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Lou's full proof home cloner 100%=1 week!!!!!!!


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
dome is off, and the setup is not staying on a chair, i was going to use just ambiant room light instead of a cfl that should work no? the stems are just touching the water, i find if i dont use those little foam pads the plants, they just dont sit right in the water.. too deep to shallow... this keeps them just right, theres not a lot of pressure on the stems at all just barely sit in there holding them i can slide them up and down very easy if needed. thanks for the pointers. hope this works.


Endo,good man!!

Another point or it will fail,ambiant light is no where
enuff power to keep them going CFL or tubes,even
set way far away with HPS or metal halides works!!

Remember they do need the right kind of power to root!
Try and read what i said even the CFL's are better than tubes..
Do it like me for best results!

Easy your mind folks about having CLEAN BLADES for cloning?
WHat i do is pinch with my finger nails or a dirty sizzzor haha!!
Water takes care of it all....... :headbange
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IcMag Resident Comic Relief
ill set it in the grow room next to the hydro set up it will be a pain sitting on the floor in there but the light from this should be enough no? if i set it on the floor off to the left? its basically just a big cfl if not i could hang a cfl, but id rather not

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Ok but?

You need veg lighting,18 to 24 hours best!!!
You may make it, but if not then use the CFL tek..
ANything i can do im here! :wave:


Oh boy,love these folks with 30 posts??????

Oh boy,love these folks with 30 posts??????

NOPE that is all bullshit dude!!!
WHY GO TO ALL THAT TROUBLE,when you can pinch
a branch with your fingers and place in my bubbler!!
DONE in a week what ever WEED genetics you need saved!

WHere do these kids come from with comments like this
Awesome?i dont think so............

pgtekin said:
Awesome? I don't think so.
Actually, a new Plant clone method is one of best solutions for most plant cloning.
TERNPC (The technique of efficient & rapid non-test tube plant clone)
If you use this new tech plus Computer controller, 100% success could be shown up.
Using google to search TERNPC, there are thousands results. Sounds a Chinese Professor was the founder.



THanks dafatguy!!

Ok folks ready for a 3rd clone run.........
3 times has gotta proove this for you folks!!!
Going with my BananaLou the fastest clone on earth 5 day flat!
Pineapple skunk and the Nirvana ice for new moms again.....
Be back with pics!....any Q's??


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
I love seeing guys come into 'Cheap & Effective' threads and mention some technique that offers the same results for only a few hundred dollars more :biglaugh:


HEy everybody!!!!!

Still getting good results anyone,post them!
Like to hear or see the clones you have made
my next round is in the bubbler,BananaLou,Pineapple SK,ice!!
Just 3 this time thats all i need anyway,3rd go in a few days!
Been seeing lots of folks have probs around the forums cloning?????
Hope this helps,be back!


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
9 days no roots yet but, stems are still turgid and leaves green.



You got some prob there bro,no way dude?
Ok,what kind a water you use?
What kind of bulb you use and how far away from clones?
Sounds like there NOT recieving enuff energy to root properly...
HAving them in a room to for away from a bulb will only kill them slow.
any pics on set up?
awesome thread lou. And just in time i almost blew a bunch of money for no reason. Taking cuttings today , hopefully like you said, do exactly as you do, get exactly what you get. Thanks.


Glad to help folks!!

Hey MT,well i always top then wait until the bottom branches
grow a bit a take cuttings from there,you can top now though..
Taking the top 3 nodes of leaving one node with the 2 branches
on each side...the first node of growth would be left to grow???
After you cut the top off for clones,take the bottom node (leaf)
off leaving you the 2 top nodes for the growing top,the roots will
come from the node that was stripped off and in water........
Also with tender cuttings like those remove half the leaves too!
Can reduce stress,but in bubbler cloners they receive good water..

Are you planning on flowering the plants or just growing for cutting?
Always flower your tops of your moms,leaving the lower branches for clones!
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Hey MT,no probs...

Ok if your waiting for a flower room,then just leave them!
That gives you plenty more time to get those plants up a bit..

With clones in only make clones of the BEST seed plants i find!
YOu may want to grow from clones as your style,moms are just clones
so it reall dont matter what you clone but i asume you got seeds your tryin!
Grow them an take a clone of each with them numbered and find the best seed
plant to take the clones from...when your growing a bunch of seeds there will be
some great some not so good......your choice what you prefere???

ENDO WHAT HAPPENED MAN???...they ok still,check the stems at the foam rings?


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
you will be happy with my progress LOU im gonna go upload some pics now

ok pics are done. the 2 pics are basically the same but what ever. in the back are all cripple creek clones that are finally showing a rootnub or 2. on the right hand side are some kcxbrazil clones from my revegg project (is there anything you can do after they go limp? didnt have them close enough to the water). and scattered and marked in a few diffrent spots are a few og kush clones and sour dies clones.

on the left front is armed widow clones i took out of the fridge and clipped and put in today. i know you said to use metal but i simply didnt have a pot big enough for all the cuts. theres 2 airstones inside running from a 60gal rated walmart airstone so they should be getting plenty of bubbles. temp is a steady 68-72 degrees and the light which they were being shaded from b4 is now moved to the right and in actual view. about 1.5 feet away.

i put it that far away cause i was concerned about the strength of the light.
is there anything else you would use instead of tinfoil? seems flimsy to me and its a pain to check the water level and what not. those little pink pieces are from a cut up yoga mat cause just foil was not holding them very well. it holds them just snug enough to keep them in place. i guess enough of my rambling.

the last 2 pics are of the clones i was gifted were getting kinda close to the light and stretched a bit so i clipped the tops and put them in the cloner(see above) sour diesel and og kush on the left front. and their counter parts in soil on the right.

thanks for hangin out lou and helping all us noobs!! KISS (keep It simple stupid) should always be how its done. just got to get everything really dialed in now.

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Ok Endo....


1. That room is a veg room right?

2. That light is high enuff but its tricky to know
Just how much energy they are getting and WHAT kind???
You see with a small flouro 6 inches overhead you know exactly!!
ANd im not shure what kind of rays there getting that may make
some difference about the energies too???

3.WHat kind of tin are you using,get the (heavy duty) always!
The regular tin SUCKS its to flimzy and you cant mark on it plus
it ripps way to easy so i know what your sayin........

Oh' its ok to use plastic and your temps are good,but keeping
around 75 to 80 seems the best for this method colder water slows them?
You may have to many clones there too,it can cause more chances of rot?

Looks good but i cant judge the energy there getting,so if they dont take soon
try and hang a small CFL right over them 27 to 32 watt bulbs are best!!!
Oh' the water level is a must,never let it go low and dry out clones because
ounce they dry an wilt there energy is gone......no replay.
Hope that helps a bit to get them threw!


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
Lougrew! said:
Ok Endo....


1. That room is a veg room right?

2. That light is high enuff but its tricky to know
Just how much energy they are getting and WHAT kind???
You see with a small flouro 6 inches overhead you know exactly!!
ANd im not shure what kind of rays there getting that may make
some difference about the energies too???

3.WHat kind of tin are you using,get the (heavy duty) always!
The regular tin SUCKS its to flimzy and you cant mark on it plus
it ripps way to easy so i know what your sayin........

Oh' its ok to use plastic and your temps are good,but keeping
around 75 to 80 seems the best for this method colder water slows them?
You may have to many clones there too,it can cause more chances of rot?

Looks good but i cant judge the energy there getting,so if they dont take soon
try and hang a small CFL right over them 27 to 32 watt bulbs are best!!!
Oh' the water level is a must,never let it go low and dry out clones because
ounce they dry an wilt there energy is gone......no replay.
Hope that helps a bit to get them threw!

yes lou that is the vegg room, the light is basically a cfl. but lots of watts, its a flourex 800w bulb, only uses like 80 watts or something like that, the tinfoil is heavy duty, it just seems clumsy to me. i theres only about 30 clones in there.. and thats only cause i cant bear to throw away cuts. so i top cut and stick it in the cloner. i dont worry too much about root rot only cause if i see it go limp or die i pull it immediatly. water stays pretty clean. i know you keep stressing the cfl over head.. im just trying to use what i have. and i think if i did the cfl and the other light that might be too much? and they will eat them selfs b4 they root. ill keep you posted on results.. but like i said. the cripple are starting to show signs of roots so i think, it will be ok.. i think they were not getting enough light to start cause the big girl was shading them. time will tell. i know it may seem like im not listening to you on this whole thing but i take great stock in what your saying im trying to adapt it a little so it works for me the way i need it to. i appreciate all of your help and im sure all the others do as well. ohh brain storm as i was typing. i could put a board between the 2, and hang the cfl like you suggest, that way it will block it form getting too much light.. hmm... maybe just maybe..

thanks lou!!!



New member
so i know u said no horomones in the water but do u dip the end in gel or powder its ready to go and im settin here with scissors oh lou if u have any tips on cloning flowering plants let me know they are two weeks in and my last try with rockwool was very dissapointing i lost all the clones


Endo ok buddy try your best!!

douknow,sorry im a bit late here but do you have a bubbler
set up an ready then just do as i said...cut a 2 to 3 week old branch
tip off at about 4 to 6 inches MAX,and trim off the bottom leaves of your
clones just pinch then off or cut them tiny branches plus leaf only!
Leaving the bottom nuckle node to root in the water!
You can and SHOULD trim BIG fan leaves in half....to get them more comfy!
WEll rockwool gets mold easy as hell,they dont breath well in domes an shit?
Lots of folks get greaqt results with domes though,and the only time i use them
is when it gets realy realy hot even indoors....then domes work sometimes better
than bubble cloners???..water is more touchy in temps but easier on clones!!!!
Good luck,anything i left out?

ENDO and folks,try not to have to BIG a tub with my tin foil method,the lid will float?
The tin top may dip down an inch but thats good it keeps the condensations dripping
back down inti water again not outside the pot or tray,it is a good idea to press down
around the edges of the tin top rig to droop the tin tight around the pot,if you see drips falling down the outside that is ramble ramble.......