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you couldn't find the link to my cabinet, or all the times ive posted my EXACT amounts of nutrients and additives ive been adding each week? Every time i change the res i post the exact amounts here! Your crazy!


ShroomDr said:
Its new home . And I forgot to mention, that i just re-tyed most of the branches a little farther out on the growth tips. The last wierd colored picture, looks really wicked & twisted, just wanted to point out the continuing LST.
:wave: :wave: :wave: The other link to the 'grow area' is in the first post before the first picture


Day 37 Flowering

I flushed for the last 13-14 hours with clearex @15ml per gallon.
the ppm was 171 pH 5.89 before i put the plant in.
The measurement now is pH 6.76 242ppm
I'm hoping the difference is the flushing out of the plant.

Reservoir Change
3.25 Gallons of Distilled Water 0ppm pH 6.42

(the following are the readings from my meter. I am now basing my feedings on the Bontaincare label, instead of my meter. i do not think my meter is malfunctioning, i think ppm (or EC) meters cannot measure all types of nutrients accurately)

13ml*3.25G = 42.25ml Cal-Mag Plus = 651ppm pH 5.74
8.5ml x 3.25G = 27.5 Hydroplex = 1000ppm pH 3.35
4ml X 3.25G = 13ml Sweet = 1080ppm 3.32pH

i added about 20ml of Liquid Karma. I say about 20, because i removed about 10ml of it, and when i went back for more, there was not much left, and i could see a lot of 'gunk' on the bottom. I just added some of my reservoir water to the bottle and shook it up. I pretty sure the 'gunk' was humic and fulvics. ANy thoughts? other than shake the bottle EVERY TIME.

ppm 1292
pH 5.52

Sensi Zym 50ml
50ml Hydroguard
pH 5.57
So im going to add some Silica Blast, until i reach a pH of 5.7
2ml worked
pH 5.67
ill post up some pics and my mathematical reasoning for my application amounts in a few.


ShroomDr said:
Day 37 Flowering

I flushed for the last 13-14 hours with clearex @15ml per gallon.
the ppm was 171 pH 5.89 before i put the plant in.
The measurement now is pH 6.76 242ppm
I'm hoping the difference is the flushing out of the plant.

Reservoir Change
3.25 Gallons of Distilled Water 0ppm pH 6.42

(the following are the readings from my meter. I am now basing my feedings on the Bontaincare label, instead of my meter. i do not think my meter is malfunctioning, i think ppm (or EC) meters cannot measure all types of nutrients accurately)

13ml*3.25G = 42.25ml Cal-Mag Plus = 651ppm pH 5.74
8.5ml x 3.25G = 27.5 Hydroplex = 1000ppm pH 3.35
4ml X 3.25G = 13ml Sweet = 1080ppm 3.32pH

i added about 20ml of Liquid Karma. I say about 20, because i removed about 10ml of it, and when i went back for more, there was not much left, and i could see a lot of 'gunk' on the bottom. I just added some of my reservoir water to the bottle and shook it up. I pretty sure the 'gunk' was humic and fulvics. ANy thoughts? other than shake the bottle EVERY TIME.

ppm 1292
pH 5.52

Sensi Zym 50ml
50ml Hydroguard
pH 5.57
So im going to add some Silica Blast, until i reach a pH of 5.7
2ml worked
pH 5.67
ill post up some pics and my mathematical reasoning for my application amounts in a few.

in my humble opinion your ph is to low



Well, first off, i was shooting for a
N 100
P 100
K 200
Mg 60
Ca 110
and i used the ppms listed on the bottles for my estimations.

for instance the Cal-Mag Plus lists that 10ml/Gal will yeild 83ppm of Cal

Since i thought i had a Ca problem, i started with this product.

since i want 110ppm for Ca, not 83ppm, i did some math

110/83 = 1.32

So.. I mulitply 1.32 * 10ml = 13.2ml

I then multiplyed 13.2ml * gallons used (3.25) This is my application rate (42.25ml)

I then moved on to the Hydroplex, using the same princeables on K and P

Next was the Sweet, for Mg application; Sweet also contains trace elements.

my final ratios, minus the Liquid Karma (.1-.1-.5) and the other two additives
Should be, according to the bottles.

N 83
P 91
K 221
Mg 60
Ca 108
S 30
Fe 4
A much better feeding regime than my last change, which i figured to be roughly
N 23
P 53
K 130
Mg 82
Ca 27.5 (not including my tap water Ca)
S 106
Fe 4

Pics right after change



Active member
Try for ph 6 and no higher. Did you add the new nutrients to pure water so there is no guessing with calcium content? It may take some more experimenting on your part with the new solution. Sounds great! :woohoo: You may find that calcium is still low at the 4:2:1 ratio k ca mg . You might end up raising calcium to 1.5:1 potassium to calcium. Keep magnesium at 50-60. So you would have something like 200 k, 133 ca, and mg 50. I don't know if your fert combo will get you this. Try the new solution for a while and see how it works out. Once again great job!

P.S. Are the potassium and phosphorus numbers your stating k2o or k and p2o5 or just p?


Hydroplex was source of P & K
here's the bottle
P = P3O5
K = K2O
Derived from Ammonia Nitrate, Potassium Nitrate, Potassium Phosphate, Potassium Sulfate, Phosphoric Acid, Magnesium sulfate.


I remove the roots from the reservoir when i change it, and the roots were sitting in pH 6.76.

so, i figure when i add the roots back to the reservoir, the pH is going to raise a little more than 5.67

I'll check the pH a little later, but the plants seem fine so far with there new feeding regime.


Active member
P = P3O5
K = K2O
I think the target levels were for pure k and p. :confused: 100-100-200-60. Not p2o5 or k2o. The calculator asks you for p2o5 and k2o so I guess it does the conversion for you. My ratios are for pure k compared to mg and ca. Luckily there is no conversion for ca and mg or anything else. To convert p2o5 to just p you multiply by .43. To convert k20 to just k you multiply by .83. If you got something weird like p3o5, you will have to get the atomic weights off a periodic table. Oxygen is 16 and p is 31. So, 31 x3 p=93 and 16 x 5 = 80 o for a total of 173. 93/173 =.53 so this would be your conversion factor. Multiply .53 x whatever p3o5 you added to get true p. Recalculate the k for 200 but make it pure k not k20. You can go higher like 240 k to get your p up but keep the 4:2:1 ratio and not let mg go over 60 or so. Ignore the fact that p is not 100 and lower. Like I said, normal range for pure p in hydro is 30-50.

I will do some research and see if the target levels were for k20 or k and p2o5 or p. :pimp3: Fix your k for my ratio. Its close anyway.
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Active member
sproutco said:
I will do some research and see if the target levels were for k20 or k and p2o5 or p. :pimp3:
Update. All the numbers for the targets are true p and k not p2o5 and k2o. If you take a look at all these numbers using my conversion factor you can see it works out that way. http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=21119 For example, Take 1-4-5 ferts and see k is 200. Multiply 200 x inverse .83 (1 divided by the number is the inverse) = 241 k2o then multiply 4/5 to get p2o5. 160 p2o5. x .43 conversion = 69 p and this is what is listed. Looks like you wont hit the target p level with your ferts. IMHO this is alot of phosphorus anyway. Fix the k levels and see what true p you come up with. You can raise your k to 300 to get p levels up. This would similar to Steiner's nutrient solution. Research this nutrient solution on the internet. Remember to keep the 4:2:1 ratio k ca mg or an imbalance will occur rapidly. Now isn't nutrition interesting?
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Active member
sproutco said:
You can raise your k to 300 to get p levels up.
Here is a modified steiner nutrient solution. It is ok to raise k levels higher.
n 171
p 48
k 304
ca 180
mg 48

Do what you want about your low true p level. Normal range in hydro like I said is 30-50 so 100 is really alot. You can see that steiner uses 48 and the hoagland solution I posted in the can. infirmary uses 31.


sproutco said:
I think the target levels were for pure k and p. :confused: 100-100-200-60. Not p2o5 or k2o.
Well i should have quoted the entire Hydroplex bottle
Application Rate
Addition of 5ml of Hydroplex, per gallon of water, will yield the following ppm of indicated nutrients:
Nitrogen 6.25ppm
Phosphorus (as p2o5) 53.50ppm
Potassium (as k2o) 130.00ppm
Magnesium (Mg) 6.00ppm
Sulfur 6.00ppm

Guaranteed Minimum Analysis
Total Nitrogen (N) 0.5%
0.0% Nitrate Nitrogen
Available Phosphate (p2o5) 4.0%
Soluble Potash (k2o) 10.0%
Magnesium (Mg) 0.5%

Derived From: Ammonia Nitrate, Potassium Nitrate, Potassium Phosphate, Potassium Sulfate, Phosphoric Acid, Magnesium Sulfate.

So, I'm pretty sure they did the math for me.

sproutco said:
If you got something weird like p3o5, you will have to get the atomic weights off a periodic table.
Oxygen is 16 and p is 31.
So, 31 x3 p=93 and 16 x 5 = 80 o for a total of 173.

93/173 =.53
so this would be your conversion factor. Multiply .53 x whatever p3o5 you added to get true p. .
This is a great quote! Once i wrote it out, i all became very clear to me. But like i said, i think Botanicare did the math for me. Props to you Sproutco for the refesher course!
sproutco said:
Now isn't nutrition interesting?
Only if you could stay wake in chemistry like we apparently did.

I never really thought i would use anything i learned beyond 'critical thinking' from chemistry class, but now i'm glad i was awake (even if if it was 8-10 years ago).

You still think i need to tweak the mix?


Active member
ShroomDr said:
You still think i need to tweak the mix?
Yes. You should redo the math to take out the p2o5 and k2o. You can use .43 for the p2o5 and .83 for the k2o conversion factor. Example: 130ppm k2o in 5ml hydroplex is really 130 x .83 = 108 true k or just k
Addition of 5ml of Hydroplex, per gallon of water, will yield the following ppm of indicated nutrients:
Nitrogen 6.25ppm
Phosphorus (as p2o5) 53.50ppm
Potassium (as k2o) 130.00ppm
Magnesium (Mg) 6.00ppm
Sulfur 6.00ppm
Once you use the conversion factor on the guaranteed analysis, you can see there is quite a bit more potassium than phosphorus
Guaranteed Minimum Analysis
Total Nitrogen (N) 0.5%
0.0% Nitrate Nitrogen
Available Phosphate (p2o5) 4.0%
Soluble Potash (k2o) 10.0%
Magnesium (Mg) 0.5%

Luckily, only the phosphorus and potassium is strangely listed in its oxygen form sometimes.

If you raise the k level with the hydroplex to 300 (which is fine), your p would be 63. 13.9 ml. 130 x .83 = 108 true k in 5 ml. 300/108 = 2.77 2.77 x 5ml = 13.9 ml

53 ppm p2o5 in 5ml then 13.9/5 x 53 = 147 p2o5 147 x .43 = 63 p which is still cool. :smoker:

magnesium would be 13.9/5 x 6 = 17 ppm in the hydroplex; no conversions

4:2:1 ratio potassium to calcium to magnesium

Raise calcium to 150 ppm using the cal mag plus. Find amount of magnesium added. 60 magnesium desired (this should be plenty) - cal mag plus' magnesium - 17 ppms from the hydroplex = amount of sweet needed containing just magnesium.

See if you come up with the same thing. :confused:
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