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Joe Biden Thread

White Beard

Active member
"he's our only hope" because according to the polls he's the only one of the DNC's choices who can beat trump.

Too bad the DNC CHOSE to narrow those so called 'choices', huh? :bigeye:
Too bad Biden got more votes.
Too bad the DNC didn’t back a candidate I like better than Joe - true enough, but then....

Biden is a moderate. He's more electable. Going to a more liberal candidate would have cost votes. First priority is getting rid of trump.
Priorities must be considered.

I would not be surprised if he catches on fire like Richard Pryor or Michael Jackson.
I don’t think embalming fluid is flammable....

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
We've had Trump for four years...

We've lost a whole bunch of people to his farcical "leadership" but if you don't ask the dead, we lived with your stupid choice.


Active member
You've not begun to see the death of our nation...
Be part of the solution.. not the problem.


Active member
Yes the healing under a Biden administration...
Let me know how that all works out for ya...

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Biden's not THE answer. He's a solution to the authoritarian who thinks he is a king.

Trump was dodging the Whitmer fiasco with talking about how the FBI belongs to him and what she was doing not kissing his ring.

That was witnessed by nations across the globe.

We can't have the world watching us reelect the same guy who broke treaties and failed repeatedly at diplomatic relationships.

He's run out of rope and nobody wants to hear him lie any more.

Fuck machismo. Fuck the braggart.

He has fractured our freedom and put our lives at risk. His interest doesn't include our nation or our citizens.

Biden and Harris both have behavior I don't condone.

But then again, they have a lot more of an understanding of politics, government, and... most important: reality outside of Trump's loose (and deranged) grasp upon it.

I'm baffled he's got as much Senate support as he does, even with the waspy conservatives.

Why didn't those guys get a real candidate to run against Trump?

The GOP needs to save as much face as it can.... there's plenty of egg on it.


Active member
The dems insult themselves running stinkfinger joe and heels up harris....ponder what the world thinks of that pussafication?
Theres a proud vote to tell your grand kids about as you both work the rice paddies


Well-known member
:smoke out:


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ICMag Donor
24 Days to Sanity. ;o)

Dropped off my Absentee ballot at Ballot box today.


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Well-known member
Here is a legit Communist running for Congress. Righties take note - this is a Communist, not the corporatist Democrats you are brainwashed into thinking are Commies. My dude has Marx and Lenin on his candidacy page lol.


8 Points of Unity
I. Marxism-Leninism
We apply the science of Marxism-Leninism as the means to achieve supremacy of the working class and the oppressed.

II. Vanguard-Cadre Party
We maintain that the role of the party, as laid out by the Bolshevik experience, is that of a vanguard workers party, which opposes and organizes against the bourgeois state and its surrogate parties. Such a party acts as the general staff of the working class, educating, organizing and leading the proletariat in its struggle for liberation, and to that end the party must develop and train strong cadres to lead the struggle.

III. Dictatorship of the Proletariat
As Marx and Lenin wrote, we agree that organizing a class conscious working class is the only way to achieve liberation from the bourgeoisie-and that due to the inevitability of the class struggle and the nature of the state as the tool of oppression of one class by another, only the overthrow of the bourgeois state by the proletariat and the active destruction of the bourgeoisie by the dictatorship of the proletariat (Soviet power) will liquidate capitalism and consolidate the power of working-class interests to transform the social and economic relations of the United States into a socialist-communist state.

IV. Democratic Centralism
The governing principle of the PCUSA is known as democratic centralism, which is what distinguishes us from the bourgeois parties. Decisions made at the level of the PCUSA Central Committee are based on discussions that have taken place within the basic units and districts of the party. Our clubs, also referred to as cells or fractions are the basic unit of the party upon which democratic centralism is anchored. The fundamental principle for building and organizing the work of the party, Democratic centralism combines the full initiative, right, and duty of party organizations to decide on questions within their scope of responsibility, with their accountability and regular reporting of activities to higher party bodies, and the subordination of the minority to the majority and strict discipline once a decision has been made. Underestimation or rejection of democratic centralism is typical of revisionists, testifying to their non-scientific approach and the influence of bourgeois and petty bourgeois ideology.

V. Proletarian Internationalism
We support the international working class, and the struggle of the oppressed peoples for liberation from imperialist domination and exploitation within this country and around the world, and oppose all forms of imperialism worldwide, fighting especially against the mechanisms of imperialism created and maintained by the current bourgeois regime in our own country, and will actively oppose and work to end its wars of imperialist adventurism around the globe.

VI. Support for real existing socialism of the 20th century
We support and uphold the legacy and lessons of the socialist revolutionary movement of the 20th century, and the contributions of Lenin, Stalin and other leading Marxist-Leninist revolutionaries. We will defend that legacy against defamation by revisionists, Capitalists, Trotskyites, Maoists, Social Democrats, anarchists, Cold War liberal bourgeois and petty bourgeoisie “phony left” radicals that undermine the revolutionary history and struggle of Marxist-Leninist theory and practice. We reject the so-called "21st century socialism" and Euro-communism as revisionist attempts to promote reformist schemes and "market socialism" over true revolutionary struggle and socialist collectivization. We reject all unscientific and dogmatic vulgar Marxism.

VII. Continuing Lenin's opposition to right opportunism and revisionism inside the World Communist Movement
We oppose all forms of right opportunism and revisionism to supplant Marxist-Leninist ideology in the world Communist movement, historically and especially exemplified by the current CPUSA. We identify this revisionism as an intrusion of bourgeois ideology that weakens and distorts our theory, practice, and purpose, leading to class collaboration and counter-revolution.

VIII. Historically, revolution is the only means to the goal of establishing the dictatorship of the proletariat and a scientific socialist society based on the science of Marxism-Leninism.
Our position is that class-conscious struggle for socialist revolution is the only means of achieving liberation for the working class. Further, that any measure of reformism, collaboration or conciliation with the bourgeoisie serves only to undermine and prolong workers’ struggle, leading to the further consolidation of capitalist power and dominance. "The immediate aim of the Communists is the same as that of all other proletarian parties: formation of the proletariat into a class, overthrow of the bourgeois supremacy, conquest of political power by the proletariat." [Communist Manifesto, chapter ll, paragraph Vll].