing - it's gonna make it easy for the roots to start growing into the soil.
Well, but then issue is how is one going to water (which, as above, I sometimes skip and just fill trays with an inch or so....which, again, can even cause the peat pots to disintegrate after couple weeks).....or, for me, I do the submerge....which couldn't be done....

I suppose could be watered lightly from the top
if they were packed tight....and work fairly well.....(water initially, then keep an eye and water lightly from top when needed.....)

Stuff like newspaper I always wonder about ink, pH, toxicity, etc......lot of people use them to line holes and turns out well, so, assume the above issues not a problem...(and assume lot use them as above....so....maybe a moot point....)

I'd be curious to see how the roots penetrate a couple weeks in...haven't seen such...wonder the ease they do at that point (and also how the paper holds up.....if at all....because if roots penetrating, has to be broken down quite a bit.......).
could always stack 2 sheets of paper together to increase the durability. to fill 20-30 of those 10"x20" trays would take some time though, no? 65 a tray would be ideal...

if someone is lacking in the fem seed department...can you sex the plant in those paper pots? growing for 2-3 weeks under t-5s inside a tray (10"x20"x2.5" with 6" humidity dome) would give the grower a good shot at what sex they are before transplant into ground?


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
dazednconfused said:
could always stack 2 sheets of paper together to increase the durability. to fill 20-30 of those 10"x20" trays would take some time though, no? 65 a tray would be ideal...
True, but then the issue is thicker it is, harder for roots to penetrate, and then your looking at efficiency issues....ie: Can just get trays of peat pellets or rapid rooters and such and add water and your done...ie: It's creating more steps and more work.. Goal is to minimize......and maximize efficiency, freeing up time for other tasks....Buy 10 trays, add water, boom, your at 500-720, depending what your running,and you can plant straight in ground/hole in 2 weeks or less...
if someone is lacking in the fem seed department...can you sex the plant in those paper pots? growing for 2-3 weeks under t-5s inside a tray (10"x20"x2.5" with 6" humidity dome) would give the grower a good shot at what sex they are before transplant into ground?
I would think you could use them exactly as you would any other pot....

Note: While I do a lot of things in a lot of different places and sometimes forget what is which and where and when, these, less than 14 days from cracked seed, in peat pellets (the larger size), were done for these.........Cracked seed, straight in peat pellets, planted straight in prepped holes......I did quite a few this year that way and turned out great, eliminated any second or third steps......

Smaller numbers......allow for more attention, etc....but, when your breaking into any significant numbers, you have to be operating as efficient as possible if you want to get everything done at all times.......(and still be able to sleep....:smoke:)
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yes efficiency is very key, might just scrap the idea of paper pots...with peat pellets they go outside asap and the 5-10% of weaker ones are discarded leaving only strong and vigorous ones. on one note this delays the harvest time...what I think is, since plants pack on the most weight in the last 2 weeks, the last 2 weeks they should be out in the sun where it is the strongest. (i.e summer solstice june 21st.) so for ex. this year june 14th to 28th... or 21st to july 5th???

now take the last week and go back 10...which will bring you to (depending on how long you veg..) mid april to end of april....

end of april is ideal for peat pellets because they're only in there for..a week? and then 1 week outside for hardening off...

those 36-60 cell planting trays might be ideal too...a bitch to cut out each one but after 2-3 they'll be root bound and you can just pull them out of the container by the stem??? with those you can start earlier (april 19th or so...)

also depends on the last frost, here this year we had shit weather up until mid may-late may... last year i had some outside before may..so thats definitely a contributing factor..

the growing space i have access to is one of those large hydro huts 8.9 ' x 4.5 ' x 7'...i want to pack in as many as possible..works out to 27-28 10"x20" trays (PACKED) lol....

julian what u think so far

Lex Dysic

Julian said:
Note: While I do a lot of things in a lot of different places and sometimes forget what is which and where and when, these, less than 14 days from cracked seed, in peat pellets (the larger size), were done for these.........Cracked seed, straight in peat pellets, planted straight in prepped holes......I did quite a few this year that way and turned out great, eliminated any second or third steps......

Smaller numbers......allow for more attention, etc....but, when your breaking into any significant numbers, you have to be operating as efficient as possible if you want to get everything done at all times.......(and still be able to sleep....:smoke:)

A couple quick questions if you don't mind Julian...

Are you sure those are larger peat pellets?? the one you're holding looks like standard pellet...according to what I've read...std Jiffy is 1.25" x 1.25" when fully expanded...bigger one is 1.75" x 1.75"...So you're saying the bigger pellet is worth the .05 cent price difference?? Do the larger pellets still fit 50/tray??
:violin: :redface:

Those seedlings look healthy indeed. What kind of light was used to get them like that so quickly??

Thanks much
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holy shit man :jawdrop:

you motherfuckers are still rolling a freight train, what a rarity man, what a vast knowledge shared

inspiring to say the least jules, the continuity and importance of the information you share is a miracle brother

Sorry to hear of your losses Hovah, I've had complete fallout and negative exchanges with my original partner now myself, its a real bitch to say the least

My cloning efforts have been utterly shattering man, just not meant to be, nonethe less, I'm trying to clone in smaller numbers, change method, humid, temp, etc,

Fortunately for my sad ass I was inspired by a quote, something to the extent of, There is no one more foolish, than the man who did nothing, because he could only do a little. So, I still have 6 solid females, and hoping for a whole one, and you know, no BS, the shit guys are passing round here, is over 1.5 a qp, so will do what i can, and try to see about a nice indoor winter move, try to setup for seeds,

funny thing, i tried cloning in the tub in my sig, no luck, not a single one, at least peat pellets gave me 1/10, but i stripped the whole plant right, one of them, so i cut the thick ass 3/4in branch lower, and left it in a gallong milk jug, will about 3 other ones, and 8 days later it had amazing roots, WTF? man

anyways, best to see this thread ful lswing, i havent been able to see much, havent fully caught up, but i see its no bs all relevent, thanks a lot guys


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Lex Dysic said:
std Jiffy is 1.25" x 1.25" when fully expanded...bigger one is 1.75" x 1.75"...So you're saying the bigger pellet is worth the .05 cent price difference?? Do the larger pellets still fit 50/tray??

Those seedlings look healthy indeed. What kind of light was used to get them like that so quickly??
All above/earlier. I do work the larger ones after expanded before I place seed..(between thumb and first 2 fingers, roll it so taller/thinner)..actually can get quite a few per tray since I roll them as above and space tight..(Note: Tighter spacing in trays helps roots penetrate and keeps them nice.....ie: Cooler, no light exposure, etc. When I have looser spacing and less in odd numbered trays roots don't do as well...) If rolled and tight could get 80+/- per tray...

All above (first post actually). I use 1k's as close as possible and start feeding (extremely light of course) from cracked seed. Lot of examples earlier and in gallery.

The pic above could have been a smaller (could have had small batch mixed in there somewhere), but, as a general rule of thumb, I know I am going after more veg, so, want to larger ones...

GroBoy2000 said:
you motherfuckers are still rolling a freight train, what a rarity man, what a vast knowledge shared

inspiring to say the least jules, the continuity and importance of the information you share is a miracle brother
Humbled as always man....it's the questions (your questions) which led to content..so....Glad to add what I can...of use..of interest, etc...
Sorry to hear of your losses Hovah, I've had complete fallout and negative exchanges with my original partner now myself, its a real bitch to say the least
Sorry to hear for you also....live and learn, and, hopefully any and everything one learns is utilized in future, so....a price we pay for the knowledge and experience we all possess......price varies depending on matters I suppose..(same goes for me....significant price attached to anything I know/have learned......)
My cloning efforts have been utterly shattering man, just not meant to be, nonethe less, I'm trying to clone in smaller numbers, change method, humid, temp, etc,

funny thing, i tried cloning in the tub in my sig, no luck, not a single one, at least peat pellets gave me 1/10, but i stripped the whole plant right, one of them, so i cut the thick ass 3/4in branch lower, and left it in a gallong milk jug, will about 3 other ones, and 8 days later it had amazing roots, WTF? man
What's going on with you brother? :smoke: You know...cloning...essentially a very simple and straightforward process...I of course completely understand not "being in the zone" sometimes....but......usually, for something like that...(cloning).....it's when we start to think too much that problems arise.....very simple and straightforward process......(If I switched methods tomorrow to something new....I might have problems also.....so.....but, in general....should be batting 100%........problem is either in the process or the cuts...(combination of both....)

I've stick to RW/RR's for quite a while now.(I like the RW plugs best because I get 2 per plug).....haven't tried pellets for cloning....think would have more problems due to moisture control issues....
Fortunately for my sad ass I was inspired by a quote, something to the extent of, There is no one more foolish, than the man who did nothing, because he could only do a little. So, I still have 6 solid females, and hoping for a whole one, and you know, no BS, the shit guys are passing round here, is over 1.5 a qp, so will do what i can, and try to see about a nice indoor winter move, try to setup for seeds,

anyways, best to see this thread ful lswing, i havent been able to see much, havent fully caught up, but i see its no bs all relevent, thanks a lot guys
Well, we're all there soon now...

You know man....listen: The best thing about this game, is regardless of problems, next season always around the corner.....

Next season on it's way (I am already feeling heavy pressure alone from that....) Feel "behind" on projects, etc (despite being months and months away).......so.....

Bad season?...problems?...weather?..partners?...well, any and everything learned can be put to use at this moment (planning for season right around the corner....)

When you start to get a few years :smoke: behind you, you realize no use to dwell on issues from any specific season.....we all have them....

Sometimes "the hard way" is the most beneficial learning one will ever have.....

Don;t worry about it all man...next season right around the corner...endless possibilities......learned new things....implement new things........new ways of thinking, etc....

It's just one season man...will be many more :smoke:

Many more to do what you want, run what you want, hit the targets you want, etc.....

8 months not a long time.....especially to someone shooting for some significant coin :smoke:......

Sorry :biglaugh: Felt little positive pep talk was in order from the tone of the above :smoke: (I didn't have a good season either....not what I wanted......yield won't be my target.....people problems, site problems, etc...but.....next season right around corner and starting to require attention.....so....it is what it is.....ya know? :smoke:

(Frankly.......focusing on new season is keeping me very positive....helping to squash any issues with this season........so....I know....easier for me to say because I will come closer to targets than some...but, all is still applicable regardless.......)

End of season closing in..........next season right around corner.....lot of good things on the way :smoke:......I had worst season of my entire life, but....next season?...could be 10x more than the best of my life, so :smoke:....

A single season?...eh...is only that :smoke:

I am sure anyone who draws anything from anything, anywhere, anytime would agree.....one season to the next?......not even close to being the same person...having the same knowledge, so.........another bright side......next season?...twice the person you were this one :smoke:.......such is what the painful experiences of life help create :smoke:


Active member
Haha you have no idea how much you cheered me up with that speech Julian - thanks.
I went out to my plots yesterday expecting to have lost a few to slugs. Every single one of my plants were completely eaten away, with only the stems left behind:( Haha so much for talking about preventive measures when I ended up doing nothing about it - was almost considering staying indoors and not putting out a single plant next season but after sleeping on it I realized all I have to do is actually DO something about them bastards instead of just talking about them;p
Oh well - I've got all winter to create a lot of "collars" from soda cans - they should work pretty well according to some but I'll definitely not rely on those alone - slug pellets it's gonna be:)

Anyway I'm not too sad about those little ones - they would never have given me any weight but I was hoping for a bunch of seeds for next year - looks like I'm going to have to find some again. Now that I don't have any outdoor weed to care for it gives me more time to scout for spots;p In the forest close to where I used to live there is that one spot I'm always dreaming about - basically the outer ridges are blackberry, while the middle is mostly stinging nettles. Access is perfect too - I entered the spot through a thick forest, meaning noone sees the path I'm creating.
Funny how many clearings filled with nettles I have painful memories of from my childhood - now that I need them those spots are damn hard to find:) Those plants are absolutely perfect - indicator species for fertile soil, can easily hide pretty large plots and keeps people away.

The one spot that I talked about in an earlier post(safe for my plants - unsafe for me) has a lot of nettles and blackberry - I could easily have a good number of plants in there without them being detected because only someone determined like me would ever consider going in there. Unfortunately it's too close to a pretty popular path in the forest - I would definitely be spotted if someone passed by.
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
HOVAH said:

Well.......that is definitely not the first choice response (to hear or for him to say either.....)...

Was he involved?......is he expecting a piece?.........you should get to the bottom of that...either he gave it up or he didn't....(If he didn't, can't let it all go.........can't just let it all go.....)

(Or......he could be saying that with the intention of him going back and taking everything...........)

I certainly would have expected/would expect much more to be said.....(I always grill for every detail......sometimes what is insignificant to others......is......)

You said they were on him a while......I guess how deep will be known shortly.....

That's fucked up man......frankly I wouldn't be able to make a call on it (if it was me) with that little info (yeah, my first response would be to write it off......but, I'd be continually second guessing myself....which is actually worse.....cause second guessing....stays with you for a while...bleeds over into everything........)


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
blackone said:
Haha you have no idea how much you cheered me up with that speech Julian - thanks.
Glad it helped...helped me too :smoke:....
I went out to my plots yesterday expecting to have lost a few to slugs. Every single one of my plants were completely eaten away, with only the stems left behind:( Haha so much for talking about preventive measures when I ended up doing nothing about it - was almost considering staying indoors and not putting out a single plant next season but after sleeping on it I realized all I have to do is actually DO something about them bastards instead of just talking about them;p

Oh well - I've got all winter to create a lot of "collars" from soda cans - they should work pretty well according to some but I'll definitely not rely on those alone - slug pellets it's gonna be:)
And all winter to do everything else.......(and fall, and early spring....)

Live and learn.......think and rethink, etc.......
Anyway I'm not too sad about those little ones - they would never have given me any weight but I was hoping for a bunch of seeds for next year - looks like I'm going to have to find some again. Now that I don't have any outdoor weed to care for it gives me more time to scout for spots;p In the forest close to where I used to live there is that one spot I'm always dreaming about - basically the outer ridges are blackberry, while the middle is mostly stinging nettles. Access is perfect too - I entered the spot through a thick forest, meaning noone sees the path I'm creating.
Funny how many clearings filled with nettles I have painful memories of from my childhood - now that I need them those spots are damn hard to find:) Those plants are absolutely perfect - indicator species for fertile soil, can easily hide pretty large plots and keeps people away.

The one spot that I talked about in an earlier post(safe for my plants - unsafe for me) has a lot of nettles and blackberry - I could easily have a good number of plants in there without them being detected because only someone determined like me would ever consider going in there. Unfortunately it's too close to a pretty popular path in the forest - I would definitely be spotted if someone passed by.
I saw one pic and really, really liked one spot :smoke:......Looks like lot of options available......so.....you came short, next year do better.....maybe different, etc.......


Active member
Love this thread.

Heads up on clones. If my clones are dying I either have

Too much heat
Too much light
Dirty equipment.

Sometimes it can be too cold as well but this is easy to remedy with light. I use opaque plastic domes when cloning under big lights. (cut up drink bottle).


Thanks again, you never fail to shed some light

clones, well, just recently thought, my in box, is right next to a/c air, so maybe my intakes are picking up this extremely cooled and dry air, and draining on my possible humidity, like with my domes for example, never keep condensation for more than a couple hours, not like, open next day, can 'see' that its humid, so, not heat, just isnt, no thermo anymore, but my box is oversized for my light, my fan works well at half speed, ac right next to intakes, clones on other side of intakes, like a foot, so, if anything, a little cold, a little dry

but you did say too much light, and i would think im ok, gotta 400w, my plants are like 36 in in pots, so light is like 4 foot high, clones behind plants, 24/7 light, maybe a too much/too little moisture thing, but imo, seems like, wasn't meant to be, not yet, not now, and ive said before, rethinking a lot, trying to reshape life, freinds, family, a lot of things need attention, in order for me to 'grow' freely, so, holdin on to what i got, did a weather check, might have a week of rain or more comin in, perfect time for these to go

people paying over 5k for whole ones man, stuff wasnt really impressive imo, will have to check some more, but as you can see, 1 whole one would open up a nice indoor winter window, so my goals have changed some, it might not be the grand ol christmas i wanted, but im learning, i knew i never wanted to rely completely on clones for a first big one too, but didnt ever get funds man, slow summer for just about EVERYONE i know, lots of dirty surprises and such for a lot of people

im real glad you mention of next season jules, was considering taking some funding if could do better with like a 2-3k in, but, why, im the one whos done the hours of reading and weeks of risk, if i just be patient, the ball will stay in my court, and ill get my score, again, the appreciation is hard to express behind this screen man, but thanks anyway
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Julian said:
Sorry to hear for you also....live and learn, and, hopefully any and everything one learns is utilized in future, so....a price we pay for the knowledge and experience we all possess......price varies depending on matters I suppose..(same goes for me....significant price attached to anything I know/have learned......)

You know man....listen: The best thing about this game, is regardless of problems, next season always around the corner.....

Next season on it's way (I am already feeling heavy pressure alone from that....) Feel "behind" on projects, etc (despite being months and months away).......so.....

Bad season?...problems?...weather?..partners?...well, any and everything learned can be put to use at this moment (planning for season right around the corner....)

When you start to get a few years :smoke: behind you, you realize no use to dwell on issues from any specific season.....we all have them....

Sometimes "the hard way" is the most beneficial learning one will ever have.....

Don;t worry about it all man...next season right around the corner...endless possibilities......learned new things....implement new things........new ways of thinking, etc....

It's just one season man...will be many more :smoke:

Many more to do what you want, run what you want, hit the targets you want, etc.....

8 months not a long time.....especially to someone shooting for some significant coin :smoke:......

(Frankly.......focusing on new season is keeping me very positive....helping to squash any issues with this season........so....I know....easier for me to say because I will come closer to targets than some...but, all is still applicable regardless.......)

End of season closing in..........next season right around corner.....lot of good things on the way :smoke:......I had worst season of my entire life, but....next season?...could be 10x more than the best of my life, so :smoke:....

A single season?...eh...is only that :smoke:

I am sure anyone who draws anything from anything, anywhere, anytime would agree.....one season to the next?......not even close to being the same person...having the same knowledge, so.........another bright side......next season?...twice the person you were this one :smoke:.......such is what the painful experiences of life help create :smoke:


Very well said.....

I am prolly gonna print that shit out and add it too all the other stuff ive saved from yer witty ass..(You need to be an inspirational speaker..

Thanks monty..


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Fast_Pine said:
Very well said.....
Thank you my brother.....

Well, I know your no stranger also to problems...of all sorts.....Shit happens...(can always bet on it :smoke:)....adapt, address it, learn along the way.....and, turn it into something positive (one way or another :biglaugh:) which will benefit you in very real ways down the road.....
I am prolly gonna print that shit out and add it too all the other stuff ive saved from yer witty ass..(You need to be an inspirational speaker..)

Thanks monty..
And don't forget smart too! (wellllll......people are always saying "smart ass" :biglaugh: :smoke:)

Your welcome my friend......glad all is well with you this year also......(seeeeeee....lot better than last year, no? :smoke:....)

What a difference
8 months can make :smoke:)


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
The movie "Homegrown"

The movie "Homegrown"

Was talking about it earlier. Someone emailed me to say on youtube.

Homegrown-Part I

(I see many other parts following...so, feel free, I loved it :biglaugh: I like em all...Hank Azaria...Billy Bob, John Lithgow, etc....)

Note: It's actually pretty deep.....:smoke: the "bigger picture" and "point"......(lot of people miss it...think just a comedy in passing......it's not :smoke:)
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
MrFista said:
Love this thread.
Heads up on clones. If my clones are dying I either have

Too much heat
Too much light
Dirty equipment.

Sometimes it can be too cold as well but this is easy to remedy with light. I use opaque plastic domes when cloning under big lights. (cut up drink bottle).

I've done runs where maybe heat was a little too much.....was fine as long as humidity there..(and stayed there).....and, can't always state with 100% certainty everything was cleaned before hand (sure once of twice I forgot, spaced, especially if was busy before setting up)...never really had any issues.....been using same flouro's for a while now (1 2 foot T-5 per dome..) Got some a while back where lights were incorporated into dome......actually worked well but design flawed as they all broke off the mounts shortly...but, great idea......just mounts and design flawed...still use those though....

Note: When I am running them, I do a lot, and quick, and, in general little attention..(leave them, come back to place every day to stop, mist domes, etc....I cover all trays also with a sheet of white poly......which , while reflects a little more light, helps them to heat up a little more than they maybe should, but.......I haven't really had any problems in a while, so...that's why I am always curious about any clone issues....90% of the time, mine are not exactly as they should be...but, 100% of the time, I'm batting 100%..(might lose one or two here and there, but, if one of two out of several hundred or more....I think that's due to the cut....maybe too large, maybe too thick, maybe not great angle, etc.......(I always trim much more than a 45 degree angle also and score the sides.....).

GroBoy2000 said:
Thanks again, you never fail to shed some light
No problem man...glad I'm able to...so :smoke:
clones, well, just recently thought, my in box, is right next to a/c air, so maybe my intakes are picking up this extremely cooled and dry air, and draining on my possible humidity, like with my domes for example, never keep condensation for more than a couple hours, not like, open next day, can 'see' that its humid, so, not heat, just isnt, no thermo anymore, but my box is oversized for my light, my fan works well at half speed, ac right next to intakes, clones on other side of intakes, like a foot, so, if anything, a little cold, a little dry
There ya go :smoke: AC probably drying it out...
but you did say too much light, and i would think im ok, gotta 400w, my plants are like 36 in in pots, so light is like 4 foot high, clones behind plants, 24/7 light, maybe a too much/too little moisture thing, but imo, seems like, wasn't meant to be, not yet, not now, and ive said before, rethinking a lot, trying to reshape life, freinds, family, a lot of things need attention, in order for me to 'grow' freely, so, holdin on to what i got, did a weather check, might have a week of rain or more comin in, perfect time for these to go
Could be.......I've never done anything other than flouro's for clones.... (I've had them in corners of larger rooms, but, far away....far away...like above, but, not from start........) Could be a combination of things but would think dry/cold before light...maybe both (maybe both even combined with clean issues...who knows....)
people paying over 5k for whole ones man, stuff wasnt really impressive imo, will have to check some more, but as you can see, 1 whole one would open up a nice indoor winter window, so my goals have changed some, it might not be the grand ol christmas i wanted, but im learning, i knew i never wanted to rely completely on clones for a first big one too, but didnt ever get funds man, slow summer for just about EVERYONE i know, lots of dirty surprises and such for a lot of people
5k per and not impressive? Now that's fucked up :biglaugh:

Everybody else has got to eat too, ya know? :smoke: WTF are these people thinking.....I could never even say those words...(5k per)....(I've been offered more a lot of times to give things that were already reserved.....but, eh...whatever...everyones got to eat :smoke:....I let "fair" dictate it.......

Eh, what are ya gonna do.....so you start planning for next season.....enough time left to develop something solid......sorry not a good one, but, as above...chance for next one to be even better and right around corner....:smoke:...
im real glad you mention of next season jules, was considering taking some funding if could do better with like a 2-3k in, but, why, im the one whos done the hours of reading and weeks of risk, if i just be patient, the ball will stay in my court, and ill get my score, again, the appreciation is hard to express behind this screen man, but thanks anyway
No problem man....and yeah....but a mere inconvenience in the "whole scheme of things"...we all have them.......we all do at one time or another....all of us....always another chance........and, always another chance to do more and better :smoke: Probably not a person on site who hasn't been hit at least once with one issue or another....(Frankly, I would question the "experience" of anyone who hasn't had a problem :smoke: right? :biglaugh:....kinda like "You got hit, Congratulations, you've graduated" :biglaugh: ya know? :smoke:.....which opens up the whole maybe one appreciates it more after they have lose one, and all that :smoke:

Season to season.....win or lose...hopefully one absorbs a lot.....by next season, you'll be remembering and correcting all your own mistakes...:smoke:

I think we all do and have at one point or another....:smoke:


Julian said:
Was talking about it earlier. Someone emailed me to say on youtube.

Homegrown-Part I

(I see many other parts following...so, feel free, I loved it :biglaugh: I like em all...Hank Azaria...Billy Bob, John Lithgow, etc....)

Note: It's actually pretty deep.....:smoke: the "bigger picture" and "point"......(lot of people miss it...think just a comedy in passing......it's not :smoke:)

Man that is a great movie, really fun to watch as harvest approaches! :rasta:
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