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Joe Biden Thread

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Ill admit, I watched it. It was only about 7 minutes. I think we will likely find out by tomorrow if its true. He's giving all that stuff to the FBI tomorrow. He will be arrested if its fake. The dude was the CEO of their company? Its not just Hunter. He names off all the family.

DNC should have found someone else to run. They screwed up 4 years ago too, when they burned Sanders


wow... you tube. That's the best you can do?

You guys just have your panties in a twist because the mainstream press won't rise to the bait and gobble down some Russian manufactured bullshit, like they did in 2016. They aren't gonna make the same mistake twice. That's too bad.

Nobody cares. We're not voting for Hunter.

We care about 200,000 dead. tRump booted it.

I remember back when Obama lost 3 or 4 people in Benghazi. You remember that? Congressional inquiries for years. Now tRump loses 200,000 Americans and you say what? Hunter Biden.

Who cares again?


Well-known member
Ill admit, I watched it. It was only about 7 minutes. I think we will likely find out by tomorrow if its true. He's giving all that stuff to the FBI tomorrow. He will be arrested if its fake. The dude was the CEO of their company? Its not just Hunter. He names off all the family.

DNC should have found someone else to run. They screwed up 4 years ago too, when they burned Sanders

Myself? I would have been happy with Warren. Biden was my last choice.

It seems you can't always get what you want... go figure.

It'll go something like this....

This bozo could come out and say Biden was Satan. The FBI ain't gonna call a news conference to release those "documents" to the press, no they will want to look at them, which will take time. That's not gonna stop a mysterious source 'leaking' the "documents" to the "press". The story only has to last for what? 12 days? Just long enough. Then it'll disappear, with a small rancid aftertaste, just like a fart.

Mainstream media won't touch an unsourced story. tRumpnews will. Nobody except the brainwashed tRumpista morons will care.

You can look for the story on You Tube next week.


I just saw on PBS Newshour ... that Trump was taught to aggress during real estate deal-making by a guy called Cohen who used to be the secretary to McCarthy during the Eisenhower presidency. Lookout! It's reds under the bed all over again!


Active member
Its absolutely fascinating how you can see the obvious and very real problems with the Democratic party and then turn around and see the Republicans as an alternative to all that. It is so very hard for people to accept that there is no team to represent them. Trump only indulges your negative feelings to win your consent while simultaneously representing all sorts of things conservatives claim they oppose: entitled rich kid, out-of-touch elitism, infidelity, constant dishonesty, disrespectful of the military, a draft dodger, a tax evader, a braggart, and an interventionist who constantly says he's against interventionism.

Conservatives will tell you China is going to ruin America. Liberals will tell you that Russia is going to ruin America. I am here to tell you that neither of those threats to America could even be possible if our entire system weren't deeply corrupt. It was our leaders who sold our our workers to slave labor markets like Asia. It was our leaders who created all these trade agreements that screw over everyday people. It was our leaders who built a system of legalized corruption where money equals speech and corporations are people too my friend. Both parties stand for Wall Street, Big Pharma, The Military Industrial Complex, and all the deprivation, death, and destruction that those all bring to the world.

The parties only disagree on superficial issues that are of absolutely no geopolitical significance. Abortion? More of a localized morality question than an international concern. Private gun ownership? Totally an internal issue within a country and not of global significance. Gay marriage? Hardly affects the markets or global trade. Prayer in schools? More personal than global. When it comes to war, international trade, energy policy, and so much more; the two major parties are always willing to betray their base just enough to make it happen.

Boogie.....The fix is in.....Democrats keep screamin Russian disinformation and Trump`s collusion with Putin , while the facts that I hope will come out down the road how many Democrats have been bought and paid for by China over the yrs.....The media won`t cover anything against Democrats , and every time anyone asks about China influence , Democrats won`t even respond.....

They do a great job of deflection and blaming the other party for what they`re wrapped up in.....Hell....Diane Feinstein`s DRIVER she had for 20 yrs was a CHINESE SPY ......Nancy Pelosi`s favorite spot`s China Town.....They`re in ALL our larger universities with these bullshit Confucious programs , and if we`re not careful China will own our ass far more than they already do....

AMC the largest movie theaters in the US is fully owned by China.....

Democrats just wanna get rich behind the scenes and tell the sheep anything they wanna hear to get the vote.....Who FULLY funds BLM INC ?.....DNC.....They`re all whores , and I see no future with Democratic tactics to rape all taxpayers as they`ve done for yrs and yrs.....

Don`t piss in my face and tell me it`s raining.....

Peace.....DHF.....:ying: .....

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
- and now - a public service announcement - from a global medicated hand-gel corporation -



i noticed people saying the biden family corruption is a russian disinfo campaign? can someone explain that? i thought it comes from hunters own lap top which he legally abandoned by not getting it back within the stipulated 90 days from the repair shop? is that not factually correct?

seems weird to me, no matter how bad trump is, when the press colludes to help a candidate against another candidate, by burying a news story, you might have a small problem no?
Holy fuck if Biden is your chosen one your movement is beyond fucked... you Aunt Teefa losers have taken sides with the establishment politicians, the ones responsible for mass incarceration's of blacks which is the true root cause of all the black issues...You literally couldn't be more ass backwards if you tried... your supporting the existing political establishment that's responsible for everything your protesting against. Trump is a god of intellect and personal integrity compared to Biden and Crew... what a bunch of losers..holy fuck I had no idea how stupid Biden was , talk about a meat statue


Active member
So the game is really simple: One team blames the Chinese, one team blames the Russians, and both teams are actually sold out to a mix of interests ranging from Israel to personal gain.

i noticed people saying the biden family corruption is a russian disinfo campaign? can someone explain that? i thought it comes from hunters own lap top which he legally abandoned by not getting it back within the stipulated 90 days from the repair shop? is that not factually correct?

seems weird to me, no matter how bad trump is, when the press colludes to help a candidate against another candidate, by burying a news story, you might have a small problem no?
So the game is really simple: One team blames the Chinese, one team blames the Russians, and both teams are actually sold out to a mix of interests ranging from Israel to personal gain.

Trump is after the Hero's cape...its not financial.. He legit wants to do exactly what he says he wants to do...draining the swamp is legit and why the establishment is trying to oust him...everything Trump has said has been spot on regardless of how the media tries to spin... B contrast basically everything Biden says is a lie, he's 100% establishment swamp dweller.. All you lefties now want to normalize the corruption we've been pointing out for ages. Its not normal, the Democrats are ridiculously corrupt


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
So the game is really simple: One team blames the Chinese, one team blames the Russians, and both teams are actually sold out to a mix of interests ranging from Israel to personal gain.

Welcome to America! Ain't it grand?


Active member
I will take a businessman
over a crook.

Considering everything i keep hearing about Hunter and Joe, they seem to be pretty successful businessmen. Meanwhile, trump has a lot of money(through inheritance, billions in loans and through widespread cheating/fraud) but has never been really successful at business, and is certainly more crooked than Biden as evidenced by his actions.

Seems your vote should be an easy one.:D


Well-known member
Klomp.....Don`t EVER construe me to be a Trump supporter and bring me into the mindless fool mostly po white folk followers you think they are , cuz if you`d actually read some of my posts that you`ve blown up about , you`d KNOW I`m an Independent and the ONLY reason I crack on nuthin ass Democrats is due to the mainstream media won`t squeeze Charmin to hold em accountable for ANY of their misdeeds and misgivings.....it`s all the Republicans fault.....Just ask Nancy Pelosi.....that said.....

Democrats and their left-wing radical base will put this country into a tailspin of bullshit trillion dollar programs that end up going nowhere with all the money gone down the drain with NOTHING to show for it except what they`ve padded their pockets with for as long as they can keep their hands in the till....bet on that shit Klomp.....and yeah.....Republicans have their Dinosaurs that need culled with term limits , but as a whole.....

Republican ticket is by FAAAAAAR the lesser of the 2 evils in my book , and again I`ll say better to be in bed with the devil you know than the 1 you don`t.....God only knows where this ends up with Kamala and the Squad with AOC pullin the puppet strings , cuz guaranteed Joe`s on the way out.....sooner than later.....and yeah Old Howlie.....

With the media spinnin this shit like they always do due to their blatant bias for the Democrats , YouTube`s prolly gonna be the only place this story will end up.....bottom line They`re all WHORES , Liars , and Thieves , and the sooner the American public realizes that all ANY of em want is in our back pocket the better off we`ll all be.....



Active member
i noticed people saying the biden family corruption is a russian disinfo campaign? can someone explain that? i thought it comes from hunters own lap top which he legally abandoned by not getting it back within the stipulated 90 days from the repair shop? is that not factually correct?

seems weird to me, no matter how bad trump is, when the press colludes to help a candidate against another candidate, by burying a news story, you might have a small problem no?

Yes the mad scramble to cover for this is very telling
Of the extreme bias in media platforms
When every unsubstantiated claim made about one
Candidate is allowed with wild abandonment of fact
And then applies its censorship when a claim is presented from the opposing political party
It sets a very troublesome precedent

Marsh v. Alabama is the high-water mark. “While the court recently found in dicta that social media spaces were akin to the ‘public square,’ and access to them could not be blocked by the state as it would constitute a violation of free speech

Even tho social media is privately owned its right to free speech must be observed as if it is a public platform

The dilemma is the state must also be allowed free speech on a public platform without censorship
Hence the company could be liable for blocking
Free speech if censored

Other issues arise when you have foreign entities
Who wish to spread disinformation of the gov or political candidate...can the company censor this
And violate the fs claus? Or can the gov censor the content in national interest and run the risk of becoming state run censorship or
Do you allow a private entity with a bias to become a censorship of information they deem allowed or not allowed on a "public" platform?

It's basically a freedom of speech conundrum

Ughh more coffee

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