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Joe Biden Thread


Active member
...bruh, Indiana is more or less in the situation as described. You guys and kansas...eek.

I think people give boogie too much shit. He tries to engage and explain his views, they don't really seem to fit an ideology, I get that trying to argue against that gets frustrating in that scenario. Honestly it seems like neoliberalism mixed with guns. Dude wants a good economy and to shoot shit.

Compare his reasonable attempts at engaging vs the batshit retards that are on his side. At least he isnt yelling about pedo rings and demon sperm.

You're right that not only should he not be overly singled out, but he's definitely more reasonable than many. I don't want to come across as hating him, but Trump voters in general just frustrate me so bad. If only they'd just realize they're being played.... just like Obama voters were, just like Bush voters were... .really just like people are in every election. What's just so strange is the adoration and excuses he gets for basically not accomplishing anything. Its hard not to snap a bit at people voting against their own interests even if they're nice folks otherwise.


You're right that not only should he not be overly singled out, but he's definitely more reasonable than many. I don't want to come across as hating him, but Trump voters in general just frustrate me so bad. If only they'd just realize they're being played.... just like Obama voters were, just like Bush voters were... .really just like people are in every election. What's just so strange is the adoration and excuses he gets for basically not accomplishing anything. Its hard not to snap a bit at people voting against their own interests even if they're nice folks otherwise.

It is what it is, I bought into Obama being a far left dude back in 2008. Granted that was the attack against him and to summon a meme "surprise motherfucker I'm into that shit" was my schadenfreude at the time. In retrospect I am really embarrassed by some of my defenses.

I dont have any answers or insight in how to make this shit better other than I like the idea of having like 10 political parties where each gets proportional representation and a seat at the table...and then those folks need to get the general public at over 50% support for whatever so they have to give and take to get a consensus to get that random representative of 2% of people on board.

Tbh...tudos hot dog thread is the best thing going at the moment. Yall should chime in if you enjoy hot dogs.


...bruh, Indiana is more or less in the situation as described. You guys and kansas...eek.

I think people give boogie too much shit. He tries to engage and explain his views, they don't really seem to fit an ideology, I get that trying to argue against that gets frustrating in that scenario. Honestly it seems like neoliberalism mixed with guns. Dude wants a good economy and to shoot shit.

Compare his reasonable attempts at engaging vs the batshit retards that are on his side. At least he isnt yelling about pedo rings and demon sperm.

i’ve noticed this too...
shoutout boogs!

that’s a good guy for sure

i think he’s more of a centrist, which is where i am too...
he’s just a lil right of where i’m comfortable.

i do not believe trump represents his ideologies, like some of the others spouting off...
but it’s his only choice given the options.

but i do fundamentally believe that their hope in donald being this outsider that’s come to drain the swamp has been exploited by the donald himself....

the us government has become his personal fiefdom



Comfortably numb!
Biden is about to get elected president and you're the guy nagging on a keyboard in Canada.
Go nag Trudeau.
Anything is an improvement over trump. I'll go with Biden.
You're right I am Canadian. You don't actually believe you live in a democracy do ya?

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Obviously. As you have no respect for the culture, or the people who grew it. You just jumped right in and think you belong.
When you say I'm angry, I believe you mean harsh. As in the things I say about you and your kind make me sound like a right winger talking about Obama. But I am a little angry. Ya. I admit it. I've been part of the cannabis culture since the 80s. Watched your kind slinking into our world once it was safe to do so. We are warriors for this cause, and were even when it could cost you your entire life, everything. And now you all think you just fit right in. People who believe in what you believe are the people who jailed us, took everything from us, even killed us. And now you all are trying your damnedest to keep them in power. Give them more power. You are all fools. And history will prove that out.
As for anger management, well, the VA been trying to help me with that since I returned from Iraq. We've both pretty much given that up at this point. But you haven't seen that side.

Way to stake your claim, lol. Thanks for discovering the weedz for all us youngsters!

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
So you are declaring yourself a Leftist then? What exactly are your Leftist policies?

I honestly don't believe in left/right linear political catagorization. There are too many variabilities for that to be a sensible way to understand political philosophies. For instance, a anti-racist movement could theoretically blame racism on one ethnic group and erraticate that group through genocide. So, would that be a far left group moving far right? No. It is simply fascist violence against 'others.'
Instead of "left/right," maybe a better way to do it linearly is a line from liberty and equality to fascism and social heirarchy. Antifa would be far to the fascist side for example. So would those who want to force vaccinate whereas I would be far along on the liberty and equality side of the line.

Remember when the left was anti-war and then the Obama admin made war okay again? That is why left vs right is just an erroneous way of looking at things.


Be a man for a change. Hmmm. That's an interesting dig.

Consider this an answer to all the lil tighty righties who's panties are in a bunch. No one cares what you think. You have forfeited your right to have your opinions considered. You have all shown yourselves to be lesser than average by the statements you post. You may be smart. Smart people have a history for allowing themselves to be brainwashed into garbage movements before. In the US and other societies. But your time is drawing to an end. If the "blue wave" doesn't come this year as predicted (we've all been here before), it will come. And good Americans might get tired of waiting, and give you righties the fight that you've all been masturbating about since we elected a black man. And you can all sit around in your boogaloo circle jerks and keep playing pretend, but it would not be good for you.
I've been reading all your little bitchy posts for years now, filled w fever dreams and horse shit, and I am not impressed w any of you little bitches. Certainly not a one of you do, or would, intimidate me. Not intellectually, not physically.
Bottom line: my statement stands and is true. Right-wing punk ass bitches have taken this site into the sewer. The cannabis culture in general has suffered greatly from you queer asses jumping in. Not that most of you boys give a shit about that, most of you don't have the balls, skills or brains to grow. At least from your public records here, on a dope growing internet site. All you do is bring everyone down. You could all leave, and this site would reveg like a seed plant after flowering(you probably don't understand the metaphor)
This culture is ours. It is not yours. It never will be. You aren't wanted. You never will be. You contribute nothing here. Why do you all INSIST on staying? You have driven off 10 times more growers than rezdog did when he was granted mod powers. Was it your intention to take down a community? If so, bravo. You did a wonderful job. Instagram couldn't kill it all the way off, but you giving them a run for the money!

Awfully full of yourself that's quite apparent.

Humans have been using cannabis for over 5000 years.

It doesn't belong to you or me, no coast, no state, no country, no culture, no race, no religion, no gender, no political orientation none of that BS. It certainly is ripping away quite hard from coast to coast cali is no longer the epicenter as legalization sweeps the country.

It is a gift from the earth to the human species, just like psychedelic mushrooms. It has evolved along side of human.

Being a tolerant liberal I'd think you'd understand this.

Also don't look at a join date and assume someone is some kind of 20 year old noob. I've been on here on and off for over 13 years, I've ready many of your sandy vag posts over the years. I personally don't care about who you think you are or what you think belongs to you.

I know what this place was like in 07-2010 and I know what it's like now.

It's actually self important elitists like you that have driven people off. There's a 20000 trump threads on here, I don't agree with them so I decided to give the caitlyn jenner brigade a taste of their own medicine over their kiddie touching king joe biden.

Don't give it out if you can't take it.

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Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Trump is lame. He is the only president is recent history to not be in wars. Whats his problem? I think is is just a lazy coward. All he does is golf and fly around to rallys. Its like a tv show or something. The right is saying " Hey this is getting good, gimme some more popcorn". And the left is screaming Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Cancel the show! :D

PS Which one do you think kids prefer to kiss? :D


I honestly don't believe in left/right linear political catagorization. There are too many variabilities for that to be a sensible way to understand political philosophies. For instance, a anti-racist movement could theoretically blame racism on one ethnic group and erraticate that group through genocide. So, would that be a far left group moving far right? No. It is simply fascist violence against 'others.'
Instead of "left/right," maybe a better way to do it linearly is a line from liberty and equality to fascism and social heirarchy. Antifa would be far to the fascist side for example. So would those who want to force vaccinate whereas I would be far along on the liberty and equality side of the line.

Remember when the left was anti-war and then the Obama admin made war okay again? That is why left vs right is just an erroneous way of looking at things.

Amigo...we don't agree politically...but we do philosophically.


ICMag Donor
We have been pulled so far to the right that some of us forgot where the center is.