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Living organic soil from start through recycling CONTINUED...


Active member
I don't know weird things are looking kinda...weird in there.

I think if you hit them with some High phos ancient cave guano things might just look a little better. Just sayin.

Maybe some superthrive?

Thoes are all the suggestions in have. Other then that things are looking ok.

When we get the official report on your fade then we will know how well you really did.


3rd-Eye Jedi
better in what context?

They got a lil light bleached when I had the gavitas set for 100 watts but i got 7 foor ceilings, turned em down to 850

guess I dont see the issue you see


Senior Member
Weird...I am assuming you are in a peat based mix, maybe incorrectly. When you first make it how do you avoid mined Ca? Do you use oyster shell over lime? Even if you aren't near a source?


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
I don't know weird things are looking kinda...weird in there.

I think if you hit them with some High phos ancient cave guano things might just look a little better. Just sayin.

Maybe some superthrive?

Thoes are all the suggestions in have. Other then that things are looking ok.

When we get the official report on your fade then we will know how well you really did.

epic lulz ~thanks for the laugh "kinda...weird" ~he does kill it eh?

~Maybe I'm closer than I think.

you're killing it too lapides ~thanks for sharing

Mate Dave

ICMag Donor
UK Cheese... I like that.. :biggrin:

Vortex - Weird can grow a weed he knows his mix is good and it is.. Look @ the weed time in time out.. Multiple strains. They all like it..

I don't think Guano Tea's gonna do much for a instant feed it takes a while for it to start working, 3-6 months in the soil and blended with warm water and fed to them it's no good instant.. (Needs to Stew) 12 hours maybe

Rabbit shit on the other hand... That's the instant one.... It's like instant coffee.

If it was me I'd just dose them with a high strength fert's and let the soil just deal with it like it should..

But his is an organic soil.. Mine is just 'Living'

(I beast it and it recovers..)

Hit them with the 'Bling Bling'

Superthrive is not a bloom stimulant it's an rooting shooting planting stress potion. Yes it will make plants better as claimed but due to them having established more root mass and thus more potential..

To late for that.. His look fine.. Cheese is just the biggest PK hog out...


Active member
I was just joking with him.

Weird and his work are a inspiration to all who want to grow a healthy wholesome medicine with minimal impact to the world around us.

I don't think much could "help" him out.

I would never dream of using such products, nor do I think weird or many others here who understand how the soil food web works and how to work with it.



The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Plants roots do not care where N P K is from or how it's made available/soluble, Organic Certification does care where it came from and how it's made and sourced and harvested Etc .

However plant tissues do (stored toxins).

BTW I always referred to my indoor & outdoor natural gardens using bins and no-till as uber-organic as I found the irrational limitations of some of the certification guidelines ludicrous. (as well as some of the outrageous inputs which were permitted).

My indoor plants yielded about the same as outdoor once time was factored in. I presume you are aware that there are plenty of light enhanced farms producing certified produce(?)


New member
Alright organic bros I'm back with more questions...I'm finally near to a mix id like to use for my first run full organic. I need some help with substitutions. I have easy access to gypsum and could switch that for dolomite if need be? In this mix does trace elements mean azomite? Also, I found a local source for worm castings and would rather not use a bag, but I guess I'll just have to figure out the weight to volume conversion. Anything I should add or switch up with this mix? I am not going to use bagged worm castings, and plan to soak it for at least 2 weeks.

1 Bale sunshine mix #2 or promix (3.8 cu ft)
8 cups Bone Meal - phosphorus source
4 cups Blood Meal - nitrogen source
1 1/3 cups Epsom salts - magnesium source 3-4 cups dolomite lime -calcium source & pH buffering
1 tsp fritted trace elements
4 cups kelp meal.
9kg (25 lbs) bag pure worm castings


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
if you have bone meal, use it. if you don't already have it; prefer crab meal or fish bone meal
if you have blood meal, reconstitute it & re-enact carrie or something ~but don't use it to garden
use epsom salts in your bath or for bee stings but magnesium is plentiful & using epsom salts is bro-science {i.e. un-necessary}

maybe read the thread, saying "P source, N source, mag source" is pre-paradigm shift & not the approach that works well in the organic world. forget about NPK & feed the soil

& this thread is a continuation of this thread ~so more info is in there
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Mate Dave

ICMag Donor
However plant tissues do (stored toxins).

BTW I always referred to my indoor & outdoor natural gardens using bins and no-till as uber-organic as I found the irrational limitations of some of the certification guidelines ludicrous. (as well as some of the outrageous inputs which were permitted).

My indoor plants yielded about the same as outdoor once time was factored in. I presume you are aware that there are plenty of light enhanced farms producing certified produce(?)

Yes because of the cost of production.. Light is essential.. Or the daylight hours are. They grow Peppers like it too.

What I would like to know is are they just using the lamps for 'moon lighting' or extending the 'Photoperiod' as both have legitimate uses growing out of the normal season..

But a Guano Tea is classed as a 'compost tea' It's main role is to supply microbial activity and that is helpful to soil and then plants.

Manure Tea Like rabbit poo is a 'Nutrient tea' it's not about microbes it's about nutrients.. Feed the soil or feed the plants or both in this case..

Compost teas are aerobic and thus require time and effort to brew and require molasses, a certain temperature to be maintained and an air pump to make it happen.

'Manure teas' just add water, break up the clods/peds let it sit and steep, or occasionally “box” it by pouring it back and forth between 2 buckets.

Warmer water helps to pull these nutrients out of the manure instantly, no brewing required..

Manure teas need to be diluted they are so potent.

(Little secret from me) Peppers, Roses, Tomatoes, and Cannabis will produce more bud-fruit sites from an application of Epson Salts in some warm water sprayed on the primordial and nodes before the cells start to differentiate.

It's proven to boost yeilds 30%. I have noticed in cannabis that it mainly produces tertiary bud sites and that is probably where the 30% comes from. With Peppers they cluster more fruits, so much so they need to be pruned for the larger ones, on Tomatoes the racemes are know or have shown to elongate producing the 30%, whilst rose growers will know that this put's lots more blossoms on their crop..


ICMag Donor
Shire 2.0, huh? What's her deal???

Ask Doc if that Stu (NL5/Haze) is still kicking. THAT is a cut worth growing!! Still kicking myself I ever let that one go. Doubt I'll ever see her again...


Mate Dave

ICMag Donor
NL5xhaze is what /people think is the Psychosis. It's probably a Haze19 x skunk or basic 5. It's common here..

I have a book with it in and it's a dead ringer.. The book says it's the most potent strain and that it cures up to a port red wine cognac smell..

I'm 99% sure that's it Frank.

It must be a skunk/haze 19 and not a basic 5 from the year of production..

Bit of homework and all that.


ICMag Donor
Mate - I'm talking about a specific cut from DLB that was from early 90's NL5/Haze stock - he selected it and named it "Stu". Stupid frosty. Crazy fruity taste. Great all around high that just lasted for hours. Weird will (should) know what I'm talking about... ;)

I've run Cheese and Livers - never run the Psychosis cut though. It's one that when pictured gets debated into oblivion...hahaha!!! :joint:

It does seem though, that when you start talking number of keepers to have surfaced from a single seed line - that old school NL5/Haze line pops up a lot in that conversation. Seems a lot of people found something to like in that pairing.



3rd-Eye Jedi
Stu is still around, I am running her as we speak, pre 99 NL5 x haze

A buddy back in teh day ran the stock straight from sensi the years they won the up

this is an excellent representation


3rd-Eye Jedi
lol of all the times to ask for a snap of stu

worst run of her ever

the upper left is stu, I have to see if I have the other runs, lost a huge catalog of pics, not very happy about that one



New member
if you have bone meal, use it. if you don't already have it; prefer crab meal or fish bone meal
if you have blood meal, reconstitute it & re-enact carrie or something ~but don't use it to garden
use epsom salts in your bath or for bee stings but magnesium is plentiful & using epsom salts is bro-science {i.e. un-necessary}

maybe read the thread, saying "P source, N source, mag source" is pre-paradigm shift & not the approach that works well in the organic world. forget about NPK & feed the soil

& this thread is a continuation of this thread ~so more info is in there

Thanks for your help. So if I went with the same ratios but swap the bone meal for fish bone meal at the same proportions, keep the kelp meal, and substitute something for the blood meal, I'll be alright? What should I substitute for blood meal? Also what's wrong with blood and bone aside from being from the cattle industry? I dislike cow farming but I'm a mushroom grower so I dig using waste products to grow things, hence my desire to get away from chemical ferts. The problem is that I have a nauseating of money in my grow, and am scared risking new methods and stuff, but I don't have much of a choice as I can't keep paying all my money to the grow store and survive. I'm sorry for pestering I just can't seem wrap my head around all this shit after a lot of reading. It's like every time I find a recipe and ask there is something wrong and outdated. I just want something on the cheap side, reliable, and hard to mess up.

Thanks again, I'll definitely try to read through all the pages of that thread this weekend.


3rd-Eye Jedi
Very poor representation of this plant, it is very unhappy with the light intensity, and as you will see parts of the plant that are further away from the plant are normalized.

Hate to show pics of her this way but it is what it is




