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Joe Biden Thread


ICMag Donor
news has it that roughly a third of chumps supporters believe in Q. since he has an unshakeable 36 or so % of GOP voters up his ass, that is not a very small number of idiots running around loose.

Well that means the other two thirds know the rest are idiots for believing bullshit.

Trump screwed the Republican Party badly by going this route.


Active member
The difference being you would never talk about putting down Putin if you lived in Russia, even on a internet forum. Bromance? Trump plays people all the time. He can turn on the charm and then turn it off.

Diseased animal. Ok. Your mental state is crap to be honest, but you have lots of company here so there is that. You and the other Trump haters are so lucky to be here and not in Russia.

Klompen your interest in children aside, Russia having 6 different parties and paper ballots is not real useful when you have a guy that will literally kill you if you talk bad about him.

You will be stopping the personal insults or else.


Active member
Biden is up by 3 in Texas.

It won't be long until all the Q-Tards will just be a laughable bad memory.

They really thought people were stupid enough believe all these nonsense stories.

Biden is a monster, but it almost might be worth it just to shut up the Q people. Q has been wrong almost every time on every major point, but they still follow like sheep.
news has it that roughly a third of chumps supporters believe in Q. since he has an unshakeable 36 or so % of GOP voters up his ass, that is not a very small number of idiots running around loose.

q is far more believable then the crap the DNC feeds your ass...hell lots already proven true . I'd say the DNC fears Q and rightly so.

You idiots actually believe systemic racism exists and that its the #1 threat facing your country LOL...ROFLMAO Or that Co2 magically creates global warming even though it goes against the laws of thermal dynamics.. but fuck as long as CNN tells you its true it must be right ?

I would say Q is far more accurate then CNN is


ICMag Donor


ICMag Donor
In very democrat connecticut


The rally had about three hundred cars. There were no prominent speakers or otherwise big draws. Just random people. There were truckers and bikers, and even a guy in a Bentley. Interestingly, more than fifty percent were women. I recognized a few that I knew, and was surprised they were on the Trump side of the fence. They told me they typically have to keep their views close to the vest. Cancel culture.
No one with any connection to the Trump campaign had anything to do with organizing the event, it was all word of mouth. This is a phenomenon being played out all across the country, and it’s one we’ve never witnessed in our political history.
The rally started in Greenwich, Connecticut, and traveled about twenty miles out I-95 and back. This is deep-blue Connecticut, by the way. No Trump yard signs anywhere. And yes, we got the finger a few times, but the overwhelming reaction from others was wildly supportive. Hundreds of cars honked in approval. Scores of people waved excitedly from overpasses or by intersections.



Active member
Biden is up by 3 in Texas.

It won't be long until all the Q-Tards will just be a laughable bad memory.

They really thought people were stupid enough believe all these nonsense stories.

Within the margin of errors in texas?
Trump voters haven't even started to vote....
Texas will turn as red as your ass by next week

TRUMP 2020 brace for the bug stomp :tiphat:


Active member
The Western media made a huge deal out of that group "Pussy Riot" getting arrested for bashing Putin, but those girls dissed him for years before they were arrested. In fact, they weren't arrested for dissing Putin, they were arrested for crashing public church services and committing sex acts at the altar(among many other public nuisance issues). They went to prison for a whopping 2 years at a low security prison colony.

Then there's the notion that Putin used nerve gas on the Skripals, but that entire story makes no sense(granted, the Russian story also makes no sense). Seems like that entire incident is exaggerated and doesn't really make sense. Putin had Skripal in Russia, in prison for six years prior to trading him for a spy the Brits had. Why would they bother using WMD against him and bringing the world down on them yet again?

Just to be clear: I don't like Putin's politics. He's a far-right Christian conservative, and I don't see eye to eye with him on a lot of things. The demonization of him and Russia though has absolutely nothing to with them being a huge threat and everything to do with the West's obsession with "winning" the Cold War. During the 90s, Russia bent over backwards for Bill Clinton and they got screwed for it badly.


brave folks diss Putin every day in Russia. some die for it. chump would have you killed if he thought he would get away with it, no doubt in my mind. charm? what a fucking joke. he fools morons, no one else. he IS the "blunt instrument" that Bannon said he was. nothing more, nothing less. my mental state is excellent. if chump was a dog he would have been put to sleep years ago. we are ALL lucky to be here instead of Russia, even as chump tries to become Putin Jr. & turn us into another Russia with his wanna-be "strongman" impersonations/infatuations, lol...:D


ICMag Donor
There is way too much nonsense in some of these posts.

The majority of republicans know that the "Q" and all these other fantasy lies have become too ridiculous to back any longer. The scales have tipped and intelligent people are done with the bullshit. Way too many people have died needlessly because the country was run by idiots who were busy playing golf when they should have been dealing with a crisis.


You simply cannot make this shit up.

This is a real Joe quote there is plenty of videos of him saying exactly this.

There is way too much nonsense in some of these posts.

The majority of republicans know that the "Q" and all these other fantasy lies have become too ridiculous to back any longer. The scales have tipped and intelligent people are done with the bullshit. Way too many people have died needlessly because the country was run by idiots who were busy playing golf when they should have been dealing with a crisis.

Q is more honest and accurate then is CNN, Pelosi or Shumer... by a country mile son, by a country mile


Active member
Who was it talking about trump embarrassing the us around the world?

Bad touch Biden wont be able to close that laptop for the rest of his life....absolutley devastating