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Lou's full proof home cloner 100%=1 week!!!!!!!


Active member
hey lou,
great idea.
i'm rearranging this room so i can bring in a cabinet for my supplies and that's where my pan's going to sit.
i think i'll run into town and get a cfl.
i've got to get good at clones for keeping a mom of the g13Haze
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Hey Lou

Native born Florida redneck here but living elsewhere now!

I like the simple 2 tube light for your mothers and clones. I have just put some seeds in to sprout. 2 each of Malawi Gold, Durban Poison, SkunkHaze(Skunk#1 x Org. Haze) from Seedsman and Super Silver Haze(Mr Nice). I'm not the paranoid type :)

Will 2 40 watt tubes be enough light for these strains? I have a couple of twin 4 foot T-8s laying around someplace. ...which actually put out a lil more light than the T-12s like you got. These work OK for my vegging bin?

I got a separate rig for putting a male into. I think those four strains might make some good crosses. I have some Skunk#1 coming but I think I may have to reorder it. My order that had Skunk#1 in it is overdue :( I want to use SK#1 to tame these strains a bit for indoors..or try to. Just for shits and giggles. I never did any seed making.


This ThaiTanic girl has 5-6 more weeks to put on more weight :)



my first batch of cuts had rooted like crazy after 8-9 days, the Tupperware cloner however was just full of mushy plant stalks....ewww.

I have a second batch going now and i took a small high cfm fan and I am blowing cool air directly on my metal container with it. This has noticeably dropped my water temperature, it's great! Cuts went in last night so we'll see how many days for roots


Right on BOY"S!!!!....yah!!

Postitively great responces so far,now you CAN see
the difference with metal pots compared to plastic tubs?
Metal is WAY cooler,and roots love it sweetly hahahah!!
Thanks for the added proof folks!!..ill get more pics also!

MTweedman,yes any tube is great for keeping moms but if you use
t5's or ones that give off more power just hang them a bit higher....
The object being,just keeping them alive but not to low of energy!!
To low of energy can really kill a mom fast,like a 250HPS to far away
very bad for stem and root health always go with tubes for moms!!
Tubes equal a nice cloudy day for plants with no stress,plants can grow
right up into the tubes with very minimal leaf burn with tubes t8,t12's..

Now for your sprouts,tubs are NOT good unless there t5's!!!
Keeping them over the plants like a few inches,plants stay squat...
VERY squat!!
CFL's or an HPS 250w is better for vegging power,MH 250's too..
CFL's can also grow VERY DANK ASSED nugz,but i find them great
for cloning a bit more power to the clones than the tubes there for faster!

What light did you flower those plants with MTweedman?
looking good!



Thanks for the input. One of my Skunk Hazes is up already. I need to get hot and get my mom and vegging bin going"1!!

That ThaiTanic is one of four I have. Flowering under a 400W HPS. Grew them 12/12 from seed since I have limited vertical space. They are only 30 inches tall but are growing some really nice colas. Main cola will probably be 1/3 to 1/2 the whole main stem when they are done! :)

You see the article in latest High Times Grow Guide. The guy growing commercially outside in Brazil. He mentioned ThaiTanic as one of his best strains. The damn things grew nearly 12 feet tall and were producing 20+ oz per plant. Amazing plants. Supposed to be great smoking too. Thai Tanic is a cross tween Thai mom and Skunk#1 pappy.

Thanks again!


Thais are front right four plants. I had some problems with the other 5 plants, the Satoris. They fell behind the ThaiTanics.

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IcMag Resident Comic Relief
you guys keep knocking plastic tubs.. does it really have to do with the material or the temp of the water.. im using a plastic tub and the temps ahve been about 65-75, lost one cut but i think i just screwed up when i clipped it. the rest are still turgid and green, its been about 4 days and going strong.. should i switch them to a metal pot? will it make that much diffrence?


Endo said:
you guys keep knocking plastic tubs.. does it really have to do with the material or the temp of the water.. im using a plastic tub and the temps ahve been about 65-75, lost one cut but i think i just screwed up when i clipped it. the rest are still turgid and green, its been about 4 days and going strong.. should i switch them to a metal pot? will it make that much diffrence?

Most plastics do not conduct heat very well.

Most metals do conduct heat very well.

That may have something to do with it.



IcMag Resident Comic Relief
MTweedman said:
Most plastics do not conduct heat very well.

Most metals do conduct heat very well.

That may have something to do with it.


so....... your telling me it has to do with temperature more than it does the material used??? what do you mean buy conducting heat other than if its cooler it will make the water cooler. if the temp of water is 70 in a metal tube and 70 in a plastic tub, would there be a diffrence in rooting?



I'm not sure I can explain this well right now cause I just did a bowl.

If you had identical covered containers, side by side, one made of copper* and one of some sort of plastic. And you filled each container with the same volume and temperature water....75 deg F. Let's say that the ambient room temp was 70 deg F, 5 degrees cooler than the water. The water in the copper container would cool down to 70F quicker than the plastic one. Why?

The copper conducts the heat in the water to the surrounding air faster because copper has a lower, much lower, specific heat index than do plastics. Most plastics tend to be insulators of heat, not conductors of heat.

Now, how all this physics relates to the why metal cloners are cooler, I don't have a clue.

More confused than ever?
Me too


* copper. could be steel or aluminum. Most metals have very low specific heats compared to most plastics.
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you guys keep knocking plastic tubs.. does it really have to do with the material or the temp of the water..

A metal pot is going to stay cooler sitting on a concrete basement floor as opposed to a plastic container. If you don't have cooling issues, a plastic tub will work just fine.

THis worked great because even in 80 degrees down
cellar,on the basement concrete floor it stayed cool....

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Great thread lou...
for small amounts of cuts that im not in any hurry for and that i want to be 100% certain they will roots and not fail then i use a similar method, using a glass of water-the old fashioned way like granny did with roses and fuschias lol...anyway, making a lid of tin foil the same but covering the whole outside of the glass too for light bockage...leaving it loose to lift up, make holes insert cuts and ur away.....with this I just change the water every day...plan water straight from the tap....the chlorine and changing every day means no chance of rot.
you cant fault the simple ways eh...
Nice one Lou, heres to you keeping on growing those ****ing awsome fields mate
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IcMag Resident Comic Relief
so... yeah.. i retract my previous statements, plastic sucks, came home and the temp of the water had made mushy stems and the plants were all wilted.. they did good for like 4 days, until the temp got up, INDICASATiVA is probably correct if you can get the temps to always stay the same im sure there wouldnt be a problem, oh well gonna trash the ones tonight and take new ones and try it with a metal pot and see what happens. ill keep you guys updated, man this is frusterating.


Ok kids hahahaha 2nd batch of clones 100%!!!!!!!!

Ok kids hahahaha 2nd batch of clones 100%!!!!!!!!

THanks for so many great replies!! :headbange

You took the words right out of my mouth! :joint:
Lou's radiators.....haha!

ANyway let me get on with the proof again folks!
All clones 10 for 10 males and all,plus a point made...
Even in bud stage can you CLONE FAST hahaha Lou's way!!

Proof of the pudding,ROOTS!!
Hopefully by all these pics you can see that ALL clones have roots,1 week!

THese pics show the girls then boy's lastly and well into flower stage but still i got roots in one week FLAT!

One last thing,do it just like i did for great success and well
you know how plastic tastes in glass of water all plasticy right??
My thoughts are METAL makes water sweeter hence faster ROOTS!!!
:jump: thats whay i said clones sweetly love it haha!! :laughing:


Pull my finger
many thanks!!!

many thanks!!!

this is exactly what ive been lookin for. i cant believe i dont have to go buy a groclone now. it seems like the same concept but way cheaper. i cant wait to try this out. you are a lifesaver lou. not only have you helped my grow but also given me reason to finally post here. i hope to absorb all yalls knowledge.


THank you swamps!!!

HEll yah boy come on in an have a ball!!!!!!!
This place rocks,you just gotta get into it a bit..
Ok man anything you need just ask,anyone ok!
Glad i can help out!!!


New member
you are my SAVIOR! actually you are the savior of all my crappy wilted clones! they all wish to thank you personally some day for saving them from my not-so-green thumb!


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
ok so mark this as day one. 5 cripple creek clones and 1 sour diesel, should i keep the dome on or off? metal pot this time. my stems are just above the water, is that correct?



Hold up kids,please read!!!

Stems in water just a half inch to an inch is good!!!
TIP: use 2 to 3 week old stem for fastest cloning,brown yellow
older stems clone but way slower......way more unhealthy??
NO DOME needed at all that will only cause ROT..molds.
HOpe i got ya in time?

Oh' no need for those circular foam pads,they may squeeze stems?
Just pop them threw the tin no modifyin needed folks......

endo,are you leaving that set up on the chair?
Better to just place it on the floor and hang light from chair!!
Thats why the radiation keepes it cooler not getting insolated?
You may cut the bottom leafs,an tips a bit more if needed to
reduce stress but you'll see they love it this way in water bubbles!!! :jump:

Never mind fans blowing air on the pot,clones just have to use more
water to stay hydrated just leave it alone unless its 85 degrees or more?
Then i would use small bottles that can be frozen to keep it cool.... :redface: :spank: oops haha!....thanks everyone for tryin,good luck!!
be back..
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