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Joe Biden Thread

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
His biggest misstep is being a bad mean orange dootyhead.

Close behind are the racist dog whistles, lies to the people, and challenges against the nation and Constitution.

Stonewalling Congress, mocking the constituency, and villifying the media are simply marshmallows.

He's a smug fuck undermining everything holding anything together.

But yeah orange whatever, he is actually a shitty excuse for a human.

It's his behavior and activities, not his fake tan.

Don't gloss it over, address it.

I double dog dare you.

Muh dur derp.


ICMag Donor
it is written by witches after all...

speaking of witches,they're taking credit for trump getting covid:witch2:

shine on you crazy wiccan diamonds!

DJT said it was because everyone wants to come up and kiss him, touch him!!!

Glad them witches are brooming about! Maybe they can swirl around McConnell, Gaetz, Jordan, Graham, Cruz, Kennedy, Abbott next?


Active member
Close behind are the racist dog whistles, lies to the people, and challenges against the nation and Constitution.

Stonewalling Congress, mocking the constituency, and villifying the media are simply marshmallows.

He's a smug fuck undermining everything holding anything together.

But yeah orange whatever, he is actually a shitty excuse for a human.

It's his behavior and activities, not his fake tan.

Don't gloss it over, address it.

I double dog dare you.

Muh dur derp.

The media has vilified itself with 4 years of constant lies that only you and your TDS buddies believe. Fortunately, the lies are regularly debunked within 48 hours.

Sure he's a dick. I'd rather have a dick who gets shit done. Than a pussy who can't remember what state he's in, and passed a crime bill that disproportionately imprisoned black people.

56% of Americans are doing better now than 4 years ago (while in the middle of a pandemic)

Me personally I just got another raise. Yup, I have increased my hourly wage by 50 % in the last 4 years. My income was completely stagnate for the 8 years of Obama.

Let's be real, the party that bails out rioters, and arsonist are the people undermining our once great nation.

Do you support the rioters and arsonist that are destroying minority neighborhoods? Your politicians do.

Don't gloss over it address it.

I double dog dare you..


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
He's a lot more than a dick, No sane person acts as he does. Not a single person from the Dem party has condoned riots or violence of any kind. In fact all have spoken out against it. That's just a dog whistle painting all protests as rioters. This great nation has been corrupted by crooks and amoral people.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
The media has vilified itself with 4 years of constant lies that only you and your TDS buddies believe. Fortunately, the lies are regularly debunked within 48 hours.

Sure he's a dick. I'd rather have a dick who gets shit done. Than a pussy who can't remember what state he's in, and passed a crime bill that disproportionately imprisoned black people.

56% of Americans are doing better now than 4 years ago (while in the middle of a pandemic)

Me personally I just got another raise. Yup, I have increased my hourly wage by 50 % in the last 4 years. My income was completely stagnate for the 8 years of Obama.

Let's be real, the party that bails out rioters, and arsonist are the people undermining our once great nation.

Do you support the rioters and arsonist that are destroying minority neighborhoods? Your politicians do.

Don't gloss over it address it.

I double dog dare you..

I support protests.

You believe that the media constantly lies.

You think over half if the nation is better off than four years ago.

You believe Trump achieved anything.

Then you ask me to be real.

When was our country great exactly?


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I heard trump and his hoe are heading to florida tomorrow for another covid spreading rally.

Florida loves Trump.


They tried a car parade for biden and his hoe. No go.


The media is actively setting the stage for riots when Trump wins again. Their BS "polls" are just mote fake news, but the media will point to those as proof that Trump must have cheated.
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Active member
The last Florida numbers I saw had Biden slightly ahead.

FOX 35 EXCLUSIVE: InsiderAdvantage poll gives Trump 3 point edge over Biden in Florida



ICMag Donor
I heard trump and his hoe are heading to florida tomorrow for another covid spreading rally.

Lovely...I foresee him crashing health wise in a matter of weeks.....remember Herman Caine? Felt better, plateaued, then fell off a cliff.....and died.

Somehow since the WH is very hush-hush when DJT actually was tested POSITIVE, I find it concerning he's Superman after a week of antivirals, virus free.

However, his hospital Rx bill was well over $100,000....geee, I wonder if DJT is going to incorporate those pricey top shelf cocktails in his newfangled health plan he promised us, what, a few weeks ago???

My Dr. says DJT's PLAN (that was back when he first became ill suited leader of the USA in '16-'17)= DEATH PLAN (unless you are a multimillionaire pay-to-play for DJT).


Well-known member
The last Florida numbers I saw had Biden slightly ahead.

yup. senior citizens were already mad about his trying to stop tax dollars going to SS, and they don't much care for his attitude RE the virus, which hits the elderly (THEM!) harder than most.


Active member
I support protests.

You believe that the media constantly lies.

You think over half if the nation is better off than four years ago.

You believe Trump achieved anything.

Then you ask me to be real.

When was our country great exactly?

I support protesters also. Don't support rioters. If they are arrested for rioting, they aren't protesters. They are rioters. If they set fires, they are arsonist, not protesters. It's pretty simple try to keep up.

I don't follow media who have crammed hundreds of bullshit conspiracy theories down your throat. That's you buddy.

I know Trump has many accomplishments. 3 peace deals, no new wars, best economy in decades, exposure of leftist violence, Tax cuts for all Americans. Putting a stop to the Iranian terror across the middle east.

America was great. America is great, inspite of leftist trying to destroy it.

We stopped the Confederates (your party)

We stopped the Germans twice.

We stopped the Soviets,

We killed Osama bin Laden.( Biden was opposed to it)

We killed Al Bagdadi.

We killed the head Iranian terrorist ( can't remember his name, surly Satan knows it well)

We gave the world a light to follow.

We created a constitution that has stood for over 200 years.

Don't like it their are many other countries to pick from.

Yeah. I don't know why I would ask you to be real, that ship has obviously sailed.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Let's be real, the party that bails out rioters, and arsonist are the people undermining our once great nation.

So we're in agreement in support of protesters.

What conspiracy theories do I subscribe to?

Trump is a diplomatic failure. China and US tensions are mounting. Russia and US tensions are mounting.

Bailing on treaties while continuing wars isn't heroic.

A lot of those "achievements" involve murder.

Killing people isn't cool.

Try to keep up.