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Joe Biden Thread


Active member
Awfully full of yourself that's quite apparent.

Humans have been using cannabis for over 5000 years.

It doesn't belong to you or me, no coast, no state, no country, no culture, no race, no religion, no gender, no political orientation none of that BS. It certainly is ripping away quite hard from coast to coast cali is no longer the epicenter as legalization sweeps the country.

It is a gift from the earth to the human species, just like psychedelic mushrooms. It has evolved along side of human.

Being a tolerant liberal I'd think you'd understand this.

Also don't look at a join date and assume someone is some kind of 20 year old noob. I've been on here on and off for over 13 years, I've ready many of your sandy vag posts over the years. I personally don't care about who you think you are or what you think belongs to you.

I know what this place was like in 07-2010 and I know what it's like now.

It's actually self important elitists like you that have driven people off. There's a 20000 trump threads on here, I don't agree with them so I decided to give the caitlyn jenner brigade a taste of their own medicine over their kiddie touching king joe biden.

Don't give it out if you can't take it.

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Well said...
Its these arrogant pieces of shit who think
They are somehow better than anyone else that are the real problem and should check themselves ..


I honestly don't believe in left/right linear political catagorization. There are too many variabilities for that to be a sensible way to understand political philosophies. For instance, a anti-racist movement could theoretically blame racism on one ethnic group and erraticate that group through genocide. So, would that be a far left group moving far right? No. It is simply fascist violence against 'others.'
Instead of "left/right," maybe a better way to do it linearly is a line from liberty and equality to fascism and social heirarchy. Antifa would be far to the fascist side for example. So would those who want to force vaccinate whereas I would be far along on the liberty and equality side of the line.

Remember when the left was anti-war and then the Obama admin made war okay again? That is why left vs right is just an erroneous way of looking at things.

quote for truth. these labels are just tools of division and control.

St. Phatty

Active member
TakenByTheSky said:
Humans have been using cannabis for over 5000 years.

Can you imagine trying to smoke pot 5000 years ago ?

I can understand the stories about the Scythians throwing buds on their fires.

All you have are cannabis leaves, and maybe dried leaves from other plants.

NO LIGHTERS, No Zigzags.

All your energy would go into building the fire.

I wonder if they ever crumbled up the dried buds and rolled animal carcasses in them, like a spice. Sort of like KFC.

So then the barbecued rat, with that indigenous cannabis spice, might just taste a little better.

If it was me, and I had a knife, I might gut the rat and cook a piece of bud inside.

I bet they came up with a million work-arounds in between the time they discovered Cannabis was medically useful, and the 1800's or whenever they figured out bottles, tinctures, portable fire, etc.

that's 4800 years of improvised Cannabis consumption.


Kiss My Ring



has a certain ring to it doesn't it?
Hunter didn't kill himself either...

October 28, 2020
Biden Is Running a Protection Racket

By Sidney Powell
Joe Biden's big pitch is his promise to restore calm. It's a con. It's Antifa and Black Lives Matter — both on his side — that are stirring everything up. He's trying to run a protection racket: vote Democrat, or the chaos continues.

Biden talks of calm, but it is not Trump-supporters storming restaurants and other public places across the country to demand obeisance to their agenda. Instead, from Washington to Kentucky to Florida, it is the "Black Lives Matter" movement — which Biden has made a centerpiece of his campaign — that has smashed up restaurants, threatened their owners, and demanded that diners raise the black power fist. As one headline put it, "aggressive mob of white BLM protesters threaten and film white diners at DC restaurants and DEMAND they raise their fist and show solidarity with them...or else."

Biden speaks of tolerance, but it isn't MAGA people marching into our schools, newsrooms, and even corporate boardrooms to demand absolute allegiance; it's Biden-supporting leftists. As President Trump warned in his Independence Day address at Mt. Rushmore, if you do not "perform its rituals, recite its mantras, and follow its commandments, then you will be censored, banished, blacklisted, persecuted, and punished."

Biden professes not to treat the other party as the enemy, but he demonizes his opponents whenever he opens his mouth. Just this week, he called Trump-supporters "chumps." And his supporters call themselves "the resistance" — a term ordinarily used to describe armed insurgency against an occupying military power.
Biden speaks of mutual respect, but he demonstrates contempt, animosity, and rage at Trump-supporters. Let's face it: no one in America is afraid of going out in public while wearing a Biden hat.

Biden accuses the president of sowing chaos, but small businesses across the country haven't boarded up their windows in advance of MAGA rallies.
Biden decries deepening divisions but defends government-wide indoctrination sessions that preach tribalism and racism rather than unity and colorblindness. In the first debate, with the assistance of moderator Chris Wallace, Biden dismissed the spread of "Critical Race Theory" as "racial sensitivity training."

Critical Race Theory is an explicitly Marxist academic concept that casts all white people as oppressors. It maintains that white Americans must stop valuing "white" things like "individualism" and "objectivity" and give up their "comfort," "relationships with some other white people," and even their "physical safety" to atone for their "complicity in the system of white supremacy."

A recent Wall Street Journal column called it "a deeply ideological agenda that includes reducing people to a racial essence, segregating them, and judging them by their group identity rather than individual character, behavior and merit." Joe Biden just calls that "sensitivity."

There's nothing new about the bad faith behind the Democratic appeal to "civility." What it really means is: no dissent from its views. Just submit.

It started even before President Trump's inauguration. When Vice President–Elect Mike Pence and his wife went to see Hamilton on Broadway two weeks after his election victory, the cast berated him from the stage, haranguing the New York City audience to boo him. A Democrat restaurateur in Virginia kicked White House press secretary Sarah Sanders out. Crowds yelled "shame" at Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen as she tried to eat dinner at a Mexican restaurant in Washington.

Democrat elected officials cheered the thuggishness on from the very beginning. Rep. Maxine Waters, in a typical display of civility, said that if you see Trump Cabinet members "in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd ... [a]nd you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere."

If Joe Biden is really all about a return to civility, why is his national campaign co-chair Cedric Richmond, a top-ranking Democrat who defended Waters's shocking call for public harassment, disturbance of the peace, bullying, and shaming?
The truth is, Biden has gone all in on division and hatred from the moment he launched his campaign with complete lies about the president's remarks on the violence in Charlottesville in 2017 — remarks that included the words "I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally."

As it turns out, the president's prediction at that juncture — that if you pulled down Robert E. Lee's statues, they would come for Washington and Jefferson next — proved entirely correct. The violence that day in Charlottesville would eventually pale in comparison to the violence accompanying leftists' attempts to take over our cities and pull down our monuments — while Biden and Democrat mayors and public officials joined in marches or watched their cities burn.

The fraudulent Biden campaign has no policies, no proposals, no plans to do anything but divide America to facilitate the return of Biden and the Democrats to power to enrich their friends and themselves at the expense of "we the people." Unified patriots are their greatest fear.

Don't be fooled by Biden's sanctimonious rhetoric. He is not the Fire Department. He is the arsonist lobbing Molotov cocktails.

TRUMP 2020


ICMag Donor
Each negative post added here will remind people of who the alternative is ...

You bet!!! Although I don't believe made-up news, polls (after disbelief in 2016), news stories do show Biden ahead.

Folks are dead tired of the lies, deceit, inaction of COVID, the death toll and lingering long rehab of CO-19, the relief package, infrastructure and "better" (cough) health plan....thanks, DJT. 86 in 5 days!!!!


Each negative post added here will remind people of who the alternative is ...

you don't have alternatives, you have 2 flavours of corruption, will that be vanilla or strawbery flavour today sir? thats all.

maybe one is better then the other, but it never happened yet, US presidents always seem to get consecutively worse. every new president seems to be great when campaigning, but it never turns out how they say.

i truly hope it works out for the best for the most people, i just have my doubts about either choice put in front of you guys making things better for more people.

interesting read here for anyone wanting to know the whole detailed accusations against the Biden family and the evidence they are based on.

Breaking: Hunter Biden Audio Confesses Partnership With China ‘Spy Chief’…
Joe Biden Named as Criminal Case Witness



Kiss My Ring
Whistleblower Details Joe Biden’s Personal Involvement in Shady Family Business

Unrefuted documents cast a grim pallor over the Biden scandal.
By: Mark Angelides October 28, 2020Articles, Ignored by MSM, Politics

In a riveting interview with Fox’s Tucker Carlson, a former Biden family business partner bared his soul on national television. Tony Bobulinski detailed secret meetings, key events, and business structures, but most importantly the former business partner of Hunter Biden set out precisely his alleged interactions and involvement with former Vice President Joe Biden. With a wealth of corroborating evidence to support his claims, it is difficult to see how Joe Biden can continue to dodge a scandal of this magnitude. A mountain of evidence — not conjecture — is growing and represents a troubling account of the presidential aspirant’s behavior, character, and integrity with the potential to be an American political scandal greater in scope than even Watergate.
Tony Bobulinski

Bobulinski says that he came forward with the information solely because of Representative Adam Schiff’s (D-CA) assertion that the whole affair was a “Russian disinformation” campaign. “They are publically accusing me of treason,” said the former Navy officer. “This is the last thing I want to be doing right now.” He said that he reached out to Rob Walker (the Biden family spokesman) and demanded that the statements be retracted, or he would go on the record. A shocking clip of that conversation was played during the interview. It said:
Tony Bobulinski: If he doesn’t come out on record, I am providing the facts.
Rob Walker: Tony, you’re just gonna bury all of us, man.
Six Degrees of Separation?

Numerous media outlets have attempted to create a degree of separation for the former vice president by suggesting that although Hunter Biden may have been involved in these deals, Biden-the-elder had no knowledge. This parroting of Joe Biden’s mantra that he has never discussed business dealings with his son flies in the face of too much evidence to be believed at this point. Bobulinski insisted repeatedly that he met with the VP personally to discuss business and was courted by the Biden family to orchestrate high-level deals with the Chinese. He further states:
“I didn’t request to meet with Joe … They requested that I meet with Joe [Biden]. They were putting their entire family legacy on the line. They knew exactly what they were doing.”
He outlined a meeting he had in May 2017 with Joe, Jim, and Hunter Biden while the presidential hopeful was attending a Milken conference. “They were wining and dining me and presenting the strength of the Biden family to get me engaged and to take on the CEO role to develop SinoHawk in the U.S. and around the world in partnership with CEFC,” he said.
CEFC is a Chinese energy company that was a Fortune 500 entity at one point but declared bankruptcy in March 2020 after it emerged that its growth was based on fake deals, inflated figures, and questionable bank loans. The chairman and founder of CEFC was Ye Jianming, who has been facing bribery charges since 2018.
Perhaps the most devastating corroboration of Bobulinski’s claims is a series of text messages (obtained after the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee and the Senate Finance Committee requested them) that appear to show it was, in fact, the Biden family that pushed for the meeting rather than Bobulinski himself.
The Spider’s Web

It appears a complex web, and if true, supports Bobulinski’s assertion that Joe Biden was intimately involved in the Biden family business dealings. “I’ve seen Vice President Biden saying he never talked to Hunter about his business. I’ve seen firsthand that that’s not true because it wasn’t just Hunter’s business, they said they were putting the Biden family name and its legacy on the line.”
Despite the apparent gravity of these claims, at the time of writing, very few major news outlets have deigned to cover the story. Liberty Nation will continue to report for you to determine and we urge our colleagues in the Fourth Estate to do their job and dig deep to test the veracity of Bobulinski’s claims. Whether the claims are true or not, the preponderance of evidence demands investigation by a free and fair press.


Active member
Can you imagine trying to smoke pot 5000 years ago ?

I can understand the stories about the Scythians throwing buds on their fires.

All you have are cannabis leaves, and maybe dried leaves from other plants.

NO LIGHTERS, No Zigzags.

All your energy would go into building the fire.

I wonder if they ever crumbled up the dried buds and rolled animal carcasses in them, like a spice. Sort of like KFC.

So then the barbecued rat, with that indigenous cannabis spice, might just taste a little better.

If it was me, and I had a knife, I might gut the rat and cook a piece of bud inside.

I bet they came up with a million work-arounds in between the time they discovered Cannabis was medically useful, and the 1800's or whenever they figured out bottles, tinctures, portable fire, etc.

that's 4800 years of improvised Cannabis consumption.

Yeah, but...



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
you don't have alternatives, you have 2 flavours of corruption, will that be vanilla or strawbery flavour today sir? thats all.

maybe one is better then the other, but it never happened yet, US presidents always seem to get consecutively worse. every new president seems to be great when campaigning, but it never turns out how they say.

i truly hope it works out for the best for the most people, i just have my doubts about either choice put in front of you guys making things better for more people.

interesting read here for anyone wanting to know the whole detailed accusations against the Biden family and the evidence they are based on.

Breaking: Hunter Biden Audio Confesses Partnership With China ‘Spy Chief’…
Joe Biden Named as Criminal Case Witness


The call from the 'VIP' room at the strip club....lmao
You can hear the razor blade hitting the mirror....


Active member
Maybe I’ve been hitting the new harvest a bit too much:D, but i still don’t understand what crimes Joe is being accused of.
According to trich’s post, Joe didn’t really do anything.
Can a kind soul please throw me a rope or something.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Maybe I’ve been hitting the new harvest a bit too much:D, but i still don’t understand what crimes Joe is being accused of.
According to trich’s post, Joe didn’t really do anything.
Can a kind soul please throw me a rope or something.

Remember what they tried to impeach Trump over? That's what Joe and all of the impeachers were doing, but they were also committing much more serious crimes such as treason. It hasn't come out yet, but the spy chief killed a whole slew of CIA officers imbedded in China and it is understood that their identities were leaked to the spy chief by someone associated with the Obama admin. Was it Joe?

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