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Joe Biden Thread


Active member
Even with Cher hosting and performing Groping Joe can't pull a crowd worth a shit.. Popeyes has bigger crowds over the release of a chicken sandwich.

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Justin Bieber used to pull in large crowds too. What's your point?

McDonalds sells more hamburgers then anyone else. Does that make them the best?

Funny how the right wing media knock on Obama was that he wanted to be like a "rock star". Now the Trumpers want a "rock star" for a president.


Someone's salty tonight, a little pissy that trump scored his 3rd supreme court placement? Better get the inner tube ready you might have to float across the Rio grande soon.


Well-known member
False, in fact Dr. Fauci made a very good presentation many years ago about how harmful wearing a mask can be to your respiratory system and general health overall. I will trust the old Dr. Fauci before he became corrupted by the Democrats agenda. When it's all said and done everyone (everyone except partisan Democrats) will realize we were right all along.

How will anyone know we were right all along if Biden wins and Democrats cover everything up as usual? Think a little harder bro, if Trump wins the Democrats game will get exposed.

Since you can't seem to make the connection between both of my posts that was originally talking about Dr. Fauci, shutting down the economy, and wearing masks... I highlighted the connection to make it easier for you. You can thank me later. ;)


Imma stand with abs, cause holy shit the counter argument is some of the stupidest shit on the internet. I watch hold my drink box and hold my cosmo videos, then read these posts, and a bunch of yall are dumber than a 2 year old and a drunk 22 year old.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Amy Coney Barrett sworn in on Hillary Clinton's birthday.
Ultimate trolling. Happy Birthday Hillary!
They never thought she would lose, lol.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
c'mon people,take a deep breath,hopefully holding in good smoke,and relax...it's just the internet,no reason to get personal...

let's keep it civil please


Active member
Since you can't seem to make the connection between both of my posts that was originally talking about Dr. Fauci, shutting down the economy, and wearing masks... I highlighted the connection to make it easier for you. You can thank me later. ;)

The dead Covid people are right. You haven’t a clue.


Says the guy who got warned last night about all the personal insults.



Active member
Says the guy who got warned last night about all the personal insults.

Their arguments are weak, so they attack your character mostly. Seriously go through the posts of the far-right wackadoodles in this thread and you'll see way more of them proportionately are just shit talking.

Its so disappointing to see far-right lunatics in the pot scene. They don't seem to remember the decades of being an insurgent movement living in fear of the law. Now that the law isn't against them, they're eager to abandon everyone who got them there; blacks, hispanics, any sort of hippie, and more.

TakenByTheSky in particular has made it clear that he has really good employer healthcare and doesn't give a fuck if any of you live or die as long as he feels no risk of losing that. Never mind that we can easily afford it as a nation. Never mind that money doesn't work the way people like him think it does. He's got his health care and to hell with the rest of his fellow Americans. He's not a patriot. No patriot holds the free thoughts of their fellow Americans in such contempt.


That's a pretty far stretch. Healthcare especially good health care is already provided here free to everyone who is elderly, disabled, poor or just too lazy to work.

What you're basically saying is everyone who likes their insurance should have theirs taken away and the same mediocre coverage should be extended to everyone.

I'm really not here to get into all the policies of the US, I find it fun to trigger liberals and shed light on pedo joe but it's abundantly clear that the joe voters here are pedo friendly and could care less about him touching children's or taking showers with his daughter as described in her diary which was recently released.


Active member
You don't know Hillary Clinton well enough if you think she's sad about Trump picking 3 judges and essentially delegitimizing the Supreme Court. She is a far-right nutjob who just masquerades as a leftist. If any of you actually bothered to read Marx you'd know she's not a leftist.

Amy Coney Barrett sworn in on Hillary Clinton's birthday.
Ultimate trolling. Happy Birthday Hillary!
They never thought she would lose, lol.


Active member
That's a pretty far stretch. Healthcare especially good health care is already provided here free to everyone who is elderly, poor or just too lazy to work.

What you're basically saying is everyone who likes their insurance should have theirs taken away and the same mediocre coverage should be extended to everyone.

I'm really not here to get into all the policies of the US, I find it fun to trigger liberals and shed light on pedo joe but it's abundantly clear that the joe voters here are pedo friendly and could care less about him touching children's or taking showers with his daughter as described in her diary which was recently released.

Pretty ironic given the fact that you Trump supporters are doing the exact same thing. Someone even said a few pages ago that they could imagine Trump groping a few girls but couldn't picture him raping anyone; like they know him personally and hang out with him. Demagoguery is dangerous and mindless.

Also, no, Medicare For All would not provide mediocre coverage for everyone. Do you realize we are literally the only developed nation that does not have it? America is dead last, and you're hell bent on making sure we stay there because you don't understand how money works. All you hear is "trillions" and the thinking stops. Being the reserve currency of the world also offers us spending capacity unlike that of any other nation. If we'd have spent the last 50 years expanding health care and other important things like infrastructure: we would be a lot less likely to lose that status. All the endless war has pissed off the entire planet against us and many countries are now trying to end our status as the world's reserve currency producer. Once that goes, we're going to have an even harder time not slipping into third-world status, but you have good employer healthcare so lets just keep dumping endless money into the military where it does nobody any good.

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