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Joe Biden Thread


Active member
100% pervert normal people don't behave like this, he did this live on stage at one of his pathetic rallies. Luckily only like 12 people were there.

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Have you never been in an adult relationship filled with love for the other person?
I think that’s both sweet and sexy. I bet Jill did too, judging from the smile on her face.
I bet Mrs. Biden doesn’t repeatedly swat Joe’s hand away. Go find me a video of that, i double dog dare you.:D

Mr. J

Well-known member
Have you never been in an adult relationship filled with love for the other person?
I think that’s both sweet and sexy. I bet Jill did too, judging from the smile on her face.
I bet Mrs. Biden doesn’t repeatedly swat Joe’s hand away. Go find me a video of that, i double dog dare you.:D
Joe Biden is sexy. Now I've heard it all.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
You don't know Hillary Clinton well enough if you think she's sad about Trump picking 3 judges and essentially delegitimizing the Supreme Court. She is a far-right nutjob who just masquerades as a leftist. If any of you actually bothered to read Marx you'd know she's not a leftist.

You are correct that Hillary is far right. Most conservatives are now moderate left. The far-left have rounded the curve and are now far-right. It is a good time to vote Trump and join the human race and vote out neo-nazis like hillary and Biden...

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Have you never been in an adult relationship filled with love for the other person?
I think that’s both sweet and sexy. I bet Jill did too, judging from the smile on her face.
I bet Mrs. Biden doesn’t repeatedly swat Joe’s hand away. Go find me a video of that, i double dog dare you.:D

Worth remembering...


Well-known member
Yeah, Sure it is Boogie. Just like all the other bullshit brought by Steve Bannon. It's a big deal on faux news. Everywhere else it's just more programming.

You can keep your head in the sand if that is what you choose to do, I can lead a horse to water but I can't make it drink.


Well-known member
You are correct that Hillary is far right. Most conservatives are now moderate left. The far-left have rounded the curve and are now far-right. It is a good time to vote Trump and join the human race and vote out neo-nazis like hillary and Biden...

Please show us any evidence of any neo Nazis supporting Biden or Hilary.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
You are correct that Hillary is far right. Most conservatives are now moderate left. The far-left have rounded the curve and are now far-right. It is a good time to vote Trump and join the human race and vote out neo-nazis like hillary and Biden...

There ain't no mod left conservative lol. The real left ain't far right. Total BS.

Mr. J

Well-known member
Reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit, is it?
I never said Joe was sexy.
Couples who love each other and engage in playful behavior is sexy to me.
You think Joe Biden is sexy, can't take it back now. Nothing to be embarrassed about. I don't know, wanting to watch Joe Biden and his wife get sexy is a bit weird to me, though. That's some porn I can't fap to.


ICMag Donor
Biden just gave a pretty good speech in Georgia.
He spoke of fighting the virus, unity and healing.

Why somebody would be repulsed by normal heterosexual behavior is beyond me. Unless they are, well you know,............


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Teacher! Teacher! This boys a meanie!

That's what you sound like dude, grow up, be a man for a change.

You come into this thread where everyone was just bantering back and forth pretty civilly and a lot of it was just tongue and cheek no hard feeling between anyone and you come to make problems, I've read enough of your posts to know that's your style.

Go chat up the ellen degeneres forum that might be a more comfortable safe space for you.

Be a man for a change. Hmmm. That's an interesting dig.

Consider this an answer to all the lil tighty righties who's panties are in a bunch. No one cares what you think. You have forfeited your right to have your opinions considered. You have all shown yourselves to be lesser than average by the statements you post. You may be smart. Smart people have a history for allowing themselves to be brainwashed into garbage movements before. In the US and other societies. But your time is drawing to an end. If the "blue wave" doesn't come this year as predicted (we've all been here before), it will come. And good Americans might get tired of waiting, and give you righties the fight that you've all been masturbating about since we elected a black man. And you can all sit around in your boogaloo circle jerks and keep playing pretend, but it would not be good for you.
I've been reading all your little bitchy posts for years now, filled w fever dreams and horse shit, and I am not impressed w any of you little bitches. Certainly not a one of you do, or would, intimidate me. Not intellectually, not physically.
Bottom line: my statement stands and is true. Right-wing punk ass bitches have taken this site into the sewer. The cannabis culture in general has suffered greatly from you queer asses jumping in. Not that most of you boys give a shit about that, most of you don't have the balls, skills or brains to grow. At least from your public records here, on a dope growing internet site. All you do is bring everyone down. You could all leave, and this site would reveg like a seed plant after flowering(you probably don't understand the metaphor)
This culture is ours. It is not yours. It never will be. You aren't wanted. You never will be. You contribute nothing here. Why do you all INSIST on staying? You have driven off 10 times more growers than rezdog did when he was granted mod powers. Was it your intention to take down a community? If so, bravo. You did a wonderful job. Instagram couldn't kill it all the way off, but you giving them a run for the money!

Mr. J

Well-known member
Biden just gave a pretty good speech in Georgia.
He spoke of fighting the virus, unity and healing.

Why somebody would be repulsed by normal heterosexual behavior is beyond me. Unless they are, well you know,............
He's gonna fight that virus just like he fought Corn Pop.


Reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit, is it?
I never said Joe was sexy.
Couples who love each other and engage in playful behavior is sexy to me.

At home that's cool

On stage at your presidential rally, not so much.

The problem is Joe doesn't know where he is half the time and really has a hard time with the appropriate time and place for the appropriate behavior.


ICMag Donor
At home that's cool

On stage at your presidential rally, not so much.

The problem is Joe doesn't know where he is half the time and really has a hard time with the appropriate time and place for the appropriate behavior.

Why do you keep making annoying statements like this? It shows you have no clue and are just repeating the shallow words of some other bullshitter,


Well-known member
Be a man for a change. Hmmm. That's an interesting dig.

Consider this an answer to all the lil tighty righties who's panties are in a bunch. No one cares what you think. You have forfeited your right to have your opinions considered. You have all shown yourselves to be lesser than average by the statements you post. You may be smart. Smart people have a history for allowing themselves to be brainwashed into garbage movements before. In the US and other societies. But your time is drawing to an end. If the "blue wave" doesn't come this year as predicted (we've all been here before), it will come. And good Americans might get tired of waiting, and give you righties the fight that you've all been masturbating about since we elected a black man. And you can all sit around in your boogaloo circle jerks and keep playing pretend, but it would not be good for you.
I've been reading all your little bitchy posts for years now, filled w fever dreams and horse shit, and I am not impressed w any of you little bitches. Certainly not a one of you do, or would, intimidate me. Not intellectually, not physically.
Bottom line: my statement stands and is true. Right-wing punk ass bitches have taken this site into the sewer. The cannabis culture in general has suffered greatly from you queer asses jumping in. Not that most of you boys give a shit about that, most of you don't have the balls, skills or brains to grow. At least from your public records here, on a dope growing internet site. All you do is bring everyone down. You could all leave, and this site would reveg like a seed plant after flowering(you probably don't understand the metaphor)
This culture is ours. It is not yours. It never will be. You aren't wanted. You never will be. You contribute nothing here. Why do you all INSIST on staying? You have driven off 10 times more growers than rezdog did when he was granted mod powers. Was it your intention to take down a community? If so, bravo. You did a wonderful job. Instagram couldn't kill it all the way off, but you giving them a run for the money!

I'm a millennial who grew up in a world where weed was normalized just like drinking beer so I honestly have no idea where you are coming from but damn you angry lol. I hope you get the help you need for your anger management.


Well-known member
Barrak Obama supported both of them. So did John Brennan, Collin Powell, the whole neo-nazi establishment supports them. How much evidence do you need?

You have not provide any evidence of anything other than your own it issues with reality.

Show some evidence of neo Nazis supporting any democrat candidate. Any at all.

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