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Kali Mist@6-7 weeks, deep h20...


Active member
For furure referance.
Purple Maxx(snow storm) helps finish plants up real quick at the end.
It just clouds up the trichs and hardens the buds up for finish.(seriously makes it finishes faster)
Instead of waiting for it to happen naturally which just doesn't seem to happen in doors sometimes.
I only use it right before the flush one time just to finish them up.
Not too much and make sure you use no nutes with it.
And you'll start seeing cloudy trichs everywhere.


nice tip JD.. when y say a little ml/gal .....looking good there JOE...peace on earth life is to short to be mad..nothing but respect..its the really deal..


Thank you HawGod...Comming from you ...that means alot. I never put down your work 1 time...and what ever is up w/ his cut? i really doesnt matter, its all Good.
Mucho Respect to your work>>>
sup JDOGG>>>Thanks for the props, bro. they will strech around 1 -2 ft. I would suggest @ around 2 1/2 ft. maybe 3 ft. depending on the lighting...600's seem to strech them less. if your runnin her under 1000's, then I suggest alot of light movement, Keep em as close as possible, just have to rais the lights every 1-2 days...this keeps her a bit shorter, to fin. and she's usually done w/ ALL the strech after 2 weeks...if your workin with a tight space...worth the hassle...makes for a finer fin cola,too, with all nuggetry connecting and filling in, covering stem...full on beater stix...


Joe looks out of this world...its all good...i know u know that i know that u know whats up..and thanks for ur support on that pic thing..after what i said...that shows alot u know...thanks and the calimist ummmmm looks good..
Hi Joe and all. Haven't been here in a while, but nice to see the torch being carried on for KM. :wave:

That's a good tip JDog; I think I'll try Purple Max on KM this time and see how that goes.

Here are a couple shots from my last KM. Never discount those late, sudden fox-tail offshoots. They sprout out overnight and can be incredibly trich'd up and tasty. :joint:



Active member
Sorry guys, you add 1/2 teaspoon of P maxx per gallon of water.
2.5 ml.

I'm going to flower this next one untopped and see what she can do under my 1000 watter.

My male White Mustang(chemdawg Bx4) just opened it's pods.
I'm going to pollinate this Kali Mist I have flowering right now.
It's small and this white Mustang will add some nice diesel flavor to it.
Not to mention the flowering time should be more like 10 weeks instead of 12 with chunkier nugs too.
We'll see if it turns out as good as it sounds.


Active member
I'm gonna flower a big monster Kali Mist next.
Like 5 feet tall.
All my plants are big now.
I like it that way.
Pollinated the Kali Mist with some White Mustang polline last night.
Hopefully it took.
I'm gonna pollinate a little more, once some more polline falls, just to make sure I get enough seeds.
This is going to be one frosty strain.

Joe how do you describe the smell and taste of Kali Mist.
Lemon spice?
Or sandlewoody Haze with a slight lemon zang?
Thats how it was when I smoked it a while ago.


Dammmm, Looks good Nifty...TW>>> Let her go long>>>last couple weeks fatten her up kindly...
the smell and taist are hard for me to describe...lipsmackin, lung dripping sweet kindness. you can feel the sweet at the bottom of your lungs...its smell and taist are a classic KILLER herb,unique...TOTALLY inedtifiable...I can tell you were smoking Kali by the smell left in the room 10-15 min after smoking...she's just so strong in EVERY aspect. Kali candy.
she Ignites every pallette. :yummy: :yummy: :yummy: :yummy:

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reminds me of a bu dist temple...bads ass insent smell untill late in flowering then it gets pretty funky...im smoking some ww x boglegum and it no kali-mist thats for sure...kali mist is the best everything else is just alright in my humble opinion


ps...FLUSHING finishes her up quick and clean...last thing i want to do is add something to her i wont be able to fully remove , or, she wont be able to digest.
its just one more thing to get out of her...so you can fully taist and experiance HER.
just how i feel...i am very leery to feed my plants anythingnearing finish...now in hydro this can be diff...because of easy quick clean flushes are simple... and MOST effective. hehehe i;m stoned hehehe
Joe i name thee the kali king. Every grow you get them bigger and more frosty. Damm Do you have any tips we mere serfs can use?
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heres a great tip....grow Kali mist.

or any strain you really like....over and over to really get to know her...
take her early, late...all different ways till you know what YOU like best about her>>>

GROW as close to all organic as possible.
and FLUSH,FLUSH,FLUSH,FLUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
recreate, in your grow medium of choice...a Fall season ground depleated of ALL nutes...watch her turn amazing colors for ya...

part of the ripening of the flowers comes from a depleatd soil medium...if you dont let them starve for the final 2 weeks or so at least... i dont think they fully ripein...
i guess stress is part of the equasion...
applied at the right time, for diff desired results.
anyways...just a few things ive learned.

only feed PB and bat guano....its all you need.
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Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor

Nice picture Joe. :)


Active member
My mix has b een kickin ass for me lately.
I fil my 3 gallon pots half way up with Happy Frog or Ocean Forest then fill about 2 nches from the top with Light warrior and fill the rest with chunky perlite add 1 1/2 Tablespoons of fruit n flower and feed as needed in the later months.
SO basicly a little more then a 1/3 of happy frog a 1/3 of light warrior and a little less then a third of perlite. Then mix in FnF.
I use pure blend pro in late flower if needed and add Budswel starting at about one month, once a week.
No matter what strain, I grow several at once.
You can take care of them all as long as you got a good eye for def or over feeding.

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