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keep guessing!

Jam Master Jaco: Popups suck, but the resolution is unbeatable

My buds have not 'crowned' yet, so they still should beef up!

99g from Jam Master Jaco. Thats exactly the lowest yeild i would be happy with. 3.5oz would be just enough to keep me happy & supplied.

99/250 = .4grams per watt.

^^^ now, i would be slightly disappointed when i look at it like this(I did trim out growth though), I prefer to come closer to .6-.7g/w or higher.
.6 * 250W = 150g = 5oz 10g And i don't think I'm reaching this goal on this run :sasmokin:

Ive understand proper feeding regimes now, so my newly rooted AK clone (and one Chronic & one Moroccan Spice seedling) will be feed properly thought life.

Ive also got another AK clone that has been ready for a flowering chamber for 10 days. She is one crazy LST'ed Bitch! Probably 2-3X the size of this one was D1 Flowering.


steveoi812 said:
I just got some ak clone from a friend of mine. I tell you what these bitches stank don't they?

I consider myself EXTREMELY lucky, my Pheno does not stink.

If the fan is on, there is a slightly 'sweet' smell in the room, but it doesn't leave this room. The only time i really smell them is when I'm jostling the buds against each other in the cabinet. I stopped 'smoking' (read: combustion, i still use a vaporizer) bud, but I know this pheno, is 1/12 the strength of burning pot.

Now the Chronic seedling I've got coming, I haven't decided if i actually wanna flower it out or not. i read they are real stinkers



Flowering Day 42

I added 10 ml/gal of Silica Blast (should yield 105ppm of Si) to the mix.

My nute numbers to come.


Hydroplex bottle
Application Rate
Addition of 5ml of Hydroplex, per gallon of water, will yield the following ppm of indicated nutrients:
Nitrogen 6.25ppm
Phosphorus (as p2o5) 53.50ppm
Potassium (as k2o) 130.00ppm
Magnesium (Mg) 6.00ppm
Sulfur 6.00ppm
Guaranteed Minimum Analysis
Total Nitrogen (N) 0.5%
0.0% Nitrate Nitrogen
Available Phosphate (P2O5) 4.0%
Soluble Potash (K2O) 10.0%
Magnesium (Mg) 0.5%
Derived From: Ammonia Nitrate, Potassium Nitrate, Potassium Phosphate, Potassium Sulfate, Phosphoric Acid, Magnesium Sulfate.
So... 5ml/Gal will Actually Yield
N 6.25
P 23.5
K 108
Mg 6
Ca 0
S 6
Fe 0
Si 0
No Trace elements

Cal-Mag Plus bottle
Two tsp (10ml) will achieve a supplement of:
Nitrogen (N) 52 ppm
Calcium (Ca) 83 ppm
Magnesium (Mg) 31 ppm
Iron (Fe) 2.5 ppm
Guaranteed Minimum Analysis
Total Nitrogen (N) 2.0%
1.94% Nitrate Nitrogen
0.06% Water Soluble Organic Nitrogen
Calcium (Ca) 3.2%
Magnesium (Mg) 1.2%
Iron (Fe) 0.1%
0.1% Chelated Iron
Derived From: Calcium Nitrate, Magnesium Nitrate, and Iron edta

So... 10ml/Gal will Yield
N 52
P 0
K 0
Mg 31
Ca 83
S 0
Fe 0
Si 0
+Trace Elements

Sweet bottle
Application Rate
10ml of Sweet per gallon of water will achieve 50ppm Magnesium(Mg), 75ppm Sulfer (S), 2ppm Iron (Fe).
Guaranteed Minimum Analysis
Total Nitrogen (N) 0.0%
0.0% Water Soluble Nitrogen
Available Phosphate (P2O5) 0.0%
Soluble Potash (K2O) 0.0%
Magnesium (Mg) 1.5%
Sulfer (S) 2.00%
Iron (Fe) 0.06%
Derived From: Epsom Salt, Ferrous Sulfate
Non-Plant Food Ingredients: Cane Sugar
So... 10ml/Gal will Yield
N 0
P 0
K 0
Mg 50
Ca 0
S 75
Fe 0
Si 0
+Trace Elements

How is the math. I'm not good with Excel, so i could figure out pH's spreadsheet.


Active member

So in 3.25 gallons:

45.2ml hydroplex (13.9ml per gallon)
58.8ml cal mag plus (18.1ml per gallon)
0ml sweet
distilled or r/o water

n 111
p 63
k 300
ca 150
mg 73

Is this what rate your using now? Does it look like the "calcium deficiency" has stopped?
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I have not changed the res yet. I don't see anymore spotting, and im unsure if the leaves are just yellowing out, or its too much light (250W @ 6-7" in a 2'x2' space). I have changed my other grow to this style feeding, and im about to change my seedling container too.

btw AN recommends a 3:1 ratio of P:Mg (EDITED Addition: at the start of flowering) because of ATP's structure.
Magnesium has a role in stabilizing the ATP molecule (see fig.1); by inserting itself between the three phosphate molecules chained together in ATP, magnesium’s 2+ charge will “wrap” the phosphate chain around itself; in ATP there is one atom of Mg2+ associated with three atoms of P. So whenever a
grower has enhanced phosphate levels in nutrient solutions, it is prudent to also provide some more magnesium, keeping the P: Mg ratio closer to 3:1 Advanced Nutrients’ Bud Blood includes magnesium for the purpose of maintaining this balance.
just some food for though, i figured you would be interested in sproutco.
Im gonna do a little more chart work. :yoinks:
This site, even though the do pimp there own products, is a wealth of knowledge
Advanced Nutrients Advancepedia

I finally figured out pH's spreadsheet and ran my bottles though there numbers.
The numbers are not exactly the same, but normally pretty close. (i attribute most of the differences do to my estimation of Molecular wieghts (K does not equal 39, like i was using, K = 39.0963; which is hopefully what the spreadsheet uses).

According to pH's Spreadsheet

Hydroplex @ 5ml/G
N 8
P 28
K 131
Mg 8
Ca 0
S 6
Fe 0

Cal-Mag Plus @ 10ml/G
N 54
P 0
K 0
Mg 32
Ca 86
S 0
Fe 2.697

Sweet @ 10ml/G
N 0
P 0
K 0
Mg 42
Ca 0
S 56 (anybody know where this caculation came from? According to Bottle its 75)
Fe 1.684

PureBlendProBloomHydro (PBPBH) @ 15ml/G these numbers are different than those listed Here by Lucas :wave: care to explain the differences? I can't figure it out.
N 105
P 37
K 175
Mg 21
Ca 42
S 0
Fe 0
Lucas has them listed as:
Here is PureBlendPro Bloom @ 15ml/gal
again, i don't know shit compared to Lucas, but i would like to understand the differences in our numbers

PBPGrow @15ml/G (first time ive seen this posted).
N 126
P 28
K 140
Mg 21
Ca 42
S 0
Fe 0

I ran Liquid Karma @ 10ml/G (.1-.1-.5)
N 3
P 1
K 11

And then Silica Blast @ 5ml/G
Si 145.31ppm

Now :bat: here is my only problem. 145ppm is probably based on Potassium silicate, (Silica Blast is 'Derived from Sodium & Potassium Silicate') and the bottle says 'will achieve 105ppm silicate' So maybe the bottle is correct this time.
But whats up with the Sulfur being different than listed. Sweet's bottle says ''Derived from Epsom salt, ferrous sulfate' Is the calculator figuring out these two ingredients when i give it the 3 elements? or is it just using a standard conversions for normal sources of S (like it is probably using K2SiO3, for all Silicate)

Lots of reading, lots of learning, lots of questions.

..and lots of useful information posted right here!
4500 views so far :woohoo:

I gotta post some more pictures.
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Active member
ShroomDr said:
btw AN recommends a 3:1 ratio of P:Mg because of ATP's structure.

Sweet @ 10ml/G
N 0
P 0
K 0
Mg 42
Ca 0
S 56 (anybody know where this caculation came from? According to Bottle its 75)
Fe 1.684

PBPGrow @15ml/G (first time ive seen this posted).
N 126
P 28
K 140
Mg 21
Ca 42
S 0
Fe 0

And then Silica Blast @ 5ml/G
Si 145.31ppm

Now :bat: here is my only problem. 145ppm is probably based on Potassium silicate, (Silica Blast is 'Derived from Sodium & Potassium Silicate') and the bottle says 'will achieve 105ppm silicate' So maybe the bottle is correct this time.

But whats up with the Sulfur being different than listed. Sweet's bottle says ''Derived from Epsom salt, ferrous sulfate' Is the calculator figuring out these two ingredients when i give it the 3 elements? or is it just using a standard conversions for normal sources of S (like it is probably using K2SiO3, for all Silicate)

>How can you get a 3:1 ratio of magnesium to phosphorus when both are suggested to be about 30-50 ppms? Maybe for a cell function to happen but not what you would be feeding the plants. Sounds like advanced propaganda.

>42 ppm magnesium in 10ml of sweet based on epsom salts 42 x 13/10 = 55 ppm sulfur. (13% sulfur and 10%mag in epsom) You have listed 56 so the 1 ppm or so comes from iron source. Sounds like the number on the bottle is a misprint and those new numbers are correct. Is the bottle numbers so4 or just s? Maybe a conversion?

>thats great you got the pbp grow numbers. Should come in handy sometime soon. Be sure to double check them for me.

>adding potassium silica...does that add potassium? You should consider that in keeping the 4:2:1 balance and not get too much k.
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I agree that its more than just Mg relationship within ATP that is useful to the plant. So extrapolating a 3:1 ratio based on that alone would be bad.

I guess i totally misphrased and used there words out of context. Read up on Silica (if you have not already) from what I've read, it can help with a lot of things C can, it is the second most abundant element on earth, protects against disease, harm some insects jaws, add a buffer for too high of fertilizers.

since it the second most abundant element, and completely lacking in my water garden, I don't think adding it would be harmful.

give that 'Advancepedia' link a chance. only about 20% is pimping there product, the rest is pretty decent
Here is the Silicate page
AN Barricade


Active member
Seems like if I remember correctly, bearing in mind I have been drinking gin and juice :friends: , silica is required for stalk strength in rice and small grains. These will not grow upright. Recent studies have shown that silica aids greenhouse grown cucumber and tomato plants by making them more vigorous and less likely to get fungal disease problems. You should figure out how much potassium you are adding with the silica. Great thread. Very interesting because your giving out details on how you are "dialing in" on your grow.


Well, I've seen Potassium Silicate listed as K2SiO3 and multiple listings for Sodium Silicate (one of which was Na2SiO3) so if Silica blast at 5ml/G is 105ppm and it listed as 2% Silicates, my head explodes because its Sunday and chemistry and algebra are not allowed in my head(at least not shit like this).

5280g and 960ml if you wanna try, but again, i'm not sure if Na2SiO3 is the actual source of sodium silicate.


no XY = (x*1)(y*1)/ Some crap i wish i had not forgot.

If you've got all the molecular weights , and assuming their stated 105ppm is correctly calculating for both sources(maybe that's too much of an assumption).

btw.. my chemistry teacher said, and I'm dead serious, 'If you ever are asked a chemistry question, and you end up with your foot in your mouth, and they ask you where you went to school, tell them proudly! [insert HS football rival schools name]'


Day 43 Flowering Give or take 14-20 days til harvest.



Active member
No, what is confusing is that there are two sources for the 100 ppm silica or so. If you know for example 40% sodium silica and 60%potassium silica, you can easily do a little math and know the quantity of potassium added. Your definately adding some potassium but how much? Might not matter. Remember when we first met I told you the ratio could be as high as 8:4:1 and not 4:2:1. I am glad the project is doing so well. :wave:

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