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Major Earthquake In Japan Major Tsunamis


I was up til 2am last night after getting home at 12 after work and hearing the news. I was worried like a motherfucker for my aunt Yuka until we got a call from her, thank god she lives in a different province than most of the damage. Safe from harm, my heart goes out to Japan right now.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Tragic. Just tragic. The aerial shots from the north on the tube right now are just terrible. Devastating on so many levels.


I was up til 2am last night after getting home at 12 after work and hearing the news. I was worried like a motherfucker for my aunt Yuka until we got a call from her, thank god she lives in a different province than most of the damage. Safe from harm, my heart goes out to Japan right now.
Best wishes to you & your Family there friend.:tiphat:


This is the worst natural disaster of our lifetime. We should all pray for the people of Japan and offer to give whatever we can to help.
Watching the Tsunami on tv wipeout highways full of moving traffic and entire cities. This is crazy and so tragic,times like this make feel like growing weed is not so important.

what do you mean

why was growing weed important (I know why it could be...)

and why isn't it anymore ?

I know that, natural disasters can put things in perspective... I just want to know what you mean by that

Check this out guys. Very scary stuff. What does this mean??

i got shivers looking at that first image..


Regardless of our religious or spiritual beliefs we should all pray for the people and animals of Japan. My heart goes out to the helpless dogs. I love dogs.

I'm with you on the dog sympathy D :comfort:

My heart goes out to all those farmers I saw a video on CNN earlier of the initial wave tearing through farmland and multiple greenhouses. Houses full of gas along with numerous other debris now cover all that soil I'm sure it won't be fertile for quite some time.

CARE giver

Sour Bubble Connoisseur
I cant believe someone came out with the godzilla pic already. jesus tap dancing christ at least wait until death toll is done rising. no fucking respect. Even the south park guys wait a little longer than 2 fucking hours after the shit happens. I guarantee you though if that was San Fransisco instead of Japan the Cristian right would already be on TV talking about Sodom and Gramore. In Texas I certainly heard a lot of that talk about New Orleans during Katrina.

I believe in Karma :). Some people are just inconsiderate dumb asses. Plain and simple. No need to get me going on a rant.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
what they were most hoping to avoid has happened.......

IWAKI, Japan – An explosion at a nuclear power station Saturday destroyed a building housing the reactor amid fears that it was close to a disastrous meltdown after being hit by a powerful earthquake and tsunami.

Friday's double disaster, which pulverized Japan's northeastern coast, has left 574 people dead by official count, although local media reports said at least 1,300 people may have been killed.

Tokyo Power Electric Co., the utility that runs the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant, said four workers had suffered fractures and bruises and were being treated at a hospital. A nuclear expert said a meltdown may not pose widespread danger.

Footage on Japanese TV showed that the walls of the reactor's building had crumbled, leaving only a skeletal metal frame standing. Puffs of smoke were spewing out of the plant in Fukushima, 20 miles (30 kilometers) from Iwaki.

"We are now trying to analyze what is behind the explosion," said government spokesman Yukio Edano, stressing that people should quickly evacuate a six-mile (10-kilometer) radius. "We ask everyone to take action to secure safety."

this is the best/only image they've shown of it so far as I know.

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Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^no offense but that woman with the thing in her face has no clue what she is talking about. lots of large Earth quakes are a suspected symptom of a pole shift happening but The way the lady described what would happen is retarded, and based on fiction only.

this is not a crack at japan. This is me making a crack on behalf of hundreds of thousands of misplaced Japanese, at that lady with the thing on her face in your video.


ICMag Donor
We had to evacuate at 2am and pack the car with as many "valuables" as would fit, thought we wouldn't have a home to come home to after seeing the video from Japan. This is the 2nd evac in 13 months. Talk about a stress test... and try sleeping in a car with 3 other people, dogs barking, people partying and running up and down the street on their scooters and atv's... what a fucking night... glad it's over.

Wouldn't be surprised if Mt. Fuji blows it's top in the next few weeks. The volcano on the Big Island had been going crazy last week- the crater floor collapsed, new fissures opened with new flows. Then the day before the Japan quake everything went quiet...


Tropical Outcast
And YOU think you had a BAD DAY? - Or: Better get ready West Coast!

And YOU think you had a BAD DAY? - Or: Better get ready West Coast!

:comfort: <<< then do that and move on.

The people below have nothing left to be complaining about.

Check THIS link to see ALL PICS or view SOME of them below.

PS: I just keep thinking of "The Big One" to come on the West Coast of the US...

Massive earthquake hits Japan

An 8.9-magnitude earthquake hit off the east coast of Japan early today. The quake -- one of the largest in recorded history -- triggered a 23-foot tsunami that battered Japan's coast, killing hundreds and sweeping away cars, homes, buildings, and boats. Editors note: we'll post more as the story develops -- Lloyd Young






















Madrus Rose

post 69
We had to evacuate at 2am and pack the car with as many "valuables" as would fit, thought we wouldn't have a home to come home to after seeing the video from Japan. This is the 2nd evac in 13 months. Talk about a stress test... and try sleeping in a car with 3 other people, dogs barking, people partying and running up and down the street on their scooters and atv's... what a fucking night... glad it's over.

Wouldn't be surprised if Mt. Fuji blows it's top in the next few weeks. The volcano on the Big Island had been going crazy last week- the crater floor collapsed, new fissures opened with new flows. Then the day before the Japan quake everything went quiet...

ya noted that violent Volcanic activity over on the Big Island happening just concurrent to the quake's in Japan ...sounds like u had quite a night .

Google has launched a people finder search forum , there's even animal search forums too . So much with Youtube, Google , Twitter & Facebook the internet rallies & mobilizes so much more now getting info out of dangerous situations of calamity . Not just natural disasters like this but with the elections in Iran a few yrs back or the current unrest in the Middle East .

The phone services were down but the internet held up...this helps regular human beings have free access to gathering in cyber space to rally & have their voices & needs heard .
A Brave New World ....
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This is the worst natural disaster of our lifetime.
Yeah that. The footage is mind blowing. When you see those vehicles driving down the road and the water coming tough to watch people get ended and all those in the buildings getting killed too. The tsunami that hit SE Asia a few years back affected a lot of undeveloped areas. Japan is a different story...HUGE devastation. This story is just getting started.

That reactor situation seems to be turning positive.


Check this out guys. Very scary stuff. What does this mean??
Never saw that graph and wild. As Elmanito said things are gonna be intense coming up. With the population explosion in the last century, and most of that coming in coastal regions, disasters like this will only get 'worse'. Stuff like this been going on forever on this planet though. Remember reading 1 earthquake like 10,000 years ago pushed the Oregon coast up 30' in one shot. There's a major fault line off the OR coast. The 1964 earthquake in Alaska, a 9.2, moved some areas the same amount.

...and I live on a dormant volcano...:)


the real fear for the whole planet is yellowstone....
You got that right!

The last full-scale eruption of the Yellowstone Supervolcano, the Lava Creek eruption which happened nearly 640,000 years ago, ejected approximately 240 cubic miles (1,000 km3) of rock and dust into the sky.
I remember seeing animations of what could happen if, when actually, Yellowstone goes off again...YIKES! Probably not in my lifetime though. I remember when Pinatubo went off we had these amazing sunsets on the west coast that summer...awesome violet skies well after the sun had set.

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