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Mass of an ass going critical


ICMag Donor
Your premise is so flawed as to be laughable.

Roe vs. Wade has absolutely nothing to do with legislation - that is how it should have been handled. It was a massive overstep by the SCOTUS and a ground-breaking effort in legislating from the bench. The idea that the right to an abortion is grounded in the right to privacy is one hell of a reach, it's right up there with using the interstate commerce clause to regulate an individual growing & consuming pot.

This is gibberish. Perhaps you are telling me with bold that you do not know the role of the Supreme Court.

Overturning Roe v Wade is changing the law to accommodate religious beliefs and making the entire country comply with the religious beliefs of a few. That is a big step down the road towards sharia law. The church says life begins at conception to others thats just a clump of cells.

Try to stay on track. Laughable and Interstate commerce have nothing to do with it.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
This is gibberish. Perhaps you are telling me with bold that you do not know the role of the Supreme Court.

Quite obviously you do not know the role of the Supreme Court.

"[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Roe v. Wade is the republican holy grail of the moment because it puts religious beliefs into legislation"[/FONT]

Their function is not to "legislate". Oddly enough, that is the role of the Legislature. Finding any tenuous link possible to justify a change in the nation's law, as in the commerce clause, is NOT the function of the SCOTUS.


ICMag Donor
Trump backtracked today on the scope of the investigation and now says that they can investigate anything they want. I guess the next stipulation will be that they have zero time to investigate everything.

More people are coming forward to say that Kavanaugh is not the choir boy he made off to be. It looks like he was a wild obnoxious drunk misbehaving frequently.


ICMag Donor
Quite obviously you do not know the role of the Supreme Court.

"[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Roe v. Wade is the republican holy grail of the moment because it puts religious beliefs into legislation"[/FONT]

Their function is not to "legislate". Oddly enough, that is the role of the Legislature. Finding any tenuous link possible to justify a change in the nation's law, as in the commerce clause, is NOT the function of the SCOTUS.

So you would feel better if I said law instead of legislation. You're splitting hairs and still have not logically disputed what I said. You're just doing the dance.

Nice font and bold usage.


Active member
Lol this guy doesn’t realize WHO is now being investigated for what. CNN hasn’t broken that ‘breaking news’. Instead Anderson Cooper is looking for a new ditch to kneel in


Active member
Rives, Badfishy out friends on the liberal side, will never understand the role of the supreme court.to a those friends, It's a tool to push things Congress can't get through.

Some of us understand that the Supreme court is a body that rules on the constitutionality of legislation. Not declaring that a ruling is now the law of the land.

Roe v. WADE was not a piece of legislation. It was not passed by Congress.

The 4th ammendment prevents illegal search and seizure, it doesn't make personal privacy a right. If it did the lunatic protesters would be in prision.


Active member
This is serious, here is very incomplete list of objectives.

repeal of federal campaign finance laws
abolition of Medicare and Medicaid
repeal of the Social Security system
repeal of all taxation
repeal of minimum wage laws
abolition of the Environmental Protection Agency
abolition of the Food and Drug Administration
abolition of tax-supported services for children.
repeal of the Occupational Safety and Health Act

This list hardly scratches the surface, for a more complete list;

With all due respect, this list is older than Kavanaugh’s accusations


Active member
Right so MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CNBC, SNL ETC. have definitely been fair and balanced. Yes Fox has a bias as does ever mainstream media outlet. The difference is that fox is the only place you can get the other side.

So no fox isn't the media entity most to blame. Blame them all. They all lie. The difference is fox beats the rest to a bloody pulp in the ratings. CNN's ratings are in line with reruns of hee-haw. I find it funny.

So if you were going to hijack the messenger would it be easier to use the one network that reaches half of the population or all of the other networks that reach the other half? Your "MSM is controlled by globalists" argument doesn't hold water. Wouldn't it also be smarter to tailor your messaging using the one network that reaches the half of the population holding nearly all of the wealth?


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
So you would feel better if I said law instead of legislation. You're splitting hairs and still have not logically disputed what I said. You're just doing the dance.

Nice font and bold usage.

No, I'm not "splitting hairs" - it is a crucial difference between the Judicial branch and the Legislative. In this case (and the commerce application to pot), SCOTUS anointed themselves with power which was not theirs to exercise.

"Legislative Branch: Headed by Congress, which includes the House of Representatives and the Senate. The main task of these two bodies is to make the laws. Its powers include passing laws, originating spending bills (House), impeaching officials (Senate), and approving treaties (Senate)."

"Judicial Branch: Headed by the Supreme Court. Its powers include interpreting the Constitution, reviewing laws, and deciding cases involving states' rights."

This one is obviously aimed right at you -


Active member
So if you were going to hijack the messenger would it be easier to use the one network that reaches half of the population or all of the other networks that reach the other half? Your "MSM is controlled by globalists" argument doesn't hold water. Wouldn't it also be smarter to tailor your messaging using the one network that reaches the half of the population holding nearly all of the wealth?

If I was to hijack the message, I would use the majority of media many of which have served in democratic presidential administrations. I would use Hollywood, and I would use the universities. It a 3 pronged attack. I said nothing of globalist. That's your words.

In no way am I claiming Fox news is unbiased. We all have biases. The MSM has painted themselves as unbiased arbiters of the truth, except they are regularly proven wrong, and rarely issue retractions. When they do issue a retractions they bury it so few actually see it.

St. Phatty

Active member
More people are coming forward to say that Kavanaugh is not the choir boy he made off to be. It looks like he was a wild obnoxious drunk misbehaving frequently.

After today's revelations where one of Kavanaugh's classmates describes his drinking, I don't know how he can be confirmed.

I think the Dem's are trying to push it so that it affects people's voting (which could obviously back-fire) and -- don't know if this is possible -- delays the confirmation vote until after the election.

If they can delay the vote and November 6 puts the Dem's in charge of the Senate ... that could de-rail the confirmation & somehow help fund-raising.

Well both parties are Machiavellian.

The Kavanaugh hearing is simple Public Theater/ Charade. The job of both parties is to support Israel unapologetically/pyschopathically.

I wonder how much this new guy coming forwarded is a case of what the GOP'ers could reasonably allege, that it's just a bunch of Dem die-hards who used to know Kavanaugh, making sh.t up.

I think it might be Dem die-hards coming forward, but I don't get the impression they're making sh.t up.

Is there a reverse case when the GOP was sticking it to a Dem SC nom ?


Active member
No, I'm not "splitting hairs" - it is a crucial difference between the Judicial branch and the Legislative. In this case (and the commerce application to pot), SCOTUS anointed themselves with power which was not theirs to exercise.

"Legislative Branch: Headed by Congress, which includes the House of Representatives and the Senate. The main task of these two bodies is to make the laws. Its powers include passing laws, originating spending bills (House), impeaching officials (Senate), and approving treaties (Senate)."

"Judicial Branch: Headed by the Supreme Court. Its powers include interpreting the Constitution, reviewing laws, and deciding cases involving states' rights."

This one is obviously aimed right at you -

The FACTS. Oh, the horror of the mean facts. Why oh why must you always use facts.



St. Phatty

Active member
The FACTS. Oh, the horror of the mean facts. Why oh why must you always use facts.



reminds me of my Repub friend Paul C. and my Dem friend Matt K.

During the 2016 election, I had to un-friend both of them on Facebook because their one-sided rants were difficult to listen to - and diametrically opposed.

I thought, if only there were some way to put these guys in a room - until they come to an agreement on something - AND MAKE $$ from it ... now that would be something.


Active member
If I was to hijack the message, I would use the majority of media many of which have served in democratic presidential administrations. I would use Hollywood, and I would use the universities. It a 3 pronged attack. I said nothing of globalist. That's your words.

In no way am I claiming Fox news is unbiased. We all have biases. The MSM has painted themselves as unbiased arbiters of the truth, except they are regularly proven wrong, and rarely issue retractions. When they do issue a retractions they bury it so few actually see it.

Sorry that was Badfishy making the globalists control MSM argument...not sure how I got you guys mixed up!


After today's revelations where one of Kavanaugh's classmates describes his drinking, I don't know how he can be confirmed.

I think the Dem's are trying to push it so that it affects people's voting (which could obviously back-fire) and -- don't know if this is possible -- delays the confirmation vote until after the election.

If they can delay the vote and November 6 puts the Dem's in charge of the Senate ... that could de-rail the confirmation & somehow help fund-raising.

Well both parties are Machiavellian.

The Kavanaugh hearing is simple Public Theater/ Charade. The job of both parties is to support Israel unapologetically/pyschopathically.

I wonder how much this new guy coming forwarded is a case of what the GOP'ers could reasonably allege, that it's just a bunch of Dem die-hards who used to know Kavanaugh, making sh.t up.

I think it might be Dem die-hards coming forward, but I don't get the impression they're making sh.t up.

Is there a reverse case when the GOP was sticking it to a Dem SC nom ?

if these accusations turn out to be solid, the fbi will soon get to the bottom of it. in the end the democrats done fucked up big time, they turned this whole thing into a battle about what side you are on, by bringing it out after the investigation into his suitability and his questioning is already done, made all this in to a huge media circus, now many are now set on going with their side and might vote for him despite everything. in the end i would want the truth to decide his suitability, but i will still wait for a concrete report about the investigation results. still wouldn't trust either fox or msnbc to tell me what the report said, lol. they are not beyond citing a document and reporting from it totally out of context. like i said, if his teenage era friends know him as a heavy drinker and party animal who liked to let his hands wander where they were,'t wanted, then this would have been easy to find out during the actual confidential investigative process. why did Feinstein keep this secret for 60 days?

also, how the bleep did the FBI miss this stuff during 6! back ground checks, lmfao.


Active member
So if you were going to hijack the messenger would it be easier to use the one network that reaches half of the population or all of the other networks that reach the other half? Your "MSM is controlled by globalists" argument doesn't hold water. Wouldn't it also be smarter to tailor your messaging using the one network that reaches the half of the population holding nearly all of the wealth?

Perhaps you hadn’t read the post where I talk about left and right being a tool of division to keep the masses at war with each other while fucking both groups square in the ass. Perfect example is everybody in here (I too am guilty of it) arguing about our differences. If humanity wants change the focus shan’t be on each other. Instead we SHOULD be focused on the ‘globalists’ fucking us every minute of the day. Of course it’s easier throwing shit at each other like a pack of monkeys but this helps absolutely nothing. Do you find ANYTHING suspect in the same 5 families owning 90%+ of all MSM worldwide? Do you find anything suspect in literally 1 family controlling ALL financial institutions worldwide? Do you find anything suspect both of these groups have 1 thing in common? Follow the money and where it ends up is TYPICALLY the root of the problem. And NO I won’t take the ‘who are these globalists’ bait. Sometimes revealing power level is counterproductive

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
The 4th ammendment prevents illegal search and seizure, it doesn't make personal privacy a right. If it did the lunatic protesters would be in prision.

But it does.

And so does tort law.

I suppose we the people have to wait for a SCOTUS ruling on lunatic protesters to be sure.

Your grasp on everything is fascinating.


Active member
if these accusations turn out to be solid, the fbi will soon get to the bottom of it. in the end the democrats done fucked up big time, they turned this whole thing into a battle about what side you are on, by bringing it out after the investigation into his suitability and his questioning is already done, made all this in to a huge media circus, now many are now set on going with their side and might vote for him despite everything. in the end i would want the truth to decide his suitability, but i will still wait for a concrete report about the investigation results. still wouldn't trust either fox or msnbc to tell me what the report said, lol. they are not beyond citing a document and reporting from it totally out of context. like i said, if his teenage era friends know him as a heavy drinker and party animal who liked to let his hands wander where they were,'t wanted, then this would have been easy to find out during the actual confidential investigative process. why did Feinstein keep this secret for 60 days?

also, how the bleep did the FBI miss this stuff during 6! back ground checks, lmfao.

Feinstein KNOWS she’s fucked. THAT is why she wants a scope of the FBI investigation sent to the senate judiciary committee.


Active member
But it does.

And so does tort law.

I suppose we the people have to wait for a SCOTUS ruling on lunatic protesters to be sure.

Your grasp on everything is fascinating.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Sorry lad, going to have to take that bullshit elsewhere. Not a word about ‘privacy’. If you truly want to LEARN about the constitution, KrisAnne Hall is a very good person to learn constitutional law from. She is a constitutionalist. She isn’t right or left.