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Mass of an ass going critical


Active member
New York Times just dropped a big one documenting several trump tax fraud schemes. Hundreds of millions of dollars in tax fraud with money siphoned from daddy Fred.

Time for the extra strong Kool-aid.

Let's see how fake the news is now. No doubt his delusional minions will find a way to disregard reality. C'mon Donald, sue the "failing" NYT for a full public airing of their claims. Let's see what kind of balls lie underneath your freakish toadstool yeti-pubed little dick.

Extra strong Kool-aid is right, better get Kavanaugh to mix up one of his special batches!


ICMag Donor
Let's see how fake the news is now. No doubt his delusional minions will find a way to disregard reality. C'mon Donald, sue the "failing" NYT for a full public airing of their claims. Let's see what kind of balls lie underneath your freakish toadstool yeti-pubed little dick.

Extra strong Kool-aid is right, better get Kavanaugh to mix up one of his special batches!


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Active member
You 2 are so cute. You have created your own little echo chamber. Your fascination w a 78/79 year old ding dong says a lot....


Well-known member
New York Times just dropped a big one documenting several trump tax fraud schemes. Hundreds of millions of dollars in tax fraud with money siphoned from daddy Fred.

Time for the extra strong Kool-aid.

Wow, maybe we should hire the NYT to run the IRS. Yeah, sounds like fake news to me, the IRS don't fuck around, many rich people have gone down.


Well-known member
Let's see what kind of balls lie underneath your freakish toadstool yeti-pubed little dick.

If you believe Stormy then believe everything. She said his penis was HUGE mushroom headed penis. Now you have a proper image when you think about Trump's dick. HUGE! Like the balls he must have to take on the swamp.


If you believe Stormy then believe everything. She said his penis was HUGE mushroom headed penis. Now you have a proper image when you think about Trump's dick. HUGE! Like the balls he must have to take on the swamp.


She actually said he knows he has an unusual penis, it had a huge mushroom head.... and it was a smaller than average penis but not freakishly small. :biggrin:

But you can imagine he is big and strong with fat meat swinging between his legs. :bigeye:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I really do think you fella's should tone up the conversation level a tad on this thread.

It cannot go much lower than where it is right now - on the gribbly bits of some President.

....besides all this talk of mushrooms will just encourage all the psychonauts.


Well-known member
They do seem a bit preoccupied with it.

"They" must mean the left because that is who always brings it up and who brought it up this time.

The left is so concerned with bullying, body shaming and other politically correct issues except when they are doing it to people on the right and the POTUS.


They do seem a bit preoccupied with it.

It wouldn't really be funny if it was ANYONE else in the world.

But Mr. Fabulous 'There's no problem down there, believe me' Tremendous, who loves to judge people by how they look and boast about his great genetics it's pretty funny :biggrin:


Well-known member
Dr. Ford is looking like a big liar now. She didn't take a lie detector test. She was asked 2 questions. They established no true baseline. She attended a funeral the same day. It was a fake lie detector test that is why they wouldn't or couldn't provide a transcript.

She lied about never coaching or getting coached on how to defeat a lie detector test.

Either Feistein or Ford's lawyer leaked the story and her name. If it was her lawyer then Ford was in on the leak.

They should toss her to the curb and charge her with lying to congress.

The dems are too stupid to even focus on the one accuser who has a story that might have legs. Instead they want to focus on HS and college kids drinking mass quantities of beer. If you take out all the drinkers and pot smokers who are we left with? Oh wait Donald Trump!



ICMag Donor


Well-known member
Democrats are concerned Kavanaugh drank too much in HS and college yet they were never concerned that Ted Kennedy was an alcoholic and on the Senate.


Well-known member
The left loves photoshop, making collages, deception and free stuff. The right loves hard work, making your own way and facts.


Well-known member
Donald is a rich boy for whom rules were bent.
Brett is a rich boy for whom rules do not apply.
George Bush is a rich boy who laughs at rules.
Team Wurlitzer, shredding integrity for profit at your expense.
Their grand fathers gave us the great depression and then Franco, Mussolini, and Hitler.
Their fathers gave us the cold war, and JFK,RFK,MLK, cointelpro and they shipped our jobs to China
Bush gave us 9/11, unending war and a new depression that eviscerated what was left of a shattered middle class.
This president gave away the largest amount of money in history to his 1% masters. 1.4 billion a DAY for ten years.
On top of the largest military expenditure in history- with no enemy.
The Koch bros whose pop built the refinery that allowed the Luftwaffe to fly have continued in the family tradition.
They spent a fortune and invested many years to get rid of each and every moderate republican through the primary process.
What remains are not politicians, but are an odd collection of corporate shills, pawns and retired spooks that are the modern face of the worlds most successful continuing criminal enterprise.
The weather we deal with currently involves 1.5 degrees of temp rise.
This president's energy plan has 7 degrees of temp rise baked in by 2100.
Never any shortage of those gullible enough to fall for the right vs left scam as the looting continues.
How do you spell sucker.


Well-known member
For the slow ones still having lefty righty confusion issues, Wurlitzer corp is adobe, and google etc.
Anyone need a definition for is ?

Don't let me interrupt the conversation as to how many angels can dance on the head of a constitutional needle.

White Beard

Active member
Dr. Ford is looking like a big liar now. She didn't take a lie detector test. She was asked 2 questions. They established no true baseline. She attended a funeral the same day. It was a fake lie detector test that is why they wouldn't or couldn't provide a transcript.

She lied about never coaching or getting coached on how to defeat a lie detector test.

Either Feistein or Ford's lawyer leaked the story and her name. If it was her lawyer then Ford was in on the leak.

They should toss her to the curb and charge her with lying to congress.

The dems are too stupid to even focus on the one accuser who has a story that might have legs. Instead they want to focus on HS and college kids drinking mass quantities of beer. If you take out all the drinkers and pot smokers who are we left with? Oh wait Donald Trump!

Thanks for playing “Miss the Point!”

Kavanaugh’s responses to the situation were a test of his judicial temperament AND HE FAILED! He showed himself to be no judge at all, despite GWB’s rewarding him for his unavailable-for-review-by-the-committee “service” in the White House by giving him a seat on a court bench.

When this is all over, no-one’s going to care how “right” y’all thought you were....

St. Phatty

Active member
Democrats are concerned Kavanaugh drank too much in HS and college yet they were never concerned that Ted Kennedy was an alcoholic and on the Senate.

Actually, I think the Dem's should be concerned about Kennedy & Chappaquiddick.

Only reason I can think of that CNN etc. don't bring it up - don't want to offend viewers or advertisers.

Why wouldn't Fox bring up Kennedy's murderous drunken philandering ?