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with pH's spread sheet, my nutes come out to
N 84
P 48
K 222
Mg 72
Ca 112
S 46
Fe 4.2
I figure this is more acurate than my rounding of wieghts.

I've done some math on the silica, but i can't finish the work. Heres what i got

K2SiO3 = 154.3
Na2SiO3 = 122.1

So K's ratio (in K2SiO3) is .5068
Na's ratio (in Na2SiO3) is .3767.
Can't you use those ratios if you knew what the potassium silicate ppm would be(with a different nutrient maker; which i can't find) , and you know that Na2SiO3+K2SiO3@ there g/ml ratio =105ppm. Can't you solve for X or something similar?

I get lost, so maybe im grasping to much. I would like to boost my P, but don't really have anything to do so. Why such a low number in flowering with the Botanicare?

Maybe i need to read up on Phosphorus :chin: I dont really understand why the only time P is high is initation of flowering.

Would too much P now cause the buds to get overly large (read:airy buds) I defiently would not want that, but this babe has only had one week of high P levels (well probably 9 days of Bud Blood, if my memory serves me :joint: sometimes it don't)


Active member
Your solution looks a little high in magnesium compared to calcium and potassium. Remember 4:2:1. If you want a reduced rate, reduce the 13.9ml hydroplex + 18.1 ml cal mag plus + no sweet.
75% strength would be:
13.9 x .75= 10.4 ml hydroplex
18.1 x .75 =13.6 ml cal mag
n 83
p 47
k 225
ca 113
mg 55
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Flowering Day 46

10 more days, maybe 14. They seem to be filling out now. Thanks again sproutco, They definetly stalled while i was figureing out the Mg overdose. Thanks to you, they have started to SWELL.

p.s. I just got a 250WMH from the grow store for $75. I talked the the GM, they discontinued this style, and he had just gotten word to clear out his inventory.
So I ask, What about that floor model. $100 off, plus the bulb and the glass screen that was lalready installed.
Hell, he even told me how old the bulb was (i bought a new one anyway (Newbs read: So i have a spare/emergency bulb :wave: :moon: :pointlaug)
I got an Agrosun duel spectum whatever.

My new AK is hugh :yoinks: compared to the size of this one day 1 flowering, so im really getting my hopes up :dueling: Im figureing at least 2X this yield, since its probably 3X as big, and im not taking wild stabs in the dark feeding her.
With 2 flowering cabinets (and one veg), ill be able to harvest once a month.

No more shady drug dealers! :moon:


pH was 5.5 after a top off, so i added 13ml of Silica Blast.
pH 5.9
ppm reading is down to 1030ish, from 1230ish. I think I've used 3.25G of water topping off (the size of the reservoir). Ive been reading some grow reports on AK, and there seem to be some consensus on the phenos. Most claim the Indica pheno will finish 56-60, but the sativa pheno (which is what i have) should go 60-70. I'll obviously harvest by the trichomes, but when I'm going to start flushing is still up in the air.

Maybe when i get 75%clear 25%cloudy. I was contemplating some AN Overdrive, but i get the impression it doesn't list its ingredients. I've been reading about ascorbic acid (vitamin C) too.
Sorry no pics right now, maybe in 8 hours!


hey shroomdr, starting to look the business.
If its any help my wr that looks like your ak wants 70


ShroomDr said:
Day 37 Flowering

I flushed for the last 13-14 hours with clearex @15ml per gallon.
the ppm was 171 pH 5.89 before i put the plant in.
The measurement now is pH 6.76 242ppm
I'm hoping the difference is the flushing out of the plant.

Reservoir Change
3.25 Gallons of Distilled Water 0ppm pH 6.42

(the following are the readings from my meter. I am now basing my feedings on the Bontaincare label, instead of my meter. i do not think my meter is malfunctioning, i think ppm (or EC) meters cannot measure all types of nutrients accurately)

13ml*3.25G = 42.25ml Cal-Mag Plus = 651ppm pH 5.74
8.5ml x 3.25G = 27.5 Hydroplex = 1000ppm pH 3.35
4ml X 3.25G = 13ml Sweet = 1080ppm 3.32pH

i added about 20ml of Liquid Karma. I say about 20, because i removed about 10ml of it, and when i went back for more, there was not much left, and i could see a lot of 'gunk' on the bottom. I just added some of my reservoir water to the bottle and shook it up. I pretty sure the 'gunk' was humic and fulvics. ANy thoughts? other than shake the bottle EVERY TIME.

ppm 1292
pH 5.52

Sensi Zym 50ml
50ml Hydroguard

pH 5.57
So im going to add some Silica Blast, until i reach a pH of 5.7
2ml worked
pH 5.67
ill post up some pics and my mathematical reasoning for my application amounts in a few.
For my own records, and to make the growlog easier to follow.

Still Day 48 Flowering

Yesterday i added 13ml more of Silica Blast.

Today the ppm reading was down to 1030 (from 1292)
AN's Overdrive recommends using 10ml/G (roughly) to raise the ppm of 200.

Since those two are so similar, and i hate buying water, i just added 30ml of Overdrive, and got a ppm reading of 1250.
I also added 15ml more of Liquid Karma. Ive never read of an overdose of LK, and since my first appilcation was the 20ml from the bottom of the bottle, I figure it can't hurt.

Overdrive does not list its Guaranteed Analysis, at least not on this bottle. I think i have a canadian version (maybe just canadian label).

Add 2.5ml/liter... This will increase solution ppm by aprox. 200.

Derived From: Magnesium Phosphate, Potassium Nitrate, Potassium Phosphate, Magnesium Sulfate, Fulvic acid, Folic Acid, Asorbic Acid.

O yea, it also says SHAKE WELL BEFORE USING


twenty47red-i said:
hey shroomdr, starting to look the business.
If its any help my wr that looks like your ak wants 70
Yea, it helps a little. TY, I just wish it didn't take more than 60 days.
for those attempting to follow:

White Russian (Serious) AK-47 X White Widow

AK-47 (Serious) Colombian X Mexican X Thai X Afghani
White Widow (Green House) Brazilian X South Indian (I'm assuming a south indian would be sativa)
twenty47red-i said:
Hey ShroomDr will be watching this one through, I see alot of my white russian in your AK

Check out how she looks compared to my newest AK flowering project. This is day one Flowering.

compare the size of that plant to this grows size day 2 flowering

My new bitch is HUGE in comparision :woohoo:
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rite on my friend...you are going to have one hell of a bush before its over...here is a few pics of my attempt at what you are doing...kali-mist

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^she's all twisted^
This baby is actually relatively straight under the canopy. I'm sure there will be a trimmed out shot at harvest.

Day 49 Flowering

Well, have another dilemma. I recently picked up some herb from my 'dude' that was supposedly G-13, but definitely Indica stone nugs.
Great looking nugs!
Very dense, and hard to run though my space case.
He is a smoking fiend, and was ripped

But in my vaporizer (Vapor Brothers), its not better than my AK phenos' bud, that I'm positive was harvested at 56 days (albeit with CO2).
I'm figuring its the THC/CBD ratio, and going longer is only converting my buds into unvapable cbd.


Flowering Day 50

Harvest Date tba, im thinking maybe only 6-7 more days. I don't want a lot of CBD :moon:
I kinda wanna leave the Overdrive in there to work, (for a week or two), but not at the expense of the THC.

Here is Day 4 flowering on my other project.

When one flowering chamber is turned off, the other one is turned on. Im accoplishing this with two different timers. If anyone wants to link me to wiring up both to a single timer i'm all EYES. I was going to buy a contractors box, but i was timid at purchace time, because i was not able to figure it out by just looking at it (im normally pretty good with this kinda stuff). :pointlaug


Yes sir that girl is nice man! I can only hope to acheive those kinds of results bro. Times growing short eh? I can wait to see harvest pics and final weight report. I want you to hook us up with a smoke report too. :)

Thanks for the thread man! I'm inspired...:)


Day 51 Flowering
Ive decided to start flushing soon, and i will harvest in 2-3 stages. This will give me a spectrum to guage future AK harvests. I might start flushing as soon as tonights dark period, change it out again after 24hours, and make my first harvest 3-4 days later. I dont think this will be too stressful on the plant, and even if it is REALLY REALLY Stressful, this bitch couldnt pollenate herself or my other crop before i take her completely down. (so maybe late flowering stress could good for resin production.)

Overdrive has only been working 3 days. Not really enough time to make any sort of jugdement call. I do however know that i wouldnt burn my babes with the full dose (10ml/Gal) Also the Bud Blood i appled to my younger project is at full strength, and she did not burn either!

Who says Sativas are sensitive


Flowering Day 52
pH 6.1
ppm 1240

As you can see, they are yellowing up, they are not N deprived, they are just dying.
Flushing Time
pH 5.7
ppm 217

:sasmokin: Some of the buds are really heavy, and some are not so much. I will harvest the heavier ones first, and hopefully the rest will pack on some more wieght.

I used my tap @ 174ppm for the water, and added 45ml Clearex.
The lights should go out here soon, and i will probably change the water again when the lights come on tommarow. Im thinking of using some store baught distilled 0ppm water for the final change.

Any thoughts on?

Staggered harvest
-Will the others continue to pack on wieght?
0ppm for final flush?


lights are about to go off, so i checked everything again.
ph was up to 6.61
ppm 275

I dropped the pH back down to 6


When lights came on,
pH 6.75
ppm 330
Dropped it back to pH 6.0

Just checked moments ago(about 2.5 hours later),
pH up to 6.4
ppm 334
Dropped it back to 6 again.

Does the pH always rise like this during flushing?
Its happened previously to me (earlier in this growlog).
I figure i'll change it out when the pH stabilizes, since the ppm has basically stopped rising
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90ml clearex
ppm 185
pH of 6.68
:chin: I'm wondering if there is a pH buffering agent in the clearex? :chin:
Is there a proper flushing pH? I figured it would be same as growing
:chin: :chin: Now I'm thinking 6.5 is perfect for soil and Clearex is designed for both.
Maybe it will stabilize.

I accidentally lowered the pH to 5.3 (it was an accident) so I will continue to monitor the pH.

So.. Thats pH 5.3 ppm 185

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