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Major Earthquake In Japan Major Tsunamis


Registered Med User
Waves on there way to Cali.... wonder if this earthquake could spark the big cali quake....


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

whew, my thoughts and prayers to the people of Japan, this is bad now and will be such a long time in turning it around w/the devastation I've seen so far.



Take A Deep Breath
A State of Emergency has been issued at a nuclear power plant in NE Japan due to the failure of the cooling system.

The reactor cannot be cooled.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
A State of Emergency has been issued at a nuclear power plant in NE Japan due to the failure of the cooling system.

The reactor cannot be cooled.

That's really fucking scary and I pray to god(im not religious either) they can get that under control.


Kiss My Ring
was awakened by a disturbance in the force...as if multitudes of peoples were gasping for air, difficult to breath then, understood now.

hours of silence and deep retrogression therapy to silence the cacophany of chaos.

they have become the singularity, rejoice in its omnipotence.


This is a major tragedy. I shutter to think the effect this will have on the world economy, a lot of product are made and consumed in Japan.


This is a major tragedy. I shutter to think the effect this will have on the world economy, a lot of product are made and consumed in Japan.

Indeed. Of untold proportion to be sure.

And yet, some have managed to take shots already


What's wrong with some people?


What's wrong with some people?

I agree there is nothing funny about this. These poor people in Japan woke up today, went about there daily business and in the blink of an eye everything they owned, loved and worked hard for got washed away with the tide. I couldn't even imagine what that feeling would be like or how you carry on after something like this.


Active member
my mom was in downtown tokyo when the quake hit, 240 miles away but buildings still shook and stuff fell off the walls....she said it was utter chaos for a second. she almost got hit by a falling sign....the streets were filled up because no one wanted to be inside the buildings and the trains stopped running... japanese cities are scary...so much metal and shit everywhere....if all those buildings and neon signs started falling it would be crazy.

fuckin crazy...now im worried because i live in alameda county close to the hayward fault line....fuckin scary shit.


Game Bred
my mom was in downtown tokyo when the quake hit, 240 miles away but buildings still shook and stuff fell off the walls....she said it was utter chaos for a second. she almost got hit by a falling sign....the streets were filled up because no one wanted to be inside the buildings and the trains stopped running... japanese cities are scary...so much metal and shit everywhere....if all those buildings and neon signs started falling it would be crazy.

fuckin crazy...now im worried because i live in alameda county close to the hayward fault line....fuckin scary shit.

did you head out to the coast?
how did the surf look?


things are looking not so good at the nuke plants.

Japanese authorities will release slightly radioactive vapour to ease pressure at nuclear reactor whose cooling system failed.

The failure occurred after a power outage caused by today's massive earthquake off north-eastern Japan.

Japan's nuclear safety agency said pressure inside one of six boiling water reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi plant had risen to 1.5 times the level considered normal.

The agency said the radioactive element in the vapour that will be released would not affect the environment or human health.

Read more: http://www.breakingnews.ie/world/ra...ese-nuclear-station-496906.html#ixzz1GKQ6Z8yY

Prayers for our friends over in Japan

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I cant believe someone came out with the godzilla pic already. jesus tap dancing christ at least wait until death toll is done rising. no fucking respect. Even the south park guys wait a little longer than 2 fucking hours after the shit happens. I guarantee you though if that was San Fransisco instead of Japan the Cristian right would already be on TV talking about Sodom and Gramore. In Texas I certainly heard a lot of that talk about New Orleans during Katrina.


Game Bred
I cant believe someone came out with the godzilla pic already. jesus tap dancing christ at least wait until death toll is done rising. no fucking respect. Even the south park guys wait a little longer than 2 fucking hours after the shit happens. I guarantee you though if that was San Fransisco instead of Japan the Cristian right would already be on TV talking about Sodom and Gramore. In Texas I certainly heard a lot of that talk about New Orleans during Katrina.

I would not say morons like phelps or hagee represent christians or the right...