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natural medicator
Rob547 said:
My question had absolutely nothing to do with kind of seeds.....And yes I know what HE does, and anyone else that has the opportunity, Im just asking his thoughts/advice

and you were told where to find those thoughts.......

or you could wait for J to stop in and respond with "its all in the thread" :joint:

(note to J: not a slam on you i n any way there. hope all's well on the home front. bet you're gettin/stayin busy with that maroc right about now for the next couple weeks. :rasta:)

This has come up at least a couple times in the thread, so it may be polite of you to have respect for his time and do a little reading before you ask the question.

not trying to be harsh, but a little respect can go a long way.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Lex Dysic said:
Hey Julian!!
Picked up some SKF and SZK yesterday...

Who the hell is keeping these bank stocks propped up??
What a fucking mess...
Not in that mode but ran the 30-90 days, 6-12 months and 2-5yrs and wouldn't have bought it unless some confirmations to support getting into it.

Rob547 said:
Yo Julian, I've been reading this thread on and off for a few weeks now (almost to page 70 now), gave you some rep but never actually wrote anything here. I've always grown indoors (3-4 grows) until I ran into some time issues, decided not to flower, and ended up with my first outdoor grow. Since then I've been trying to read as much as possible about outdoors and I cannot tell you how much information/inspiration/contemplations...life lessons? advice? etc this thread has provided, absolutely incredible. Besides the fact that you seem to be a VERY busy man, but still find the time to reply to pretty much EVERY single post in this thread, blows my mind, and I and I'm sure all your other fans are extremely grateful for your time and conversation.

I do have one question for you (at the moment) ;) I know you obviously deal with clones as far as starting a crop but what are your thoughts on starting from seed? Not that it matters too much, but we're talking maybe 20..30 plants? The reason I ask is as far as next season, I have nowhere to start seeds/clones at all, lease runs out in Feb.. obviously far from prime situations, but shit happens...What do you think?

thanks again for everything, hope all is and continues to be well (and safe) for you.
Well, first, thank you for the kind words....very nice of you to say, glad of interest.

As earlier and above, I prefer fem seed for all reasons outlined earlier in thread. I see as much more efficient.

I think that anyone who grows should have a place to accommodate their needs........as far as vegging out 20-30?.....minimal space and time (2 weeks and a sq. meter of space). If previous runs, then you have equipment (never sell, always storage, return on equipment is 10 fold plus....)

boroboro said:
...don't mean to jump in where I'm not invited, especially into my favorite thread on the entire Internet, but I couldn't help it here...

Fuckin humbled.......truly..... but, feel free...much your thread as it is mine....ie: I just work here :biglaugh:

FirstTracks said:
or you could wait for J to stop in and respond with "its all in the thread" :joint:

(note to J: not a slam on you i n any way there.)
:biglaugh: What, you got something to say? :biglaugh: (fuckin wit cha :biglaugh: You tryin to say I'm difficult? :biglaugh:)
it may be polite of you to have respect for his time and do a little reading before you ask the question.

not trying to be harsh, but a little respect can go a long way.
Well said......I think we all need to be reminded and aware of such now and then.........we'd all get a lot more done :smoke:

Edit: Maroc.........no secret how much it pleased me last season......this season just didn't find it's way in for various reasons,l but, on the menu for next season (and fuckin extremely heavy.....:smoke: 100%.
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Back to problems and issues :biglaugh:.......

Seems a small (well, not exactly, but, in the whole scheme of things :biglaugh:) at a certain location has to go......

Not "cool".......they "have to go"...........so.......(It did occur to me that might be possible to just dig them up and move them, as not giants, but, I'm not a fan of damaging roots.........so, anyone who has dug up outdoor plants in early flower and replanted and turned out okay, feel free to share...(we could get in there, couple hours, have them re planted elsewhere by sundown......no problem whatsoever....)

Originally occurred to me to just go in and whack them, but......if can be saved, why not.....just wondering if worth the time and effort......wouldn't want to even lift a finger unless certain of success..(ie: If will all be a waste of time and effort, not to mention risk of moving them (4footers on average, maybe couple dozen), don't want to bother.......right now leaning towards moving them......)

Entire location is fine and looking good and safe, but, this specific plot going to have some possible traffic it seems before we can get them done (6 weeks maybe)

Not going to jeopardize entire op for a couple....trying to decide whether to whack and forget or move...
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Active member
Hey there Julian still at it i see! Ya back in 80's i dug up some plants and moved them and did ok. I just made sure to dig up a giant root ball. Use burlap or something to wrap it. just try to dig as wide and deep as possible.
Water nicely of course to prevent shock.

Good Luck


New member
just trench around the ones that need to be mobile, then you should be able to get up underneath enough of the roots for transfer.

the ones you move will take a lot more water at first, maybe if you line the new holes with coco (wet the hell out of it) or the polymers... just pot them up and onto a trailer. what you lose will be less than if you were compromised or outright killed them off. but you will lose some time and labor.
Entire location is fine and looking good and safe, but, this specific plot going to have some possible traffic it seems before we can get them done (6 weeks maybe)

you say possible traffic. If only a few and placement cannot be liked to you I would leave them. A couple dozen 4 footers with root ball is going to be difficult to move. If overall, not that big of a loss, I would not take the chance. My 2 sheckles.


stopping by..

stopping by..

Just cruising through all...

When I have the time..which is not often anymore, I like to stop here and read the thread..

Especially Julians thoughts..

Usually can relate..

The Outdoor Test Facility..

coming along..running tests on fertilizers, additives, seeing if the Bushmaster really does what it says..doing tests on it with spraying Sweet Tooth 1.1[which last year got 12 feet on me] with Bushmaster and NOT spraying it on others, measuring size/time/delta of this year/last year..

doing a test of Purple Max, using on Sour Bubble, Lifesaver, Deep Chunk x Bubba Kush, seeing sid by side what results I get.

Testing spider mite, mold, powdery mildew products, etc..you know the drill..taking notes and photos...

always the scientist , always have been..

all these products!

some very expensive ones, but do they work?

I am always trying new things, and using control specimens to check results.

And then applying the knowledge gained to not only this crop , but my fruits, vegatables and ornamentals..

Great labels on some of these products, I can see why people buy them, but I wonder when I see plain Isopropyl Alcohol marked up to 20 -30 dollars becuase its a Cannabis product..makes me wonder if I can replicate some of these other products myself..

Of course when they dont say whats in it...

But the technology is out there for the horticultural industry.

Its just a matter of loving what you do, staying motivated, STAYING GREEN AND GROWING like your plants.

There is always more to learn, and not just advanced stuff.

Its sad when people come on here and want an answer right NOW.

NO WAY are they gonna do a search..takes too long..Hey I can relate..

BUT and its a BIG BUT, when you DO the research you almost ALWAYS find out EVEN MORE good stuff to apply to this hobby of ours..

But on the products, its great to see so many new and great things and some old and great things..but a pretty label is nothing..out there

out there where the roots hit the soil, where the buds meet the sky, we need results,

not a pretty label

OutDoor Test FACILITY..



Yeah, i did a couple of transplants recently and oddly enough i only kept about a quarter of the rootball (trying to shove in backpack). I planted it about six inches deeper than initially was for more stability. Was also told that will give it more root volume when it regrabs. Plants were wilted and in shock for a couple days but then recovered.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Hey guys...thanks....

Just walked in, (9am....) on days upon days without sleep...so...going to try and get some but quoted and cut and pasted and will address and add some things later...

Hope all is well....we're getting there :smoke: (entering 3rd week August :smoke:....)


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
mark6699331 said:
Ya back in 80's i dug up some plants and moved them and did ok. I just made sure to dig up a giant root ball. Use burlap or something to wrap it. just try to dig as wide and deep as possible.
Water nicely of course to prevent shock.

irish said:
just trench around the ones that need to be mobile, then you should be able to get up underneath enough of the roots for transfer.

the ones you move will take a lot more water at first, maybe if you line the new holes with coco (wet the hell out of it) or the polymers... just pot them up and onto a trailer. what you lose will be less than if you were compromised or outright killed them off. but you will lose some time and labor.

marto said:
Yeah, i did a couple of transplants recently and oddly enough i only kept about a quarter of the rootball (trying to shove in backpack). I planted it about six inches deeper than initially was for more stability. Was also told that will give it more root volume when it regrabs. Plants were wilted and in shock for a couple days but then recovered.

You know, it's funny because was thinking last season of digging up a special mom (pink) and had no hesitations about success and survival.....but, you know....early, approached mid flower?.....cutting majority of roots......well, to me that's a different story (for some reason)....

Of course not the process per se that was curious and have/had issues, as much as the current state..... (circumference, worked down under, wrapped and transported....not a problem...but, going to be some damage...they're in there :smoke:.....

Still haven't decided...but appreciate the sharing....My concern is just the amount of roots that will be severed.....nothing else really.....(Had an old partner who would plant the starts in a patch and dig them up later and move them....never had a single issue with them (I didn't know actually :biglaugh:....he was blowing of his tasks until another time :biglaugh:......)

Not going to go to me anyway really..:biglaugh:(Have someone somewhere, will tell them 50/50.....5-6 weeks, but, probably not......:smoke: (shhhh, he doesn't know that)...probably will just use as training for them...(drying, trimming, cure, etc)......calling em a q'pr each, (out of air rough estimate), maybe 10-12 more or less anyway,(p's) so.....insignificant and not going to make or break me (but will make them very happy, help them, teach them something, etc.....)

Jungle Jim said:
you say possible traffic. If only a few and placement cannot be liked to you I would leave them. A couple dozen 4 footers with root ball is going to be difficult to move. If overall, not that big of a loss, I would not take the chance. My 2 sheckles.
Can't be left, have to be out asap.....(well, when I can get, or get someone to them :smoke:) Can't be left, out of the question. I worded and didn't give specifics on purpose, but, was a very respectful and concerned request from someone who allowed much, much more.....:smoke: Even a minor hesitation to grant the request wouldn't be appropriate. I'm of the "a refusal is not the act of a friend" school of thought :smoke: Apples and oranges.....forest through the tree's, etc....ie: A good and reasonable man, pleasure to work with, with a concern and a small request. Refusal wouldn't be appropriate. At all. (Nor should one with a greater familiarity of areas opinion be ignored...:smoke: If determined potential security issue? You follow that without question as long as reasonably based.....)

Minor amount. Not a big deal (removing them) if even remote chance of traffic. (not going to jeopardize op and use of location for a handful....I almost stopped the same day to chop em all....just started wondering if I can flip it into another favor and benefit to someone else instead of tossing basically in garbage,......ie: Come in and chop, or teach someone something, rain, and make them some money which would haven't been there anyway if chopped......


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
southwind said:
Just cruising through all...
When I have the time..which is not often anymore, I like to stop here and read the thread..

Especially Julians thoughts..

Usually can relate..
Thank you my friend.......humbled......

Pretty soon a break for all of us...:smoke:......I'm sure a welcome one for you too looks like :smoke:

I've had more than enough already this season......switched focus over mentally to next.....(finishing this will just be autopilot or appearances sake :smoke:....) 2 more large locations this week....and a conversation with someone that I wanted to share and I think of interest, but, in scanning, saw something below relating so will add below....
The Outdoor Test Facility..

coming along..running tests on fertilizers, additives, seeing if the Bushmaster really does what it says..doing tests on it with spraying Sweet Tooth 1.1[which last year got 12 feet on me] with Bushmaster and NOT spraying it on others, measuring size/time/delta of this year/last year..

doing a test of Purple Max, using on Sour Bubble, Lifesaver, Deep Chunk x Bubba Kush, seeing sid by side what results I get.

Testing spider mite, mold, powdery mildew products, etc..you know the drill..taking notes and photos...

always the scientist , always have been..
I find myself uttering often how I am not.....(scientist).....Usually not a matter of being detail oriented...but more the collection, organization, sorting and of maintaining those details, etc....(and and sometimes a little disappointed actually that I cannot/will not....)

For me it's also a matter of maintaining detailed records of everything........(would be nail on coffin for me and the way I do things, what I do, etc.....especially if numbers included, number of locations (which would be on any notes......) I mean, you go through couple hundred thousand plants, different strains, different conditions and locations, etc.......I sometimes oner exactly how much hard data such would hold.......(I've thought about having someone document any and everything extensively, etc.......several times actually, but, for that position, it's a combination of trust and intellectual ability combined...ie: Sure, I know people I would trust with it....but, already using them for other matters, etc......I know several who I think could collect and organize and crunch he data, but, not people I would let in on it, etc, and, would be very sensitive as they would have to know any and every single detail about any and every op....which, for the most part, almost no one does.......(I have one single person who knows about 75%......most only know about their own.....the one they are involved in.......:smoke: ie: Cell approach.....)
all these products!

some very expensive ones, but do they work?

I am always trying new things, and using control specimens to check results.

And then applying the knowledge gained to not only this crop , but my fruits, vegatables and ornamentals..

Great labels on some of these products, I can see why people buy them, but I wonder when I see plain Isopropyl Alcohol marked up to 20 -30 dollars becuase its a Cannabis product..makes me wonder if I can replicate some of these other products myself..

Of course when they dont say whats in it...

But the technology is out there for the horticultural industry.

Its just a matter of loving what you do, staying motivated, STAYING GREEN AND GROWING like your plants.

There is always more to learn, and not just advanced stuff.

Its sad when people come on here and want an answer right NOW.

NO WAY are they gonna do a search..takes too long..Hey I can relate..

BUT and its a BIG BUT, when you DO the research you almost ALWAYS find out EVEN MORE good stuff to apply to this hobby of ours..

But on the products, its great to see so many new and great things and some old and great things..but a pretty label is nothing..out there

out there where the roots hit the soil, where the buds meet the sky, we need results, not a pretty label
See, I love and admire you scientists :biglaugh:...(I mean that in the most sincere way :smoke:)

Me, personally, I think that most though, in such an underground industry, are much closer than they think to possessing data much more significant than they realize or give themselves credit for....it's a shame such large amounts overlooked....underutilized.....

Couple things you said moved me and related to my above reference, so, rearranged a little...:smoke:
out there where the roots hit the soil, where the buds meet the sky, we need results, not a pretty label
And that, in the end, is the true proving ground of any and everything......applicable to anyone, anywhere, and any industry....products.....methods, etc....

Sounds like your doing quite a bit......I'm always interested in such things......(I find the older I get, the more I have to say about side by side, identical things in varying conditions and situations and products, etc.........)
Its sad when people come on here and want an answer right NOW.
I was thinking about this since I read it :biglaugh:

Everyone wants everything now....:smoke:


So, was talking to someone this week (real life.....) and touched on the above regarding runs, size, resources, etc.........

Started with I picked up yet 2 more large locations for future this week.....(they're in, they've committed, locations are mine to do what I wish.........)

(Which really changes, yet once again schedule and work to be done...but, not going to think about it at this moment....and not where I wanted to be...(running multiples like before....), but, whatever ...:biglaugh:

Conversation (very old and trusted person) was essentially how does one collect such locations, find such people, and gain such control over locations........

Reference the above....."now"....


25 years of developing, creating, and maintaining not only solid and positive relationships............ (Not a small task for the average legitimate individual to start with :smoke:), but also a reputation to allow such...

Many people might be able to say many things about me :biglaugh:, but, among them undisputed would be fair, trustworthy, responsible, cautious.... always make people money.....and I bring it in...

I have a guy.....smoker.....professional....investor.....he's been pitched projects at lest 100 times....at least.......indoor, outdoor, larger, extremely large.....this country, that country, etc.......hasn't pulled the trigger on any......

(We've shared a close mutual associate for 20yrs....)

Took me 2 hours.......more or less.......done deal.....)

(Some Eastern wisdom on the way :smoke:).....

Everyone wants everything now.....always.......but few are aware of the value (let alone savor :smoke:) the path to get there....

The path is what creates the end result.......

Any and everything one does tomorrow is the culmination of what one has done today and yesterday,.....

Lot of people want to force a result.......and completely skip the journey....

There's some passages which have always interested me (I Ching), to the effect of the universe determining when we are "allowed" to "proceed"...That no matter what ones actions during that time.......proceeding further will not be allowed until it is determined one is ready to proceed, and move onto a different level, to a different place...That the time is also meant to develop ones self to be prepared and equipped so as to have success when finally allowed to proceed...

Different point and direction than the above quote and meaning.......yes.....but it made me think of the above which to me is, indeed, related.......

We want something......we want to do something....we want to be in a different place......doing something different...we seek to be something better ...........we ponder why efforts might not yield the results we want......

But most never contemplate, nor are aware, nor enjoy the journey required to effect a change.....:smoke:

I Ching also states, which I found of interest, that one cannot escape that which they are destined for......that even if steps taken in a different direction......which would seemingly ensure such never encountered or reached.....makes little difference, as one way or another....it will find you :smoke:

Everything comes in due time........when you are ready, and prepared....)There are also many passages referencing the danger present when one fails to understand the above, in which then pursuing, pushing is certain to bring misfortune upon one :smoke:

Just something which I thought I would share :smoke:....made me think of it :smoke:

Obviously mind somewhere else........we're entering last week of August :biglaugh: Not 3rd week :smoke:...Sept 1st right around corner....final run......I'm personally waiting for some full nights of sleep eventually :biglaugh:




Julian said:
Thank you my friend.......humbled......

Pretty soon a break for all of us...:smoke:......I'm sure a welcome one for you too looks like :smoke:

So..you noticed! Yes, I am ready for that break, with the kidney stones and infected kidneys and infected tooth..doing all this at the same time..yes ..yes..I am ready to just sit in my garden, with no thoughts at all..just being for a while..

Julian said:
I find myself uttering often how I am not.....(scientist).....Usually not a matter of being detail oriented...but more the collection, organization, sorting and of maintaining those details, etc....(and and sometimes a little disappointed actually that I cannot/will not....)

For me it's also a matter of maintaining detailed records of everything........(would be nail on coffin for me and the way I do things, what I do, etc.....especially if numbers included, number of locations (which would be on any notes......) I mean, you go through couple hundred thousand plants, different strains, different conditions and locations, etc.......I sometimes oner exactly how much hard data such would hold.......(I've thought about having someone document any and everything extensively, etc.......several times actually, but, for that position, it's a combination of trust and intellectual ability combined...ie: Sure, I know people I would trust with it....but, already using them for other matters, etc......I know several who I think could collect and organize and crunch he data, but, not people I would let in on it, etc, and, would be very sensitive as they would have to know any and every single detail about any and every op....which, for the most part, almost no one does.......(I have one single person who knows about 75%......most only know about their own.....the one they are involved in.......:smoke: ie: Cell approach.....)

better..much better for few to know..much better. I work alone except for one person who is very very close and invested in outcome..if you read me?

But I need to do all the data collction, not their thing..me? I cannot HELP doing data collection, its just who I am. it has taken me most my life to find out WHO that is..and be that person. and as you I think know, when you go against what you are and what your destiny is, nothing works, NOTHING.

Julian said:
Me, personally, I think that most though, in such an underground industry, are much closer than they think to possessing data much more significant than they realize or give themselves credit for....it's a shame such large amounts overlooked....underutilized.....


Julian said:
And that, in the end, is the true proving ground of any and everything......applicable to anyone, anywhere, and any industry....products.....methods, etc....

see..THAT is why I stop by.

Julian said:
Sounds like your doing quite a bit......I'm always interested in such things......(I find the older I get, the more I have to say about side by side, identical things in varying conditions and situations and products, etc.........)

I was thinking about this since I read it :biglaugh:

Everyone wants everything now....:smoke:


So, was talking to someone this week (real life.....) and touched on the above regarding runs, size, resources, etc.........

(Which really changes, yet once again schedule and work to be done...but, not going to think about it at this moment....and not where I wanted to be...(running multiples like before....), but, whatever ...:biglaugh:

(Some Eastern wisdom on the way :smoke:).....

Everyone wants everything now.....always.......but few are aware of the value (let alone savor :smoke:) the path to get there....

The path is what creates the end result.......

Any and everything one does tomorrow is the culmination of what one has done today and yesterday,.....

Lot of people want to force a result.......and completely skip the journey....

There's some passages which have always interested me (I Ching), to the effect of the universe determining when we are "allowed" to "proceed"...That no matter what ones actions during that time.......proceeding further will not be allowed until it is determined one is ready to proceed, and move onto a different level, to a different place...That the time is also meant to develop ones self to be prepared and equipped so as to have success when finally allowed to proceed...

Different point and direction than the above quote and meaning.......yes.....but it made me think of the above which to me is, indeed, related.......

We want something......we want to do something....we want to be in a different place......doing something different...we seek to be something better ...........we ponder why efforts might not yield the results we want......

But most never contemplate, nor are aware, nor enjoy the journey required to effect a change.....:smoke:

I Ching also states, which I found of interest, that one cannot escape that which they are destined for......that even if steps taken in a different direction......which would seemingly ensure such never encountered or reached.....makes little difference, as one way or another....it will find you :smoke:

Everything comes in due time........when you are ready, and prepared....)There are also many passages referencing the danger present when one fails to understand the above, in which then pursuing, pushing is certain to bring misfortune upon one :smoke:

Just something which I thought I would share :smoke:....made me think of it :smoke:

Obviously mind somewhere else........we're entering last week of August :biglaugh: Not 3rd week :smoke:...Sept 1st right around corner....final run......I'm personally waiting for some full nights of sleep eventually :biglaugh:

This is the way to the truth, all that you said above I have found to be true.

The only true way to build a life, a garden, or anything..is to BUILD it.
to BUILD something the RIGHT way, takes TIME.

it is when you rush, and cut corners, and see ONLY the end..that you are no longer here.

and if you are HERE today, then you will [probably] not REGRET tomorrow.


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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
southwind said:
So..you noticed! Yes, I am ready for that break, with the kidney stones and infected kidneys and infected tooth..doing all this at the same time..yes ..yes..I am ready to just sit in my garden, with no thoughts at all..just being for a while..
A testament to focus :smoke:......seems like your running enough to keep you busy if no other help :smoke:...
But I need to do all the data collection, not their thing..me? I cannot HELP doing data collection, its just who I am. it has taken me most my life to find out WHO that is..and be that person. and as you I think know, when you go against what you are and what your destiny is, nothing works, NOTHING.
Well, I pretty much know what I need to know from an overview.....data collected might be interesting, but, I wouldn't consider my approaches to provide adequate test groups....ie: Even when one is clones from same mother, they are still not identical (the specific cuts), but, I always find quite a bit of interest in things in regard to environmental......(identical things, multiple spots with different conditions and end result of product, etc......)

Quality and yield and such an interest, and, basically what determines what is run and approach op by op, etc.....but.....I don't feel as though the time and effort spent on data collection would make a difference in many cases and end decisions are also determined by personal preference and other things.....example: My Maroc interest having to do with finishing times.....no data collection warranted to support that preference, etc. Is what it is....etc....(In business I of course have to exercise such.....but, prefer not to...would rather assign to another to complete for my review, corrections, additions, etc.....)
This is the way to the truth, all that you said above I have found to be true.

The only true way to build a life, a garden, or anything..is to BUILD it.
to BUILD something the RIGHT way, takes TIME.

it is when you rush, and cut corners, and see ONLY the end..that you are no longer here.

and if you are HERE today, then you will [probably] not REGRET tomorrow.
Not my words of course.........those of wise men whose words apply thousands of years later..:smoke:...

"Building" something not as desirable these days it seems it should be........value not seen.....Some do take pleasure in such of course...can be seen occasionally here and there.......but, another problem some have is follow through and commitment on that very thing time spent developing...

I read a couple books once on facial characteristics and how they supposedly mirror and take on that of the individual and their approach and habits..., etc......(ie: Some begin a project well, then trail off......some , once focused can follow through.....some have a problem with earlier tasks but finish well, etc...each reflected by a characteristic on face and time altering that, etc....)


data etc..

data etc..

Well Julian..success is the key..you have success..so you clearly keep enough data in your MIND to get the job done.

I used to have the memory for it..but I am OLDER now and just dont..so notes and data collection..

well..the whole truth is really that I am trained to collect data [botany/biology/medicine] and use the 'scientific method'..ie.e one group of plants with [ product A] like new type of fertilizer, second group with another fertilizer and group 3 with none.

Its alot of work..but I can SEE what does what.

i.e.. does Super Bud Blaster [Advanced Nutrients] make that big of a difference?

how does it compare to a COMMERCIAL FLOWER Fertilizer [ Scotts 10-60-10]

or another 30-70-30?

because believe me the hoticultural industry has heavy ones.

Have you ever bought a plant from a nursery and its PERFECT and 3 weeks after you buy it it looks ALOT different?

Well they have chems for putting on flowers, keeping them from putting on flowers, putting on fruit, not putting on fruit, putting on lots of leaves and no flowers..etc etc al.

They even have one to keep the plant short and fat with almost no space between internodes and no flowers[for ornamental leaf plants]

so ..I guess I am just a scientist at heart and a farmer in my soul.

and honestly I can get very excited about a really really good HOT compost pile.

There is nothing like it.

And there is nothing like growing plants..its how I feel God intended us to be..with all our science and potential we could have made this entire planet a garden of Eden.

Instead we chose to rape and destroy it.

No wonder we got kicked out.

But ...we have hope..I refuse to be believe that its too late for good people to reverse it..

if enough of us care, if enough of us give a damn..

then maybe we can stop the damage..

when enough of us have woken up...


speaking of tests this is why Bushmaster is on the test agenda..as you can see Spice Of Life's Sweet Tooth 1.1 is yet again trying to reach the roof and then proceed to lift it off...

so we will see if it can control the beasty..

and SOUR BUBBLE is staying manageable..

so in all likleihood I will cross SB to SWT 1.1 and just HAVE a plant that NATURALLY stays containable.



Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
southwind said:
Well Julian..success is the key..you have success..so you clearly keep enough data in your MIND to get the job done.

I used to have the memory for it..but I am OLDER now and just dont..so notes and data collection..
Didn't even think about it that way actually.....Mapping out plots is as close as I get to laying anything down on paper (and, even then not all the time), and, usually, after I look at them a couple times, they get shredded/burned regardless....I'm pretty good with that stuff....cursed with a photographic memory basically (a true curse....)
well..the whole truth is really that I am trained to collect data [botany/biology/medicine] and use the 'scientific method'..ie.e one group of plants with [ product A] like new type of fertilizer, second group with another fertilizer and group 3 with none.

Its alot of work..but I can SEE what does what.
Well, while not a focus, I'm certainly not a complete stranger (test groups, control group, etc), but, see, then, many would take it further and say mere observations don't present anything concrete (when that of course is silly...), and that firm measured and documented results would be required to make an adequate determination....such a referencing increase in mass,(compared to control group), and any other factors........which while most can make firm statements as to observations, unless the above present, etc, could be dismissed, etc....

As earlier......me personally?...Show me a grower who has 30 runs )whatever, making a point) under his belt, and, I would be inclined to believe observations made by such, etc.....

With nutes though, while one can clearly observe reactions and results with the naked eye (from experience and "feel"...), that is where I sometimes wonder about test and control groups....ie: Well, yes, they could have all been from same mother, so, ye, same clones, but, not necessarily the exact same cuts and mass of each to begin with, so, therefore, would that not in itself color results to some degree?

I guess, all meaning I would think a margin would (should) be applied to all such tests taking into consideration the above......especially nutes........ie: Maybe the cuts of one group had a greater mass to begin with, maybe better cuts(more branching, ) etc....
i.e.. does Super Bud Blaster [Advanced Nutrients] make that big of a difference?

how does it compare to a COMMERCIAL FLOWER Fertilizer [ Scotts 10-60-10]

or another 30-70-30?

because believe me the hoticultural industry has heavy ones.

Have you ever bought a plant from a nursery and its PERFECT and 3 weeks after you buy it it looks ALOT different?

Well they have chems for putting on flowers, keeping them from putting on flowers, putting on fruit, not putting on fruit, putting on lots of leaves and no flowers..etc etc al.

They even have one to keep the plant short and fat with almost no space between internodes and no flowers[for ornamental leaf plants]

so ..I guess I am just a scientist at heart and a farmer in my soul.
No, but I have had people take mine and then have problems :biglaugh:

No stranger to the range of products and uses, and actually more exposure than recently from all discussions with people running commercial agricultural operations and facilities....(which I find of great interest actually....), but, in the end I suppose a limit to my interest as focus is how all can and does apply to my certain interest :smoke:......(Quite an interest in corn and cotton operations lately :biglaugh: :smoke:)
And there is nothing like growing plants..its how I feel God intended us to be..with all our science and potential we could have made this entire planet a garden of Eden.
Absolutely nothing like it :smoke:
Instead we chose to rape and destroy it.

No wonder we got kicked out.

But ...we have hope..I refuse to be believe that its too late for good people to reverse it..

if enough of us care, if enough of us give a damn..

then maybe we can stop the damage..

when enough of us have woken up...
Well.....sometimes I think everything is too far along, and, while people may feel a certain way, it seems everyone still doing their part.....so......

All those products your testing have a chain from raw material through manufacture and packaging and distribution you know.....so....I mean.....either we have to be all in or not.......it ends to be selective sometimes.....Not pointing a finger by any means, just sayin...I'm not nearly as environmentally friendly as I could be with a little more effort....but, I do a little, which is more than some (and not near as much as others......)

(But then again, don't such things add up to something significant when everyone does a little :smoke:)

Not a subject I usually engage in........similar to politics and religion.....
speaking of tests this is why Bushmaster is on the test agenda..as you can see Spice Of Life's Sweet Tooth 1.1 is yet again trying to reach the roof and then proceed to lift it off...

so we will see if it can control the beasty..

and SOUR BUBBLE is staying manageable..

so in all likleihood I will cross SB to SWT 1.1 and just HAVE a plant that NATURALLY stays containable.
I always heard positive things about Bushmaster.....(never used it), so, assume results will be favorable....

SB?....I'm a fan....have been running it for several years now....one of my favorites for many reasons, and, I would say it's fairly manageable :smoke:,..... although, last 2 seasons have surprised me.....this one quite a bit......(not sure if a result of conditions, (locations, environmental) or prep, but, she's been getting larger and larger on me the past 2 seasons :smoke: (which is more than welcome of course......)

Haven't added many pics at all this season (went through that last one :biglaugh:), but, should be getting some in soon....haven't felt it or been in the mood.....some of the SB's hitting maybe 9'-10' and fairly extreme purple...

Ah.......on subject of different groups and conditions, I can say this:
Actually relating to the growth of SB this year specifically-
I've never done sand before. Have run the SB for several years...many plots,many ops, from city through deep forest, through no holes and no maintenance, and drilled holes and prep, and, I've never had them like in the sand...

Haven't really introduced any changes of note to my dry mixes or any other procedure....(same basic dry mix, holes drilled the same....etc, etc), so....leaves the issue to be the ground/native itself.....same region basically....and actually got them in later than I have on previous ops....so, go figure :smoke:

Note: Due to very nature of it, (sand location) they did get hit rather heavy with manure, compost, worm castings, etc.....more uniform and heavier than I do otherwise (I sometimes do on other spots and locations, all depends what is on hand, but, not as uniform and not as large amounts.....)

Grab certainly seemed quicker...growth seemed also much quicker....and, even when smaller and sexed a couple, was almost impossible for a sizable adult male to pull them out with 2 hands :biglaugh:...

Really like the sand......:smoke: Has worked very well and results very impressive....
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Yep..on the products..

I used to use mostly chicken manure/horse manure/cow manure/ gathered leaf mold from forest...grass clippings..leaves..etc..

and make BIG compost piles..

problem is..

getting into remote spots with 500 pounds of compost.

so..dry fertilizers..packed in..

or concentrate liquid.

when running tests you are right ..HAVE to use clones AS LIKE EACH OTHER as possible..

weight, age, root ball, branches..hard to do.

but you know I think 70 percent of what I do is FEEL and memory..once you have done it many many times its second nature..I guess..

these products..the 'footprint' on making them..I shudder to think..

my garden at home is all my own compost and mostly friendly products..but I am not opposed to heaby chem if needed..so not all in..
mostly in?

whenever I flip on a light, I am PART OF THE PROBLEM.

hah hahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahah..

fcuk me.

sand sand sand....


9-10 feet?

how big you get em inside? same ones I mean?

is it PURE sour bubble..which bx?

can i ask you EVEN MORE questions.../





Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
southwind said:
Yep..on the products..
I used to use mostly chicken manure/horse manure/cow manure/ gathered leaf mold from forest...grass clippings..leaves..etc..

and make BIG compost piles..

problem is..

getting into remote spots with 500 pounds of compost.

so..dry fertilizers..packed in..

or concentrate liquid.
I'm a big fan of chicken......have used enormous amounts in the past, was siting on extremely large stash for a while, then source dried up, so, until I find it again......

Most areas I have worked for a while good native soil, so, have only had to bring dry mix (which is still some serious weight...but, as earlier.....different things...sometimes haul onto site(s) then break it up into smaller batches for each plot/location, and so on.....

Ton sure doesn't go far, that's for sure :biglaugh: Can't even begin to calculate what was gone through this year........
when running tests you are right ..HAVE to use clones AS LIKE EACH OTHER as possible..

weight, age, root ball, branches..hard to do.

but you know I think 70 percent of what I do is FEEL and memory..once you have done it many many times its second nature..I guess..
That's why I always have a question about anything I see and their test groups........ie: Uniformity. Know I have read research papers which mass was measured to accurately gauge test results of increased growth, but, right back to square on, how uniform were they initially...


Everything I do is based on "feel"......sure sometimes not perfect, don't assume it to be, but, if close enough :smoke:.....(Which when your mixing a multiple tons.......in the field no less?).....well.."close enough" is all I need :biglaugh:
these products..the 'footprint' on making them..I shudder to think..

my garden at home is all my own compost and mostly friendly products..but I am not opposed to heaby chem if needed..so not all in..
mostly in?

whenever I flip on a light, I am PART OF THE PROBLEM.
Well, was just pointing out we all are.....subject usually tends to bring passion and opinion, but, many forget even those who do much more than others still contribute in one way or another...be it through food, containers, car, supplies, utilities, household goods, etc, etc,....list goes on.......

I do some, could do more.....is what it is.....

9-10 feet?

how big you get em inside? same ones I mean?

is it PURE sour bubble..which bx?
I'd have to go back somewhere in gallery to check (one of original packs BOG sent me........think it was the 3...First year unsure.......did some, can't remember if clones or left a seed plot that year.....3 years ago I know had a bunch ready for an indoor place and had problems, so, all moms got shaved down and that year was quite a few clones of it (couple thousand)....in the process, let a couple fems go and got the fem seed, which turned out fairly stable (99%....)...last year ran quite a few of the fems (and I think some clones...) , same deal, end up with minimal amount of fem's...This year ran a lot of the fems....but, haven't crossed it with anything...This year have some mixed in with the pink/lemon astounding stuff.....but have a lot going somewhere else else, so, should have some more from a male or so left, then should have some fems, then should end up with a SB/Pink..(I didn't want to do hat, I wanted both separate, but, I figure end result, worse case scenario should produce something possibly quite exceptional.(both very nice..pink extremely hardcore product.....)

Have done substantially more out than in so, in performance wouldn't reveal much as far as possibilities....(indoor I do SOG hit and runs more or less, so...size issue an moot point....). Out, have run it fairly consistent last 4 years or so...(can't remember if last 4 or last 3?....maybe was 3 out and first was in???????.......(plus I do many other things, so....SB is usually for my ps........so, I tend to pay a little more attention to it than everything else...(well, until end of season and I start seeing things I bag for my own :biglaugh:.....)

I'd say out they have been averaging 6-8 feet.....this season averaging 8-10, so.....

Edit: or was it the bx2.5?.....Was there a 3???......I'm fairly certain it was his last release of it......(I wouldn't have made any stock otherwise.....if able to just get more, etc.......) Overall pure though.....only fems and m/f since I got it, nothing else.....and every run still like he first :smoke:(aside from last 2 years larger...but, quality the same...could pick it out of 50 things blindfolded.....bagged or lit :smoke:
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New member
damn bro..its gonna take a year to get through this whole thread..but thats cool..need that time to learn anyway..in my imaginary plot..plan to start with bout ten females to get the feel..then look at more

some tips ...i dont like GPS n wouldnt use it either...i dont even trust shredders..if map info MUST be written down..old bookie trick ...use rice paper n keep a small bucket of water close if anything happens just throw rice paper into water...i find this more effecient ...faster...than burning..just gotta be carefull if ur out in the rain :)

also..many may post from their phone..the cell companies WILL turn info over to LEOs....so leave the phone at home when going to plots if u feel your hot or just anal like myself when thinking about security n CYA...just turning the phone off is not enough..they can be remotely turned by leos..some newer phones have GPS

just some things to concider

pleasure to be here :)

back to learning

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I've only read up to page 47 & so far it's one of the most enthralling reads on the site.

At this point I've a few questions, but I'll hold off on asking till I read some more.


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