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Mass of an ass going critical


Well-known member
Gary Ridgeway the Green River killer passed a polygraph.

Richard Crafts killed his wife but passed 3 lie detector tests.

Aldrich Ames CIA agent who became KBG double agent

Sociopaths and habitual liars often pass lie detector tests.

Ted Bundy passed a lie detector test.

14 men passed a lie detector test on the Maury show. They said they were not the dad but the dna test said they were.

27 woman on that show said the guy was the only man that could be the father and then the dna test proved the man was not the father.

Polygraphs are bullshit.


Well-known member
Anyone happen to know what it was that they paused the hearings for when stepped out to go vote yesterday ?
The wealthy elite have a term they use for us when they happen to notice someone of our class cheering for them.


ICMag Donor
So you go to an ‘interview’ I walk in and say you raped me therefore you shouldn’t get the job? You won the mental gymnastics gold mate. Trump simply doesn’t want to hear the liberal media drumming this for the next 6 years. Want outrage? Hit up that hag Feinstein who sat on this supposedly since July o r her staffers who leaked the info. There would have been plenty of time to waste even more resources and money to ‘investigate’ this political rape 36 years ago with ZERO evidence

That's the way it rolls. You don't get the job.

Saying stuff like this doesn't help.

Trump has already alienated women with pussy grabbing and hookers. Staying neutral on his comments wasn't trumps choice. Somebody, probably Kelly, told him to stfu and stay on script. Surprisingly he did. It's way too close to November for him to piss off every woman in the US.


ICMag Donor
He knew Karma was delivering some payback.



Active member

That's the way it rolls. You don't get the job.

Saying stuff like this doesn't help.

Trump has already alienated women with pussy grabbing and hookers. Staying neutral on his comments wasn't trumps choice. Somebody, probably Kelly, told him to stfu and stay on script. Surprisingly he did. It's way too close to November for him to piss off every woman in the US.

Lol. Yes sooooo alienated. Polls right? The same msm cherry picked polls that had Hillary up 6 million percentage points the day of election? And if you haven’t figured it out yet, trump doesn’t have an election this November to worry about... if you in anyway shape or form don’t think trump calls his own shots and doesn’t write his own script you have been living under a rock. It would be the end of anyone else’s career to write that ‘script’. Gotta give it to you m8 your shoulders must be ripped towing your parties line. Too bad your party leaders such as Feinstein are setting you up for absolute disappointment following midterms. Just a small example would be Texas senate district 19. There will be many more seats following this trend. Division politics is backfiring and has actually galvanized the silent majority. Repeated political shitshows from the left is only hurting their cause. And IF an FBI investigation reveals nothing, that WILL be the nail in the coffin for the left.


ICMag Donor
And IF an FBI investigation reveals nothing, that WILL be the nail in the coffin for the left.

After all the berating of Sessions, Rosenstein and the FBI, They'll be more than happy to go the extra mile. Why do you think Kavanaugh was avoiding the investigation?


Active member
After all the berating of Sessions, Rosenstein and the FBI, They'll be more than happy to go the extra mile. Why do you think Kavanaugh was avoiding the investigation?

If that was the case, wouldn't the FBI, done something with the background check they just did. Considering the FBI already declined to investigate. I think the FBI doesn't want the bad publicity that comes from the investigation. It doesn't matter who they side with half the nation is going to have an all consuming hated for the FBI. For the foreseeable future. Enough people already have significant doubts about the integrity of the FBI.


ICMag Donor
There's really no telling where this one will go?

I'm sure there will be more fallout.


What happened to Kavanaugh??
Crying that they are going to investigate? lol
(I'm out of the news loop)


Active member
What happened to Kavanaugh??
Crying that they are going to investigate? lol
(I'm out of the news loop)

Jeff Flake bent over for the Democrats to get his weakly gangbang.

They are having the FBI do an investigation with a limited scope and 1 week time limit.

If the FBI signs off, Republicans have the votes to confirm Kavanaugh.

So basically the media and the Democrats have another week to do anything to destroy the man's life.

I hope all you guys out there understand what this means. If a woman makes an accusation, her words are what you will be judged on. This will affect all men. Presumption of innocence is no longer important.


Well-known member
when i hear them say 'this is tearing the country apart'..i wonder what they mean? how is it? Without being an alarmist?


Jeff Flake bent over for the Democrats to get his weakly gangbang.

They are having the FBI do an investigation with a limited scope and 1 week time limit.

If the FBI signs off, Republicans have the votes to confirm Kavanaugh.

So basically the media and the Democrats have another week to do anything to destroy the man's life.

I hope all you guys out there understand what this means. If a woman makes an accusation, her words are what you will be judged on. This will affect all men. Presumption of innocence is no longer important.

Trying to prevent the guy from being the highest judge in the country isn't exactly ruining his life, if the allegations are true.
It's not like he's applying for a job at Burger King.
If he is innocent he should have no problem.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Jeff Flake bent over for the Democrats to get his weakly gangbang.

They are having the FBI do an investigation with a limited scope and 1 week time limit.

If the FBI signs off, Republicans have the votes to confirm Kavanaugh.

So basically the media and the Democrats have another week to do anything to destroy the man's life.

I hope all you guys out there understand what this means. If a woman makes an accusation, her words are what you will be judged on. This will affect all men. Presumption of innocence is no longer important.

And it is totally a moot point.

In a week, the FBI is going to say that there is no physical evidence and that there are conflicting stories that have already been provided and sworn to, but nothing to back them up. Then the Democrats are going to continue to piss & moan because "Kavanaugh wasn't proven innocent", all the while ignoring the fact that it is impossible to prove a negative.


Active member
when i hear them say 'this is tearing the country apart'..i wonder what they mean? how is it? Without being an alarmist?

Because the democratic party has sunk to a new low. They are destroying a man and his family over charges with literally zero evidence. Kavanaugh has turned over more records than the last 5 justices combined, he's bent over backwards for the committee. He's been treated like shit, lied about constantly.
Feinstein sat on this information for 2 months, during over 30 hours of questioning. This is a calculated hit job. If not they would have brought it out 2 months ago. It's just trying to wait it out in the hopes that the Democrats take the Senate, and they can stop an nomination.

You may hate Trump, you may hate Kavanaugh, you may hate Congress, you may hate the Republican party. The question is do you want to encourage political parties to win at all cost? The precedent this sets will ultimately affect the behavior of both parties. Do we want to encourage either political party to be more ruthless?

Do you think decent people will want to go into the public sector if their families will be destroyed by the process. The only people who will be willing are people like Donald Trump, people who have accepted that they have serious flaws and don't care if anyone knows it.

Will men want to be called rapist and be convicted in the press. You don't see hundreds of women screaming we believe survivors. The other side of that coin is they don't believe you if you are a man. Nothing more than what is between your legs determines your guilt or innocence. It doesn't matter if they have a single solitary fact, or corroborating witnesse. Many women have said, it doesn't matter what he says he's guilty and not entitled to a defense.


This is the future. This just a Republican-Democrat fight. Men's right to defend himself is on the line. Not every man is Bill Cosby. Their are good men on both sides of the isle.


Active member
Trying to prevent the guy from being the highest judge in the country isn't exactly ruining his life, if the allegations are true.
It's not like he's applying for a job at Burger King.
If he is innocent he should have no problem.

Can I tell your children you are a rapist?
Can I tell your wife you drugged and gangraped multiple women?
Can I tell your mother you are a sexual predator?
Can I send your wife emails threatening her and your children's lives?
Your okay with these things?

Any man who is in support of this is, so blindly partisan their is no hope for you. Men who support this are putting the noose around their own neck.


Can I tell your children you are a rapist?
Can I tell your wife you drugged and gangraped multiple women?
Can I tell your mother you are a sexual predator?
Can I send your wife emails threatening her and your children's lives?
Your okay with these things?

Any man who is in support of this is, so blindly partisan their is no hope for you. Men who support this are putting the nose around their own neck.

If i was trying to be the highest judge in the country i would expect investigation and whatever that involves.
I don't know if he is guilty of what he has been accused of, but if he is innocent he should welcome the investigation.
Of course false accusations should be condemned but if you want to be the highest judge you should be open to greater scrutiny.


Active member
If i was trying to be the highest judge in the country i would expect investigation and whatever that involves.
I don't know if he is guilty of what he has been accused of, but if he is innocent he should welcome the investigation.
Of course false accusations should be condemned but if you want to be the highest judge you should be open to greater scrutiny.

No other supreme court nominee has ever been treated this way. Republicans voted for Kagan and Sotomayor. Even with Bork, Thomas it wasn't this bad. You are showing your partisanship. I wouldn't wish this treatment on any man irrelevant of party affiliation.

If you are innocent you should welcome an Investigation, that's fundamentally unamerican. What happened to the presumption of innocence. These charges are not corroborated by one single fact. Ford's own friend who was supposedly their says shes never met Kavanaugh and it didn't happen .

I am sure if it was a democratic nominee you would be up in arms.


Blah, blah.... i really could give a sh*t.... i'm not on any side, i'm not american.

I don't know about the history of hiring supreme court judge scrutiny, i just believe that the criteria should be extremely high and not the same as John Doe the potato farmer.

The highest law man should be basically 100% squeaky clean and accusations should roll off like water to a ducks back. :dunno:

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