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Joe Biden Thread


Active member
yup. senior citizens were already mad about his trying to stop tax dollars going to SS, and they don't much care for his attitude RE the virus, which hits the elderly (THEM!) harder than most.

Yea im sure they hated seeing a fellow senior kick covids ass over the weekend...trump said seniors will be the first to recieve trumps miracle cure
Bidens plan will put them in convelesent centers
With paper mask till they get ahold of the virus
Maybe next year....or a least when fauci can put his name on the patent


Active member
Florida loves Trump.


They tried a car parade for biden and his hoe. No go.


The media is actively setting the stage for riots when Trump wins again. Their BS "polls" are just mote fake news, but the media will point to those as proof that Trump must have cheated.

Car parade?!
Who does that? and why?
All ya’all and your flying cult monkeys are crazy.


Well-known member
Car parade?!
Who does that? and why?
All ya’all and your flying cult monkeys are crazy.

they had a "MAGA" parade outside of Bristol Motor Speedway a while back during a race. half of the participants (6) were protesting the fact that NASCAR outlawed Confederate flags. 11 pickup trucks with chump bumper stickers following a wrecker draped with US flags...quite impressive.:biggrin:


Active member
I know Trump has many accomplishments. 3 peace deals, no new wars, best economy in decades, exposure of leftist violence, Tax cuts for all Americans. Putting a stop to the Iranian terror across the middle east.

Do you support ISIS? That's who Iran was fighting. The guy that Trump assassinated was fighting ISIS and you're excited that he died. So how exactly is it good that ISIS got what they wanted?

America was great. America is great, inspite of leftist trying to destroy it

It couldn't be possible to make a country great again if it never stopped being great. Bill Clinton made it very clear that MAGA is racist code, and Bill would know since he used that slogan in a speech in 1991.

We killed Osama bin Laden.( Biden was opposed to it)

Biden was right because Osama had likely been dead for months and that psychopath Obama sent soldiers on a fake mission to an empty compound. Navy SEALs aren't generally a jumpy or undisciplined bunch; the notion that one of them just shot an unarmed Osama in the face when the orders were to take him alive if possible is hard to believe.

When Saddam Hussein's kids were killed they put pictures of them all over the media and bragged about it despite international condemnation for lack of decorum. When they supposedly kill the guy who is arguably the most hated man in American history, they not only don't publish photos, but they also dump his body in the ocean..... sounds like a load of garbage to me. Supposedly they had something like 58 pictures of his body but the public isn't allowed to see any of them. The entire narrative on the bin Laden killing makes no sense. The guy was 7 feet tall and on dialysis. It wasn't exactly like he could evade anyone without massive support.

St. Phatty

Active member
Do you support ISIS? That's who Iran was fighting. The guy that Trump assassinated was fighting ISIS and you're excited that he died. So how exactly is it good that ISIS got what they wanted?

ISIS is financed by Saudi Arabia, the US, and Israel - but Americans are often too stupid to notice these details.


ICMag Donor
they had a "MAGA" parade outside of Bristol Motor Speedway a while back during a race. half of the participants (6) were protesting the fact that NASCAR outlawed Confederate flags. 11 pickup trucks with chump bumper stickers following a wrecker draped with US flags...quite impressive.:biggrin:

No doubt those are people who will get hurt the most if they kill the ACA.
TriCities is a beautiful area, but not allot of high pay jobs in the area that include healthcare insurance.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Car parade?!
Who does that? and why?
All ya’all and your flying cult monkeys are crazy.

Some mod removed that post I put up. I wouldn't have noticed but it got recs, and I can't see the post they rec'd.

Are mods like a bunch of independant power monkeys, directing the flow of information to suit their own agendas? Cancelling out those whom they disagree with?

You can still see the post, cause Amyamous quoted it in the above post (#750 until it also gets removed).


ICMag Donor


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
they had a "MAGA" parade outside of Bristol Motor Speedway a while back during a race. half of the participants (6) were protesting the fact that NASCAR outlawed Confederate flags. 11 pickup trucks with chump bumper stickers following a wrecker draped with US flags...quite impressive.:biggrin:

That won't last much longer. NASCAR is going the way of the NBA and NFL (ie to their own demise). They took the redneck out of it, and pissed off their core audience. That NBA player starting his own NASCAR team, and hiring the NASCAR version of kapernick (bubba the wimp), is wasting $100M. The stands will never fill back up.


ICMag Donor
That won't last much longer. NASCAR is going the way of the NBA and NFL (ie to their own demise). They took the redneck out of it, and pissed off their core audience. That NBA player starting his own NASCAR team, and hiring the NASCAR version of kapernick (bubba the wimp), is wasting $100M. The stands will never fill back up.

Are you kidding? Racism is so strong that a black team owner and driver will kill the sport?


Well-known member
Are you kidding? Racism is so strong that a black team owner and driver will kill the sport?

lol. there are standing orders for more tickets than Bristol can fit into the stands. their idiocy of having a spring race here (making it a sure bet for rain) is their biggest problem. not sure why they don't put a retractable roof over the damn place. some big fans blowing exhaust fumes out & Bob's yer uncle...

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Florida loves Trump.


They tried a car parade for biden and his hoe. No go.


The media is actively setting the stage for riots when Trump wins again. Their BS "polls" are just mote fake news, but the media will point to those as proof that Trump must have cheated.

Some mod removed that post I put up. I wouldn't have noticed but it got recs, and I can't see the post they rec'd.

Are mods like a bunch of independant power monkeys, directing the flow of information to suit their own agendas? Cancelling out those whom they disagree with?

You can still see the post, cause Amyamous quoted it in the above post (#750 until it also gets removed).

Your post is still there. Edited by nobody but you (at 9:34pm).

Nobody is out to get you.

Change your strain, you may unclench.


Well-known member
..... actually, there seems to be a problem within the system, I'm having the same problem not finding posts myself.