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Joe Biden Thread


ICMag Donor
The FBI confirmed the laptop is real, you can't really bullshit your way out of that fact. You are the one posting nonsense conspiracies all day. Biden might possibly be even more corrupt than Hillary.

Yeah, Sure it is Boogie. Just like all the other bullshit brought by Steve Bannon. It's a big deal on faux news. Everywhere else it's just more programming.


Active member
While the Biden's don't deny the laptop is real, the chain of evidence on this situation has been totally ignored. This would instantly disqualify it in most court cases.


Active member
Their arguments are weak, so they attack your character mostly. Seriously go through the posts of the far-right wackadoodles in this thread and you'll see way more of them proportionately are just shit talking.

Its so disappointing to see far-right lunatics in the pot scene. They don't seem to remember the decades of being an insurgent movement living in fear of the law. Now that the law isn't against them, they're eager to abandon everyone who got them there; blacks, hispanics, any sort of hippie, and more.

TakenByTheSky in particular has made it clear that he has really good employer healthcare and doesn't give a fuck if any of you live or die as long as he feels no risk of losing that. Never mind that we can easily afford it as a nation. Never mind that money doesn't work the way people like him think it does. He's got his health care and to hell with the rest of his fellow Americans. He's not a patriot. No patriot holds the free thoughts of their fellow Americans in such contempt.

And yet here you are...holding the free thoughts
Of a fellow american in contempt...
You fucking far left radical shills are laughable
You feel some sort of entitlement from some
Utopian ether where you exist therefore you deserve
Who has put this notion in heads?
Were you not taught the basic elements of solid
Work ethics and self motivation needed to elevate
A person to a position that allows them to grasp all america has to offer and reap its rewards?
The brass ring is there for all who strive to edeavor
Excuses and blame will only serve to hold one back
From achievement....so snap out of it and be a real american


at least you understand that they are morons...:good:

That they may be but at least they're not pedo friends like so many here seem to be.

I'd take a Qanon any day over someone that can go to the ends of the earth to justify touching children or think it's ok for a presidential hopeful to Inappropriately touch women and kids every chance he gets.

Biden is a sicko that obviously can't control his perverted sexual urges and has a long history of such behavior.

I thought the communist sympathizing bernie bros were bad enough, this thread has showed me a new level of low.


Comfortably numb!
That they may be but at least they're not pedo friends like so many here seem to be.

I'd take a Qanon any day over someone that can go to the ends of the earth to justify touching children or think it's ok for a presidential hopeful to Inappropriately touch women and kids every chance he gets.

Biden is a sicko that obviously can't control his perverted sexual urges and has a long history of such behavior.

I thought the communist sympathizing bernie bros were bad enough, this thread has showed me a new level of low.
Your simply pissed because you wish your name was Joe :)


Just because someone is touching kids doesn't make it sexual.

You do.

Your obsession is obnoxious.

100% pervert normal people don't behave like this, he did this live on stage at one of his pathetic rallies. Luckily only like 12 people were there.




Active member
I'd take a Qanon any day over someone that can go to the ends of the earth to justify touching children or think it's ok for a presidential hopeful to Inappropriately touch women and kids every chance he gets.

You can’t really mean you have an issue with a president grabbing a women by the pussy can you?

Only matters if Q told you Biden did it? Same Q that only exists because of Trumps pedo background, the Q that originated in October 2017 to counter Trumps association with Epstein’s pedo stuff?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
100% pervert normal people don't behave like this, he did this live on stage at one of his pathetic rallies. Luckily only like 12 people were there.

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Completely out of context. That his wife hand, she was waving it in his face. He was being a normal jovial husband. You can make anything look bad you should know this.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
And yet here you are...holding the free thoughts
Of a fellow american in contempt...
You fucking far left radical shills are laughable
You feel some sort of entitlement from some
Utopian ether where you exist therefore you deserve
Who has put this notion in heads?
Were you not taught the basic elements of solid
Work ethics and self motivation needed to elevate
A person to a position that allows them to grasp all america has to offer and reap its rewards?
The brass ring is there for all who strive to edeavor
Excuses and blame will only serve to hold one back
From achievement....so snap out of it and be a real american

That they may be but at least they're not pedo friends like so many here seem to be.

I'd take a Qanon any day over someone that can go to the ends of the earth to justify touching children or think it's ok for a presidential hopeful to Inappropriately touch women and kids every chance he gets.

Biden is a sicko that obviously can't control his perverted sexual urges and has a long history of such behavior.

I thought the communist sympathizing bernie bros were bad enough, this thread has showed me a new level of low.
Why do we let people like this on this site? People like these two don't deserve to be here. They are a step below good, decent people. Giving a voice to those who are like this may be required in the countries we are all from, but is this not a private site gypsy?
I know I can be quoted from other threads saying everyone should be able to state their opinions and beliefs, but I tell you gypsy, your site has been absolutely ruined by letting this type of person in. Just saying dude. If you consider this place to be the legacy that I consider it to be, you have to know the right wingers have taken it down the toilet.


Well-known member
Why do we let people like this on this site? People like these two don't deserve to be here. They are a step below good, decent people. Giving a voice to those who are like this may be required in the countries we are all from, but is this not a private site gypsy?
I know I can be quoted from other threads saying everyone should be able to state their opinions and beliefs, but I tell you gypsy, your site has been absolutely ruined by letting this type of person in. Just saying dude. If you consider this place to be the legacy that I consider it to be, you have to know the right wingers have taken it down the toilet.

You come in these threads and get nasty with us all the time, don't act like you are innocent here.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
hahaha gotta be about that time for ringading or whatever his name is to drop in.....commence with the caning :gaga:


Why do we let people like this on this site? People like these two don't deserve to be here. They are a step below good, decent people. Giving a voice to those who are like this may be required in the countries we are all from, but is this not a private site gypsy?
I know I can be quoted from other threads saying everyone should be able to state their opinions and beliefs, but I tell you gypsy, your site has been absolutely ruined by letting this type of person in. Just saying dude. If you consider this place to be the legacy that I consider it to be, you have to know the right wingers have taken it down the toilet.

Teacher! Teacher! This boys a meanie!

That's what you sound like dude, grow up, be a man for a change.

You come into this thread where everyone was just bantering back and forth pretty civilly and a lot of it was just tongue and cheek no hard feeling between anyone and you come to make problems, I've read enough of your posts to know that's your style.

Go chat up the ellen degeneres forum that might be a more comfortable safe space for you.


Active member
:biglaugh: USA media is always gonna run a smear campaign against the candidate who is not affiliated with skull & bones.
This is one of the best smear campaigns in history. both sides see the other as "subhuman". A "step below decency" as written here. this is a pre-requisite for the civil war that they are trying to goad you guys into. :lurk: