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Mass of an ass going critical


Active member
Not Kavanaugh’s decision about an FBI investigation. Only one person has been able to set the conditions of an FBI investigation... HRC


Well-known member
But you're not trying to become the highest judge in the country.... someone who is should be able to handle reality with no worries.
If he is so clear of conscious he should encourage investigations, to prove him right.

Only problem is it's his word against his accusers, no amount of investigations are going to prove it did or didn't happen.

If he's guilty sure he should be charged, but I don't really believe he's guilty. Women wrongfully accuse men of sexual assault all the time and them women never get in trouble. The man's reputation is pretty much ruined, I'd be pissed too, the guy worked his ass off to get were he is. No reason he should be nice about it if he's innocent.


Well-known member
Ford took a polygraph.
Kavanaugh refused a polygraph.

She took a polygraph under improper conditions. She said she just attended a funeral, she was stressed out. Her baseline was already altered to lying level of heart rate and blood pressure. Plus it was a staged polygraph. Polygraphs are not admissible. Polygraphs are stupid. Plain and simple. Polygraphs are bullshit. It is like judges at a boxing match. LOL at the polygraph argument.

Ford requested an FBI investigation.
Kavanaugh refused to request the FBI investigate.

No he didn't. Stop making shit up. Ford didn't want an investigation or she wouldn't have lied she was afraid of flying and couldn't get there. This is BULLSHIT!!

Ford answered every question.
Kavanaugh didn't answer and was argumentative on several questions.

Kavanaugh answered every question. He just didn't keep answering the same one over and over. Ford hemmed and hawed and could not remember most things. She couldn't even point on a map where she lived. She kept looking at her lawyer and the democrats to see if she messed up. She said it was a mistake she used the word bystanders. LOL! Her story was refuted by 4 people and her own therapist disagreed with her account on number of people in the room.

Just the opposite happened of what you claim Zeez.

Fords temperament was measured and steady.
Kavanaugh was emotional and defensive.

Ford was lying and conniving. Her facial expressions and searching looks point to deception. Her evolving story and lack of key details seems more convenient than truthful.

Kavanaugh was polished. Straight forward and reflected how the average, innocent man should act. Pissed off and indignant.

There was one witness participant.
The committee neglected to have him present.

They had statements from the 3 people she said were in the house. They all refuted that claim and said they were not there. Her own friend refuted her story.

If the democrats wanted an investigation they should have included the republicans from the very start. They didn't. Too bad now!



Well-known member


Active member
Bush did not have his ass in a sling the way this one does.
As a result, he was willing to stick with previous norms.
I thought it high theater with one republican senator
stating that the FBI would honor anyone's request for an investigation.
I could not help but smile at the sanitized descriptions of the house parties.
As if beer was the only thing consumed at the events.

The description of him as a mean or belligerent drunk had been something he denied as strongly as the allegations of sex abuse.

With the performance he delivered this afternoon, it seemed the man was very comfortable dishing abuse with no alcohol at all. One can only imagine how bright that glow would get with a snort full.

We have all heard that rape is a crime about power as opposed to sex.
The man we saw today demonstrated quite a lust for power.

I wouldn't be nice and cordial if I was falsely accused of attempting to rape a woman. Would you defend yourself? Or would you just sit their as you are continually bashed.


ICMag Donor
I know someone who was falsely accused. They took a polygraph and got it thrown out.


Active member
Ford took a polygraph.
Kavanaugh refused a polygraph.

Ford requested an FBI investigation.
Kavanaugh refused to request the FBI investigate.

Ford answered every question.
Kavanaugh didn't answer and was argumentative on several questions.

Fords temperament was measured and steady.
Kavanaugh was emotional and defensive.

There was one witness participant.
The committee neglected to have him present.

Ford wasn't accused of a heinous crime. Kavanaugh has had his good name dragged through the mud. Of course he was pissed, if he wasn't pissed then I would be worried.

Ford has over 900,000 $ in go fund me accounts. This is a big payday for her.

Ford's polygraph asked 2 questions. Neither of those questions were whether Kavanaugh attempted to rape her.


ICMag Donor
Ford wasn't accused of a heinous crime. Kavanaugh has had his good name dragged through the mud. Of course he was pissed, if he wasn't pissed then I would be worried.

Ford has over 900,000 $ in go fund me accounts. This is a big payday for her.

Ford's polygraph asked 2 questions. Neither of those questions were whether Kavanaugh attempted to rape her.

3 different accusers with similar accusations.

There will now be an FBI investigation.

The rest sounds like spin. If she gets money, she'll need it.


Well-known member
If it were me and I was asked to submit to
an FBI investigation...
I'd tell them to kiss my ass all the way back to Texas.Suppena me when you have a cause and proof.


a bit off topic sorry

a bit off topic sorry

but very funny.

The Wit & Wisdom of President Ronald Reagan


just turn it off when Obama comes on, starts getting all partisan after that. i put it up before i got to the end.


Active member
3 different accusers with similar accusations.

There will now be an FBI investigation.

The rest sounds like spin. If she gets money, she'll need it.

Yes including one who graduated in ‘80 and was politically ‘raped’ in 83 at a highschool party. Ford can’t remember where she was when it happened, how she got there or how she left. Seems legit. Need it? For what? Her mounting pro-bono legal fees paid by DNC? Cool story
And to everyone banging the polygraph test... you mean the same polygraph test that is NOT admissible in court? Seems like a stellar gauge of ‘honesty’. Even witness testimony that has REPEATEDLY been deemed inaccurate at times of duress is admitted in court. Why would somebody waste their time on a polygraph? If the results are what one WANTS to hear the narrative becomes ‘see he’s guilty’ if the results are NOT what one wants to hear the narrative becomes ‘well polygraphs are inaccurate’. Lose/lose for soon to be justice Kavanaugh


Active member
Yes including one who graduated in ‘80 and was politically ‘raped’ in 83 at a highschool party. Ford can’t remember where she was when it happened, how she got there or how she left. Seems legit. Need it? For what? Her mounting pro-bono legal fees paid by DNC? Cool story

It's a stall tactic. With hope for the Democrats to take the Senate. If they wanted a FBI investigation, Feinstein shouldn't have sat on the accusation for 8 weeks. Just like the nuclear option this will come back to bite the Democrats in the ass.


Well-known member
Reap the whirlwind are the words of a deck stacker whose agenda is division.

Lying comes easy to the elite, as we have seen demonstrated, they close ranks to protect their own.



ICMag Donor
Polygraph is not admissible in court. Many people are capable of passing a polygraph. Polygraph analysis is very subjective.

Common knowledge. Polygraphs are used for many reasons. FBI guy did the test and there was other supporting evidence. Validity depends allot on the tester.


ICMag Donor
Yes including one who graduated in ‘80 and was politically ‘raped’ in 83 at a highschool party. Ford can’t remember where she was when it happened, how she got there or how she left. Seems legit. Need it? For what? Her mounting pro-bono legal fees paid by DNC? Cool story
And to everyone banging the polygraph test... you mean the same polygraph test that is NOT admissible in court? Seems like a stellar gauge of ‘honesty’. Even witness testimony that has REPEATEDLY been deemed inaccurate at times of duress is admitted in court. Why would somebody waste their time on a polygraph? If the results are what one WANTS to hear the narrative becomes ‘see he’s guilty’ if the results are NOT what one wants to hear the narrative becomes ‘well polygraphs are inaccurate’. Lose/lose for soon to be justice Kavanaugh

No accuracy or relevance here. This is a job interview and character assessment.

I guess trump is trying not to end up on the wrong side of things again by authorizing the investigation.

Last edited:


Active member
No accuracy or relevance here. This is a job interview and character assessment.

I guess trump is trying not to end up on the wrong side of things again by authorizing the investigation.


So you go to an ‘interview’ I walk in and say you raped me therefore you shouldn’t get the job? You won the mental gymnastics gold mate. Trump simply doesn’t want to hear the liberal media drumming this for the next 6 years. Want outrage? Hit up that hag Feinstein who sat on this supposedly since July or her staffers who leaked the info. There would have been plenty of time to waste even more resources and money to ‘investigate’ this political rape 36 years ago with ZERO evidence

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