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Kali Mist@6-7 weeks, deep h20...



hey pseudo...thanks. mine are typically 5 or 7 fingered. never 9's. ck the pics.


joe looking good dude....nice pics those colors are rad...keep it going


spreadin da love
joeshmoe said:
Another Kali Addict in the house<<<ive come to realize its best to never go more than 2 weeks w/ out smoking her...sometimes i smoke too much of JUST her and ned a switch up for a while to be able to fully feel her again. when you wait the full 2 weeks.........she taist sooooooo good and familiar, and kind. i mean i totally sound like im in love w/ her, right?P>Joe

its all good man.. i've tried it and wow.. its amazing lol.. i't'd be easy for that to happen heheheheheh 8P


i usually dont go more than two hrs without her when im awake...lol
and i am in love with her...shes mine joe get another ho...just kidding

joeshmoe said:
Another Kali Addict in the house<<<ive come to realize its best to never go more than 2 weeks w/ out smoking her...sometimes i smoke too much of JUST her and ned a switch up for a while to be able to fully feel her again. when you wait the full 2 weeks.........she taist sooooooo good and familiar, and kind. i mean i totally sound like im in love w/ her, right?P>Joe



thats Right UNI! next round...looking good bro>>>
Danki, Teddy ...and dc105...THANK YOU!!!!P>Joe


Joe.... I obviously need to work on my skills with the Kali.....

Joe.... I obviously need to work on my skills with the Kali.....

I thought my low return was due to just the total sativa dominance. Now I know it was due to my ignorance.

Excellent photography, you must have a nice lense with a macro light ring to get those kind of pics. I won't even mention on the subject of the object of those pics. Everyone has said what I was thinking. Totally Killer!

Thanks for the show and the great art work.

Slips thanks for giving me the link to this thread. Learned a lot about what I need to learn about....... :0)



myQueen...when I rolled up the lower nuggs, it fully looks like I added kief...not the case...this round is REALLY frosty.



spreadin da love
wow i love that last shot joe... badarse looking!!!! :joint: the youngins are doin wonderful also


Active member
Those are some super frosty buds Joe.
Mine is getting real frosty too now at about 1 month into flower.
Nice job my friend.


Active member
Damn Joe those are some killer pics. You always seem to have the nicest looking buds. Keep up the good work!


cool...Thanks,JDOG, any pics? thanks too VTA
ck this bud that my BEAST gave me...I only stripped, smoked the bottom part. :yummy: :yummy: :yummy:

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Looks amazing man.

Kali is definately on my "what to grow next" list. I don't think I've heard one person say a bad thing about the high. I've also heard that the high kinda relates to mushrooms in a way... Sounds mighty interesting. :chin:

Nice keif J, I bet that sent you skyrocketing, lol.


Nice looking sparkles......

Nice looking sparkles......

Does anyone do Kali inside? I have always done it outside due to the height, but not really safe. I prefer inside but never tried her inside. I doubt the yield would be worth it. Am I right? Would love to have more of it but the outside thing has left a bad taste in my mouth from an issue I had before.



Minglewoodblues: it relates to mushrooms in that you just keep getting higher and higher the more you smoke. And I did not add ANY kief to that J...its just how covered in trichs she is...THATS why she's my Queen.
BREE>>>I have ran her inside. I actually yielded more from my Kali DWC,indoors...hence the name of this THREAD...yea, she is sooooKIND any way she's done.


Well I am going to have to try some inside......

Well I am going to have to try some inside......

I didn't do too well the last couple outside so I thought it would be more outside. I will have to try it. Would love to have more. The pure head high is great for almost any occassion except Algebra and Trig......>lMAO


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