These had no sweat sealed up since Christmas 23 this first one Mulanje Gold is perfect in my book the aroma is funky pine beautiful slightly moist still would be a perfect smoke smooth and tasty.
The high is just starting to work after 10 mins chewing and I'm going to get fucked up for sure ha ha.
Perfect beautiful day to be king of the world or a Zulu King haha.
Then some Mulanje x Malawi Ethiopian from the same grow.
My notes said the buds had a menthol lime aroma.
I shouldn't have but I couldn't help myself. I had to try a bud of this as well ha ha.
God help any humans I come into contact with ha ha.
Animals will be fine they just listen ha ha.
I'd love to roll a spliff of those buds lower left in the above pick.
I can already feel my lips and face getting numb and my ears are ringing its going to be a great day brothers.
The high is just starting to work after 10 mins chewing and I'm going to get fucked up for sure ha ha.
Perfect beautiful day to be king of the world or a Zulu King haha.
Then some Mulanje x Malawi Ethiopian from the same grow.
My notes said the buds had a menthol lime aroma.
I shouldn't have but I couldn't help myself. I had to try a bud of this as well ha ha.
God help any humans I come into contact with ha ha.
Animals will be fine they just listen ha ha.
I'd love to roll a spliff of those buds lower left in the above pick.
I can already feel my lips and face getting numb and my ears are ringing its going to be a great day brothers.